Source code for experimental_experiment.xoptim.graph_builder_optim

import os
import pprint
import time
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Iterator, List, Optional, Set, Tuple, Union
import numpy as np
from onnx import AttributeProto, NodeProto, TensorProto
from onnx.shape_inference import infer_shapes
import onnx.helper as oh
import onnx.numpy_helper as onh
from ..xbuilder._onnx_helper import enumerate_subgraphs
from ..xbuilder.type_inference import infer_types
from .patterns_api import MatchResult, PatternOptimization
from .patterns import get_default_patterns

def _count(matches):
    stats = {}
    for n in matches:
        cl = n[0].__class__.__name__
        if cl in stats:
            stats[cl] += 1
            stats[cl] = 1
    return ", ".join([f"{v}*{k}" for k, v in stats.items()])

[docs] class GraphBuilderPatternOptimization: """ Implements optimization after the conversion is done. The differences between the two models can be display with a command line such as: :: python -m onnx_array_api compare -m1 <model.onnx> -m2 <optimized.onnx> -m nodes -c 80 This class assumes a pattern cannot reuse an existing name. :param builder: GraphBuilder :param patterns: list of patterns to apply :param recursive: goes through subgraphs :param verifies: verifies the model but it takes time :param verbose: verbosity :param dump_applied_patterns: dump applied patterns in a folder, the users can check every pattern dumped as a :epkg:`FunctionProto` :param processor: optimization should be made for this processor or this list of processors (comma separated value) """ def __init__( self, builder: "GraphBuilder", # noqa: F821 patterns: Optional[List[PatternOptimization]] = None, recursive: bool = False, verifies: bool = False, verbose: int = 0, dump_applied_patterns: Optional[str] = None, processor: str = "CPU", ): assert processor in { "CUDA", "CPU", "CPU,CUDA", }, ( f"Unknown processor {processor!r}, " f"if should be string with comma separated value" ) self.builder = builder self.verbose = max(verbose, int(os.environ.get("LOG_PATTERN_OPTIMIZE", "0"))) self.patterns = patterns or get_default_patterns(self.verbose) self.recursive = recursive self.verifies = verifies self.dump_applied_patterns = dump_applied_patterns self.processor = processor self._build() # This assume a name is given once and # no constant can replace an existing one. # _build method should not change it. self._cache_computed_constant = {}
[docs] def has_processor(self, processor: str) -> bool: """ Checks the process is on the list of used processors. """ return processor in self.processor
@property def nodes(self) -> List[NodeProto]: "property" return self.builder.nodes @property def input_names(self) -> List[str]: "property" return self.builder.input_names @property def inputs(self) -> List[Any]: "property" return self.builder.inputs @property def output_names(self) -> List[str]: "property" return self.builder.output_names @property def outputs(self) -> List[Any]: "property" return self.builder.outputs @property def opsets(self): "property" return self.builder.opsets
[docs] def iter_nodes(self) -> Iterator: "iterator" yield from self.builder.nodes
def _build(self): """ Builds successor and predecessor. """ self.positions_ = {} self.nodes_ = {} self.outputs_ = { for o in self.builder.outputs} for i, node in enumerate(self.builder.nodes): key = id(node) self.nodes_[key] = node self.positions_[key] = i self.set_output_names_ = set(self.builder.output_names) self.predecessors_ = {} self.successors_ = {} successors_id = {} self.used_ = set() for k, v in self.nodes_.items(): assert isinstance(v, NodeProto), f"Unexpected type {type(v)} for node {k}" for o in v.output: self.predecessors_[o] = k for i in v.input: if i not in self.successors_: self.successors_[i] = [] successors_id[i] = set() if id(k) not in successors_id[i]: # This test avoids the same successor to appear twice if one node # consumes twice the same node. self.successors_[i].append(k) successors_id[i].add(id(k)) for sub in enumerate_subgraphs(v): g = sub[-1] sub_knowns = set() for n in g.input: sub_knowns.add( for n in g.initializer: sub_knowns.add( for n in g.sparse_initializer: sub_knowns.add( for n in g.node: for i in n.input: if i not in sub_knowns: # an input coming from the parent self.used_.add(i) for i in n.output: sub_knowns.add(i) def get_position(self, node: NodeProto) -> int: return self.positions_[id(node)]
[docs] def get_registered_constraints(self) -> Dict[str, Set[Union[str, int]]]: """ Returns the constraints registered so far. """ return self.builder.get_registered_constraints()
[docs] def is_used_by_subgraph(self, name: str) -> bool: """ Tells if a result is used by a subgraphs. """ return name in self.used_
[docs] def is_output(self, name: str) -> bool: """ Tells if a result is an output. """ return name in self.outputs_
[docs] def is_used(self, name: str) -> bool: """ Tells if a result is used or not, including as an output of the graph. """ if name in self.used_: return True if name in self.successors_: return True if name in self.set_output_names_: return True return False
[docs] def is_used_more_than_once(self, name: str) -> bool: """ Tells if a result is used more than once in the current graph or in a subgraph or if it is an output. """ if self.is_used_by_subgraph(name): return True if self.is_output(name): return True suc = self.successors_[name] return len(suc) > 1
[docs] def is_used_only_by(self, name, *nodes: List[NodeProto]) -> bool: """ Tells if a result is only used by a specific set of nodes. """ next_nodes = self.next_nodes(name) allowed = set(id(n) for n in nodes) return all(id(n) in allowed for n in next_nodes)
[docs] def is_constant(self, name: str) -> bool: """ Tells if a result is a constant. """ return self.builder.is_constant(name)
[docs] def is_constant_scalar( self, name: str, value: Optional[Any] = None, broadcast: bool = False ) -> bool: """ Tells if a constant is a scalar :param name: name :param broadcast: if True, consider 1, [1], [[1]], [[[1]]], ... as scalar as well :param value: value to compare to if specified :return: boolean """ if not self.is_constant(name): return False cst_shape = self.get_constant_shape(name, exc=False) if cst_shape is None: return False if broadcast: if cst_shape != tuple() and set(cst_shape) != {1}: return False elif cst_shape not in (tuple(), (1,)): return False cst = self.get_computed_constant(name) assert hasattr(cst, "numpy") or isinstance( cst, np.ndarray ), f"Unexpected type for constant {name}!r, type is {type(cst)}" shape = cst.shape if broadcast: if shape != tuple() and set(shape) != {1}: return False elif shape not in (tuple(), (1,)): return False if value is None: return True if shape == (1,): return all(cst == value) if shape == tuple(): return cst == value assert broadcast, f"Broadcast should be true at this stage, name={name!r}, cst={cst}" return all(cst.reshape((1,)) == value)
[docs] def get_constant_shape(self, name: str, exc: bool = True) -> Optional[Tuple[int, ...]]: """ Returns the shape of a constant. :param name: name :param exc: raises an exception is not possible :return: shape """ if name in self._cache_computed_constant: return self._cache_computed_constant[name].shape if name in self.builder.initializers_dict: proto = self.builder.initializers_dict[name] elif name in self.builder.constants_: proto = self.builder.constants_[name] elif self.is_constant(name): cst = self.get_computed_constant(name) return cst.shape else: if exc: raise AssertionError( f"Unable to retrieve initializer or constant for {name!r}, " f"is_constant={self.is_constant(name)}" ) return None if isinstance(proto, TensorProto): return tuple(proto.dims) if isinstance(proto, NodeProto) and proto.domain == "": if proto.op_type == "Cast": if self.is_constant(proto.output[0]) and not self.is_constant(proto.input[0]): if exc: raise AssertionError( f"Incompatibilities, output is constant " f"when input is not in node {proto}." ) return None return self.get_constant_shape(proto.input[0], exc=exc) if proto.op_type == "Constant": assert ( len(proto.attribute) == 1 ), f"Unexpected number of attribute for node={proto}" for att in proto.attribute: if == "value": return tuple(att.t.dims) if in {"value_float", "value_int"}: return tuple() raise AssertionError( f"Unable to retrieve shape for name={name!r} (type is NodeProto), " f"node.op_type={proto.op_type!r}, " f"attributes={[ for att in proto.attribute]}." ) if self.is_constant(name): cst = self.get_computed_constant(name) return None if cst is None else cst.shape if exc: raise AssertionError( f"Unable to retrieve shape for name={name!r} " f"bash and node {proto.op_type!r}" # f"{self.builder.get_debug_msg()}" ) return None if hasattr(proto, "shape"): return proto.shape if exc: raise AssertionError( f"Unable to retrieve shape for name={name!r} and type {type(proto)}" ) return None
[docs] def get_constant_scalar(self, name: str, broadcast: bool = False) -> Union[int, float]: """ Returns a scalar as a constant. :param name: name :param broadcast: consider [1], [[1]], [[[1]]] as constant as well :return: int or float """ cst = self.get_computed_constant(name) assert hasattr(cst, "numpy") or isinstance( cst, np.ndarray ), f"Unexpected type for constant {name}!r, type is {type(cst)}" assert cst.shape == tuple() or ( (broadcast and set(cst.shape) == {1}) or (not broadcast and cst.shape == (1,)) ), f"Unexpected shape {cst.shape} for constant {name!r}" shape = cst.shape if broadcast: value = cst.reshape((1,))[0] else: value = cst[0] if shape == (1,) else cst if value.dtype in { np.float32, np.float16, np.float64, np.dtype("float32"), np.dtype("float16"), np.dtype("float64"), }: return float(value) if value.dtype in { np.complex64, np.complex128, np.dtype("complex64"), np.dtype("complex128"), }: return complex(value) if value.dtype in { self.builder.torch.float32, self.builder.torch.float16, self.builder.torch.float64, self.builder.torch.bfloat16, }: return float(value) if value.dtype in { self.builder.torch.complex64, self.builder.torch.complex128, }: return complex(value) return int(value)
[docs] def get_computed_constant(self, name: str, statistics: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> Any: """ Returns the value for the constant `name`. """ if name in self._cache_computed_constant: value = self._cache_computed_constant[name] else: value = self.builder.get_constant(name, computed_value=True, exc=False) if value is None: return None if not statistics else [None for _ in statistics] self._cache_computed_constant[name] = value if statistics is None: assert "FakeTensor" not in str( type(value) ), f"Issue with get_computed_constant {name!r}, value={value!r}" return value stats = [] for st in statistics: key = name, st if key in self._cache_computed_constant: stat = self._cache_computed_constant[key] else: if st == "min": stat = value.min() elif st == "max": stat = value.max() else: raise RuntimeError(f"Unknown statistics {st!r} for {name!r}.") self._cache_computed_constant[key] = stat stats.append(stat) return stats
[docs] def get_attribute( self, node: NodeProto, att_name: str, exc: bool = True ) -> Optional[AttributeProto]: """ Returns an attribute for a node. """ return self.builder.get_attribute(node, att_name, exc=exc)
[docs] def get_attributes_with_default(self, node: NodeProto, **default_values) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Returns integer or float values for attributes. """ return self.builder.get_attributes_with_default(node, **default_values)
[docs] def get_axis(self, node: NodeProto, default_axis: Optional[int] = None) -> int: """ Retrieves the axis for many operators. """ att = self.get_attribute(node, "axis", exc=False) if att is None: assert ( default_axis is not None ), f"Node {node.op_type} has no axis and no default value." return default_axis return att.i
[docs] def get_constant_or_attribute( self, node: NodeProto, attribute: str, input_index: int, cvt: Optional[Callable] = None, ) -> Any: """ Returns an input or the value of an attribute. Some attributes became inputs in more recent opsets. The function checks both. :param node: node :param attribute: attribute name :param input_index: input index :param cvt: if not None, called this conversion function before returning the result :return: value """ found = None for att in node.attribute: if == attribute: found = att assert found is None, ( f"get_constant_or_attribute not implemented " f"for attribute={attribute!r} and node={node}." ) assert input_index < len( node.input ), f"Input {input_index} does not exist in node {node}." val = self.get_computed_constant(node.input[input_index]) if cvt is None: return val try: return cvt(val) except (ValueError, TypeError) as e: raise RuntimeError(f"Unable to convert val={val} with cvt={cvt}") from e
[docs] def has_type(self, name: str) -> bool: """ Tells if a result has a type. """ return self.builder.has_type(name)
[docs] def get_type(self, name: str) -> int: """ Returns the type of a result. """ return self.builder.get_type(name)
[docs] def has_rank(self, name: str) -> int: """ Tells if a result has a rank. """ return self.builder.has_rank(name)
[docs] def get_rank(self, name: str) -> int: """ Returns the rank of a result. """ return self.builder.get_rank(name)
[docs] def has_shape(self, name: str) -> bool: """ Tells if a result has a shape. """ return self.builder.has_shape(name)
[docs] def get_shape(self, name: str) -> int: """ Returns the shape of a result. """ return self.builder.get_shape(name)
[docs] def node_before(self, name: str) -> NodeProto: """ Returns the node producing this output. Returns None if it is an input or an initializer. """ if name not in self.predecessors_: return None predecessor = self.predecessors_[name] return self.nodes_[predecessor]
[docs] def next_node(self, name: str) -> NodeProto: """ Returns the next node if it is unique, otherwise fails. """ res = self.next_nodes(name) assert len(res) == 1, f"Unexpected number of successors {len(res)} for {name!r}" return res[0]
[docs] def next_nodes(self, name: str) -> List[NodeProto]: """ Returns the node consuming the given results. """ if name not in self.successors_: return [] return [self.nodes_[i] for i in self.successors_[name]]
[docs] def try_infer_type(self, name: str, exc: bool = False) -> int: """ Tries to infer the type of a result. :param name: name of the result for which to infer the type :param exc: if True, raises an exception if something goes wrong :return: type """ if self.has_type(name): it = self.get_type(name) if exc and it == 0: raise RuntimeError( f"Unable to guess type for {name!r}, " f"knowns types are {pprint.pformat(self.builder._known_types)}" ) return it assert ( name not in self.builder.initializers_dict ), f"name {name!r} has no type but it is an initializer" assert name not in self.builder.input_names, ( f"name {name!r} has no type but it is an input, " f"known_types={pprint.pformat(self.builder._known_types)}" ) node = self.node_before(name) input_types = [(self.get_type(i) if self.has_type(i) else 0) for i in node.input] output_type = infer_types(node, input_types, name, exc=exc) if output_type > 0: return output_type # second try with more depth input_types = [self.try_infer_type(i, exc=exc) for i in node.input] output_type = infer_types(node, input_types, name, exc=exc) if output_type > 0: return output_type # no luck if exc: raise RuntimeError( f"Unable to guess type for {name!r}, " f"knowns types are {pprint.pformat(self.builder._known_types)}" ) return 0
[docs] def try_infer_shape(self, name: str, exc: bool = False) -> int: """ Tries to infer the type of a result. :param name: name of the result for which to infer the type :param exc: if True, raises an exception if something goes wrong :return: type """ if self.has_shape(name): return self.get_shape(name) if exc: raise RuntimeError( f"Unable to guess shape for {name!r}, " f"knowns shapes are {pprint.pformat(self.builder._known_shapes)}" ) return None
@property def main_opset(self): "Returns the opset for the main domain (assuming it is used)." return self.builder.opsets[""] def make_initializer( self, name: str, value: Any, external: bool = False, msg: str = "", source: Optional[str] = None, ) -> str: if not source: if isinstance(value, np.ndarray): if value.dtype == np.int64 and value.size < 16: source = "GraphBuilderPatternOptimization.make_initializer.1/Shape" elif value.size < 2: source = "GraphBuilderPatternOptimization.make_initializer.1/Small" else: source = "GraphBuilderPatternOptimization.make_initializer.0" new_name = self.builder.make_initializer( name, value, external=external, msg=msg, source=source ) return new_name
[docs] def unique_name(self, prefix: str) -> str: "Returns a unique name." return self.builder.unique_name(prefix)
[docs] def make_node_check_opset( self, op_type: str, inputs: Union[str, List[str]], outputs: Union[int, List[str], str] = 1, domain: str = "", attributes: Optional[List[AttributeProto]] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ): """ Creates a node without adding it to the graph but adapt for some known operators changing over multiple opets. :param op_type: operator type :param inputs: input names :param outputs: outputs names, if one integer, creates n unique names, if str, creates one unique names, if a list, use the name :param domain: node domain :param attributes: list of attributes :param name: node name :param kwargs: other attributes :return: a node """ assert domain == "", f"The method only supports the main domain not {domain!r}" if op_type in {"Squeeze", "Unsqueeze"}: if self.builder.main_opset < 13: assert len(inputs) == 1, f"axis must be given as an attribute for {op_type!r}" return self.make_node( op_type, inputs, outputs, domain=domain, attributes=attributes, name=name, **kwargs, ) if len(inputs) == 1 and "axes" in kwargs: axes = kwargs["axes"] axes_name = self.make_initializer( "", np.array([axes], dtype=np.int64), source="GraphBuilderPatternOptimization.make_node_check_opset.axes", ) inputs.append(axes_name) del kwargs["axes"] return self.make_node( op_type, inputs, outputs, domain=domain, attributes=attributes, name=name, **kwargs, ) raise RuntimeError(f"Operator {op_type!r} not supported yet.")
[docs] def make_node( self, op_type: str, inputs: Union[str, List[str]], outputs: Union[int, List[str], str] = 1, domain: str = "", attributes: Optional[List[AttributeProto]] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> NodeProto: """ Creates a node without adding it to the graph. :param op_type: operator type :param inputs: input names :param outputs: outputs names, if one integer, creates n unique names, if str, creates one unique names, if a list, use the name :param domain: node domain :param attributes: list of attributes :param name: node name :param kwargs: other attributes :return: a node """ assert name is not None and not name.startswith("None"), ( f"It is good practice to give every node a name so that is " f"easier to see where this node is created but name={name!r} " f"and op_type={op_type!r}." ) name = self.builder.unique_node_name(name) if isinstance(outputs, int): if outputs == 1: outputs = [self.unique_name(f"{op_type.lower()}-{inputs[0]}")] else: outputs = [ self.unique_name(f"{op_type.lower()}-{inputs[0]}-{i}") for i in range(outputs) ] elif isinstance(outputs, str): outputs = [self.unique_name(outputs)] proto = oh.make_node( op_type, inputs, outputs, domain=domain, name=name, **kwargs, ) if all(self.is_constant(i) for i in inputs): for o in outputs: self.builder.update_node_constant(o, proto) proto.doc_string += ":constant-5:" assert len(outputs) == len(set(outputs)) or "" in outputs, ( f"Repeated outputs for node {op_type}({', '.join(inputs)}) -> " f"{', '.join(outputs)}" ) if attributes: proto.attribute.extend(attributes) return proto
[docs] def apply_match(self, match: MatchResult) -> List[NodeProto]: """ Applies one match. Returns the new nodes. """ idn = [id(n) for n in match.nodes if n is not None] assert all(i in self.nodes_ for i in idn), f"One node in {idn} is not referenced" positions = {id(n): i for i, n in enumerate(self.builder.nodes)} assert all(i in positions for i in idn), f"One node in {idn} is not referenced" removed = [positions[i] for i in idn] position_insert = None if match.insert_at is None else positions[id(match.insert_at)] new_nodes = match.apply(self, *match.nodes) if self.verbose >= 10: print(f"[GraphBuilderPatternOptimization.apply_match] {match}") for node in match.nodes: if node is None: continue print(f" - {node.op_type}: {node.input} -> {node.output}") for node in new_nodes: if node is None: continue print(f" + {node.op_type}: {node.input} -> {node.output}") self.builder.insert_and_remove_nodes(position_insert, new_nodes, removed, debug=match) if self.verbose >= 10: print(f"[GraphBuilderPatternOptimization.apply_match] {match} applied.") if self.dump_applied_patterns: self._save_pattern_as_proto(self.dump_applied_patterns, match, new_nodes) return new_nodes
def _to_cstop(self, init: Any, name: Optional[str] = None) -> NodeProto: if isinstance(init, NodeProto): assert ( name is None or init.output[0] == name ), f"Name mismatch {name!r} != {init.output[0]!r}" return init if isinstance(init, TensorProto): assert ( name is None or == name ), f"Name mismatch {name!r} != {!r}" return oh.make_node("Constant", [], [], value=init) if isinstance(init, np.ndarray): return self._to_cstop(onh.from_array(init, name=name)) import torch if isinstance(init, torch.Tensor): return self._to_cstop(init.detach().cpu().numpy(), name=name) raise AssertionError(f"Unexpected type {type(init)}") def _save_pattern_as_proto( self, folder: str, match: MatchResult, new_nodes: List[NodeProto] ): assert isinstance(folder, str), f"Unexpected type {type(folder)} for folder." if folder and not os.path.exists(folder): os.makedirs(folder) name = f"{match.pattern.__class__.__name__}_0.onnx" fullname = os.path.join(folder, name) n = 0 while os.path.exists(fullname): n += 1 name = f"{match.pattern.__class__.__name__}_{n}.onnx" fullname = os.path.join(folder, name) if self.verbose >= 10: print( f"[GraphBuilderPatternOptimization._save_pattern_as_proto] save {fullname!r}" ) unique_names = set() for node in match.nodes: if node is None: continue unique_names |= set(node.input) unique_names |= set(node.output) new_initializers = {} input_names = set() output_names = set() for node in new_nodes: if node is None: continue for i in node.input: if i in unique_names: input_names.add(i) elif i in self.builder.initializers_dict: new_initializers[i] = self.builder.initializers_dict[i] for o in node.output: if o in unique_names: output_names.add(o) old_initializers = {} for node in match.nodes: if node is None: continue for i in node.input: if i in self.builder.initializers_dict: old_initializers[i] = self.builder.initializers_dict[i] new_init_nodes = [self._to_cstop(v, name=k) for k, v in new_initializers.items()] old_init_nodes = [self._to_cstop(v, name=k) for k, v in old_initializers.items()] fproto = oh.make_function( domain="pattern", fname=match.pattern.__class__.__name__, inputs=list(input_names), outputs=list(output_names), nodes=old_init_nodes + [n for n in match.nodes if n is not None], opset_imports=[oh.make_opsetid(k, v) for k, v in self.builder.opsets.items()], ) fproto_apply = oh.make_function( "pattern", match.pattern.__class__.__name__, list(input_names), list(output_names), new_init_nodes + [n for n in new_nodes if n is not None], opset_imports=[oh.make_opsetid(k, v) for k, v in self.builder.opsets.items()], ) def _sh(n): if self.builder.has_shape(n): return self.builder.get_shape(n) if self.builder.has_rank(n): return [None] * self.builder.get_rank(n) return None inputs = [ oh.make_tensor_value_info(n, self.builder.get_type(n), _sh(n)) for n in fproto.input ] outputs = [ oh.make_tensor_value_info(n, self.builder.get_type(n), _sh(n)) for n in fproto.output ] model = oh.make_model( oh.make_graph(fproto.node, "pattern", inputs, outputs), opset_imports=fproto.opset_import, ) model_apply = oh.make_model( oh.make_graph(fproto_apply.node, "pattern", inputs, outputs), opset_imports=fproto_apply.opset_import, ) if self.builder.ir_version: model.ir_version = self.builder.ir_version model_apply.ir_version = self.builder.ir_version with open(fullname, "wb") as f: f.write(model.SerializeToString()) if self.verbose >= 10: print( f"[GraphBuilderPatternOptimization._save_pattern_as_proto] " f"saved {fullname!r}" ) name = f"{match.pattern.__class__.__name__}_{n}_apply.onnx" fullname = os.path.join(folder, name) with open(fullname, "wb") as f: f.write(model_apply.SerializeToString()) if self.verbose >= 10: print( f"[GraphBuilderPatternOptimization._save_pattern_as_proto] " f"saved {fullname!r}" ) def _chech_graph_verifies(self, node: NodeProto): if ( node.op_type in {"MatMul", "Gemm", "FusedMatMul"} and self.builder.has_shape(node.input[0]) and self.builder.has_shape(node.input[1]) ): sh1 = self.builder.get_shape(node.input[0])[-2:] sh2 = self.builder.get_shape(node.input[1])[-2:] tA = self.builder.get_attribute(node, "transA", exc=False) tB = self.builder.get_attribute(node, "transB", exc=False) tA = 0 if tA is None or tA.i == 0 else 1 tB = 0 if tB is None or tB.i == 0 else 1 if tA: sh1 = (sh1[1], sh1[0]) if tB: sh2 = (sh2[1], sh2[0]) assert type(sh1[-1]) != type(sh2[0]) or sh1[-1] == sh2[0], ( # noqa: E721 f"Node {node.op_type!r}, inputs={node.input}, " f"shape1={self.builder.get_shape(node.input[0])}, " f"shape2={self.builder.get_shape(node.input[1])}, " f"tA={tA}, tB={tB}." ) def _check_graph_verifies_whole(self, data_prop: bool = True): onx = self.builder.to_onnx(optimize=False) new_shapes = infer_shapes(onx, data_prop=data_prop) for val in new_shapes.graph.value_info: itype = val.type.tensor_type.elem_type shape = tuple( d.dim_param if d.dim_param else d.dim_value for d in val.type.tensor_type.shape.dim ) assert self.builder.has_name(, f"name {!r} is missing" assert ( not self.builder.has_type( or self.builder.get_type( == itype ), ( f"Result {!r} has type {itype} but the builder " f"assumes it is {self.builder.get_type(}" ) assert ( not self.builder.has_shape( or self.builder.get_shape( == shape ), ( f"Result {!r} has shape {shape} but the builder " f"assumes it is {self.builder.get_shape(}" ) # from onnxruntime import InferenceSession # InferenceSession( # onx.SerializeToString(), # providers=["CPUExecutionProvider"], # ) def _check_graph( self, statistics: List[Dict[str, Any]], step: str, iteration: int, code: str, verifies: bool, ): begin = time.perf_counter() assert len(self.builder.nodes) > 0, f"The onnx model is empty (step {step}, no node)" known = set( for n in self.builder.inputs) known |= set(self.builder.initializers_dict) for p, node in enumerate(self.builder.nodes): assert ( node.domain in self.opsets ), f"domain {node.domain!r} is not registered in {self.opsets}" for i in node.input: if i == "": continue if i not in known: after = set() for nn in self.builder.nodes[p:]: after |= set(nn.output) raise AssertionError( f"Unknown input {i!r}, step {step!r} at position {p} " f"in node {node.op_type!r} " f"[{}]: {node.input} -> {node.output}, " f"found after = {i in after}" ) known |= set(node.output) if verifies: self._check_graph_verifies(node) for o in self.builder.outputs: assert in known, f"Unknown output {!r}, step {step!r}" if verifies: self._chech_graph_verifies_whole() statistics.append( dict( pattern=f"check_pattern_{code}{1 if verifies else 0}", time_in=time.perf_counter() - begin, iteration=iteration, ) )
[docs] def do_not_remove(self, node: NodeProto) -> bool: """Tells if a node can be removed.""" return self.builder.do_not_remove(node)
[docs] def optimize( self, max_iter=-1, remove_identity: bool = True, stop_after: int = -1 ) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """ Optimizes the based on the given list of patterns. :param max_iter: maximum number of iterations :param remove_identity: remove identity nodes, it is better to keep it True, not doing it might prevent other patterns to find a set of nodes to optimize :param sopt_after: stop after this number of replacements (to debug), -1 not to stop :return: the method returns informations about the applied processes. The algorithm runs multiple iteration until the graph is not evolving or `max_iter` is reached. By default, it is equal to the number of nodes. An iteration is: :: matches = [] builds all successors and predecessors for all patterns P: for all nodes n: r = p.match(n) if r: if no node already scheduled to be rewritten by another match: matches.append(r) for all matches r: apply the match r This algorithm may apply more than one rewriting at each iteration but it guarantees the local structure when applying the rewriting was not altered by another one. """ assert ( not self.recursive ), "GraphBuilderPatternOptimization.optimize does not implement recursivity" continue_optimization = True priorities = list(sorted(set(p.priority for p in self.patterns))) # noqa: C413 assert priorities, "list of priority is null." if max_iter == -1: max_iter = len(self.builder.nodes) * max(len(priorities), 1) if self.verbose > 0: print( f"[GraphBuilderPatternOptimization.optimize] start with " f"{len(self.builder.nodes)} nodes, " f"{len(self.builder.initializers_dict)} initializers, " f"{len(self.patterns)} patterns, priorities={priorities}" ) if self.verbose > 1: for i, (pp, _, pattern) in enumerate( sorted((p.priority, repr(p), p) for p in self.patterns) ): print( f"[GraphBuilderPatternOptimization.optimize] " f"use pattern {i+1:3d}/{len(self.patterns)} - P{pp} - {pattern!r}" ) if self.verbose >= 10: print("--") print(self.builder.pretty_text()) print("--") begin_all = time.perf_counter() statistics = [] self._check_graph(statistics, "-", -1, "0", False) n_applied = 0 last_it = 0 current_priority_index = 0 for it in range(max_iter): if not continue_optimization: if self.verbose > 0: print( f"[GraphBuilderPatternOptimization.optimize] stops at iteration {it}: " f"continue_optimization={continue_optimization}" ) break if self.verbose > 0: print( f"[GraphBuilderPatternOptimization.optimize] iteration {it}: " f"{len(self.builder.nodes)} nodes, " f"priority={priorities[current_priority_index]}" ) # detects patterns found = False marked = set() matches = [] durations = {} for pattern in self.patterns: if not continue_optimization: break if pattern.priority > priorities[current_priority_index]: # skipping that pattern if self.verbose >= 10: print( f"[GraphBuilderPatternOptimization.optimize] skips " f"{pattern.__class__.__name__}, " f"pattern.priority={pattern.priority}, " f"current_priority_index={current_priority_index}, " f"priorities[current_priority_index]=" f"{priorities[current_priority_index]} " f"priorities={priorities}" ) continue begin = time.perf_counter() before = len(matches) # loop over the nodes for match in pattern.enumerate_matches(self): # bypass this node if the name contains some specific name fail_match = False for n in match.nodes: if n and self.do_not_remove(n): fail_match = True break if fail_match: continue # checks that a node is not already part of another pattern bypass = False for n in match.nodes: if n is None: continue if id(n) in marked: # a node is already marked for replacements bypass = True break if bypass: if self.verbose >= 9: print( f"[{self.__class__.__name__}.match] OVERLAP " f"match={match} #marked: {len(marked)})" ) continue for n in match.nodes: if n is None: continue marked.add(id(n)) found = True if self.verbose > 2: print(f"[GraphBuilderPatternOptimization.optimize] match={match}") matches.append((pattern, match)) if stop_after > 0 and len(matches) + n_applied >= stop_after: continue_optimization = False if self.verbose > 0: print( f"[GraphBuilderPatternOptimization.optimize] " f"stop after with " f"{len(matches)} as stop_after={stop_after} " f"and n_applied={n_applied}" ) break # matches contains all the matchs d = time.perf_counter() - begin statistics.append( dict( pattern=f"match_{pattern}", iteration=it, instances=len(matches) - before, time_in=d, match_index=len(matches), ) ) durations[pattern.__class__.__name__] = ( durations.get(pattern.__class__.__name__, 0) + d ) if self.verbose > 0 and matches: if durations: rev = max([(v, k) for k, v in durations.items()]) revs = f"{rev[-1]}:{rev[0]:.3f}" if len(matches) == 1: print( f"[GraphBuilderPatternOptimization.optimize] applies " f"{len(matches)} matches, [0]={str(matches[0][-1])} - " f"time={sum(durations.values()):.3f} | max_time={revs}" ) else: print( f"[GraphBuilderPatternOptimization.optimize] applies " f"{len(matches)} matches, {_count(matches)} - " f"time={sum(durations.values()):.3f} | max_time={revs}" ) elif len(matches) == 1: print( f"[GraphBuilderPatternOptimization.optimize] applies " f"{len(matches)} matches, [0]={str(matches[0][-1])}" ) else: print( f"[GraphBuilderPatternOptimization.optimize] applies " f"{len(matches)} matches, {_count(matches)}" ) # applies patterns (they must be disjoined) added_types = set() n_added = 0 n_removed = 0 # loop over patterns for im, (pattern, match) in enumerate(matches): if self.verbose > 3: print( f"[GraphBuilderPatternOptimization.optimize] " f"apply {match.to_string(short=False)}" ) begin = time.perf_counter() added_nodes = self.apply_match(match) added_types |= set(n.op_type for n in added_nodes) if self.verbose > 3: print( f"[GraphBuilderPatternOptimization.optimize] - add " f"{[n.op_type for n in added_nodes]}" ) add = len(added_nodes) added_outputs = set() for n in added_nodes: added_outputs |= set(n.output) rem = len([n for n in match.nodes if n is not None]) removed_outputs = set() for n in match.nodes: if n is None: continue removed_outputs |= set(n.output) full_removed = set(i for i in removed_outputs if i not in added_outputs) for i in full_removed: assert not self.is_output(i), ( f"Output {i!r} must not be removed, added_outputs={added_outputs}," f"removed_outputs={removed_outputs}" ) if self.verbose > 3: print( f"[GraphBuilderPatternOptimization.optimize] done " f"{match}: -{rem} +{add} nodes" ) if full_removed and self.verbose > 4: print( f"[GraphBuilderPatternOptimization.optimize] " f"removed outputs {full_removed}" ) obs = dict( pattern=f"apply_{pattern}", added=add, removed=rem, iteration=it, match_index=im, instances=1, time_in=time.perf_counter() - begin, ) statistics.append(obs) self._check_graph(statistics, str(match), it, "A", self.verifies) n_added += add n_removed += rem n_applied += 1 if self.verbose > 2: print( f"[GraphBuilderPatternOptimization.optimize] done all: " f"-{n_removed} +{n_added} nodes" ) if remove_identity and (it < 3 or "Identity" in added_types): # remove unnecessary identity nodes begin = time.perf_counter() id_removed, id_added = self.builder.remove_identity_nodes() statistics.append( dict( pattern="remove_identity_nodes", iteration=it, added=id_added, removed=id_removed, time_in=time.perf_counter() - begin, ) ) self._check_graph(statistics, "remove_identity", it, "B", self.verifies) # rebuild the graph structure begin = time.perf_counter() self._build() statistics.append( dict( pattern="build_graph_for_pattern", iteration=it, time_in=time.perf_counter() - begin, ) ) # next iteration last_it = it + 1 if not found: # No match, increase the priority. current_priority_index += 1 if current_priority_index >= len(priorities): # There is priority left to explore. continue_optimization = len(matches) > 0 if self.verbose > 0: print( f"[GraphBuilderPatternOptimization.optimize] stops " f"current_priority_index={current_priority_index}, " f"priorities={priorities}" ) break if self.verbose > 0: print( f"[GraphBuilderPatternOptimization.optimize] increase priority " f"to {priorities[current_priority_index]}" ) if self.verbose > 0: duration = time.perf_counter() - begin_all print( f"[GraphBuilderPatternOptimization.optimize] " f"done after {last_it} iterations with " f"{len(self.builder.nodes)} nodes in {duration:.3f}" ) if self.verbose > 1: msg = self.builder._compile_statistics(statistics) print(msg) return statistics