import inspect
from typing import List, Optional
from onnx import NodeProto
from ..patterns_api import MatchResult, PatternOptimization
class SameChildrenPattern(PatternOptimization):
Checks that a Cast is really needed.
def _cmp(cls, n1: NodeProto, n2: NodeProto) -> bool:
"Compares two nodes and say if they are the same."
assert id(n1) != id(n2), f"Two nodes are the same not identical copies {n1}"
if n1.input != n2.input:
return False
if len(n1.output) != len(n2.output):
return False
if len(n1.attribute) != len(n2.attribute):
return False
for att1, att2 in zip(n1.attribute, n2.attribute):
if !=
return False
if att1.type != att2.type:
return False
if att1.SerializeToString() != att2.SerializeToString():
return False
return True
def __init__(self, verbose: int = 0, priority: int = 0):
super().__init__(verbose, priority)
def match(
g: "GraphBuilderPatternOptimization", # noqa: F821
node: NodeProto,
matched: List[MatchResult],
) -> Optional[MatchResult]:
next_nodes = g.next_nodes(node.output[0])
if len(next_nodes) <= 1:
return self.none()
if len(next_nodes) == 2:
n1, n2 = next_nodes
if n1.op_type != n2.op_type or n1.op_type == "Identity":
return self.none()
if not self._cmp(n1, n2):
return self.none(node, inspect.currentframe().f_lineno)
nodes = [n1, n2]
cp = {}
for n in next_nodes:
if n.op_type == "Identity":
if n.op_type in cp:
cp[n.op_type] = [n]
nodes = []
for v in cp.values():
if len(v) <= 1:
if len(v) == 2:
n1, n2 = v
if not self._cmp(n1, n2):
nodes.extend([n1, n2])
enough = False
for i in range(len(v) - 1):
for j in range(i + 1, len(v)):
if self._cmp(v[i], v[j]):
nodes.extend([v[i], v[j]])
enough = True
if enough:
if len(nodes) == 0:
return self.none(node, inspect.currentframe().f_lineno)
for i in range(0, len(nodes), 2):
n1, n2 = nodes[i : i + 2]
assert len(n1.output) > 0, "A node should not have no output in this pattern."
assert (
not g.has_type(n1.output[0])
or not g.has_type(n2.output[0])
or g.get_type(n1.output[0]) == g.get_type(n2.output[0])
), (
f"Nodes n1 and n2 have different output type for outputs "
f"{n1.output[0]!r}, {n2.output[0]}, and types "
f"{g.get_type(n1.output[0])} != {g.get_type(n2.output[0])})"
assert "Identity" not in set(n.op_type for n in nodes), (
f"Identity nodes should be covered by this pattern "
f"{set(n.op_type for n in nodes)}, type={node.op_type!r}, "
return MatchResult(self, nodes, self.apply)
def apply(
g: "GraphBuilder", # noqa: F821
*nodes: NodeProto,
) -> List[NodeProto]:
The function receives pairs of nodes. We replace every odd node
by an identity node.
assert (
len(nodes) % 2 == 0
), f"Expecting an even number of nodes but len(nodes) == {len(nodes)}"
new_nodes = []
for i in range(0, len(nodes), 2):
for o1, o2 in zip(nodes[i].output, nodes[i + 1].output):
doc_string=nodes[i + 1].doc_string,
return new_nodes
class IdentityPattern(PatternOptimization):
Replaces operator such as
Div(X, 1), Mul(X, 1), Add(X, 0), Sub(X, 0),
Transpose(X, [0, 1, 2, ...])
into identity nodes.
def _any_value_to_scalar(cls, cst):
return float(cst)
except TypeError:
return complex(cst)
def _has_unique_value(cls, cst):
return cst.min() == cst.max()
def __init__(self, verbose: int = 0, priority: int = 0):
super().__init__(verbose, priority)
def match(
g: "GraphBuilderPatternOptimization", # noqa: F821
node: NodeProto,
matched: List[MatchResult],
) -> Optional[MatchResult]:
if node.op_type not in {"Add", "Mul", "Div", "Sub", "Transpose"} or node.domain != "":
return self.none()
if node.op_type == "Transpose":
perm = list(g.get_attribute(node, "perm").ints)
expected = list(range(len(perm)))
if perm != expected:
return self.none(node, inspect.currentframe().f_lineno)
return MatchResult(node, [node], self.apply, insert_at=node)
assert len(node.input) == 2, (
f"Unexpected number of inputs {len(node.input)} "
f"for node type {node.op_type!r} and name {!r}, "
if g.has_rank(node.input[1]) and g.get_rank(node.input[1]) > 1:
# No need to go further.
return self.none(node, inspect.currentframe().f_lineno)
if not g.is_constant(node.input[1]):
return self.none(node, inspect.currentframe().f_lineno)
shape = g.get_constant_shape(node.input[1], exc=False)
if shape is None:
return self.none(node, inspect.currentframe().f_lineno)
if shape in (tuple(), (1,)):
# simple case
if not g.is_constant_scalar(node.input[1]):
return self.none(node, inspect.currentframe().f_lineno)
cst = g.get_constant_scalar(node.input[1])
val = self._any_value_to_scalar(cst)
if val == 0 and node.op_type in {"Add", "Sub"}:
return MatchResult(node, [node], self.apply, insert_at=node)
if val == 1 and node.op_type in {"Mul", "Div"}:
return MatchResult(node, [node], self.apply, insert_at=node)
elif len(shape) == 1 and node.op_type in {"Add", "Mul", "Sub", "Div"}:
# less simple case, the tensor is multiplied on its last dimension.
cst = g.get_computed_constant(node.input[1])
if cst is None:
return self.none(node, inspect.currentframe().f_lineno)
if not self._has_unique_value(cst):
return self.none(node, inspect.currentframe().f_lineno)
unique = cst[0]
if not g.has_shape(node.input[0]):
return self.none(node, inspect.currentframe().f_lineno)
shape = g.get_shape(node.input[0])
if shape[-1] != cst.shape[0]:
return self.none(node, inspect.currentframe().f_lineno)
if node.op_type in {"Add", "Sub"} and unique != 0:
return self.none(node, inspect.currentframe().f_lineno)
if node.op_type in {"Mul", "Div"} and unique != 1:
return self.none(node, inspect.currentframe().f_lineno)
return MatchResult(node, [node], self.apply, insert_at=node)
return self.none(node, inspect.currentframe().f_lineno)
def apply(
g: "GraphBuilder", # noqa: F821
node: NodeProto,
) -> List[NodeProto]:
return [