from collections import OrderedDict
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Set, Tuple
import numpy
from onnx import ModelProto
from onnx.mapping import TENSOR_TYPE_TO_NP_TYPE
from onnx.numpy_helper import to_array
from onnx.helper import (
from onnx import TensorProto
from ..helpers import from_array_extended
def _unique_name(existing_names: Set[str], name: str) -> str:
Returns a name different from any name in *existing_names*.
:param existing_names: set of names
:param name: current
:return: unique name
if name not in existing_names:
return name
name0 = name
i = 2
while name in existing_names:
name = "%s_%d" % (name0, i)
i += 1
return name
def _loss_l1(
existing_names: List[str],
elem: int,
shape: Tuple[int, ...],
output_name: str,
label_name: str,
weight_name: str,
loss_name: str,
Implements loss l1.
diff_name = _unique_name(existing_names, "loss_diff")
diff2_name = _unique_name(existing_names, "loss_diff")
nodes = [
make_node("Sub", [output_name, label_name], [diff_name]),
make_node("Abs", [diff_name], [diff2_name]),
if weight_name is not None:
res_name = _unique_name(existing_names, "loss_diff_weight")
nodes.append(make_node("Mul", [diff2_name, weight_name], [res_name]))
res_name = diff2_name
nodes.append(make_node("ReduceSum", [res_name], [loss_name]))
inputs = [make_tensor_value_info(label_name, elem, shape)]
if weight_name is not None:
inputs.append(make_tensor_value_info(weight_name, elem, [shape[0]]))
return ([], inputs, nodes, [make_tensor_value_info(loss_name, elem, [1, 1])])
def _loss_l2(
existing_names: List[str],
elem: int,
shape: Tuple[int, ...],
output_name: str,
label_name: str,
weight_name: str,
loss_name: str,
Implements loss l2.
diff_name = _unique_name(existing_names, "loss_diff")
diff2_name = _unique_name(existing_names, "loss_diff")
nodes = [
make_node("Sub", [output_name, label_name], [diff_name]),
make_node("Mul", [diff_name, diff_name], [diff2_name]),
if weight_name is not None:
res_name = _unique_name(existing_names, "loss_diff_weight")
nodes.append(make_node("Mul", [diff2_name, weight_name], [res_name]))
res_name = diff2_name
nodes.append(make_node("ReduceSum", [res_name], [loss_name]))
inputs = [make_tensor_value_info(label_name, elem, shape)]
if weight_name is not None:
inputs.append(make_tensor_value_info(weight_name, elem, [shape[0]]))
return ([], inputs, nodes, [make_tensor_value_info(loss_name, elem, [1, 1])])
def _loss_elastic(
existing_names: List[str],
elem: int,
shape: Tuple[int, ...],
output_name: str,
label_name: str,
weight_name: str,
loss_name: str,
l1_weight: float = 0.5,
l2_weight: float = 0.5,
Implements mixture of losses l1 and l2.
l1_name = _unique_name(existing_names, "l1_name")
l2_name = _unique_name(existing_names, "l2_name")
dtype = TENSOR_TYPE_TO_NP_TYPE[elem]
onx_l1_weight = from_array_extended(numpy.array([l1_weight], dtype=dtype), name=l1_name)
onx_l2_weight = from_array_extended(numpy.array([l2_weight], dtype=dtype), name=l2_name)
inits = [onx_l1_weight, onx_l2_weight]
diff_name = _unique_name(existing_names, "loss_diff")
diff1_name = _unique_name(existing_names, "loss_l1")
diff2_name = _unique_name(existing_names, "loss_l2")
wl1_name = _unique_name(existing_names, "loss_l1")
wl2_name = _unique_name(existing_names, "loss_l2")
final_loss = _unique_name(existing_names, "final_loss")
nodes = [
make_node("Sub", [output_name, label_name], [diff_name]),
make_node("Mul", [diff_name, diff_name], [diff2_name]),
make_node("Abs", [diff_name], [diff1_name]),
make_node("Mul", [diff1_name, l1_name], [wl1_name]),
make_node("Mul", [diff2_name, l2_name], [wl2_name]),
make_node("Add", [wl1_name, wl2_name], [final_loss]),
if weight_name is not None:
res_name = _unique_name(existing_names, "loss_diff_weight")
nodes.append(make_node("Mul", [final_loss, weight_name], [res_name]))
res_name = final_loss
nodes.append(make_node("ReduceSum", [res_name], [loss_name]))
inputs = [make_tensor_value_info(label_name, elem, shape)]
if weight_name is not None:
inputs.append(make_tensor_value_info(weight_name, elem, [shape[0]]))
return (inits, inputs, nodes, [make_tensor_value_info(loss_name, elem, [1, 1])])
def _loss_log(
existing_names: List[str],
elem: int,
shape: Tuple[int, ...],
output_name: str,
label_name: str,
weight_name: str,
loss_name: str,
eps: float = 1e-6,
This only works for a binary classification.
The log loss is `'log(yt, yp) = (1-yt)\\log(1-yp) - yt\\log(yp)`,
this only works for a binary classification where *yp* is the
predicted probability, *yt* is the expected probability.
*yt* is expected to be binary, *yp* is a matrix with two
columns, the sum on every line is 1.
Parameter *eps* is used to avoid computing *log(0)*.
if output_name == "output_label":
raise RuntimeError( # pragma: no cover
f"output_name={output_name!r}, log loss does not work on labels."
dtype = TENSOR_TYPE_TO_NP_TYPE[elem]
one_name = _unique_name(existing_names, "one_name")
eps_name = _unique_name(existing_names, "eps_name")
eps1_name = _unique_name(existing_names, "eps1_name")
axes_name = _unique_name(existing_names, "axes_name")
eps_init = from_array_extended(numpy.array([eps], dtype=dtype), name=eps_name)
one_init = from_array_extended(numpy.array([1], dtype=dtype), name=one_name)
eps1_init = from_array_extended(numpy.array([1 - eps], dtype=dtype), name=eps1_name)
axes_init = from_array_extended(numpy.array([1], dtype=numpy.int64), name=axes_name)
clip_name = _unique_name(existing_names, "clip_name")
clip_red_name = _unique_name(existing_names, "clip_red_name")
new_output_name = _unique_name(existing_names, "new_output_name")
cast_name = _unique_name(existing_names, "cast_name")
log_name = _unique_name(existing_names, "log_name")
subl_name = _unique_name(existing_names, "subl_name")
conc_name = _unique_name(existing_names, "conc_name")
mul_name = _unique_name(existing_names, "mul_name")
like_name = _unique_name(existing_names, "like_name")
nodes = [
make_node("Clip", [output_name, eps_name, eps1_name], [clip_name]),
make_node("ReduceSum", [clip_name, axes_name], [clip_red_name], keepdims=1),
make_node("Div", [clip_name, clip_red_name], [new_output_name]),
make_node("Log", [new_output_name], [log_name]),
make_node("Cast", [label_name], [cast_name], to=elem),
make_node("Sub", [one_name, cast_name], [subl_name]),
make_node("Concat", [subl_name, cast_name], [conc_name], axis=1),
make_node("Mul", [log_name, conc_name], [mul_name]),
make_node("ReduceSum", [mul_name, axes_name], [like_name], keepdims=1),
inputs = [make_tensor_value_info(label_name, TensorProto.INT64, shape)]
if weight_name is not None:
inputs.append(make_tensor_value_info(weight_name, elem, [shape[0]]))
likew_name = _unique_name(existing_names, "likew_name")
nodes.append(make_node("Mul", [like_name, weight_name], [likew_name]))
like_name = likew_name
shape_name = _unique_name(existing_names, "shape_name")
onx_shape = from_array_extended(numpy.array([1, 1], dtype=numpy.int64), name=shape_name)
reduced_loss = _unique_name(existing_names, "reduced_loss")
neg_reduced_loss = _unique_name(existing_names, "neg_reduced_loss")
make_node("ReduceMean", [like_name], [reduced_loss]),
make_node("Neg", [reduced_loss], [neg_reduced_loss]),
make_node("Reshape", [neg_reduced_loss, shape_name], [loss_name]),
return (
[eps_init, eps1_init, one_init, axes_init, onx_shape],
[make_tensor_value_info(loss_name, elem, [1, 1])],
def penalty_loss_onnx(
name: str,
dtype: Any,
l1: Optional[float] = None,
l2: Optional[float] = None,
existing_names: Optional[List[str]] = None,
Returns onnx nodes to compute
:math:`|w| \\alpha + w^2 \\beta`
where :math:`\\alpha=l1` and :math:`\\beta=l2`.
:param name: name of weights
:param dtype: numpy dtype
:param l1: coefficient for L1 norm
:param l2: coefficient for L2 norm
:param existing_names: names already taken in the ONNX graph
:return: initializer, nodes
suffix = name
cst_shape = _unique_name(existing_names, f"shape_{suffix}")
new_name = _unique_name(existing_names, f"reshaped_{suffix}")
inits = [from_array_extended(numpy.array([-1], dtype=numpy.int64), name=cst_shape)]
nodes = [make_node("Reshape", [name, cst_shape], [new_name])]
name = new_name
if l1 is None or l1 == 0:
if l2 is None or l2 == 0:
raise ValueError( # pragma: no cover
f"l1 and l2 cannot be null or None at the same time, name={name!r}."
l2_name = _unique_name(existing_names, f"l2_weight_{suffix}")
inits.extend([from_array_extended(numpy.array([l2], dtype=dtype), name=l2_name)])
mul_name = _unique_name(existing_names, f"reduced0_{suffix}")
red_name = _unique_name(existing_names, f"reduced_{suffix}")
pen_name = _unique_name(existing_names, f"penalty_{suffix}")
make_node("Mul", [name, name], [mul_name]),
make_node("ReduceSum", [mul_name], [red_name]),
make_node("Mul", [red_name, l2_name], [pen_name]),
return inits, nodes
if l2 is None or l2 == 0:
l1_name = _unique_name(existing_names, f"l1_weight_{suffix}")
inits.extend([from_array_extended(numpy.array([l1], dtype=dtype), name=l1_name)])
red_name = _unique_name(existing_names, f"reduced_{suffix}")
abs_name = _unique_name(existing_names, f"absolute_{suffix}")
pen_name = _unique_name(existing_names, f"penalty_{suffix}")
make_node("Abs", [name], [abs_name]),
make_node("ReduceSum", [abs_name], [red_name]),
make_node("Mul", [red_name, l1_name], [pen_name]),
return inits, nodes
l1_name = _unique_name(existing_names, f"l1_weight_{suffix}")
l2_name = _unique_name(existing_names, f"l2_weight_{suffix}")
from_array_extended(numpy.array([l1], dtype=dtype), name=l1_name),
from_array_extended(numpy.array([l2], dtype=dtype), name=l2_name),
red_name1 = _unique_name(existing_names, f"reduced1_{suffix}")
mul_name = _unique_name(existing_names, f"reducedm_{suffix}")
red_name2 = _unique_name(existing_names, f"reduced2_{suffix}")
abs_name = _unique_name(existing_names, f"absolute_{suffix}")
pen_name1 = _unique_name(existing_names, f"penalty1_{suffix}")
pen_name2 = _unique_name(existing_names, f"penalty2_{suffix}")
pen_name = _unique_name(existing_names, f"penalty_{suffix}")
make_node("Mul", [name, name], [mul_name]),
make_node("ReduceSum", [mul_name], [red_name2]),
make_node("Mul", [red_name2, l2_name], [pen_name2]),
make_node("Abs", [name], [abs_name]),
make_node("ReduceSum", [abs_name], [red_name1]),
make_node("Mul", [red_name1, l1_name], [pen_name1]),
make_node("Add", [pen_name1, pen_name2], [pen_name]),
return inits, nodes
def get_train_initializer(onx: ModelProto):
Returns the list of initializers to train.
:return: dictionary `{name: (value, tensor)}`
The function walk through the list of initializers and
returns all tensors with elements from types float or double.
res = OrderedDict()
for init in onx.graph.initializer:
if init.data_type in (
TensorProto.FLOAT16, # pylint: disable=E1101
TensorProto.FLOAT, # pylint: disable=E1101
): # pylint: disable=E1101
res[] = (to_array(init), init)
return res
def add_loss_output(
onx: ModelProto,
score_name: str = "squared_error",
loss_name: str = "loss",
label_name: str = "label",
weight_name: Optional[str] = None,
penalty: Optional[Dict[str, float]] = None,
output_index: Optional[int] = None,
**kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]],
) -> ModelProto:
Modifies an ONNX graph to add operators to score and allow training.
:param onx: onx graph
:param score_name: name of the score
:param loss_name: name of the output loss
:param label_name: name of the label input
:param weight_name: None or any value to consider weight
while computing loss
:param penalty: dictionary similar to the
following one `{ weight_name: {'l1': alpha, 'l2': beta} }`
or `{ weight_name: beta}`,
it adds a L1 and/or L2 penalty to one input or initializer,
penalty = :math:`|w| \\alpha + w^2 \\beta`
:param output_index: the output used to compute the loss,
if None, the function assumes there is only one output,
it must be specified if there are more than 1,
it can be an integer or a string (output name)
:param kwargs: additional arguments for losses (see below)
:return: modified graph
Possible values for *score_name*:
* `'squared_error'` or `'l2`': :math:`\\sum_i{(f(x_i)-y_i)^2}` or
:math:`\\sum_i{w_i (f(x_i)-y_i)^2}` if *weight_name*
is not None
* `'absolute_error'` or `'l1`': :math:`\\sum_i{|f(x_i)-y_i|}` or
:math:`\\sum_i{w_i |f(x_i)-y_i|}` if *weight_name*
is not None
* `'elastic'`: mixture of losses, kwargs must define
*l1_weight* and *l2_weight*, undefined, default value are 0.5
* `'log'`: log loss :math:`(1-yt)\\log(1-yp) - yt\\log(yp)`,
this only works for a binary classification where *yp* is the
predicted probability, *yt* is the expected probability.
*yt* is expected to be binary, *yp* is a matrix with two
columns, the sum on every line is 1.
Next example shows the loss with L1 and L2 loss.
.. gdot::
:script: DOT-SECTION
import numpy
from onnx.defs import onnx_opset_version
from sklearn.datasets import make_regression
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from skl2onnx import to_onnx
from onnx_array_api.plotting.dot_plot import to_dot
from experimental_experiment.gradient.loss_helper import add_loss_output
opset = onnx_opset_version() - 2
X, y = make_regression(100, n_features=10, bias=2, random_state=0)
X = X.astype(numpy.float32)
y = y.astype(numpy.float32)
w = (numpy.random.rand(y.shape[0]) + 1).astype(X.dtype)
X_train, _, y_train, __, w_train, ___ = train_test_split(X, y, w)
reg = LinearRegression(), y_train, sample_weight=w_train)
reg.coef_ = reg.coef_.reshape((1, -1))
onx = to_onnx(reg, X_train, target_opset=opset, black_op={"LinearRegressor"})
onx_loss = add_loss_output(
onx, weight_name="weight", score_name="elastic", l1_weight=0.1, l2_weight=0.9
print("DOT-SECTION", to_dot(onx_loss))
Next example shows how to add a L2 loss with L1 and L2 penalties
on the coefficients.
.. gdot::
:script: DOT-SECTION
import numpy
from onnx.defs import onnx_opset_version
from sklearn.datasets import make_regression
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from skl2onnx import to_onnx
from onnx_array_api.plotting.dot_plot import to_dot
from experimental_experiment.gradient.loss_helper import add_loss_output
opset = onnx_opset_version() - 2
X, y = make_regression(100, n_features=10, bias=2, random_state=0)
X = X.astype(numpy.float32)
y = y.astype(numpy.float32)
w = (numpy.random.rand(y.shape[0]) + 1).astype(X.dtype)
X_train, _, y_train, __, w_train, ___ = train_test_split(X, y, w)
reg = LinearRegression(), y_train, sample_weight=w_train)
reg.coef_ = reg.coef_.reshape((1, -1))
onx = to_onnx(reg, X_train, target_opset=opset, black_op={"LinearRegressor"})
onx_loss = add_loss_output(
penalty={"coef": {"l1": 0.5, "l2": 0.5}, "intercept": {"l1": 0.5, "l2": 0.5}},
print("DOT-SECTION", to_dot(onx_loss))
from onnx_array_api.graph_api import GraphBuilder
# rename every intermediate output call label
def _replace(ens):
for i in range(len(ens)): # pylint: disable=C0200
if ens[i] == "label":
ens[i] = "_label_"
for node in onx.graph.node:
if "_label_" in node.input or "_label_" in node.output:
raise RuntimeError( # pragma: no cover
"One intermediate result contains '_label_'. "
"It should be removed manually.\n%r" % node
if output_index is None:
if len(onx.graph.output) != 1:
raise ValueError( # pragma: no cover
"Unable to guess the output to compare to the "
"expacted labels among %r." % ([ for o in onx.graph.output])
outputs = onx.graph.output
output_index = 0
elif isinstance(output_index, int):
outputs = [onx.graph.output[output_index]]
elif isinstance(output_index, str):
outputs = [(i, o) for i, o in enumerate(onx.graph.output) if == output_index]
if len(outputs) != 1:
raise ValueError( # pragma: no cover
"Unable to find output %r in %r."
% (output_index, [ for o in onx.graph.output])
output_index = outputs[0][0]
outputs = [outputs[0][1]]
raise TypeError( # pragma: no cover
f"output_index must be an integer or a str not {type(output_index)!r}."
existing_names = []
for node in onx.graph.node:
existing_names = set(existing_names)
output_onx = onx.graph.output[output_index]
output_name =
elem = output_onx.type.tensor_type.elem_type
if elem == 0:
raise TypeError( # pragma: no cover
f"Unable to guess input tensor type from {output_onx!r}."
shape = []
for d in output_onx.type.tensor_type.shape.dim:
shape.append(d.dim_value if d.dim_value > 0 else None)
if score_name in ("squared_error", "l2"):
inits, inputs, nodes, outputs = _loss_l2(
existing_names, elem, shape, output_name, label_name, weight_name, loss_name
elif score_name in ("absolute_error", "l1"):
inits, inputs, nodes, outputs = _loss_l1(
existing_names, elem, shape, output_name, label_name, weight_name, loss_name
elif score_name == "elastic":
inits, inputs, nodes, outputs = _loss_elastic(
elif score_name == "log":
shape = (None, 1)
inits, inputs, nodes, outputs = _loss_log(
raise NotImplementedError( # pragma: no cover
f"Unexpected {score_name!r} value for score_name."
if penalty is not None:
final_name = nodes[-1].output[0]
loss_name = _unique_name(existing_names, "loss_diff")
nodes[-1].output[0] = loss_name
names = []
for k, v in penalty.items():
if isinstance(v, float):
v = {"l2": v}
inits_to_add, nodes_to_add = penalty_loss_onnx(
# Operator Sum does not have a gradient.
if len(names) == 1:
pen_name = names[0]
current = names[0]
for i in range(1, len(names)):
new_name = _unique_name(existing_names, "sumop")
nodes.append(make_node("Add", [current, names[i]], [new_name]))
current = new_name
pen_name = current
cst_shape = _unique_name(existing_names, "shapevect")
from_array_extended(numpy.array([-1, 1], dtype=numpy.int64), name=cst_shape)
loss_reshape = _unique_name(existing_names, "loss_reshape")
pen_reshape = _unique_name(existing_names, "penalty_reshape")
make_node("Reshape", [pen_name, cst_shape], [pen_reshape]),
make_node("Reshape", [loss_name, cst_shape], [loss_reshape]),
nodes.append(make_node("Add", [pen_reshape, loss_reshape], [final_name]))
inits = [*onx.graph.initializer, *inits]
graph = make_graph(
[*onx.graph.node, *nodes],,
[*onx.graph.input, *inputs],
[*outputs, onx.graph.output[output_index]],
onnx_model = make_model(graph)
onnx_model.ir_version = onx.ir_version
onnx_model.producer_name = onx.producer_name
onnx_model.producer_version = onx.producer_version
onnx_model.domain = onx.domain
onnx_model.model_version = onx.model_version
onnx_model.doc_string = onx.doc_string
if len(onx.metadata_props) > 0:
values = {p.key: p.value for p in onx.metadata_props}
set_model_props(onnx_model, values)
# fix opset import
del onnx_model.opset_import[:] # pylint: disable=E1101
for oimp in onx.opset_import:
op_set = onnx_model.opset_import.add() # pylint: disable=E1101
op_set.domain = oimp.domain
op_set.version = oimp.version
# Some nodes may have to be rewritten, Reciprocal(X) -> Div(1 / X).
g = GraphBuilder(onnx_model)
onnx_model_opt = g.to_onnx()
return onnx_model_opt