Source code for experimental_experiment.torch_interpreter.onnx_export_serialization

from typing import Any, Dict, List, Tuple

# MambaCache

# self.conv_states: torch.Tensor = torch.zeros(
#     config.num_hidden_layers,
#     self.max_batch_size,
#     self.intermediate_size,
#     self.conv_kernel_size,
#     device=device,
#     dtype=dtype,
# )
# self.ssm_states: torch.Tensor = torch.zeros(
#     config.num_hidden_layers,
#     self.max_batch_size,
#     self.intermediate_size,
#     self.ssm_state_size,
#     device=device,
#     dtype=dtype,
# )
[docs] def flatten_mamba_cache( mamba_cache: "transformers.cache_utils.MambaCache", # noqa: F821 ) -> Tuple[List[Any], "torch.utils._pytree.Context"]: # noqa: F821 """Serializes a :class:`transformers.cache_utils.MambaCache` with python objects.""" flat = [ (k, getattr(mamba_cache, k)) for k in [ # "max_batch_size", # new in transformers==4.47 # "intermediate_size", # "ssm_state_size", # "conv_kernel_size", "conv_states", "ssm_states", ] if hasattr(mamba_cache, k) ] return [f[1] for f in flat], [f[0] for f in flat]
[docs] def unflatten_mamba_cache( values: List[Any], context: "torch.utils._pytree.Context", # noqa: F821 output_type=None, ) -> "transformers.cache_utils.MambaCache": # noqa: F821 """Restores a :class:`transformers.cache_utils.MambaCache` from python objects.""" conv_states, ssm_states = values class _config: def __init__(self): if isinstance(conv_states, list): self.intermediate_size = conv_states[0].shape[1] self.state_size = ssm_states[0].shape[2] self.conv_kernel = conv_states[0].shape[2] self.num_hidden_layers = len(conv_states) else: self.intermediate_size = conv_states.shape[2] self.state_size = ssm_states.shape[3] self.conv_kernel = conv_states.shape[3] self.num_hidden_layers = conv_states.shape[0] from transformers.cache_utils import MambaCache cache = MambaCache( _config(), max_batch_size=1, dtype=values[-1][0].dtype, device="cpu" if values[-1][0].get_device() < 0 else "cuda", ) values = dict(zip(context, values)) for k, v in values.items(): setattr(cache, k, v) return cache
[docs] def flatten_with_keys_mamba_cache(d: Dict[Any, Any]) -> Tuple[ List[Tuple["torch.utils._pytree.KeyEntry", Any]], # noqa: F821 "torch.utils._pytree.Context", # noqa: F821 ]: """Serializes a :class:`transformers.cache_utils.MambaCache` with python objects.""" import torch values, context = flatten_mamba_cache(d) return [(torch.utils._pytree.MappingKey(k), v) for k, v in zip(context, values)], context
############## # DynamicCache ##############
[docs] def flatten_dynamic_cache( dynamic_cache: "transformers.cache_utils.DynamicCache", # noqa: F821 ) -> Tuple[List[Any], "torch.utils._pytree.Context"]: # noqa: F821 """Serializes a :class:`transformers.cache_utils.DynamicCache` with python objects.""" flat = [ (k, getattr(dynamic_cache, k)) for k in ["key_cache", "value_cache"] if hasattr(dynamic_cache, k) ] return [f[1] for f in flat], [f[0] for f in flat]
[docs] def flatten_with_keys_dynamic_cache(d: Dict[Any, Any]) -> Tuple[ List[Tuple["torch.utils._pytree.KeyEntry", Any]], # noqa: F821 "torch.utils._pytree.Context", # noqa: F821 ]: """Serializes a :class:`transformers.cache_utils.DynamicCache` with python objects.""" import torch values, context = flatten_dynamic_cache(d) return [(torch.utils._pytree.MappingKey(k), v) for k, v in zip(context, values)], context
[docs] def unflatten_dynamic_cache( values: List[Any], context: "torch.utils._pytree.Context", # noqa: F821 output_type=None, ) -> "transformers.cache_utils.DynamicCache": # noqa: F821 """Restores a :class:`transformers.cache_utils.DynamicCache` from python objects.""" from transformers.cache_utils import DynamicCache cache = DynamicCache() values = dict(zip(context, values)) for k, v in values.items(): setattr(cache, k, v) return cache
[docs] def unflatten_pached_dynamic_cache( values: List[Any], context: "torch.utils._pytree.Context", # noqa: F821 output_type=None, ) -> "transformers.cache_utils.DynamicCache": # noqa: F821 """Restores a :class:`patched_DynamicCache <experimental_experiment.torch_interpreter.patches.patch_transformers.patched_DynamicCache>` from python objects.""" from .patches.patch_transformers import patched_DynamicCache cache = patched_DynamicCache() values = dict(zip(context, values)) for k, v in values.items(): setattr(cache, k, v) return cache