Source code for experimental_experiment.skl.convert

import time
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Sequence, Set, Tuple, Union
import numpy as np
from onnx import ModelProto, save_model
from onnx.model_container import ModelContainer
import sklearn
from ..xbuilder import GraphBuilder, FunctionOptions, OptimizationOptions

[docs] def to_onnx( model: sklearn.base.BaseEstimator, args: Optional[Sequence["torch.Tensor"]] = None, # noqa: F821 target_opset: Optional[Union[int, Dict[str, int]]] = None, as_function: bool = False, options: Optional[OptimizationOptions] = None, optimize: bool = True, filename: Optional[str] = None, inline: bool = False, input_names: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, output_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, large_model: bool = False, verbose: int = 0, return_builder: bool = False, raise_list: Optional[Set[str]] = None, external_threshold: int = 1024, return_optimize_report: bool = False, function_options: Optional[FunctionOptions] = None, ) -> Union[ Union[ModelProto, ModelContainer], Tuple[Union[ModelProto, ModelContainer], GraphBuilder], ]: """ Exports a :epkg:`scikit-learn` model into ONNX. :param model: estimator :param args: input arguments :param kwargs: keyword attributes :param input_names: input names :param target_opset: targeted opset or targeted opsets as a dictionary :param as_function: export as a ModelProto or a FunctionProto :param options: optimization options :param verbose: verbosity level :param return_builder: returns the builder as well :param raise_list: the builder stops any time a name falls into that list, this is a debbuging tool :param optimize: optimize the model before exporting into onnx :param large_model: if True returns a :class:`onnx.model_container.ModelContainer`, it lets the user to decide later if the weights should be part of the model or saved as external weights :param external_threshold: if large_model is True, every tensor above this limit is stored as external :param return_optimize_report: returns statistics on the optimization as well :param filename: if specified, stores the model into that file :param inline: inline the model before converting to onnx, this is done before any optimization takes place :param export_options: to apply differents options before to get the exported program :param function_options: to specify what to do with the initializers in local functions, add them as constants or inputs :param output_names: to rename the output names :return: onnx model """ assert isinstance( model, sklearn.base.BaseEstimator ), f"Unexpected model type {type(model)}" import skl2onnx if output_names is None: if hasattr(model, "get_feature_names_out"): output_names = model.get_feature_names_out() if args is None: if hasattr(model, "n_features_in_"): n = model.n_features_in_ else: raise NotImplementedError( f"Unable to guess the number of input features for model type {type(model)}" ) args = np.random.randn(2, n).astype(np.float32) if isinstance( model, ( sklearn.pipeline.Pipeline, sklearn.pipeline.FeatureUnion, sklearn.compose.ColumnTransformer, sklearn.compose.TransformedTargetRegressor, ), ): raise NotImplementedError(f"not implemented yet for {type(model)}") add_stats = {} begin = time.perf_counter() if verbose: print(f"[skl.to_onnx] convert {model.__class__.__name__}") proto = skl2onnx.to_onnx( model, args[0], target_opset=target_opset, options={"zipmap": False} if sklearn.base.is_classifier(model) else None, verbose=max(verbose - 1, 0), ) t = time.perf_counter() add_stats["time_export"] = t - begin add_stats[f"time_export_{model.__class__.__name__}"] = t - begin begin = t if verbose: print(f"[skl.to_onnx] builds {model.__class__.__name__}") builder = GraphBuilder( target_opset_or_existing_proto=proto, as_function=as_function, optimization_options=options, args=args, kwargs=None, verbose=verbose, raise_list=raise_list, graph_module=model, output_names=output_names, ) if input_names: renames = dict(zip(builder.input_names, input_names)) if verbose: print(f"[skl.to_onnx] renames {renames}") builder.rename_names(renames) t = time.perf_counter() add_stats["time_builder"] = t - begin add_stats[f"time_builder_{model.__class__.__name__}"] = t - begin begin = t if verbose: print(f"[skl.to_onnx] make_proto for {model.__class__.__name__}") onx, stats = builder.to_onnx( optimize=optimize, large_model=large_model, external_threshold=external_threshold, return_optimize_report=True, inline=inline, function_options=function_options, ) t = time.perf_counter() add_stats["time_builder_to_onnx"] = t - begin add_stats[f"time_builder_to_onnx_{model.__class__.__name__}"] = t - begin begin = time.perf_counter() if verbose: print(f"[skl.to_onnx] done {model.__class__.__name__}") all_stats = dict(builder=builder.statistics_) if stats: add_stats["optimization"] = stats t = time.perf_counter() add_stats["time_export_to_onnx"] = t - begin if verbose: proto = onx if isinstance(onx, ModelProto) else onx.model_proto print( f"[to_onnx] to_onnx done in {t - begin}s " f"and {len(proto.graph.node)} nodes, " f"{len(proto.graph.initializer)} initializers, " f"{len(proto.graph.input)} inputs, " f"{len(proto.graph.output)} outputs" ) if verbose >= 10: print(builder.get_debug_msg()) if filename: if isinstance(onx, ModelProto): save_model(onx, filename) else:, all_tensors_to_one_file=True) all_stats.update(add_stats) if return_builder: return (onx, builder, all_stats) if return_optimize_report else (onx, builder) return (onx, all_stats) if return_optimize_report else onx