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Parallelization of a dot product with processes (concurrent.futures)¶
Uses processes to parallelize a dot product is not a very solution because processes do not share memory, they need to exchange data. This parallelisation is efficient if the ratio exchanged data / computation time is low. This example uses concurrent.futures. The cost of creating new processes is also significant.
import numpy
from tqdm import tqdm
from pandas import DataFrame
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import concurrent.futures as cf
from teachcompute.ext_test_case import measure_time
def parallel_numpy_dot(va, vb, max_workers=2):
if max_workers == 2:
with cf.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=max_workers) as e:
m = va.shape[0] // 2
f1 = e.submit(, va[:m], vb[:m])
f2 = e.submit(, va[m:], vb[m:])
return f1.result() + f2.result()
elif max_workers == 3:
with cf.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=max_workers) as e:
m = va.shape[0] // 3
m2 = va.shape[0] * 2 // 3
f1 = e.submit(, va[:m], vb[:m])
f2 = e.submit(, va[m:m2], vb[m:m2])
f3 = e.submit(, va[m2:], vb[m2:])
return f1.result() + f2.result() + f3.result()
raise NotImplementedError()
We check that it returns the same values.
va = numpy.random.randn(100).astype(numpy.float64)
vb = numpy.random.randn(100).astype(numpy.float64)
print(parallel_numpy_dot(va, vb),, vb))
-11.963328675229187 -11.963328675229185
Let’s benchmark.
res = []
for n in tqdm([100000, 1000000, 10000000, 100000000]):
va = numpy.random.randn(n).astype(numpy.float64)
vb = numpy.random.randn(n).astype(numpy.float64)
m1 = measure_time("dot(va, vb, 2)", dict(va=va, vb=vb, dot=parallel_numpy_dot))
m2 = measure_time("dot(va, vb)", dict(va=va, vb=vb,
res.append({"N": n, "": m2["average"], "futures": m1["average"]})
df = DataFrame(res).set_index("N")
df.plot(logy=True, logx=True)
plt.title("Parallel / numpy dot")

0%| | 0/4 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
25%|██▌ | 1/4 [00:16<00:48, 16.19s/it]
50%|█████ | 2/4 [00:23<00:21, 10.87s/it]
75%|███████▌ | 3/4 [00:33<00:10, 10.69s/it]
100%|██████████| 4/4 [01:16<00:00, 23.16s/it]
100%|██████████| 4/4 [01:16<00:00, 19.02s/it] futures
100000 0.002819 0.029472
1000000 0.002338 0.011743
10000000 0.007796 0.012140
100000000 0.035683 0.038637
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Parallel / numpy dot')
The parallelisation is inefficient unless the vectors are big.
Total running time of the script: (1 minutes 16.329 seconds)