Go to the end to download the full example code.
101: Profile an existing model with onnxruntime¶
Profiles any onnx model on CPU.
import os
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from experimental_experiment.args import get_parsed_args
from import (
except ImportError:
js_profile_to_dataframe = None
filename = os.path.join(
os.path.dirname(__file__ or ""), "data", "example_4700-CPUep-opt.onnx"
except NameError:
filename = "data/example_4700-CPUep-opt.onnx"
script_args = get_parsed_args(
filename=(filename, "input file"),
for att in "filename,repeat".split(","):
print(f"{att}={getattr(script_args, att)}")
Random inputs.
def create_random_input(sess):
feeds = {}
for i in sess.get_inputs():
shape = i.shape
ot = i.type
if ot == "tensor(float)":
dtype = np.float32
raise ValueError(f"Unsupposed onnx type {ot}.")
t = np.random.rand(*shape).astype(dtype)
feeds[] = t
return feeds
def create_session(filename, profiling=False):
from onnxruntime import InferenceSession, SessionOptions
if not profiling:
return InferenceSession(filename, providers=["CPUExecutionProvider"])
opts = SessionOptions()
opts.enable_profiling = True
return InferenceSession(filename, opts, providers=["CPUExecutionProvider"])
sess = create_session(script_args.filename)
feeds = create_random_input(sess), feeds)
[array([[0.99603003, 0.28187045, 0.94057274, ..., 0.47897407, 0.67544824,
[0.59909606, 0.9200839 , 0.11144039, ..., 0.2967804 , 0.54931194,
0.4495453 ],
[0.354489 , 0.9961373 , 0.8847841 , ..., 0.6899941 , 0.81957257,
0.9896713 ],
[0.5167857 , 0.05671073, 0.23340201, ..., 0.09100904, 0.7765644 ,
[0.45803857, 0.5119961 , 0.01425601, ..., 0.9199097 , 0.9291237 ,
[0.1123516 , 0.13901344, 0.590363 , ..., 0.24007647, 0.39578873,
0.702027 ]], shape=(128, 1024), dtype=float32), array([[0.08909088, 0.43504444, 0.33286464, ..., 0.8431867 , 0.971802 ,
0.9439682 ],
[0.963266 , 0.30320296, 0.4091526 , ..., 0.30921045, 0.10420576,
[0.19232771, 0.99508417, 0.4739232 , ..., 0.76210153, 0.50049376,
0.6888989 ],
[0.9358125 , 0.02748959, 0.17122154, ..., 0.616237 , 0.4705962 ,
[0.5107166 , 0.1685892 , 0.07679476, ..., 0.20251717, 0.23111762,
[0.7315253 , 0.7814603 , 0.01096786, ..., 0.88763666, 0.29489562,
0.9761997 ]], shape=(1024, 30752), dtype=float32), array([[0.8004982 , 0.5728458 , 0.02227808, ..., 0.8448599 , 0.2603263 ,
[0.58759516, 0.30733246, 0.42958462, ..., 0.81222117, 0.11928362,
0.7038422 ],
[0.6779062 , 0.971268 , 0.26938584, ..., 0.14818424, 0.4488738 ,
[0.7512462 , 0.48173395, 0.25311154, ..., 0.65344936, 0.16689548,
0.3951568 ],
[0.49963972, 0.45163333, 0.0149904 , ..., 0.35628906, 0.18334794,
0.0660686 ],
[0.6029076 , 0.62692666, 0.9531394 , ..., 0.16412741, 0.1392266 ,
0.22076605]], shape=(10, 128), dtype=float32), array([[[[7.412415 , 6.947396 , 7.7499776, ..., 7.344826 , 8.160382 ,
7.378998 ],
[7.1864243, 6.8602967, 8.583358 , ..., 7.9021297, 8.480304 ,
8.434767 ],
[7.714754 , 8.168961 , 9.049314 , ..., 7.6547537, 7.9405837,
[6.755928 , 7.248899 , 6.8941197, ..., 7.530084 , 7.929444 ,
8.2535 ],
[6.245516 , 7.1055593, 8.334227 , ..., 7.163211 , 6.7189627,
[6.868168 , 7.778609 , 7.2154665, ..., 7.093775 , 8.039719 ,
[[6.4633126, 6.0704403, 6.9583626, ..., 6.0713053, 7.352524 ,
[7.0646014, 6.682242 , 7.0236006, ..., 7.077313 , 8.062915 ,
[7.182877 , 6.7784886, 8.251508 , ..., 7.5644298, 6.985471 ,
6.875925 ],
[4.956811 , 6.4329653, 7.3121424, ..., 6.418789 , 6.9557605,
[5.555089 , 6.1387954, 7.3094616, ..., 6.5220647, 6.8980856,
6.389908 ],
[6.2811685, 6.8814416, 7.051608 , ..., 7.027675 , 7.2775087,
[[7.8101773, 8.02978 , 9.22542 , ..., 8.815471 , 8.727648 ,
8.328909 ],
[7.7797956, 8.424426 , 8.762375 , ..., 9.048892 , 9.356105 ,
9.635596 ],
[8.468139 , 8.826173 , 9.898383 , ..., 8.519879 , 9.694647 ,
8.453154 ],
[6.9962697, 8.301465 , 8.131982 , ..., 8.62877 , 8.914747 ,
9.201767 ],
[7.599544 , 7.8799896, 8.994987 , ..., 7.9311004, 7.7485538,
8.539363 ],
[7.289168 , 8.507123 , 8.951217 , ..., 8.628854 , 8.851739 ,
9.429405 ]],
[[5.3690186, 6.748861 , 6.405227 , ..., 6.640103 , 6.860623 ,
6.891681 ],
[5.975225 , 6.2555356, 6.2707887, ..., 7.000485 , 7.272141 ,
6.163204 ],
[6.6916194, 6.646954 , 6.9834046, ..., 6.430172 , 7.025165 ,
[5.072008 , 6.2744794, 7.3653674, ..., 6.208679 , 6.083686 ,
[5.672527 , 6.5475283, 6.1471643, ..., 6.1967096, 6.40111 ,
6.637901 ],
[5.578671 , 6.0090785, 6.4548497, ..., 7.002253 , 6.1186047,
6.903483 ]],
[[7.6691523, 6.071759 , 8.334522 , ..., 7.9848547, 7.282882 ,
6.621601 ],
[6.8803563, 6.303494 , 7.7896066, ..., 7.136377 , 6.8392086,
[6.916894 , 7.026955 , 8.212795 , ..., 7.4818993, 7.7161474,
[6.2011323, 7.709763 , 6.3460116, ..., 6.727624 , 7.8009114,
7.369134 ],
[6.3365254, 6.566052 , 6.2050405, ..., 6.5383816, 6.9874 ,
[5.496375 , 6.8991847, 7.706931 , ..., 6.8613687, 7.3534236,
6.857214 ]],
[[8.619865 , 7.8872576, 9.443401 , ..., 7.889218 , 9.256315 ,
8.805613 ],
[7.604432 , 7.3575325, 9.625925 , ..., 8.851163 , 9.473678 ,
8.617633 ],
[8.4917965, 8.935475 , 9.398748 , ..., 8.367471 , 8.738515 ,
9.16141 ],
[6.7676983, 8.4386215, 8.934378 , ..., 8.351564 , 8.401967 ,
9.26569 ],
[6.608559 , 8.492819 , 8.664786 , ..., 7.8224835, 8.02679 ,
8.37425 ],
[7.6203876, 8.453541 , 8.304399 , ..., 8.572281 , 8.418485 ,
8.593636 ]]]], shape=(1, 32, 124, 124), dtype=float32), array([[[[ 250, 376, 380, ..., 237, 491, 246],
[ 622, 750, 879, ..., 735, 860, 618],
[ 1366, 1121, 1251, ..., 1229, 1232, 1238],
[14137, 14018, 14144, ..., 14375, 14376, 14135],
[14635, 14513, 14517, ..., 14622, 14748, 14630],
[15130, 14886, 15260, ..., 14992, 14996, 15003]],
[[ 250, 130, 11, ..., 487, 116, 246],
[ 498, 626, 879, ..., 858, 863, 619],
[ 1366, 1120, 1003, ..., 1478, 1233, 1236],
[14260, 14266, 14144, ..., 14124, 14254, 14135],
[14758, 14389, 14765, ..., 14497, 14624, 14879],
[14882, 15259, 15012, ..., 15366, 15370, 15003]],
[[ 250, 253, 380, ..., 486, 364, 370],
[ 623, 751, 879, ..., 735, 736, 742],
[ 1367, 1368, 1251, ..., 1230, 1232, 1238],
[14260, 14141, 14144, ..., 14375, 14252, 14135],
[14758, 14514, 14517, ..., 14623, 14749, 14631],
[14881, 15259, 15260, ..., 15365, 15371, 15003]],
[[ 127, 4, 10, ..., 239, 364, 494],
[ 498, 626, 879, ..., 734, 739, 742],
[ 1367, 1368, 1003, ..., 1478, 1356, 1238],
[14136, 14142, 14146, ..., 14251, 14376, 14256],
[14759, 14389, 14641, ..., 14623, 14501, 14506],
[15006, 15135, 15260, ..., 15365, 14997, 15003]],
[[ 373, 253, 10, ..., 487, 488, 493],
[ 498, 749, 879, ..., 982, 860, 742],
[ 1367, 1368, 1002, ..., 1477, 1111, 1115],
[13889, 14018, 14145, ..., 14375, 14376, 14256],
[14758, 14637, 14641, ..., 14499, 14500, 14631],
[14882, 14886, 14890, ..., 14995, 15368, 15003]],
[[ 374, 6, 380, ..., 486, 489, 246],
[ 498, 750, 877, ..., 734, 987, 990],
[ 1366, 1121, 1003, ..., 1478, 1232, 1238],
[13889, 14266, 14144, ..., 14124, 14376, 14259],
[14634, 14639, 14641, ..., 14623, 14748, 14755],
[14882, 15256, 14889, ..., 14993, 14997, 15003]]]],
shape=(1, 32, 31, 31), dtype=int64), array([[9.049314 , 8.8050585, 8.431708 , ..., 8.636536 , 9.145031 ,
9.532457 ]], shape=(1, 30752), dtype=float32), array([[122692.27 , 123354.43 , 122738.766, ..., 123197.14 , 123005.64 ,
122822.42 ]], shape=(1, 1024), dtype=float32), array([[64476524., 63178512., 63571928., 61408712., 63948544., 61254916.,
63788640., 60656840., 62005292., 60576240., 61750332., 64028384.,
62924260., 62590548., 62791904., 62125692., 63452328., 63223480.,
61166956., 63162168., 63957280., 63214704., 64537548., 62347512.,
62676004., 64064904., 61335300., 63115980., 62215372., 63729584.,
63329504., 64048060., 61412608., 63045352., 62345248., 62715024.,
62450608., 63085408., 64916004., 62658532., 63560752., 62164024.,
63572168., 60429192., 65007292., 62415392., 63668064., 61908612.,
62705496., 61592256., 62911368., 62977044., 62988068., 65124008.,
62349432., 60898712., 63354120., 60735272., 61795744., 62678264.,
60191036., 63176676., 61930928., 62697992., 64341036., 62204100.,
62658300., 63576296., 65663784., 62614416., 64790332., 62813208.,
62694712., 65478248., 63085568., 62655460., 63305816., 60891716.,
61771448., 62881608., 62181700., 63100712., 63485992., 62307460.,
64776068., 63789616., 62237808., 64990136., 63628948., 61646744.,
64225640., 61165748., 63018436., 62389832., 62274148., 64072104.,
60719808., 61923820., 64079528., 63664608., 62672704., 63486440.,
63350464., 63448668., 61290112., 62771896., 60954944., 63210696.,
63092212., 63400984., 62084264., 63211000., 62950264., 64543832.,
63648704., 64333432., 63517836., 60646512., 62356552., 60787600.,
62999144., 61455820., 63084096., 62759296., 60923248., 64858940.,
62804056., 61582172.]], dtype=float32), array([[4.1169510e+09, 3.9174533e+09, 4.0461307e+09, 4.0379960e+09,
3.7629184e+09, 4.1390367e+09, 4.1590989e+09, 4.0597801e+09,
4.4176717e+09, 4.0217754e+09]], dtype=float32)]
sess = create_session(script_args.filename, profiling=True)
for _ in range(script_args.repeat):, feeds)
prof = sess.end_profiling()
if js_profile_to_dataframe is not None:
df = js_profile_to_dataframe(prof, first_it_out=True)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(10, 5))
plot_ort_profile(df, ax[0], ax[1], "dort")
print("Install onnx-extended first.")

Index(['cat', 'pid', 'tid', 'dur', 'ts', 'ph', 'name',
'args_thread_scheduling_stats', 'args_output_size',
'args_parameter_size', 'args_activation_size', 'args_node_index',
'args_provider', 'args_op_name', 'op_name', 'event_name', 'iteration',
Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 1.610 seconds)
Related examples

201: Evaluate different ways to export a torch model to ONNX
201: Evaluate different ways to export a torch model to ONNX