Code source de teachcompute

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

__version__ = "0.2.0"
__author__ = "Xavier Dupré"
__github__ = ""
__url__ = ""
__license__ = "MIT License"

[docs] def check_installation(val: bool = False, verbose: bool = False): """ Quickly checks the installation works. :param val: checks that a couple of functions in submodule validation are working :param verbose: prints out which verifications is being processed """ import datetime def local_print(msg): t = print(msg.replace("[check_installation]", f"[check_installation] {t}")) if verbose: local_print("[check_installation] --begin") assert isinstance(get_cxx_flags(), str) if val: if verbose: local_print("[check_installation] --val") local_print("[check_installation] import numpy") import numpy if verbose: local_print("[check_installation] import teachcompute") from teachcompute.validation.cython.vector_function_cy import vector_sum_cy a = ( ((numpy.arange(9).astype(numpy.float32) - 5)) .astype(numpy.float32) .reshape((3, -1)) ) c = vector_sum_cy(a) assert isinstance(c, float) assert c == -9 if verbose: local_print("[check_installation] cast_float32_to_e4m3fn") if verbose: local_print("[check_installation] --done")
[docs] def has_cuda() -> bool: """ Tells if cuda is available. """ from ._config import HAS_CUDA return HAS_CUDA == 1
[docs] def cuda_version() -> str: """ Tells which version of CUDA was used to build the CUDA extensions. """ assert has_cuda(), "CUDA extensions are not available." from ._config import CUDA_VERSION return CUDA_VERSION
[docs] def cuda_version_int() -> tuple: """ Tells which version of CUDA was used to build the CUDA extensions. It returns `(0, 0)` if CUDA is not present. """ if not has_cuda(): return (0, 0) from ._config import CUDA_VERSION if not isinstance(CUDA_VERSION, str): return tuple() spl = CUDA_VERSION.split(".") return tuple(map(int, spl))
[docs] def compiled_with_cuda() -> bool: """ Checks it was compiled with CUDA. """ try: from .validation.cuda import cuda_example_py return cuda_example_py is not None except ImportError: return False
[docs] def get_cxx_flags() -> str: """ Returns `CXX_FLAGS`. """ from ._config import CXX_FLAGS return CXX_FLAGS
[docs] def get_stdcpp() -> int: """ Returns `CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD`. """ from ._config import CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD return CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD
def log(verbose: int, fct, level: int = 1): """ Displays a message if verbose is True. """ if verbose >= level: print(fct())