Source code for experimental_experiment.reference.evaluator

from logging import getLogger
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Union
from onnx import FunctionProto, ModelProto
from onnx.defs import get_schema
from onnx.reference import ReferenceEvaluator
from onnx.reference.op_run import OpRun
from .ops.op_add_add_mul_mul import (
from .ops.op_average_pool_grad import AveragePoolGrad
from .ops.op_bias_softmax import BiasSoftmax
from .ops.op_cast_like import CastLike_15, CastLike_19
from .ops.op_concat import Concat
from .ops.op_constant_of_shape import ConstantOfShape
from .ops.op_fused_matmul import FusedMatMul
from .ops.op_gather import Gather
from .ops.op_gather_elements import GatherElements
from .ops.op_gather_grad import GatherGrad
from .ops.op_memcpy_host import MemcpyFromHost, MemcpyToHost
from .ops.op_mul_sigmoid import MulSigmoid
from .ops.op_negxplus1 import NegXplus1
from .ops.op_qlinear_average_pool import QLinearAveragePool
from .ops.op_qlinear_conv import QLinearConv
from .ops.op_quick_gelu import QuickGelu
from .ops.op_replace_zero import ReplaceZero
from .ops.op_rotary import Rotary
from .ops.op_scatter_elements import ScatterElements
from .ops.op_scatternd_of_shape import MaskedScatterNDOfShape, ScatterNDOfShape
from .ops.op_simplified_layer_normalization import SimplifiedLayerNormalization
from .ops.op_skip_layer_normalization import SkipLayerNormalization
from .ops.op_slice import Slice_1, Slice_10
from .ops.op_transpose_cast import Transpose2DCastFP16, Transpose2DCastFP32
from .ops.op_tri_matrix import TriMatrix

logger = getLogger("experimental-experiment-eval")

[docs] class ExtendedReferenceEvaluator(ReferenceEvaluator): """ This class replaces the python implementation by custom implementation. The evaluator allows to test scenarios outside what an onnx backend bound to the official onnx operators definition could do such as optimization patterns involving onnxruntime contrib operators. :: from experimental_experiment.reference import ExtendedReferenceEvaluator ref = ExtendedReferenceEvaluator(...) The class overloads or adds the following operators by default: .. runpython:: :showcode: import pprint from experimental_experiment.reference import ExtendedReferenceEvaluator pprint.pprint(ExtendedReferenceEvaluator.default_ops) """ default_ops = [ AddAdd, AddMul, AddSharedInput, AveragePoolGrad, BiasSoftmax, Concat, CastLike_15, CastLike_19, ConstantOfShape, FusedMatMul, Gather, GatherElements, GatherGrad, MaskedScatterNDOfShape, MemcpyFromHost, MemcpyToHost, MulAdd, MulMul, MulSharedInput, MulSigmoid, MulSub, NegXplus1, QLinearConv, QLinearAveragePool, QuickGelu, ReplaceZero, Rotary, ScatterElements, ScatterNDOfShape, SimplifiedLayerNormalization, SkipLayerNormalization, Slice_1, Slice_10, SubMul, Transpose2DCastFP16, Transpose2DCastFP32, TriMatrix, ] @staticmethod def filter_ops(proto, new_ops, opsets): if opsets is None and isinstance(proto, (ModelProto, FunctionProto)): opsets = {d.domain: d.version for d in proto.opset_import} best = {} renamed = {} for cl in new_ops: if "_" not in cl.__name__: continue vers = cl.__name__.split("_") try: v = int(vers[-1]) except ValueError: # not a version continue if opsets is not None and v > opsets.get(cl.op_domain, 1): continue renamed[cl.__name__] = cl key = cl.op_domain, "_".join(vers[:-1]) if key not in best or best[key][0] < v: best[key] = (v, cl) modified = [] for cl in new_ops: if cl.__name__ not in renamed: modified.append(cl) for k, v in best.items(): atts = {"domain": k[0]} bases = (v[1],) if not hasattr(v[1], "op_schema"): atts["op_schema"] = get_schema(k[1], v[0], domain=v[1].op_domain) new_cl = type(k[1], bases, atts) modified.append(new_cl) new_ops = modified return new_ops def __init__( self, proto: Any, opsets: Optional[Dict[str, int]] = None, functions: Optional[List[Union[ReferenceEvaluator, FunctionProto]]] = None, verbose: int = 0, new_ops: Optional[List[OpRun]] = None, **kwargs, ): if new_ops is None: new_ops = ExtendedReferenceEvaluator.default_ops else: new_ops = new_ops.copy() new_ops.extend(ExtendedReferenceEvaluator.default_ops) new_ops = ExtendedReferenceEvaluator.filter_ops(proto, new_ops, opsets) ReferenceEvaluator.__init__( self, proto, opsets=opsets, functions=functions, verbose=verbose, new_ops=new_ops, **kwargs, ) def _log(self, level: int, pattern: str, *args: List[Any]) -> None: if level < self.verbose: new_args = [self._log_arg(a) for a in args] print(pattern % tuple(new_args)) else: logger.debug(pattern, *args)
[docs] def run(self, *args, **kwargs): """ See :meth:``. """ if len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], list): feeds = dict(zip(self.input_names, args[0])) return, feeds, **kwargs) if isinstance(self.proto_, FunctionProto): return self._run_function(*args, **kwargs) return, *args, **kwargs)
def _run_function( self, output_names, feed_inputs: Dict[str, Any], attributes: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, intermediate: bool = False, ) -> Union[Dict[str, Any], List[Any]]: # type: ignore if output_names is None: output_names = self.output_names # step 1: inputs and initializers results = {"": None} # optional input results.update(self.rt_inits_) # type: ignore[arg-type] results.update(feed_inputs) for k, v in self.rt_inits_.items(): self._log(2, " +C %s: %s", k, v) # type: ignore[arg-type] for k, v in feed_inputs.items(): self._log(2, " +I %s: %s", k, v) # type: ignore[arg-type] # step 2: execute nodes for node in self.rt_nodes_: self._log(1, "%s(%s) -> %s", node.op_type, node.input, node.output) for i in node.input: if i not in results: raise RuntimeError( f"Unable to find input {i!r} in known results {sorted(results)}, " f"self.rt_inits_ has {sorted(self.rt_inits_)}, " f"feed_inputs has {sorted(feed_inputs)}." ) inputs = [results[i] for i in node.input] linked_attributes = {} if node.has_linked_attribute and attributes: linked_attributes["linked_attributes"] = attributes if node.need_context(): outputs =*inputs, context=results, **linked_attributes) else: outputs =*inputs, **linked_attributes) for name, value in zip(node.output, outputs): self._log(2, " + %s: %s", name, value) # type: ignore[arg-type] results[name] = value # return the results if intermediate: return results for name in output_names: if name not in results: raise RuntimeError( f"Unable to find output name {name!r} " f"in {sorted(results)}, proto is\n{self.proto_}" ) return [results[name] for name in output_names]