Source code for experimental_experiment.xoptim.patterns.onnx_rotary

import inspect
from typing import List, Optional
import numpy as np
from onnx import NodeProto
from ..patterns_api import MatchResult, PatternOptimization

[docs] class RotaryConcatPartPattern(PatternOptimization): """ Optimizes the following pattern .. plot:: import numpy as np from onnx import TensorProto from onnx_array_api.light_api import start from onnx_array_api.plotting.graphviz_helper import plot_dot def mk(shape): return np.array(shape, dtype=np.int64) model = ( start(opset=18, ir_version=9) .cst(mk([2, 2, 1024, 256]), "shape") .cst(mk([0]), "c0") .cst(mk([256]), "c256") .cst(mk([512]), "c512") .cst(mk([3]), "c3") .vin("X", TensorProto.FLOAT, ("a", "b", "c", "d")) .bring("shape") .ConstantOfShape() .rename("C1") .bring("shape") .ConstantOfShape() .rename("C2") .bring("X", "c256", "c512", "c3") .Slice() .rename("S1") .bring("C1", "S1") .Concat(axis=3) .rename("P1") .bring("X", "c0", "c256", "c3") .Slice() .Neg() .rename("S2") .bring("C1", "S2") .Concat(axis=3) .rename("P2") .bring("P1", "P2") .Add() .rename("Y") .vout(TensorProto.FLOAT, ("a", "b", "c", "d")) .to_onnx() ) ax = plot_dot(model) ax.set_title("Dummy graph") """
[docs] def match( self, g: "GraphBuilderPatternOptimization", # noqa: F821 node: NodeProto, matched: List[MatchResult], ) -> Optional[MatchResult]: if node.op_type != "Add" or node.domain != "": return self.none() left, right = g.node_before(node.input[0]), g.node_before(node.input[1]) if None in (left, right): return self.none() if "Concat" in (left.op_type, right.op_type): return self.match_concat(g, node, matched) if "Transpose" in (left.op_type, right.op_type): return self.match_transpose(g, node, matched) return self.none(node, inspect.currentframe().f_lineno)
def match_concat( self, g: "GraphBuilderPatternOptimization", # noqa: F821 node: NodeProto, matched: List[MatchResult], ) -> Optional[MatchResult]: if node.op_type != "Add" or node.domain != "": return self.none() if g.is_used_more_than_once(node.input[0]) or g.is_used_more_than_once(node.input[1]): return self.none(node, inspect.currentframe().f_lineno) concat_left, concat_right = ( g.node_before(node.input[0]), g.node_before(node.input[1]), ) if concat_left is None or concat_right is None: return self.none(node, inspect.currentframe().f_lineno) if len(concat_left.input) != 2 or len(concat_right.input) != 2: return self.none(node, inspect.currentframe().f_lineno) axis1 = g.get_axis(concat_left, 0) axis2 = g.get_axis(concat_right, 0) if axis1 != axis2: return self.none(node, inspect.currentframe().f_lineno) # checking every result has shapes all_inputs = list(concat_left.input) + list(concat_right.input) if any(not g.has_shape(a) for a in all_inputs): return self.none(node, inspect.currentframe().f_lineno) concat_left_before = [g.node_before(i) for i in concat_left.input] concat_right_before = [g.node_before(i) for i in concat_right.input] if None in concat_left_before or None in concat_right_before: return self.none(node, inspect.currentframe().f_lineno) type_left = [n.op_type for n in concat_left_before] type_right = [n.op_type for n in concat_right_before] if "ConstantOfShape" not in type_left or "ConstantOfShape" not in type_right: return self.none(node, inspect.currentframe().f_lineno) if type_left.index("ConstantOfShape") == type_right.index("ConstantOfShape"): return self.none(node, inspect.currentframe().f_lineno) cst_left = next(n for n in concat_left_before if n.op_type == "ConstantOfShape") cst_right = next(n for n in concat_right_before if n.op_type == "ConstantOfShape") tl = [n for n in concat_right_before if n.op_type == "Neg"] tr = [n for n in concat_left_before if n.op_type == "Neg"] if tl: neg_left = None neg_right = tl[0] slice_left = [n for n in concat_left_before if n.op_type == "Slice"] split_left = [n for n in concat_left_before if n.op_type == "Split"] if (len(slice_left) == 0 and len(split_left) == 0) or ( len(slice_left) > 0 and len(split_left) > 0 ): return self.none(node, inspect.currentframe().f_lineno) slice_left = slice_left[0] if slice_left else None split_left = split_left[0] if split_left else None right_ = g.node_before(neg_right.input[0]) slice_right = None if right_.op_type == "Split" else right_ split_right = right_ if right_.op_type == "Split" else None elif tr: neg_left = next(n for n in concat_left_before if n.op_type == "Neg") neg_right = None left_ = g.node_before(neg_left.input[0]) slice_left = None if left_.op_type == "Split" else left_ split_left = left_ if left_.op_type == "Split" else None slice_right = [n for n in concat_right_before if n.op_type == "Slice"] split_right = [n for n in concat_right_before if n.op_type == "Split"] if (len(slice_right) == 0 and len(split_right) == 0) or ( len(slice_right) > 0 and len(split_right) > 0 ): return self.none(node, inspect.currentframe().f_lineno) slice_right = slice_right[0] if slice_right else None split_right = split_right[0] if split_right else None else: return self.none(node, inspect.currentframe().f_lineno) if ( (slice_left is None and slice_right is not None) or (slice_left is not None and slice_right is None) or (split_left is None and split_right is not None) or (split_left is not None and split_right is None) ): return self.none(node, inspect.currentframe().f_lineno) is_slice = slice_left is not None if is_slice: if slice_left.input[0] != slice_right.input[0]: return self.none(node, inspect.currentframe().f_lineno) slice_left_def = [g.get_computed_constant(i) for i in slice_left.input[1:]] slice_right_def = [g.get_computed_constant(i) for i in slice_right.input[1:]] if len(slice_left_def) != 3 or len(slice_right_def) != 3: return self.none(node, inspect.currentframe().f_lineno) if slice_left_def[2].tolist() != slice_right_def[2].tolist(): # axis are different return self.none(node, inspect.currentframe().f_lineno) lengths = {len(v) for v in slice_left_def} | {len(v) for v in slice_right_def} if lengths != {1}: # more than one axis return self.none(node, inspect.currentframe().f_lineno) axis = slice_left_def[2][0] dim_left = slice_left_def[1][0] - slice_left_def[0][0] dim_right = slice_right_def[1][0] - slice_right_def[0][0] shape_left = g.get_computed_constant(cst_left.input[0]) shape_right = g.get_computed_constant(cst_right.input[0]) cdim_left = shape_left[axis] cdim_right = shape_right[axis] if dim_left != cdim_right or dim_right != cdim_left: return self.none(node, inspect.currentframe().f_lineno) else: if id(split_left) != id(split_right): # not the same split return self.none(node, inspect.currentframe().f_lineno) if len(split_left.output) != 2: return self.none(node, inspect.currentframe().f_lineno) axis = g.get_axis(split_left, 0) axis1 = g.get_axis(concat_left, 0) axis2 = g.get_axis(concat_right, 0) if len({axis, axis1, axis2}) != 1: return self.none(node, inspect.currentframe().f_lineno) # last check about size. axis = g.get_axis(concat_left, 0) all_inputs = list(concat_left.input) + list(concat_right.input) shapes = [g.get_shape(x) for x in all_inputs] dims = [s[axis] for s in shapes] # We know that dims[0] + dims[1] == dims[2] + dims[3], otherwise, # the addition next to Concat would not be possible. # We need now that dims[1] + dims[2] == dims[0] + dims[3], # then dims[1] - dims[0] == dims[3] - dims[2], # then (1) + (2) ==> dims[1] = dims[3] idims = set(d for d in dims if isinstance(d, int)) sdims = set(d for d in dims if isinstance(d, str)) if len(idims) > 1 or len(sdims) > 2: return self.none(node, inspect.currentframe().f_lineno) nodes = [ cst_left, split_left, slice_left, neg_left, concat_left, cst_right, slice_right, neg_right, concat_right, node, ] return MatchResult(self, nodes, self.apply_concat) def apply_concat( self, g: "GraphBuilder", # noqa: F821 cst_left: NodeProto, split: NodeProto, slice_left: NodeProto, neg_left: Optional[NodeProto], concat_left: NodeProto, cst_right: NodeProto, slice_right: NodeProto, neg_right: Optional[NodeProto], concat_right: NodeProto, node: NodeProto, ) -> List[NodeProto]: is_split = split is not None if is_split: axis = g.get_attribute(split, "axis").i else: axis = g.get_computed_constant(slice_left.input[3])[0] if neg_left is None: neg_out = neg_right.output[0] pos = list(concat_right.input).index(neg_out) concat_inputs = ( [ neg_right.output[0], split.output[0] if is_split else slice_left.output[0], ] if pos == 0 else [ split.output[0] if is_split else slice_left.output[0], neg_right.output[0], ] ) neg = neg_right else: neg_out = neg_left.output[0] pos = list(concat_left.input).index(neg_out) concat_inputs = ( [ neg_left.output[0], split.output[1] if is_split else slice_right.output[0], ] if pos == 0 else [ split.output[1] if is_split else slice_right.output[0], neg_left.output[0], ] ) neg = neg_left concat = g.make_node( "Concat", concat_inputs, node.output, axis=int(axis), doc_string=node.doc_string, name=f"{self.__class__.__name__}--{}", ) # We still keep the constant in case other node use it. # The algorithm removing the unused nodes will decide # whether or not to keep it. if is_split: assert slice_left is None and slice_right is None return [cst_left, split, neg, concat] return [cst_left, slice_left, slice_right, neg, concat] def match_transpose( self, g: "GraphBuilderPatternOptimization", # noqa: F821 node: NodeProto, matched: List[MatchResult], ) -> Optional[MatchResult]: if node.op_type != "Add" or node.domain != "": return self.none() if g.is_used_more_than_once(node.input[0]) or g.is_used_more_than_once(node.input[1]): return self.none(node, inspect.currentframe().f_lineno) transpose_left, transpose_right = ( g.node_before(node.input[0]), g.node_before(node.input[1]), ) if transpose_left.op_type != "Transpose" or transpose_right.op_type != "Transpose": return self.none(node, inspect.currentframe().f_lineno) perm_left = list(g.get_attribute(transpose_left, "perm").ints) perm_right = list(g.get_attribute(transpose_right, "perm").ints) if perm_left != perm_right: return self.none(node, inspect.currentframe().f_lineno) scatter_left, scatter_right = ( g.node_before(transpose_left.input[0]), g.node_before(transpose_right.input[0]), ) if scatter_left is None or scatter_right is None: return self.none(node, inspect.currentframe().f_lineno) if scatter_left.op_type != "ScatterND" or scatter_right.op_type != "ScatterND": return self.none(node, inspect.currentframe().f_lineno) tr_data_left, tr_data_right = ( g.node_before(scatter_left.input[0]), g.node_before(scatter_right.input[0]), ) if ( tr_data_left is None or tr_data_left.op_type != "Transpose" or tr_data_right is None or tr_data_right.op_type != "Transpose" ): return self.none(node, inspect.currentframe().f_lineno) if ( list(g.get_attribute(tr_data_left, "perm").ints) != perm_left or list(g.get_attribute(tr_data_right, "perm").ints) != perm_right ): return self.none(node, inspect.currentframe().f_lineno) tr_update_left, tr_update_right = ( g.node_before(scatter_left.input[2]), g.node_before(scatter_right.input[2]), ) if ( list(g.get_attribute(tr_update_left, "perm").ints) != perm_left or list(g.get_attribute(tr_update_right, "perm").ints) != perm_right ): return self.none(node, inspect.currentframe().f_lineno) nodes = [ scatter_left, scatter_right, transpose_left, transpose_right, tr_data_left, tr_data_right, tr_update_left, tr_update_right, ] allowed = (scatter_left.input[0], scatter_right.input[0]) if any( (node.output[0] not in allowed and g.is_used_more_than_once(node.output[0])) for node in nodes ): return self.none(node, inspect.currentframe().f_lineno) cst_left = g.node_before(tr_data_left.input[0]) cst_right = g.node_before(tr_data_right.input[0]) if cst_left.op_type != "ConstantOfShape" or cst_right.op_type != "ConstantOfShape": return self.none(node, inspect.currentframe().f_lineno) slice_left = g.node_before(tr_update_left.input[0]) slice_right = g.node_before(tr_update_right.input[0]) if slice_left.op_type not in ( "Slice", "Neg", "Split", ) or slice_right.op_type not in ( "Slice", "Neg", "Split", ): return self.none(node, inspect.currentframe().f_lineno) if slice_left.op_type == "Neg" and g.node_before(slice_left.input[0]).op_type not in ( "Slice", "Split", ): return self.none(node, inspect.currentframe().f_lineno) if slice_right.op_type == "Neg" and g.node_before( slice_right.input[0] ).op_type not in ("Slice", "Split"): return self.none(node, inspect.currentframe().f_lineno) if slice_left.op_type == "Neg": neg_left = slice_left neg_right = None slice_left = g.node_before(neg_left.input[0]) else: neg_left = None neg_right = slice_right slice_right = g.node_before(neg_right.input[0]) nodes2 = [ cst_left, slice_left, neg_left, cst_right, slice_right, neg_right, node, ] if any( ( node is not None and node.op_type not in {"Constant", "ConstantOfShape"} and g.is_used_more_than_once(node.output[0]) ) for node in nodes2 ): return self.none(node, inspect.currentframe().f_lineno) use_split = False if slice_left.op_type == "Split" == slice_right.op_type: if id(slice_left) != id(slice_right): return self.none(node, inspect.currentframe().f_lineno) use_split = True # Checking shapes and indices if not g.has_shape(scatter_left.input[0]) or not g.has_shape(scatter_right.input[0]): return self.none(node, inspect.currentframe().f_lineno) shape_left = g.get_shape(scatter_left.input[0]) shape_right = g.get_shape(scatter_right.input[0]) if shape_left != shape_right: return self.none(node, inspect.currentframe().f_lineno) indices_left = g.get_computed_constant(scatter_left.input[1]) indices_right = g.get_computed_constant(scatter_right.input[1]) if ( len(indices_left.shape) != 2 or indices_left.shape[1] != 1 or len(indices_right.shape) != 2 or indices_right.shape[1] != 1 ): return self.none(node, inspect.currentframe().f_lineno) ind_left = indices_left.ravel().tolist() ind_right = indices_right.ravel().tolist() if ind_left[0] == 0: ind = ind_left + ind_right else: ind = ind_right + ind_left if ind != list(range(shape_left[0])): return self.none(node, inspect.currentframe().f_lineno) # Slices if not use_split: if slice_left.input[0] != slice_right.input[0]: return self.none(node, inspect.currentframe().f_lineno) slice_left_def = [g.get_computed_constant(i) for i in slice_left.input[1:]] slice_right_def = [g.get_computed_constant(i) for i in slice_right.input[1:]] if len(slice_left_def) != 4 or len(slice_right_def) != 4: return self.none(node, inspect.currentframe().f_lineno) if slice_left_def[2].tolist() != slice_right_def[2].tolist(): return self.none(node, inspect.currentframe().f_lineno) if slice_left_def[3].tolist() != [1] or slice_right_def[3].tolist() != [1]: return self.none(node, inspect.currentframe().f_lineno) lengths = {len(v) for v in slice_left_def} | {len(v) for v in slice_right_def} if lengths != {1}: # more than one axis return self.none(node, inspect.currentframe().f_lineno) axis = slice_left_def[2][0] dim_left = slice_left_def[1][0] - slice_left_def[0][0] dim_right = slice_right_def[1][0] - slice_right_def[0][0] shape_left = g.get_computed_constant(cst_left.input[0]) shape_right = g.get_computed_constant(cst_right.input[0]) cdim_left = shape_left[axis] cdim_right = shape_right[axis] if dim_right + dim_left != cdim_right or cdim_right != cdim_left: return self.none(node, inspect.currentframe().f_lineno) else: split_node = slice_left if not g.is_constant(split_node.input[1]): return self.none(node, inspect.currentframe().f_lineno) cst = g.get_computed_constant(split_node.input[1]) if cst.min() != cst.max(): return self.none(node, inspect.currentframe().f_lineno) nodes = [ cst_left, slice_left, neg_left, cst_right, slice_right, neg_right, scatter_left, scatter_right, transpose_left, transpose_right, tr_data_left, tr_data_right, tr_update_left, tr_update_right, node, ] return MatchResult(self, nodes, self.apply_transpose) def apply_transpose( self, g: "GraphBuilder", # noqa: F821 cst_left: NodeProto, slice_left: NodeProto, neg_left: NodeProto, cst_right: NodeProto, slice_right: NodeProto, neg_right: NodeProto, scatter_left: NodeProto, scatter_right: NodeProto, transpose_left: NodeProto, transpose_right: NodeProto, tr_data_left: NodeProto, tr_data_right: NodeProto, tr_update_left: NodeProto, tr_update_right: NodeProto, node: NodeProto, ): keep = [] if cst_left is not None and g.is_used_more_than_once(cst_left.output[0]): keep.append(cst_left) if ( cst_right is not None and g.is_used_more_than_once(cst_right.output[0]) and (cst_left is None or id(cst_left) != id(cst_right)) ): keep.append(cst_right) if slice_left.op_type == "Split" == slice_right.op_type: split = slice_left axis = g.get_attribute(split, "axis").i else: slice_left_def = [g.get_computed_constant(i) for i in slice_left.input[1:]] slice_right_def = [g.get_computed_constant(i) for i in slice_right.input[1:]] axis = slice_left_def[2][0] dim_left = slice_left_def[1][0] - slice_left_def[0][0] dim_right = slice_right_def[1][0] - slice_right_def[0][0] splits = g.make_initializer( "", np.array([dim_left, dim_right], dtype=np.int64), source="RotaryConcatPartPattern.apply.splits", ) split = g.make_node( "Split", [slice_left.input[0], splits], [ g.unique_name(f"{self.__class__.__name__}--{node.output[0]}"), g.unique_name(f"{self.__class__.__name__}--{node.output[0]}"), ], axis=int(axis), name=f"{self.__class__.__name__}--{}", ) if neg_left is None: neg = g.make_node( "Neg", [split.output[1]], [g.unique_name(f"{self.__class__.__name__}--{node.output[0]}")], name=f"{self.__class__.__name__}--{}", ) concat_inputs = [split.output[0], neg.output[0]] else: neg = g.make_node( "Neg", [split.output[0]], [g.unique_name(f"{self.__class__.__name__}--{node.output[0]}")], name=f"{self.__class__.__name__}--{}", ) concat_inputs = [neg.output[0], split.output[1]] concat = g.make_node( "Concat", concat_inputs, node.output, axis=int(axis), doc_string=node.doc_string, name=f"{self.__class__.__name__}--{}", ) # restoring nodes used more than once other_nodes = [] if scatter_left is not None and g.is_used_more_than_once(scatter_left.input[0]): if tr_data_left is not None: other_nodes.append(tr_data_left) if cst_left is not None: other_nodes.append(cst_left) if scatter_right is not None and g.is_used_more_than_once(scatter_right.input[0]): if tr_data_right is not None and id(tr_data_right) != id(tr_data_left): other_nodes.append(tr_data_right) if cst_right is not None and id(cst_right) != id(cst_left): other_nodes.append(cst_right) if other_nodes: return [*reversed(other_nodes), split, neg, concat] return [*keep, split, neg, concat]