from typing import Dict, Iterator, Optional, Set, Tuple, Union
import numpy as np
from onnx import AttributeProto, FunctionProto, GraphProto, NodeProto, TensorShapeProto
from onnx.defs import onnx_opset_version, get_all_schemas_with_history
def _default_OPSET_TO_IR_VERSION() -> Dict[int, int]:
Returns the dictionary mapping the main opset
to the corresponding `ir_version`.
return {
1: 3,
2: 3,
3: 3,
4: 3,
5: 3,
6: 3,
7: 3,
8: 4,
9: 4,
10: 5,
11: 6,
12: 7,
13: 7,
14: 7,
15: 8,
16: 8,
17: 8,
18: 8,
19: 9,
20: 9,
21: 10,
OPSET_ML_TO_OPSET: Dict[int, int] = {1: 11, 2: 15, 3: 18}
def enumerate_subgraphs(
node: NodeProto, recursive: bool = True
) -> Iterator[Tuple[Tuple[NodeProto, str, GraphProto], ...]]:
Returns the subgraphs inside a graph.
for att in node.attribute:
if att.type == AttributeProto.GRAPH and att.g:
this = node,, att.g
yield this
for no in att.g.node:
for tu in enumerate_subgraphs(no):
yield this + tu
_history = None
def _nice_shape(shape: TensorShapeProto) -> str:
els = []
for sh in shape.dim:
els.append(str(sh.dim_value) if sh.HasField("dim_value") else sh.dim_param)
return "x".join(els)
def compatible_opsets(domain: str, op_type: str, current: int, new_version: int) -> bool:
Tells if two opset version for a particular operator type
means the same version of it.
:param domain: domain, only `ai.onnx` and `` are checked.
:param op_type: operator type
:param current: current domain version
:param new_version: new version
:return: result
global _history
if _history is None:
res = {}
for schema in get_all_schemas_with_history():
domain = schema.domain
version = schema.since_version
name =
if domain not in res:
res[domain] = {}
if name not in res[domain]:
res[domain][name] = {}
res[domain][name][version] = schema
_history = res
assert domain in _history, f"Unable to find domain {domain!r} in {list(sorted(_history))}."
assert op_type in _history[domain], (
f"Unable to find op_type {op_type!r}, domain={domain!r} "
f"in {list(sorted(_history[domain]))}"
hist = _history[domain][op_type]
version = list(sorted(hist)) # noqa: C413
pos = np.searchsorted(version, current, side="right") - 1
assert pos >= 0, (
f"Available version for {op_type!r} from {domain!r}, "
f"incompatible version is {current}"
if pos < len(version) - 1:
a, b = version[pos], version[pos + 1]
return a <= new_version < b
return new_version >= version[pos]
def _get_default_opset_for_domain(domain: str, main_opset: Optional[int] = None) -> int:
Returns the associated for a domain given the main opset.
:param domain: domain
:param main_opset: opset for the main domain
:return: version
if main_opset is None:
main_opset = choose_consistent_domain_opset("")
if domain == "":
return main_opset
if domain == "":
if main_opset >= 18:
return 3
if main_opset >= 6:
return 2
return 1
if domain == "":
return 1
return None
def choose_consistent_domain_opset(
domain: str, opsets: Optional[Dict[str, int]] = None
) -> int:
Chooses a compatible opset for a particular domain given
this existing one. Only works for ``,
otherwise return 1.
:param domain: new domain
:param opsets: existing opsets
:return: version
opsets = opsets or {}
if domain in opsets:
return opsets[domain]
if domain == "":
assert "" not in opsets, (
"If is part of your model, "
"your should add a version for the main opset as well."
return onnx_opset_version() - 2
if domain != "":
return 1
return _get_default_opset_for_domain(domain)
def element_wise_binary_op_types() -> Set[str]:
Returns the list of element-wise operators.
.. runpython::
import pprint
from experimental_experiment.xbuilder._onnx_helper import (
return {
def element_wise_op_cmp_types() -> Set[str]:
Returns the list of element-wise operators
doing comparisons.
.. runpython::
import pprint
from experimental_experiment.xbuilder._onnx_helper import element_wise_op_cmp_types
return {
def unary_like_op_types() -> Set[str]:
Returns the list of unary *like* operators.
They do not change the shape. They may change the type.
.. runpython::
import pprint
from experimental_experiment.xbuilder._onnx_helper import unary_like_op_types
return {
def same_function_proto(
f1: FunctionProto, f2: FunctionProto, verbose: int = 0
) -> Union[str, bool]:
Compares two functions and tells if they are equal.
:param f1: first function
:param f2: second function
:param verbose: to know why the comparison failed,
the function returns a string in that case or True
:return: comparison
They may have different names.
if len(f1.input) != len(f2.input):
return "different number of inputs" if verbose else False
if len(f1.output) != len(f2.output):
return "different number of outputs" if verbose else False
if len(f1.node) != len(f2.node):
return "different number of nodes" if verbose else False
if len(f1.attribute) != len(f2.attribute):
return "different number of attributes" if verbose else False
if len(f1.attribute_proto) != len(f2.attribute_proto):
return "different number of attributes (2)" if verbose else False
if list(f1.attribute) != list(f2.attribute):
return "different attribute names" if verbose else False
if [a.SerializeToString() for a in f1.attribute_proto] != [
a.SerializeToString() for a in f2.attribute_proto
return "different attribute protos" if verbose else False
mapped = dict(zip(f1.input, f2.input))
for i, (n1, n2) in enumerate(zip(f1.node, f2.node)):
if n1.op_type != n2.op_type:
return (
f"different node type at position {i} - {n1.op_type} != {n2.op_type}"
if verbose
else False
if len(n1.input) != len(n2.input):
return f"different number of inputs at node {i}" if verbose else False
if len(n1.output) != len(n2.output):
return f"different number of outputs at node {i}" if verbose else False
if len(n1.attribute) != len(n2.attribute):
return f"different number of attributes at node {i}" if verbose else False
n2_input = [mapped[i] for i in n1.input]
if list(n2.input) != n2_input:
return (
f"different input names at node {i}, {n1.input}, {n2.input} != {n2_input}"
if verbose
else False
for a1, a2 in zip(n1.attribute, n2.attribute):
# The test should be improved for subgraphs.
if a1.SerializeToString() != a2.SerializeToString():
return f"different attribute {!r}" if verbose else False
mapped.update(dict(zip(n1.output, n2.output)))
f2_output = [mapped[i] for i in f1.output]
if list(f2.output) != f2_output:
return (
f"different output names, {f1.output}, {f2.output} != {f2_output}"
if verbose
else False
return True