Source code for experimental_experiment.onnx_tools

import json
import os
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Sequence, Set, Tuple, Union
import numpy as np
import onnx.numpy_helper as onh
from onnx import (
from .helpers import tensor_dtype_to_np_dtype, from_array_extended, np_dtype_to_tensor_dtype

def _make_stat(init: TensorProto) -> Dict[str, float]:
    Produces statistics.

    :param init: tensor
    :return statistics
    ar = onh.to_array(init)
    return dict(

[docs] def onnx_lighten( onx: Union[str, ModelProto], verbose: int = 0, ) -> Tuple[ModelProto, Dict[str, Dict[str, float]]]: """ Creates a model without big initializers but stores statistics into dictionaries. The function can be reversed with :func:`experimental_experiment.onnx_tools.onnx_unlighten`. The model is modified inplace. :param onx: model :param verbose: verbosity :return: new model, statistics """ if isinstance(onx, str): if verbose: print(f"[onnx_lighten] load {onx!r}") model = load(onx) else: assert isinstance(onx, ModelProto), f"Unexpected type {type(onx)}" model = onx keep = [] stats = [] for init in model.graph.initializer: shape = init.dims size = if size > 2**12: stat = _make_stat(init) stats.append((, stat)) if verbose: print(f"[onnx_lighten] remove initializer {!r} stat={stat}") else: keep.append(init) del model.graph.initializer[:] model.graph.initializer.extend(keep) return model, dict(stats)
def _get_tensor(min=None, max=None, mean=None, std=None, shape=None, itype=None): assert itype is not None, "itype must be specified." assert shape is not None, "shape must be specified." dtype = tensor_dtype_to_np_dtype(itype) if (mean is None or std is None) or ( min is not None and max is not None and abs(max - min - 1) < 0.01 ): if min is None: min = 0 if max is None: max = 0 return (np.random.random(shape) * (max - min) + min).astype(dtype) assert std is not None and mean is not None, f"mean={mean} or std={std} is None" t = np.random.randn(*shape).astype(dtype) return t
[docs] def onnx_unlighten( onx: Union[str, ModelProto], stats: Optional[Dict[str, Dict[str, float]]] = None, verbose: int = 0, ) -> ModelProto: """ Function fixing the model produced by function :func:`experimental_experiment.onnx_tools.onnx_lighten`. The model is modified inplace. :param onx: model :param stats: statics, can be None if onx is a file, then it loads the file ``<filename>.stats``, it assumes it is json format :param verbose: verbosity :return: new model, statistics """ if isinstance(onx, str): if stats is None: fstats = f"{onx}.stats" assert os.path.exists(fstats), f"File {fstats!r} is missing." if verbose: print(f"[onnx_unlighten] load {fstats!r}") with open(fstats, "r") as f: stats = json.load(f) if verbose: print(f"[onnx_unlighten] load {onx!r}") model = load(onx) else: assert isinstance(onx, ModelProto), f"Unexpected type {type(onx)}" model = onx assert stats is not None, "stats is missing" keep = [] for name, stat in stats.items(): t = _get_tensor(**stat) init = from_array_extended(t, name=name) keep.append(init) model.graph.initializer.extend(keep) return model
def _validate_graph( g: GraphProto, existing: Set[str], verbose: int = 0, watch: Optional[Set[str]] = None, path: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, ): found = [] path = path or ["root"] set_init = set( for i in g.initializer) set_input = set( for i in g.input) existing |= set_init | set_input if watch and set_init & watch: if verbose: print(f"-- found init {set_init & watch} in {path}") found.extend([i for i in g.initializer if in set_init & watch]) if watch and set_input & watch: if verbose: print(f"-- found input {set_input & watch} in {path}") found.extend([i for i in g.input if in set_input & watch]) try: import tqdm loop = tqdm.tqdm(g.node) if verbose else g.node except ImportError: loop = g.node for node in loop: ins = set(node.input) & existing if ins != set(node.input): raise AssertionError( f"One input is missing from node.input={node.input}, " f"existing={ins}, path={'/'.join(path)}, " f"node: {node.op_type}[{}]" ) if watch and ins & watch: if verbose: print( f"-- found input {ins & watch} in " f"{'/'.join(path)}/{node.op_type}[{}]" ) found.append(node) for att in node.attribute: if att.type == AttributeProto.GRAPH: found.extend( _validate_graph( att.g, existing.copy(), watch=watch, path=[*path, f"{node.op_type}[{}]"], verbose=verbose, ) ) existing |= set(node.output) if watch and set(node.output) & watch: if verbose: print( f"-- found output {set(node.output) & watch} " f"in {'/'.join(path)}/{node.op_type}[{}]" ) found.append(node) out = set( for o in g.output) ins = out & existing if ins != out: raise AssertionError( f"One output is missing, out={node.input}, existing={ins}, path={path}" ) return found def _validate_function(g: FunctionProto, verbose: int = 0, watch: Optional[Set[str]] = None): existing = set(g.input) found = [] for node in g.node: ins = set(node.input) & existing if ins != set(node.input): raise AssertionError( f"One input is missing from node.input={node.input}, existing={ins}" ) if watch and ins & watch: if verbose: print(f"-- found input {ins & watch} in {node.op_type}[{}]") found.append(node) for att in node.attribute: if att.type == AttributeProto.GRAPH: found.extend( _validate_graph(g, existing.copy(), path=[], verbose=verbose) ) existing |= set(node.output) if watch and set(node.output) & watch: if verbose: print( f"-- found output {set(node.output) & watch} " f"in {node.op_type}[{}]" ) out = set(g.output) ins = out & existing if ins != out: raise AssertionError( f"One output is missing, out={node.input}, existing={ins}, path={}" ) return found
[docs] def onnx_find( onx: Union[str, ModelProto], verbose: int = 0, watch: Optional[Set[str]] = None ) -> List[Union[NodeProto, TensorProto]]: """ Looks for node producing or consuming some results. :param onx: model :param verbose: verbosity :param watch: names to search for :return: list of nodes """ if isinstance(onx, str): onx = load(onx, load_external_data=False) found = [] found.extend(_validate_graph(onx.graph, set(), verbose=verbose, watch=watch)) for f in onx.functions: found.extend(_validate_function(f, watch=watch, verbose=verbose)) if verbose and found: print(f"-- found {len(found)} nodes") return found