Machine Learning#
-, change=False)[source][source]#
Applies the Gram-Schmidt process. Due to performance, every row is considered as a vector.
@param mat matrix @param change returns the matrix to change the basis @return new matrix or (new matrix, change matrix)
The function assumes the matrix mat is horizontal: it has more columns than rows.
The implementation could be improved by directly using BLAS function.
import numpy from import gram_schmidt X = numpy.array([[1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0], [5.0, 6.0, 6.0, 6.0], [5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0]]) T, P = gram_schmidt(X, change=True) print(T) print(P)
[[ 0.183 0.365 0.548 0.73 ] [ 0.736 0.502 0.024 -0.453] [ 0.651 -0.67 -0.181 0.308]] [[ 0.183 0. 0. ] [-0.477 0.243 0. ] [-1.814 -1.81 2.303]]
-, y, algo=None)[source][source]#
Solves the linear regression problem, find \(\beta\) which minimizes \(\norme{y - X\beta}\), based on the algorithm Arbre de décision optimisé pour les régressions linéaires.
- Paramètres:
X – features
y – targets
algo – None to use the standard algorithm \(\beta = (X'X)^{-1} X'y\), “gram”, “qr”
- Renvoie:
import numpy from import linear_regression X = numpy.array([[1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0], [5.0, 6.0, 6.0, 6.0], [5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0]]).T y = numpy.array([0.1, 0.2, 0.19, 0.29]) beta = linear_regression(X, y, algo="gram") print(beta)
[ 0.077 0.037 -0.032]
computes \(\beta = (X'X)^{-1} X'y\).algo='qr'
uses a QR decomposition and calls function dtrtri to invert an upper triangular matrix.algo='gram'
and then computes the solution of the linear regression (see above for a link to the algorithm).
-, Pk)[source][source]#
Updates matrix \(P_k\) to produce \(P_{k+1}\) which is the matrix P in algorithm Streaming Linear Regression. The function modifies the matrix Pk given as an input.
@param Xk kth row @param Pk matrix P at iteration k-1
-, start=None)[source][source]#
Solves the linear regression problem, find \(\beta\) which minimizes \(\norme{y - X\beta}\), based on algorithm Streaming Gram-Schmidt.
@param mat matrix @param start first row to start iteration,
by default @return iterator onThe function assumes the matrix mat is horizontal: it has more columns than rows.
import numpy from import streaming_gram_schmidt X = numpy.array( [[1, 0.5, 10.0, 5.0, -2.0], [0, 0.4, 20, 4.0, 2.0], [0, 0.7, 20, 4.0, 2.0]], dtype=float, ).T for i, p in enumerate(streaming_gram_schmidt(X.T)): print("iteration", i, "\n", p) t = X[: i + 3] @ p.T print(t.T @ t)
iteration 0 [[ 0.099 0. 0. ] [-0.953 0.482 0. ] [-0.287 -3.338 3.481]] [[ 1.000e+00 -1.310e-15 -2.238e-15] [-1.310e-15 1.000e+00 1.390e-14] [-2.238e-15 1.390e-14 1.000e+00]] iteration 1 [[ 0.089 0. 0. ] [-0.308 0.177 0. ] [-0.03 -3.334 3.348]] [[ 1.000e+00 -3.570e-16 -1.808e-15] [-3.570e-16 1.000e+00 2.423e-15] [-1.808e-15 2.423e-15 1.000e+00]] iteration 2 [[ 0.088 0. 0. ] [-0.212 0.128 0. ] [-0.016 -3.335 3.342]] [[ 1.000e+00 1.756e-17 -4.660e-15] [ 1.756e-17 1.000e+00 9.833e-16] [-4.660e-15 9.833e-16 1.000e+00]]
-, yk, XkXk, bk)[source][source]#
Updates coefficients \(\beta_k\) to produce \(\beta_{k+1}\) in Streaming Linear Regression. The function modifies the matrix Pk given as an input.
- Paramètres:
Xk – kth row
yk – kth target
XkXk – matrix \(X_{1..k}'X_{1..k}\), updated by the function
bk – current coefficient (updated by the function)
-, y, start=None)[source][source]#
Streaming algorithm to solve a linear regression. See Streaming Linear Regression.
@param mat features @param y expected target @return iterator on coefficients
import numpy from import streaming_linear_regression, linear_regression X = numpy.array( [[1, 0.5, 10.0, 5.0, -2.0], [0, 0.4, 20, 4.0, 2.0], [0, 0.7, 20, 4.0, 3.0]], dtype=float, ).T y = numpy.array([1.0, 0.3, 10, 5.1, -3.0]) for i, bk in enumerate(streaming_linear_regression(X, y)): bk0 = linear_regression(X[: i + 3], y[: i + 3]) print("iteration", i, bk, bk0)
iteration 0 [ 1. 0.667 -0.667] [ 1. 0.667 -0.667] iteration 1 [ 1.03 0.682 -0.697] [ 1.03 0.682 -0.697] iteration 2 [ 1.036 0.857 -0.875] [ 1.036 0.857 -0.875]
-, yk, Xkyk, Pk, bk)[source][source]#
Updates coefficients \(\beta_k\) to produce \(\beta_{k+1}\) in Streaming Linear Regression. The function modifies the matrix Pk given as an input.
- Paramètres:
Xk – kth row
yk – kth target
Xkyk – matrix \(X_{1..k}' y_{1..k}\) (updated by the function)
Pk – Gram-Schmidt matrix produced by the streaming algorithm (updated by the function)
- Renvoie:
bk current coefficient (updated by the function)
-, y, start=None)[source][source]#
Streaming algorithm to solve a linear regression with Gram-Schmidt algorithm. See Streaming Linear Regression version Gram-Schmidt.
@param mat features @param y expected target @return iterator on coefficients
import numpy from import streaming_linear_regression, linear_regression X = numpy.array( [[1, 0.5, 10.0, 5.0, -2.0], [0, 0.4, 20, 4.0, 2.0], [0, 0.7, 20, 4.0, 3.0]], dtype=float, ).T y = numpy.array([1.0, 0.3, 10, 5.1, -3.0]) for i, bk in enumerate(streaming_linear_regression(X, y)): bk0 = linear_regression(X[: i + 3], y[: i + 3]) print("iteration", i, bk, bk0)
iteration 0 [ 1. 0.667 -0.667] [ 1. 0.667 -0.667] iteration 1 [ 1.03 0.682 -0.697] [ 1.03 0.682 -0.697] iteration 2 [ 1.036 0.857 -0.875] [ 1.036 0.857 -0.875]
- class, y_score=None, sample_weight=None, df=None)[source][source]
Helper to draw a ROC curve.
Initialisation with a dataframe and two or three columns:
column 1: score (y_score)
column 2: expected answer (boolean) (y_true)
column 3: weight (optional) (sample_weight)
- Paramètres:
y_true – if df is None, y_true, y_score, sample_weight must be filled, y_true is whether or None the answer is true. y_true means the prediction is right.
y_score – score prediction
sample_weight – weights
df – dataframe or array or list, it must contains 2 or 3 columns always in the same order
-, B, C=None, D=None, cl=0, qr=True, max_iter=None, verbose=False)[source][source]#
Determines a Voronoi diagram close to a convex partition defined by a logistic regression in n classes. \(M \in \mathbb{M}_{nd}\) a row matrix \((L_1, ..., L_n)\). Every border between two classes i and j is defined by: \(\scal{L_i}{X} + B = \scal{L_j}{X} + B\).
The function looks for a set of points from which the Voronoi diagram can be inferred. It is done through a linear regression with norm L1. See Régression logistique, diagramme de Voronoï, k-Means.
@param L matrix @param B vector @param C additional conditions (see below) @param D addition condictions (see below) @param cl class on which the additional conditions applies @param qr use quantile regression @param max_iter number of condition to remove until convergence @param verbose display information while training @return matrix \(P \in \mathbb{M}_{nd}\)
The function solves the linear system:
\[\begin{split}\begin{array}{rcl} & \Longrightarrow & \left\{\begin{array}{l} \scal{\frac{L_i-L_j}{\norm{L_i-L_j}}}{P_i + P_j} + 2 \frac{B_i - B_j}{\norm{L_i-L_j}} = 0 \\ \scal{P_i- P_j}{u_{ij}} - \scal{P_i - P_j}{\frac{L_i-L_j} {\norm{L_i-L_j}}} \scal{\frac{L_i-L_j}{\norm{L_i-L_j}}}{u_{ij}}=0 \end{array} \right. \end{array}\end{split}\]If the number of dimension is big and the number of classes small, the system has multiple solution. Addition condition must be added such as \(CP_i=D\) where i=cl, \(P_i\) is the Voronoï point attached to class cl. Quantile regression is not implemented in scikit-learn. We use QuantileLinearRegression.
After the first iteration, the function determines the furthest pair of points and removes it from the list of equations. If max_iter is None, the system goes until the number of equations is equal to the number of points * 2, otherwise it stops after max_iter removals. This is not the optimal pair to remove as they could still be neighbors but it should be a good heuristic.
Plus proches voisins#
Tree and neural networks#
- class, bias=None, activation='sigmoid', nodeid=-1, tag=None)[source][source]
One node in a neural network.
- Paramètres:
weights – weights
bias – bias, if None, draws a random number
activation – activation function
nodeid – node id
tag – unused but to add information on how this node was created
- class, empty=True)[source][source]
Node ensemble.
- Paramètres:
dim – space dimension
empty – empty network, other adds an identity node
import numpy from import NeuralTreeNode, NeuralTreeNet w1 = numpy.array([-0.5, 0.8, -0.6]) neu = NeuralTreeNode(w1[1:], bias=w1[0], activation="sigmoid") net = NeuralTreeNet(2, empty=True) net.append(neu, numpy.arange(2)) ide = NeuralTreeNode(numpy.array([1.0]), bias=numpy.array([0.0]), activation="identity") net.append(ide, numpy.arange(2, 3)) X = numpy.abs(numpy.random.randn(10, 2)) pred = net.predict(X) print(pred)
/home/xadupre/github/mlstatpy/mlstatpy/ml/ DeprecationWarning: Conversion of an array with ndim > 0 to a scalar is deprecated, and will error in future. Ensure you extract a single element from your array before performing this operation. (Deprecated NumPy 1.25.) self.coef[0] = bias [[0.978 0.905 0.435 0.435] [0.894 0.123 0.535 0.535] [0.089 0.577 0.315 0.315] [1.633 1.054 0.543 0.543] [0.288 0.415 0.373 0.373] [0.157 1.061 0.267 0.267] [0.181 1.277 0.246 0.246] [0.546 0.604 0.395 0.395] [0.924 0.263 0.52 0.52 ] [1.691 1.358 0.509 0.509]]
- class, optimizer=None, max_iter=100, early_th=None, verbose=False, lr=None, lr_schedule=None, l1=0.0, l2=0.0, momentum=0.9)[source][source]
Classifier or regressor following scikit-learn API.
- Paramètres:
estimator – instance of
.X – training set
y – training labels
optimizer – optimizer, by default, it is
.max_iter – number maximum of iterations
early_th – early stopping threshold
verbose – more verbose
lr – to overwrite learning_rate_init if optimizer is None (unused otherwise)
lr_schedule – to overwrite lr_schedule if optimizer is None (unused otherwise)
l1 – L1 regularization if optimizer is None (unused otherwise)
l2 – L2 regularization if optimizer is None (unused otherwise)
momentum – used if optimizer is None
- class, optimizer=None, max_iter=100, early_th=None, verbose=False, lr=None, lr_schedule=None, l1=0.0, l2=0.0, momentum=0.9)[source][source]
Classifier following scikit-learn API.
- Paramètres:
estimator – instance of
.optimizer – optimizer, by default, it is
.max_iter – number maximum of iterations
early_th – early stopping threshold
verbose – more verbose
lr – to overwrite learning_rate_init if optimizer is None (unused otherwise)
lr_schedule – to overwrite lr_schedule if optimizer is None (unused otherwise)
l1 – L1 regularization if optimizer is None (unused otherwise)
l2 – L2 regularization if optimizer is None (unused otherwise)
momentum – used if optimizer is None
- class, optimizer=None, max_iter=100, early_th=None, verbose=False, lr=None, lr_schedule=None, l1=0.0, l2=0.0, momentum=0.9)[source][source]
Regressor following scikit-learn API.
- Paramètres:
estimator – instance of
.optimizer – optimizer, by default, it is
.max_iter – number maximum of iterations
early_th – early stopping threshold
verbose – more verbose
lr – to overwrite learning_rate_init if optimizer is None (unused otherwise)
lr_schedule – to overwrite lr_schedule if optimizer is None (unused otherwise)
l1 – L1 regularization if optimizer is None (unused otherwise)
l2 – L2 regularization if optimizer is None (unused otherwise)
momentum – used if optimizer is None