Source code for experimental_experiment.xoptim.patterns_investigation.llm_patterns

import inspect
from collections import Counter
from typing import List, Optional
from onnx import NodeProto
from ...xbuilder import GraphBuilder, FunctionOptions
from ..patterns_api import MatchResult, PatternOptimization
from . import SimplifyingEasyPatternFunction

[docs] class FunctionPackedMatMulPattern(PatternOptimization): """ Replaces multiple MatMul (X,A), (X,B) by (X, concat(A,B))... """
[docs] def match( self, g: "GraphBuilderPatternOptimization", # noqa: F821 node: NodeProto, matched: List[MatchResult], ) -> Optional[MatchResult]: if node.op_type != "MatMul" or node.domain != "": return self.none() if not g.is_constant(node.input[1]): return self.none(node, inspect.currentframe().f_lineno) side_nodes = g.next_nodes(node.input[0]) matmul_nodes = [ n for n in side_nodes if n.op_type == "MatMul" and n.input[0] == node.input[0] and g.is_constant(n.input[1]) ] if len(matmul_nodes) < 2 or not g.has_rank(matmul_nodes[0].output[0]): return self.none(node, inspect.currentframe().f_lineno) mm = [] for n in matmul_nodes: if g.has_shape(n.input[1]): mm.append((n, g.get_shape(n.input[1]))) shapes = [(v, k) for k, v in Counter(_[1] for _ in mm).items()] shapes.sort() best_shape = shapes[-1][1] matmul_nodes = [n for n, s in mm if s == best_shape] if len(matmul_nodes) < 2: # Nothing to do. return self.none(node, inspect.currentframe().f_lineno) # Reshape next_nodes = [g.next_nodes(n.output[0]) for n in matmul_nodes] if any(len(nn) != 1 or nn[0].op_type != "Reshape" for nn in next_nodes): # More than one users after. return self.none(node, inspect.currentframe().f_lineno) next_node = [_[0] for _ in next_nodes] first_shape = next_node[0].input[1] if any(_.input[1] != first_shape for _ in next_node): # Not the same shape for all. return self.none(node, inspect.currentframe().f_lineno) reshape_nodes = next_node if len(reshape_nodes) != len(matmul_nodes): return self.none(node, inspect.currentframe().f_lineno) # Transpose next_nodes = [g.next_nodes(n.output[0]) for n in reshape_nodes] if any(len(nn) != 1 or nn[0].op_type != "Transpose" for nn in next_nodes): # More than one users after. return self.none(node, inspect.currentframe().f_lineno) next_node = [_[0] for _ in next_nodes] first_perm = list(g.get_attribute(next_node[0], "perm").ints) if any(list(g.get_attribute(_, "perm").ints) != first_perm for _ in next_node): # Not the same shape for all. return self.none(node, inspect.currentframe().f_lineno) tr_nodes = next_node if len(tr_nodes) != len(matmul_nodes): return self.none(node, inspect.currentframe().f_lineno) return MatchResult( self, [*matmul_nodes, *reshape_nodes, *tr_nodes], self.apply, insert_at=reshape_nodes[0], )
[docs] def apply( self, g: "GraphBuilderPatternOptimization", # noqa: F821 *nodes: NodeProto, ) -> List[NodeProto]: matmul_nodes = [n for n in nodes if n.op_type == "MatMul"] reshape_nodes = [n for n in nodes if n.op_type == "Reshape"] tr_nodes = [n for n in nodes if n.op_type == "Transpose"] perm = list(g.get_attribute(tr_nodes[0], "perm").ints) str_perm = "_".join(map(str, perm)) f_name = f"PackedMatMulReshapeTranspose{len(matmul_nodes)}_{str_perm}" domain = "SimplifyingFunction" nodes_to_return = [ g.make_node( f_name, [ matmul_nodes[0].input[0], *[_.input[1] for _ in matmul_nodes], reshape_nodes[0].input[1], ], [_.output[0] for _ in tr_nodes], domain=domain, name=f"{self.__class__.__name__}--{matmul_nodes[0].name}", ) ] # Creates the local function if g.builder.has_local_function(f_name, domain=domain): return nodes_to_return self._add_local_function( g.builder, domain, f_name, len(matmul_nodes), g.get_rank(matmul_nodes[0].output[0]), perm, ) assert g.builder.has_local_function( f_name, domain=domain ), f"The function {domain}.{f_name} was not added to the builder." return nodes_to_return
@classmethod def _add_local_function( cls, g: GraphBuilder, domain: str, f_name: str, n_nodes: int, rk: int, perm: List[int] ): local_g = GraphBuilder(g.main_opset, as_function=True) local_g.make_tensor_input("X") for i in range(n_nodes): local_g.make_tensor_input(f"W{i}") local_g.make_tensor_input("shape") all_weights = local_g.op.Concat( *[f"W{i}" for i in range(n_nodes)], axis=-1, name="merge_weights" ) y = local_g.op.MatMul("X", all_weights, name="packed_matmul") names = local_g.op.Split( y, num_outputs=n_nodes, name="split", outputs=[f"p{i}" for i in range(n_nodes)], axis=-1, ) reshaped = [local_g.op.Reshape(n, "shape", name="reshape") for n in names] _transposed = [ local_g.op.Transpose(n, perm=perm, outputs=[f"Z{i}"], name="transpose") for i, n in enumerate(reshaped) ] for i in range(n_nodes): local_g.make_tensor_output(f"Z{i}") function_options = FunctionOptions(export_as_function=True, name=f_name, domain=domain) g.make_local_function(local_g, function_options=function_options)
[docs] class FunctionSplitRotaryMulPattern(SimplifyingEasyPatternFunction): """ Moves the nodes in match_pattern into a local function. .. runpython:: :showcode: from experimental_experiment.xbuilder import GraphBuilder from experimental_experiment.xoptim import GraphBuilderPatternOptimization from experimental_experiment.xoptim.patterns_investigation.llm_patterns import ( FunctionSplitRotaryMulPattern, ) pat = FunctionSplitRotaryMulPattern() g = GraphBuilderPatternOptimization(GraphBuilder(18)) print(pat._pattern_to_string(g)) """
[docs] def match_pattern(self, g: GraphBuilder, X, split1, split2, C1, C2): rot, part = g.op.Split(X, split1, outputs=2, axis=-1) s1, s2 = g.op.Split(rot, split2, outputs=2, axis=-1) neg = g.op.Neg(s2) fullrot = g.op.Concat(neg, s1, axis=-1) add = g.op.Add( g.op.Mul(rot, C2), g.op.Mul(fullrot, C1), ) return g.op.Concat(add, part, axis=-1)
[docs] def apply_pattern(self, g, X, split1, split2, C1, C2): assert self.f_name() == "SplitRotaryMul", f"Name mismatch {self.f_name()!r}" return g.anyop.SplitRotaryMul(X, split1, split2, C1, C2, domain="SimplifyingFunction")
[docs] class FunctionPowTanhPattern(SimplifyingEasyPatternFunction): """ Moves the nodes in match_pattern into a local function. .. runpython:: :showcode: from experimental_experiment.xbuilder import GraphBuilder from experimental_experiment.xoptim import GraphBuilderPatternOptimization from experimental_experiment.xoptim.patterns_investigation.llm_patterns import ( FunctionPowTanhPattern, ) pat = FunctionPowTanhPattern() g = GraphBuilderPatternOptimization(GraphBuilder(18)) print(pat._pattern_to_string(g)) """
[docs] def match_pattern(self, g: GraphBuilder, X, three, o_o_four, half, o_height, one): add = g.op.Add(X, g.op.Mul(g.op.Pow(X, three), o_o_four)) return g.op.Mul(g.op.Mul(X, half), g.op.Add(g.op.Tanh(g.op.Mul(add, o_height)), one))
[docs] def apply_pattern(self, g, X, three, o_o_four, half, o_height, one): assert self.f_name() == "PowTanh", f"Name mismatch {self.f_name()!r}" return g.anyop.PowTanh( X, three, o_o_four, half, o_height, one, domain="SimplifyingFunction" )