Source code for experimental_experiment.torch_dynamo

from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Union
import numpy as np
from onnx import ModelProto
from .debug_backend import onnx_debug_backend
from .fast_backend import onnx_custom_backend
from .dynger_backend import dynger_backend

[docs] def get_decomposition_table(): """ Returns the decomposition table needed to translate backward graph into onnx. It should used as follows: :: import torch from torch._dynamo.backends.common import aot_autograd from experimental_experiment.torch_dynamo import get_decomposition_table aot_compiler = aot_autograd(fw_compiler=backend_debug, decompositions=get_decomposition_table()) compiled_model = torch.compile( model, backend=aot_compiler, dynamic=dynamic, fullgraph=fullgraph, ) The value is: .. runpython:: :showcode: import pprint from experimental_experiment.torch_dynamo import get_decomposition_table pprint.pprint(get_decomposition_table()) """ import torch new_table = {} for k, v in torch._decomp.decomposition_table.items(): if in { "aten::embedding_dense_backward", "aten::rrelu_with_noise", "aten::native_layer_norm_backward", }: new_table[k] = v return new_table
[docs] def get_decomposition_table_dynamo(onnx_registry=None): """ Returns the decomposition table needed for the dynamo exporter. :param onnx_registry: instance of class ``torch.onnx._internal.exporter.OnnxRegistry`` The value is: .. runpython:: :showcode: import pprint from experimental_experiment.torch_dynamo import get_decomposition_table_dynamo pprint.pprint(get_decomposition_table_dynamo()) """ from torch.onnx._internal.fx.decomposition_table import ( create_onnx_friendly_decomposition_table, ) from torch.onnx._internal.exporter import OnnxRegistry return create_onnx_friendly_decomposition_table(onnx_registry or OnnxRegistry())
[docs] def filter_decomposition_table(existing_table: Optional[Dict] = None) -> Dict: """ Returns the decomposition table when some conversions because their translation in ONNX is less efficient. :param existing_table: dictionary of decompositions, by default, it is ``torch._decomp.decomposition_table``. :return: new table :: import torch from torch._dynamo.backends.common import aot_autograd from experimental_experiment.torch_dynamo import filter_decomposition_table aot_compiler = aot_autograd(fw_compiler=backend_debug, decompositions=filter_decomposition_table()) compiled_model = torch.compile( model, backend=aot_compiler, dynamic=dynamic, fullgraph=fullgraph, ) The value is: .. runpython:: :showcode: import pprint from experimental_experiment.torch_dynamo import filter_decomposition_table pprint.pprint(filter_decomposition_table()) """ if existing_table is None: import torch existing_table = torch._decomp.decomposition_table.items() new_table = {} for k, v in existing_table: if in { "aten::slice_backward", "aten::select_backward.out", "aten::slice.Tensor", }: continue new_table[k] = v return new_table
def _single_print(v): if v is None: return "None" if isinstance(v, (int, bool, str, float)): return str(v) if isinstance(v, np.ndarray): return f"array:{v.dtype}:{v.shape}:{v.mean()}" if hasattr(v, "numpy"): return _single_print(v.detach().cpu().numpy()) if isinstance(v, ModelProto): s = str(v).replace("\n", "").replace(" ", "") return "ModelProto:" + s[:20] + "..." + s[-20:] if "GraphModule" in str(type(v)): s = str(v).replace("\n", "") return "GraphModule:" + s[:20] + "..." + s[-20:] if "GraphBuilder" in str(type(v)): s = str(v).replace("\n", "") return "GraphBuilder:" + s[:20] + "..." + s[-20:] if "ExtendedReferenceEvaluator" in str(type(v)): s = str(v).replace("\n", "") return "ExtendedReferenceEvaluator:" + s[:20] + "..." + s[-20:] raise TypeError(f"Unexpected type {type(v)}.") def pprint_storage( storage: Any, indent: int = 0, as_list: bool = False ) -> Union[List[str], str]: """ Pretty print for the storage. :param storage: any object :param indent: indentation :param as_list: return list or string :return: list or string """ sind = " " * indent if isinstance(storage, (np.ndarray, int, float, str, bool, type(None))): rows = [sind + _single_print(storage)] elif isinstance(storage, dict): if len(storage) <= 10 and all( map( lambda v: isinstance(v, (int, float, str, bool, type(None))), storage.values(), ) ): rows = [sind + str(storage)] else: rows = [sind + "{"] for k, v in storage.items(): r = pprint_storage(v, indent=indent + 1, as_list=True) if len(r) > 1: r[0] = f"{r[0][:-1]}{k!r}: {r[0][-1]}" r[-1] += "," rows.extend(r) else: rows.append(f" {sind}{k!r}: {r[0].lstrip(' ')},") rows.append(sind + "}") elif isinstance(storage, list): if len(storage) <= 10 and all( map(lambda v: isinstance(v, (int, float, str, bool, type(None))), storage) ): rows = [sind + str(storage)] else: rows = [sind + "["] for v in storage: r = pprint_storage(v, indent=indent + 1, as_list=True) if len(r) > 1: r[-1] += "," rows.extend(r) else: rows.append(f" {sind}{r[0].lstrip(' ')},") rows.append(sind + "]") elif isinstance(storage, tuple): if len(storage) <= 10 and all( map(lambda v: isinstance(v, (int, float, str, bool, type(None))), storage) ): rows = [sind + str(storage)] else: rows = [sind + "("] for v in storage: r = pprint_storage(v, indent=indent + 1, as_list=True) if len(r) > 1: r[-1] += "," rows.extend(r) else: rows.append(f" {sind}{r[0].lstrip(' ')},") rows.append(sind + ")") elif hasattr(storage, "numpy"): rows = [sind + _single_print(storage)] elif storage is None: rows = [sind + _single_print(storage)] elif ( "GraphModuleImpl" in str(type(storage)) or "ModelProto" in str(type(storage)) or "GraphBuilder" in str(type(storage)) or "ExtendedReferenceEvaluator" in str(type(storage)) ): rows = [sind + _single_print(storage)] else: raise RuntimeError(f"Unexpected type {type(storage)}") if as_list: return rows return "\n".join(rows)