import textwrap
from typing import List, Optional, Union
class OptimizationOptions:
Defines all the optimization to apply.
:param remove_unused: remove all unused nodes, this must be true if
pattern optimization is enabled
:param constant_folding: folds constant as much as possible
:param constant_size: all node Constant above this threshold should be
defined as initializer
:param remove_identity: remove identity nodes
:param patterns: list of pattern optimization to apply to the graph,
it looks a a specific subsequence of nodes in a graph
and do some replacements,
`'default'` means a default list of optimization patterns are applied,
see below for the most common values
:param constant_fusing: similar node Constant and ConstantOfShape are used,
this options avoids creating new nodes when they are the same
:param max_iter: maximum number of iteration when doing pattern optimizations,
-1 to let it undefined
:param recursive: optimizes subgraphs and functions as well
:param stop_after: for investigation, stop_after this number of applies patterns,
-1 to never stop
:param verbose: verbosity level (for pattern optimization)
:param verifies: run verifications to ensure the model is
correct everytime it is modifies, it is mostly to find bugs,
it is very slow
:param dump_applied_patterns: dump applied patterns in a folder,
the users can check every pattern dumped as a :epkg:`FunctionProto`
:param processor: optimization should be made for this processor
or this list of processors (comma separated value)
:param order: order algorithm to apply
It is possible to define a precise of the pattern to apply to a model.
The value is interpreter by :func:`experimental_experiment.xoptim.get_pattern_list`.
* ``patterns=None``: no pattern optimization
* ``patterns="TransposeTranspose,TransposeMatMul"``: applies two patterns
* ``patterns=["FusedMatMul"]``: applies one pattern
* ``patterns=[RotaryEmbeddingPattern(verbose=10)]``: applies one pattern
with a specific verbosity value
* ``patterns="default``: applies all patterns modifying standard onnx
operators into other standard onnx operators
* ``patterns="default+onnxruntime``: applies all patterns modifying standard onnx
operators into other standard onnx operators as well as patterns fusing nodes into
custom operators implemented by :epkg:`onnxruntime`
* ``patterns="default+onnxruntime+experimental``: applies all patterns
modifying standard onnx operators into other standard onnx operators,
patterns fusing nodes into custom operators implemented by :epkg:`onnxruntime`,
def __init__(
remove_unused: bool = True,
constant_folding: bool = False,
constant_size: int = 1024,
constant_fusing: bool = True,
remove_identity: bool = True,
patterns: Union[str, List["PatternOptimization"]] = "default", # noqa: F821
max_iter: int = -1,
recursive: bool = False,
stop_after: int = -1,
verbose: int = 0,
verifies: bool = False,
dump_applied_patterns: Optional[str] = None,
processor: str = "CPU",
order: Optional["OrderAlgorithm"] = None, # noqa: F821
self.remove_unused = remove_unused
self.constant_folding = constant_folding
self.remove_identity = remove_identity
self.constant_size = constant_size
self.constant_fusing = constant_fusing
self.stop_after = stop_after
self.processor = processor
self.order = order
self.max_iter = max_iter
if isinstance(patterns, str):
from ..xoptim import get_pattern_list
self.patterns = get_pattern_list(patterns, verbose=verbose)
assert patterns is None or isinstance(
patterns, list
), f"Unexpected type {type(patterns)} for patterns"
from ..xoptim import get_pattern
self.patterns = (
if patterns is None
else [get_pattern(p, verbose=verbose) for p in patterns]
self.verbose = verbose
self.recursive = recursive
self.verifies = verifies
self.dump_applied_patterns = dump_applied_patterns
def __repr__(self):
pats = "None" if self.patterns is None else [str(p) for p in self.patterns]
add = []
for att in ["verifies", "stop_after", "dump_applied_patterns"]:
val = getattr(self, att)
if val in (-1, None, False):
add.append(f", {att}={val!r}")
opts = "".join(add)
code = (
f"{self.__class__.__name__}(remove_unused={self.remove_unused}, "
f"remove_identity={self.remove_identity}, "
f"constant_folding={self.constant_folding}, "
f"constant_size={self.constant_size}, "
f"constant_fusing={self.constant_fusing}, "
f"verbose={self.verbose}, "
f"max_iter={self.max_iter}, recursive={self.recursive}, "
f"processor={self.processor}, "
f"order={self.order}, "
return "\n".join(textwrap.wrap(code, width=80, tabsize=4, subsequent_indent=" "))