Code source de mlstatpy.graph.graph_distance

import copy
import re

class _Vertex:
    __slots__ = ("nb", "label", "weight")

    def __init__(self, nb, label, weight):
        self.nb = nb  # kind of id
        self.label = label  # label
        self.weight = weight

[docs] class Vertex(_Vertex): """ Defines a vertex of a graph. """ def __init__(self, nb, label, weight): """ constructor @param nb (int) index of the vertex @param label (str) label @para weight (float) """ _Vertex.__init__(self, nb, label, weight) self.pair = (None, None) self.edges = {} self.predE = {} self.succE = {} def __str__(self): """ usual """ return f"{self.Label}" def __repr__(self): """ usual """ return f"Vertex({repr(self.nb)}, {repr(self.Label)}, {self.weight})"
[docs] def is_vertex(self): """ returns True """ return True
[docs] def is_edge(self): """ returns False """ return False
@property def Label(self): """ returns the label """ return self.label
class _Edge: __slots__ = ("from_", "to", "label", "weight", "nb") def __init__(self, from_, to, label, weight): self.from_, = from_, to self.nb = from_, to self.label = label
[docs] class Edge(_Edge): """ Defines an edge of a graph. """ def __init__(self, from_, to, label, weight): """ @param from_ (int) @param to (int) @param label (str) @param weight (float) ``'00'`` means the beginning of a graph, ``'11'`` the end. """ _Edge.__init__(self, from_, to, label, weight) self.pair = (None, None) self.weight = weight if self.from_ == "00" and == "00": raise AssertionError("should not happen") if self.from_ == "11" and == "11": raise AssertionError("should not happen") def __str__(self): """ usual """ return f"{self.nb[0]} -> {self.nb[1]} [{self.Label}]" def __repr__(self): """ usual """ return "Edge({}, {}, {}, {})".format( repr(self.nb[0]), repr(self.nb[1]), repr(self.Label), self.weight, )
[docs] def is_vertex(self): """ returns False """ return False
[docs] def is_edge(self): """ returns True """ return True
@property def Label(self): """ returns the label """ return self.label
[docs] class GraphDistance: """ Defines a graph to compute a distance between two graphs. .. exref:: :title: Compute a distance between two graphs. See :ref:`l-graph_distance`. .. runpython:: :showcode: import copy from mlstatpy.graph import GraphDistance # We define two graphs as list of edges. graph1 = [("a", "b"), ("b", "c"), ("b", "X"), ("X", "c"), ("c", "d"), ("d", "e"), ("0", "b")] graph2 = [("a", "b"), ("b", "c"), ("b", "X"), ("X", "c"), ("c", "t"), ("t", "d"), ("d", "e"), ("d", "g")] # We convert them into objects GraphDistance. graph1 = GraphDistance(graph1) graph2 = GraphDistance(graph2) distance, graph = graph1.distance_matching_graphs_paths( graph2, use_min=False) print("distance", distance) print("common paths:", graph) """ # graph is a dictionary @staticmethod def get_list_of_vertices(graph): edges = [edge[:2] for edge in graph] unique = {} for i, j in edges: unique[i] = unique[j] = 1 vertices = list(unique.keys()) vertices.sort() return vertices def __init__( self, edge_list, vertex_label=None, add_loop=False, weight_vertex=1.0, weight_edge=1.0, ): """ constructor @param edge_list list of edges @param add_loop automatically add a loop on each vertex (an edge from a vertex to itself) @param weight_vertex weight for every vertex @param weight_edge weight for every edge """ if vertex_label is None: vertex_label = {} if isinstance(edge_list, str): self.load_from_file(edge_list, add_loop) else: self.vertices = {} self.edges = {} self.labelBegin = "00" self.labelEnd = "11" vid = GraphDistance.get_list_of_vertices(edge_list) for u in vid: self.vertices[u] = Vertex(u, vertex_label.get(u, str(u)), weight_vertex) for e in edge_list: i, j = e[:2] ls = "" if len(e) < 3 else e[2] self.edges[i, j] = Edge(i, j, str(ls), weight_edge) self._private__init__(add_loop, weight_vertex, weight_edge) def __getitem__(self, index): """ returns a vertex or an edge if no vertex with the given index was found @param index id (index) to look for @return Vertex or Edge """ if isinstance(index, str): return self.vertices[index] if isinstance(index, tuple): return self.edges[index] raise KeyError("unable to get element " + str(index))
[docs] @staticmethod def load_from_file(filename, add_loop): """ loads a graph from a file @param filename file name @param add_loop @see me __init__ """ with open(filename, "r") as f: lines = f.readlines() regV = re.compile('\\"?([a-z0-9_]+)\\"? *[[]label=\\"(.*)\\"[]]') regE = re.compile( '\\"?([a-z0-9_]+)\\"? *-> *\\"?([a-z0-9_]+)\\"? *[[]label=\\"(.*)\\"[]]' ) edge_list = [] vertex_label = {} for line in lines: line = line.strip("\r\n ;") ed = ve = if ed: g = ed.groups() edge_list.append((g[0], g[1], g[2])) elif ve: g = ve.groups() vertex_label[g[0]] = g[1] if not vertex_label or not edge_list: raise OSError(f"Unable to parse file {filename!r}.") return GraphDistance(edge_list, vertex_label, add_loop)
def _private__init__(self, add_loop, weight_vertex, weight_edge): if add_loop: for k in self.vertices: if k not in (self.labelBegin, self.labelEnd): self.edges[k, k] = Edge(k, k, "", weight_edge) self.connect_root_and_leave(weight_vertex, weight_edge) self.compute_predecessor() self.compute_successor() def connect_root_and_leave(self, weight_vertex, weight_edge): order = self.get_order_vertices() roots = [v for v, k in order.items() if k == 0] vert = {} for o in order: vert[o] = 0 for k in self.edges: if k[0] != k[1]: vert[k[0]] += 1 for r in roots: if self.labelBegin not in self.vertices: self.vertices[self.labelBegin] = Vertex( self.labelBegin, self.labelBegin, weight_vertex ) if r != self.labelBegin: self.edges[self.labelBegin, r] = Edge( self.labelBegin, r, "", weight_edge ) leaves = [k for k, v in vert.items() if v == 0] for r in leaves: if self.labelEnd not in self.vertices: self.vertices[self.labelEnd] = Vertex( self.labelEnd, self.labelEnd, weight_vertex ) if r != self.labelEnd: self.edges[r, self.labelEnd] = Edge(r, self.labelEnd, "", weight_edge) def get_order_vertices(self): edges = self.edges order = {} for k in edges: order[k[0]] = 0 order[k[1]] = 0 modif = 1 while modif > 0: modif = 0 for k in edges: i, j = k if i != j and order[j] <= order[i]: order[j] = order[i] + 1 modif += 1 return order def __str__(self): """ usual """ li = [] for v in self.vertices.values(): li.append(str(v)) for _k, e in self.edges.items(): li.append(str(e)) return "\n".join(li) def __repr__(self): """ usual """ edges = ", ".join(repr(v) for _, v in sorted(self.edges.items())) vertices = ", ".join( f"'{k}': {repr(v)}" for k, v in sorted(self.vertices.items()) ) return f"GraphDistance(\n [{edges}],\n {{{vertices}}})"
[docs] def compute_predecessor(self): """ usual """ pred = {} for i, j in self.edges: if j not in pred: pred[j] = {} pred[j][i, j] = 0 for k, v in pred.items(): for n in v: self.vertices[k].predE[n] = self.edges[n]
def compute_successor(self): succ = {} for i, j in self.edges: if i not in succ: succ[i] = {} succ[i][i, j] = i, j for k, v in succ.items(): for n in v: self.vertices[k].succE[n] = self.edges[n]
[docs] def get_matching_functions( self, function_mach_vertices, function_match_edges, cost=False ): """ Returns default matching functions between two vertices and two edges. :param function_mach_vertices: if not None, this function is returned, othewise, it returns a new fonction. See below. :param function_match_edges: if not None, this function is returned, othewise, it returns a new fonction. See below. :param cost: if True, the returned function should return a float, otherwise a boolean :return: a pair of functions Example for * if cost is False: :: lambda v1,v2,g1,g2,w1,w2 : v1.label == v2.label Example for *function_mach_vertices* if cost is True: :: def tempF1 (v1,v2,g1,g2,w1,w2) : if v1 is not None and not v1.is_vertex(): raise TypeError("should be a vertex") if v2 is not None and not v2.is_vertex(): raise TypeError("should be a vertex") if v1 is None and v2 is None : return 0 elif v1 is None or v2 is None : return v2.weight*w2 if v1 is None else v1.weight*w1 else : return 0 if v1.label == v2.label else ( 0.5*(v1.weight*w1 + v2.weight*w2)) Example for *function_match_edges* if cost is False: :: lambda e1,e2,g1,g2,w1,w2 : e1.label == e2.label and (e1.from_ != or e2.from_ != and (e1.from_ != self.labelBegin or != self.labelBegin) and (e1.from_ != self.labelEnd or != self.labelEnd) Example if cost is True: :: def tempF2 (e1,e2,g1,g2,w1,w2) : if e1 is not None and not e1.is_edge(): raise TypeError("should be an edge") if e2 is not None and not e2.is_edge(): raise TypeError("should be an edge") if e1 is None and e2 is None: return 0 elif e1 is None or e2 is None: return e2.weight*w2 if e1 is None else e1.weight*w1 elif e1.label != e2.label: return 0.5*(e1.weight*w1 + e2.weight*w2) else : lab1 = g1.vertices [e1.from_].label == g2.vertices [e2.from_].label lab2 = g1.vertices [].label == g2.vertices [].label if lab1 and lab2: return 0 else: return e1.weight*w1 + e2.weight*w2 """ if cost: if function_mach_vertices is None: def tempF1_vertex(v1, v2, g1, g2, w1, w2): if v1 is None: if v2 is None: return 0.0 if not v2.is_vertex(): raise TypeError("v2 should be a vertex") return v2.weight * w2 elif v2 is None: if not v1.is_vertex(): raise TypeError("v1 should be a vertex") if not v1.is_vertex(): raise TypeError("v1 should be a vertex") return v1.weight * w1 else: if not v1.is_vertex(): raise TypeError("v1 should be a vertex") if not v2.is_vertex(): raise TypeError("v2 should be a vertex") return ( 0 if v1.label == v2.label else 0.5 * (v1.weight * w1 + v2.weight * w2) ) function_mach_vertices = tempF1_vertex if function_match_edges is None: def tempF2_edge(e1, e2, g1, g2, w1, w2): if e1 is not None and not e1.is_edge(): raise TypeError("should be an edge") if e2 is not None and not e2.is_edge(): raise TypeError("should be an edge") if e1 is None and e2 is None: return 0 elif e1 is None or e2 is None: return e2.weight * w2 if e1 is None else e1.weight * w1 elif e1.label != e2.label: return 0.5 * (e1.weight * w1 + e2.weight * w2) else: lab1 = ( g1.vertices[e1.from_].label == g2.vertices[e2.from_].label ) lab2 = g1.vertices[].label == g2.vertices[].label if lab1 and lab2: return 0 else: return e1.weight * w1 + e2.weight * w2 function_match_edges = tempF2_edge else: if function_mach_vertices is None: function_mach_vertices = ( lambda v1, v2, g1, g2, w1, w2: v1.label == v2.label ) if function_match_edges is None: function_match_edges = ( lambda e1, e2, g1, g2, w1, w2: e1.label == e2.label and (e1.from_ != or e2.from_ != and (e1.from_ != self.labelBegin or != self.labelBegin) and (e1.from_ != self.labelEnd or != self.labelEnd) ) return function_mach_vertices, function_match_edges
def common_paths( self, graph2, function_mach_vertices=None, function_match_edges=None, noClean=False, ): function_mach_vertices, function_match_edges = self.get_matching_functions( function_mach_vertices, function_match_edges ) g = GraphDistance([]) vfirst = Vertex( self.labelBegin, f"{self.labelBegin}-{self.labelBegin}", ( self.vertices[self.labelBegin].weight + graph2.vertices[self.labelBegin].weight ) / 2, ) g.vertices[self.labelBegin] = vfirst vfirst.pair = self.vertices[self.labelBegin], graph2.vertices[self.labelBegin] modif = 1 while modif > 0: modif = 0 add = {} for _k, v in g.vertices.items(): v1, v2 = v.pair if not v.succE: for e1 in v1.succE: for e2 in v2.succE: oe1 = self.edges[e1] oe2 = graph2.edges[e2] if function_match_edges(oe1, oe2, self, graph2, 1.0, 1.0): tv1 = self.vertices[] tv2 = graph2.vertices[] if function_mach_vertices( tv1, tv2, self, graph2, 1.0, 1.0 ): # we have a match ii = f"{tv1.nb}-{tv2.nb}" if ( tv1.nb == self.labelEnd and tv2.nb == self.labelEnd ): ii = self.labelEnd lab = ( f"{tv1.label}-{tv2.label}" if tv1.label != tv2.label else tv1.label ) tv = Vertex(ii, lab, (tv1.weight + tv2.weight) / 2) lab = ( f"{oe1.label}-{oe2.label}" if oe1.label != oe2.label else oe1.label ) ne = Edge( v.nb, tv.nb, lab, (oe1.weight + oe2.weight) / 2 ) add[tv.nb] = tv g.edges[ne.from_,] = ne ne.pair = oe1, oe2 tv.pair = tv1, tv2 v.succE[ne.from_,] = ne modif += 1 for k, v in add.items(): g.vertices[k] = v if not noClean: # g.connect_root_and_leave() g.compute_predecessor() g.clean_dead_ends() return g def clean_dead_ends(self): edgesToKeep = {} verticesToKeep = {} if self.labelEnd in self.vertices: v = self.vertices[self.labelEnd] verticesToKeep[v.nb] = False modif = 1 while modif > 0: modif = 0 add = {} for k, v in verticesToKeep.items(): if v: continue modif += 1 verticesToKeep[k] = True for pred, vv in self.vertices[k].predE.items(): edgesToKeep[pred] = True add[vv.from_] = verticesToKeep.get(vv.from_, False) for k, v in add.items(): verticesToKeep[k] = v remove = {} for k in self.vertices: if k not in verticesToKeep: remove[k] = True for k in remove: del self.vertices[k] remove = {} for k in self.edges: if k not in edgesToKeep: remove[k] = True for k in remove: del self.edges[k] else: self.vertices = {} self.edges = {} def enumerate_all_paths(self, edges_and_vertices, begin=None): if begin is None: begin = [] if self.vertices and self.edges: if edges_and_vertices: last = begin[-1] if begin else self.vertices[self.labelBegin] else: last = ( self.vertices[begin[-1].to] if begin else self.vertices[self.labelBegin] ) if edges_and_vertices and not begin: begin = [last] for ef in last.succE: e = self.edges[ef] path = copy.copy(begin) v = self.vertices[] if == e.from_: # cycle continue path.append(e) if edges_and_vertices: path.append(v) if v.label == self.labelEnd: yield path else: yield from self.enumerate_all_paths(edges_and_vertices, path)
[docs] def edit_distance_path( self, p1, p2, g1, g2, function_mach_vertices=None, function_match_edges=None, use_min=False, debug=False, cache=None, ): """ Tries to align two paths from two graphs. :param p1: path 1 (from g1) :param p2: path 2 (from g2) :param g1: graph 1 :param g2: graph 2 :param function_mach_vertices: function which gives a distance bewteen two vertices, if None, it take the output of :meth:`get_matching_functions` :param function_match_edges: function which gives a distance bewteen two edges, if None, it take the output of :meth:`get_matching_functions` :param use_min: the returned is based on a edit distance, if this parameter is True, the returned value will be: :: if use_min : n = min (len(p1), len(p2)) d = d*1.0 / n if n > 0 else 0 :param debug: unused :param cache: to cache the costs :return: 2-uple: distance, aligned path """ def edge_vertex_match(x, y, g1, g2, w1, w2): if x is None: if y is None: raise RuntimeError("Both x and y are None.") return y.weight * w2 elif y is None: return x.weight * w1 return (x.weight * w1 + y.weight * w2) / 2 def cache_cost(func, a, b, g1, g2, w1, w2): if cache is None: return func(a, b, g1, g2, w1, w2) key = (id(a), id(b), w1, w2) if key in cache: return cache[key] cost = func(a, b, g1, g2, w1, w2) cache[key] = cost return cost function_mach_vertices, function_match_edges = self.get_matching_functions( function_mach_vertices, function_match_edges, True ) dist = {(-1, -1): (0, None, None)} if use_min: w1 = 1.0 / len(p1) w2 = 1.0 / len(p2) else: w1 = 1.0 w2 = 1.0 p2l = list(enumerate(p2)) for i1, eorv1 in enumerate(p1): ed1 = eorv1.is_edge() ve1 = eorv1.is_vertex() for i2, eorv2 in p2l: np = i1, i2 posit = [ ((i1 - 1, i2 - 1), (eorv1, eorv2)), ((i1 - 1, i2), (eorv1, None)), ((i1, i2 - 1), (None, eorv2)), ] if ed1 and eorv2.is_edge(): func = function_match_edges elif ve1 and eorv2.is_vertex(): func = function_mach_vertices else: func = edge_vertex_match for p, co in posit: if p in dist: c0 = dist[p][0] c1 = cache_cost(func, co[0], co[1], g1, g2, w1, w2) c = c0 + c1 if np not in dist or c < dist[np][0]: dist[np] = (c, p, co, (c0, c1)) last = dist[len(p1) - 1, len(p2) - 1] path = [] while last[1] is not None: path.append(last) last = dist[last[1]] path.reverse() d = dist[len(p1) - 1, len(p2) - 1][0] if use_min: n = min(len(p1), len(p2)) d = d * 1.0 / n if n > 0 else 0 return d, path
def private_count_left_right(self, valuesInList): countLeft = {} countRight = {} for _k, v in valuesInList: i, j = v if i not in countRight: countRight[i] = {} countRight[i][j] = countRight[i].get(j, 0) + 1 if j not in countLeft: countLeft[j] = {} countLeft[j][i] = countLeft[j].get(i, 0) + 1 return countLeft, countRight def private_kruskal_matrix(self, matrix, reverse): countLeft, countRight = self.private_count_left_right(matrix) cleft, cright = len(countLeft), len(countRight) matrix.sort(reverse=reverse) count = max( max(sum(_.values()) for _ in countRight.values()), max(sum(_.values()) for _ in countLeft.values()), ) while count > 1: k, v = matrix.pop() i, j = v countRight[i][j] -= 1 countLeft[j][i] -= 1 count = max( max(max(_.values()) for _ in countRight.values()), max(max(_.values()) for _ in countLeft.values()), ) mini = min(cleft, cright) if len(matrix) < mini: raise RuntimeError( "impossible: the smallest set should get all " "its element associated to at least one coming " "from the other set" ) def _private_string_path_matching(self, path, skipEdge=False): temp = [] for p in path: u, v = p[2] if skipEdge and ( (u is not None and u.is_edge()) or (v is not None and v.is_edge()) ): continue su = "-" if u is None else str(u.nb) sv = "-" if v is None else str(v.nb) s = f"({su},{sv})" temp.append(s) return " ".join(temp)
[docs] def distance_matching_graphs_paths( self, graph2, function_mach_vertices=None, function_match_edges=None, noClean=False, store=None, use_min=True, weight_vertex=1.0, weight_edge=1.0, verbose=0, ): """ Computes an alignment between two graphs. :param graph2: the other graph :param function_mach_vertices: function which gives a distance between two vertices, if None, it take the output of :meth:`get_matching_functions` :param function_match_edges: function which gives a distance bewteen two edges, if None, it take the output of :meth:`get_matching_functions` :param noClean: if True, clean unmatched vertices and edges :param store: if None, does nothing, if it is a dictionary, the function will store here various information about how the matching was operated :param use_min: @see me edit_distance_path :param weight_vertex: a weight for every vertex :param weight_edge: a weight for every edge :param verbose: display some progress with :epkg:`tqdm` :return: 2 tuple (a distance, a graph containing the aligned paths between the two graphs) See :ref:`l-graph_distance`. """ function_mach_vertices, function_match_edges = self.get_matching_functions( function_mach_vertices, function_match_edges, True ) paths1 = list(self.enumerate_all_paths(True)) paths2 = list(graph2.enumerate_all_paths(True)) if store is not None: store["nbpath1"] = len(paths1) store["nbpath2"] = len(paths2) matrix_distance = {} if verbose > 0: print("[distance_matching_graphs_paths] builds matrix_distance") from tqdm import tqdm loop1 = tqdm(list(enumerate(paths1))) else: loop1 = enumerate(paths1) loop2 = list(enumerate(paths2)) if verbose > 0: print( "[distance_matching_graphs_paths] len(loop1)=%d" % len(list(enumerate(paths1))) ) print(f"[distance_matching_graphs_paths] len(loop2)={len(loop2)}") cache = {} for i1, p1 in loop1: for i2, p2 in loop2: matrix_distance[i1, i2] = self.edit_distance_path( p1, p2, self, graph2, function_mach_vertices, function_match_edges, use_min=use_min, cache=cache, ) if verbose > 0: print(f"[distance_matching_graphs_paths] len(cache)={len(cache)}") if store is not None: store["matrix_distance"] = matrix_distance reduction = [(v[0], k) for k, v in matrix_distance.items()] if store is not None: store["path_mat1"] = copy.deepcopy(reduction) if verbose > 0: print("[distance_matching_graphs_paths] private_kruskal_matrix") self.private_kruskal_matrix(reduction, False) if store is not None: store["path_mat2"] = copy.deepcopy(reduction) if verbose > 0: print("[distance_matching_graphs_paths] pair_count_vertex") pair_count_edge = {} pair_count_vertex = {} for _k, v in reduction: path = matrix_distance[v][1] for el in path: n1, n2 = el[2] if n1 is not None and n2 is not None: if n1.is_edge() and n2.is_edge(): add = n1.nb, n2.nb pair_count_edge[add] = pair_count_edge.get(add, 0) + 1 elif n1.is_vertex() and n2.is_vertex(): add = n1.nb, n2.nb pair_count_vertex[add] = pair_count_vertex.get(add, 0) + 1 if store is not None: store["pair_count_vertex"] = pair_count_vertex store["pair_count_edge"] = pair_count_edge reduction_edge = [(v, k) for k, v in pair_count_edge.items()] if store is not None: store["edge_mat1"] = copy.copy(reduction_edge) self.private_kruskal_matrix(reduction_edge, True) if store is not None: store["edge_mat2"] = copy.copy(reduction_edge) reduction_vertex = [(v, k) for k, v in pair_count_vertex.items()] if store is not None: store["vertex_mat1"] = copy.copy(reduction_vertex) self.private_kruskal_matrix(reduction_vertex, True) if store is not None: store["vertex_mat2"] = copy.copy(reduction_vertex) if verbose > 0: print("[distance_matching_graphs_paths] private_count_left_right") count_edge_left, count_edge_right = self.private_count_left_right( reduction_edge ) count_vertex_left, count_vertex_right = self.private_count_left_right( reduction_vertex ) res_graph = GraphDistance([]) doneVertex = {} done_edge = {} if verbose > 0: print("[distance_matching_graphs_paths] builds merged graph") for k, v in self.vertices.items(): newv = Vertex(v.nb, v.label, weight_vertex) res_graph.vertices[k] = newv if v.nb in count_vertex_right: ind = list(count_vertex_right[v.nb].keys())[0] # noqa: RUF015 newv.pair = (v, graph2.vertices[ind]) doneVertex[ind] = newv if newv.pair[0].label != newv.pair[1].label: newv.label = f"{newv.pair[0].label}|{newv.pair[1].label}" else: newv.pair = (v, None) for k, v in graph2.vertices.items(): if k in doneVertex: continue newv = Vertex(f"2a.{v.nb}", v.label, weight_vertex) res_graph.vertices[newv.nb] = newv newv.pair = (None, v) for k, e in self.edges.items(): newe = Edge(e.from_,, e.label, weight_edge) res_graph.edges[k] = newe if e.nb in count_edge_right: ind = list(count_edge_right[e.nb].keys())[0] # noqa: RUF015 newe.pair = (e, graph2.edges[ind]) done_edge[ind] = newe else: newe.pair = (e, None) for k, e in graph2.edges.items(): if k in done_edge: continue from_ = ( list(count_vertex_left[e.from_].keys())[0] # noqa: RUF015 if e.from_ in count_vertex_left else f"2a.{e.from_}" ) to = ( list(count_vertex_left[].keys())[0] # noqa: RUF015 if in count_vertex_left else f"2a.{}" ) if from_ not in res_graph.vertices: raise RuntimeError("should not happen " + from_) if to not in res_graph.vertices: raise RuntimeError("should not happen " + to) newe = Edge(from_, to, e.label, weight_edge) res_graph.edges[newe.nb] = newe newe.pair = (None, e) if verbose > 0: print( "[distance_matching_graphs_paths] " "compute_predecessor, compute_successor" ) res_graph.compute_predecessor() res_graph.compute_successor() allPaths = list(res_graph.enumerate_all_paths(True)) temp = [ sum(0 if None in _.pair else 1 for _ in p) * 1.0 / len(p) for p in allPaths ] distance = 1.0 - 1.0 * sum(temp) / len(allPaths) return distance, res_graph
def draw_vertices_edges(self): vertices = [] edges = [] for k, v in self.vertices.items(): if v.pair == (None, None) or ( v.pair[0] is not None and v.pair[1] is not None ): vertices.append((k, v.label)) elif v.pair[1] is None: vertices.append((k, "-" + v.label, "red")) elif v.pair[0] is None: vertices.append((k, "+" + v.label, "green")) else: raise RuntimeError("?") for _k, v in self.edges.items(): if v.pair == (None, None) or ( v.pair[0] is not None and v.pair[1] is not None ): edges.append((v.from_,, v.label)) elif v.pair[1] is None: edges.append((v.from_,, "-" + v.label, "red")) elif v.pair[0] is None: edges.append((v.from_,, "+" + v.label, "green")) else: raise RuntimeError("?") return vertices, edges