Exported into ONNX with Static Shapes

The following script shows the exported program for many short cases and various way to retrieve an ONNX model equivalent to the original model. The tested scenarios are described at Tested Scenarios.


import inspect
import textwrap
import pandas
from experimental_experiment.torch_interpreter.eval import discover, run_exporter
from experimental_experiment.ext_test_case import unit_test_going
from experimental_experiment.helpers import pretty_onnx

cases = discover()
print(":ref:`Summary <lo-summary-exported-program>`")
sorted_cases = sorted(cases.items())
if unit_test_going():
    sorted_cases = sorted_cases[:3]
for name, cls_model in sorted_cases:
    print(f"* :ref:`{name} <lo-model-case-export-{name}>`")

obs = []
for name, cls_model in sorted(cases.items()):
    print(f".. _lo-model-case-export-{name}:")
    print("=" * len(name))
        textwrap.indent(textwrap.dedent(inspect.getsource(cls_model.forward)), "    ")
    for exporter in (
        expname = exporter.replace("export-", "")
        print("+" * len(expname))
        res = run_exporter(exporter, cls_model, False, quiet=True)
        case_ref = f":ref:`{name} <lo-model-case-export-{name}>`"
        if "exported" in res:
            print(textwrap.indent(pretty_onnx(res["onnx"]), "    "))
            obs.append(dict(case=case_ref, error="", exporter=exporter))
            print(textwrap.indent(str(res["error"]), "    "))
            obs.append(dict(case=case_ref, error="FAIL", exporter=exporter))

print(".. _lo-summary-exported-program:")
df = pandas.DataFrame(obs)
piv = df.pivot(index="case", columns="exporter", values="error")





def forward(self, x):
    y = torch.as_strided(x, (2, 2, 8, 4), (128, 8, 16, 1))
    return y


opset: domain='' version=18
input: name='x' type=dtype('float32') shape=[2, 2, 8, 8]
init: name='init7_s1_-1' type=int64 shape=(1,) -- array([-1])         -- Opset.make_node.1/Shape
init: name='init7_s128_' type=int64 shape=(128,)                      -- Opset.make_node.0
init: name='init7_s4_2_2_8_4' type=int64 shape=(4,) -- array([2, 2, 8, 4])-- Opset.make_node.1/Shape
Reshape(x, init7_s1_-1) -> _reshape_x0
  Gather(_reshape_x0, init7_s128_) -> _onx_gather__reshape_x00
    Reshape(_onx_gather__reshape_x00, init7_s4_2_2_8_4) -> output_0
output: name='output_0' type=dtype('float32') shape=[2, 2, 8, 4]


opset: domain='' version=18
input: name='x' type=dtype('float32') shape=[2, 2, 8, 8]
init: name='init7_s1_-1' type=int64 shape=(1,) -- array([-1])         -- Opset.make_node.1/Shape
init: name='init7_s128_' type=int64 shape=(128,)                      -- Opset.make_node.0
init: name='init7_s4_2_2_8_4' type=int64 shape=(4,) -- array([2, 2, 8, 4])-- Opset.make_node.1/Shape
Reshape(x, init7_s1_-1) -> _reshape_x0
  Gather(_reshape_x0, init7_s128_) -> _onx_gather__reshape_x00
    Reshape(_onx_gather__reshape_x00, init7_s4_2_2_8_4) -> output_0
output: name='output_0' type=dtype('float32') shape=[2, 2, 8, 4]


opset: domain='' version=18
input: name='x' type=dtype('float32') shape=[2, 2, 8, 8]
init: name='init7_s1_-1' type=int64 shape=(1,) -- array([-1])         -- Opset.make_node.1/Shape
init: name='init7_s128_' type=int64 shape=(128,)                      -- Opset.make_node.0
init: name='init7_s4_2_2_8_4' type=int64 shape=(4,) -- array([2, 2, 8, 4])-- Opset.make_node.1/Shape
Reshape(x, init7_s1_-1) -> _reshape_x0
  Gather(_reshape_x0, init7_s128_) -> _onx_gather__reshape_x00
    Reshape(_onx_gather__reshape_x00, init7_s4_2_2_8_4) -> output
output: name='output' type=dtype('float32') shape=[2, 2, 8, 4]


opset: domain='pkg.onnxscript.torch_lib.common' version=1
opset: domain='' version=18
opset: domain='pkg.onnxscript.torch_lib' version=1
input: name='x' type=dtype('float32') shape=[2, 2, 8, 8]
Constant(value_ints=[-1]) -> neg_1
Constant(value=[2, 2, 8, ...) -> val_0
Constant(value=[128, 8, 1...) -> val_1
Constant(value=[4]) -> rank_tensor
Constant(value_int=0) -> indices
SequenceEmpty() -> one_seq
Constant(value_int=4) -> rank_0
Loop(rank_0, , indices, one_seq, body=G1) -> indices_16, one_seq_17
Constant(value_ints=[-1]) -> tmp_18
  Reshape(x, tmp_18) -> self_flatten
Constant(value_int=0) -> storage_offset
  CastLike(storage_offset, indices_16) -> storage_offset_cast
  Add(indices_16, storage_offset_cast) -> indices_19
    Gather(self_flatten, indices_19) -> as_strided
output: name='as_strided' type=dtype('float32') shape=[2, 2, 8, 4]
----- subgraph ---- Loop - n6_2 - att.body=G1 -- level=1 -- i,cond_in,indices_1,one_seq_2 -> cond_out,indices_13,one_seq_15
input: name='i' type=dtype('int64') shape=None
input: name='cond_in' type=dtype('bool') shape=None
input: name='indices_1' type='NOTENSOR' shape=None
input: name='one_seq_2' type='NOTENSOR' shape=None
Constant(value_floats=[1.0]) -> tmp_14
  SequenceInsert(one_seq_2, tmp_14) -> one_seq_15
Constant(value=4) -> rank_3_cast
  Sub(rank_3_cast, i) -> tmp
Constant(value=1) -> int64_1_cast
  Sub(tmp, int64_1_cast) -> j
Reshape(j, neg_1) -> j_tensor
Gather(val_0, j_tensor, axis=0) -> size_dim_j
Slice(val_0, j_tensor, rank_tensor) -> size_after_j
  Expand(indices_1, size_after_j) -> indices_4
Gather(val_1, j_tensor, axis=0) -> stride_dim_j
Constant(value=0) -> int64_0_cast
Constant(value=1) -> int64_1_5_cast
  Range(int64_0_cast, size_dim_j, int64_1_5_cast) -> tmp_6
  Mul(tmp_6, stride_dim_j) -> add_value
Constant(value=0) -> int64_0_7_cast
  Equal(i, int64_0_7_cast) -> cond
    If(cond, then_branch=G2, else_branch=G3) -> shape_11
    Reshape(add_value, shape_11) -> add_value_12
    Add(indices_4, add_value_12) -> indices_13
Identity(cond_in) -> cond_out
output: name='cond_out' type=dtype('bool') shape=None
output: name='indices_13' type='NOTENSOR' shape=None
output: name='one_seq_15' type='NOTENSOR' shape=None
----- subgraph ---- If - n20 - att.then_branch=G2 -- level=2 --  -> shape
Identity(size_dim_j) -> shape
output: name='shape' type=dtype('int64') shape=[1]
----- subgraph ---- If - n20 - att.else_branch=G3 -- level=2 --  -> shape_10
Cast(size_dim_j, to=1) -> tmp_8
ConcatFromSequence(one_seq_2, axis=0) -> ones
  Concat(tmp_8, ones, axis=0) -> shape_9
    Cast(shape_9, to=7) -> shape_10
output: name='shape_10' type=dtype('int64') shape=None
----- subgraph ---- If - n20 - att.then_branch=G2 -- level=1 --  -> shape
Identity(size_dim_j) -> shape
output: name='shape' type=dtype('int64') shape=[1]
----- subgraph ---- If - n20 - att.else_branch=G3 -- level=1 --  -> shape_10
Cast(size_dim_j, to=1) -> tmp_8
ConcatFromSequence(one_seq_2, axis=0) -> ones
  Concat(tmp_8, ones, axis=0) -> shape_9
    Cast(shape_9, to=7) -> shape_10
output: name='shape_10' type=dtype('int64') shape=None


opset: domain='' version=17
input: name='onnx::Reshape_0' type=dtype('float32') shape=[2, 2, 8, 8]
Constant(value=[-1]) -> /Constant_output_0
  Reshape(onnx::Reshape_0, /Constant_output_0, allowzero=0) -> /Reshape_output_0
Constant(value=[[[[0, 1, ...) -> /Constant_1_output_0
  Gather(/Reshape_output_0, /Constant_1_output_0) -> 4
output: name='4' type=dtype('float32') shape=[2, 2, 8, 4]



def forward(self, x):
    y = torch.nn.functional.interpolate(
    return y


opset: domain='' version=18
input: name='x' type=dtype('float32') shape=[2, 2, 3, 4]
init: name='init7_s2_2_2' type=int64 shape=(2,) -- array([2, 2])      -- _aten_upsample_output_size.batch_channel
init: name='init7_s2_6_8' type=int64 shape=(2,) -- array([6, 8])      -- _aten_upsample_output_size.rsize
Concat(init7_s2_2_2, init7_s2_6_8, axis=0) -> _onx_concat_init7_s2_2_20
Resize(x, , , _onx_concat_init7_s2_2_20, coordinate_transformation_mode=b'pytorch_half_pixel', mode=b'linear', nearest_mode=b'floor') -> output_0
output: name='output_0' type=dtype('float32') shape=[2, 2, 6, 8]


opset: domain='' version=18
input: name='x' type=dtype('float32') shape=[2, 2, 3, 4]
init: name='init7_s2_2_2' type=int64 shape=(2,) -- array([2, 2])      -- _aten_upsample_output_size.batch_channel
init: name='init7_s2_6_8' type=int64 shape=(2,) -- array([6, 8])      -- _aten_upsample_output_size.rsize
Concat(init7_s2_2_2, init7_s2_6_8, axis=0) -> _onx_concat_init7_s2_2_20
Resize(x, , , _onx_concat_init7_s2_2_20, coordinate_transformation_mode=b'pytorch_half_pixel', mode=b'linear', nearest_mode=b'floor') -> output_0
output: name='output_0' type=dtype('float32') shape=[2, 2, 6, 8]


opset: domain='' version=18
input: name='x' type=dtype('float32') shape=[2, 2, 3, 4]
init: name='init7_s2_2_2' type=int64 shape=(2,) -- array([2, 2])      -- _aten_upsample_output_size.batch_channel
init: name='init7_s2_6_8' type=int64 shape=(2,) -- array([6, 8])      -- _aten_upsample_output_size.rsize
Concat(init7_s2_2_2, init7_s2_6_8, axis=0) -> _onx_concat_init7_s2_2_20
Resize(x, , , _onx_concat_init7_s2_2_20, coordinate_transformation_mode=b'pytorch_half_pixel', mode=b'linear', nearest_mode=b'floor') -> output
output: name='output' type=dtype('float32') shape=['d_output_0', 'd_output_1', 'd_output_2', 'd_output_3']


opset: domain='pkg.onnxscript.torch_lib.common' version=1
opset: domain='' version=18
input: name='x' type=dtype('float32') shape=[2, 2, 3, 4]
Constant(value_floats=[1.0,1.0,2.0,2.0]) -> val_0
Resize(x, , val_0, keep_aspect_ratio_policy=b'stretch', antialias=0, extrapolation_value=0.00, exclude_outside=0, nearest_mode=b'floor', coordinate_transformation_mode=b'pytorch_half_pixel', cubic_coeff_a=-0.75, mode=b'linear') -> upsample_bilinear2d
output: name='upsample_bilinear2d' type=dtype('float32') shape=[2, 2, 6, 8]


opset: domain='' version=17
input: name='x' type=dtype('float32') shape=[2, 2, 3, 4]
Constant(value=[1.0, 1.0,...) -> /Constant_output_0
Resize(x, , /Constant_output_0, coordinate_transformation_mode=b'half_pixel', cubic_coeff_a=-0.75, mode=b'linear', nearest_mode=b'floor') -> 5
output: name='5' type=dtype('float32') shape=[2, 2, 6, 8]



def forward(self, x):
    y = torch.nonzero(x)
    return y


opset: domain='' version=18
input: name='x' type=dtype('float32') shape=[3, 4]
NonZero(x) -> _onx_nonzero_x0
  Transpose(_onx_nonzero_x0, perm=[1,0]) -> output_0
output: name='output_0' type=dtype('int64') shape=['NEWDIM_nonzero', 2]


opset: domain='' version=18
input: name='x' type=dtype('float32') shape=[3, 4]
NonZero(x) -> _onx_nonzero_x0
  Transpose(_onx_nonzero_x0, perm=[1,0]) -> output_0
output: name='output_0' type=dtype('int64') shape=['NEWDIM_nonzero', 2]


opset: domain='' version=18
input: name='x' type=dtype('float32') shape=[3, 4]
NonZero(x) -> _onx_nonzero_x0
  Transpose(_onx_nonzero_x0, perm=[1,0]) -> output
output: name='output' type=dtype('int64') shape=['NEWDIM_nonzero', 2]


opset: domain='pkg.onnxscript.torch_lib.common' version=1
opset: domain='pkg.onnxscript.torch_lib' version=1
opset: domain='' version=18
input: name='x' type=dtype('float32') shape=[3, 4]
NonZero(x) -> tmp
  Transpose(tmp, perm=[1,0]) -> nonzero
output: name='nonzero' type=dtype('int64') shape=['u0', 2]


opset: domain='' version=17
input: name='onnx::NonZero_0' type=dtype('float32') shape=[3, 4]
NonZero(onnx::NonZero_0) -> /NonZero_output_0
  Transpose(/NonZero_output_0, perm=[1,0]) -> 2
output: name='2' type=dtype('int64') shape=['Transpose2_dim_0', 2]



def forward(self, x):
    y = torch.nonzero(x, as_tuple=True)
    return y[0], y[1]


opset: domain='' version=18
input: name='x' type=dtype('float32') shape=[3, 4]
init: name='init7_s_0' type=int64 shape=() -- array([0])              -- DynamoInterpreter.getitem.1##shape_type_compute._cast_inputs.1(ge)
init: name='init7_s_1' type=int64 shape=() -- array([1])              -- DynamoInterpreter.getitem.1
NonZero(x) -> _onx_nonzero_x0
  SplitToSequence(_onx_nonzero_x0, axis=0, keepdims=0) -> nonzero_numpy
    SequenceAt(nonzero_numpy, init7_s_0) -> output_0
SequenceAt(nonzero_numpy, init7_s_1) -> output_1
output: name='output_0' type=dtype('int64') shape=['u1']
output: name='output_1' type=dtype('int64') shape=['u1']


opset: domain='' version=18
input: name='x' type=dtype('float32') shape=[3, 4]
init: name='init7_s_0' type=int64 shape=() -- array([0])              -- DynamoInterpreter.getitem.1##shape_type_compute._cast_inputs.1(ge)
init: name='init7_s_1' type=int64 shape=() -- array([1])              -- DynamoInterpreter.getitem.1
NonZero(x) -> _onx_nonzero_x0
  SplitToSequence(_onx_nonzero_x0, axis=0, keepdims=0) -> nonzero_numpy
    SequenceAt(nonzero_numpy, init7_s_0) -> output_0
SequenceAt(nonzero_numpy, init7_s_1) -> output_1
output: name='output_0' type=dtype('int64') shape=['u3']
output: name='output_1' type=dtype('int64') shape=['u3']


opset: domain='' version=18
input: name='x' type=dtype('float32') shape=[3, 4]
init: name='init7_s_0' type=int64 shape=() -- array([0])              -- DynamoInterpreter.getitem.1
init: name='init7_s_1' type=int64 shape=() -- array([1])              -- DynamoInterpreter.getitem.1
NonZero(x) -> _onx_nonzero_x0
  SplitToSequence(_onx_nonzero_x0, axis=0, keepdims=0) -> nonzero
    SequenceAt(nonzero, init7_s_0) -> output_0
SequenceAt(nonzero, init7_s_1) -> output_1
output: name='output_0' type=dtype('int64') shape=['d_output_0_0']
output: name='output_1' type=dtype('int64') shape=['d_output_1_0']


opset: domain='pkg.onnxscript.torch_lib.common' version=1
opset: domain='pkg.onnxscript.torch_lib' version=1
opset: domain='' version=18
input: name='x' type=dtype('float32') shape=[3, 4]
Constant(value_ints=[1]) -> unbind_axis
NonZero(x) -> tmp
  Transpose(tmp, perm=[1,0]) -> nonzero
    Split(nonzero, axis=1, num_outputs=2) -> unbind_split_0, unbind_split_1
  Squeeze(unbind_split_0, unbind_axis) -> unbind_split_0_squeeze
    Identity(unbind_split_0_squeeze) -> getitem
  Squeeze(unbind_split_1, unbind_axis) -> unbind_split_1_squeeze
    Identity(unbind_split_1_squeeze) -> getitem_1
output: name='getitem' type=dtype('int64') shape=['u0']
output: name='getitem_1' type=dtype('int64') shape=['u0']


opset: domain='' version=17
input: name='onnx::NonZero_0' type=dtype('float32') shape=[3, 4]
Constant(value=[1, 1]) -> /Constant_output_0
NonZero(onnx::NonZero_0) -> /NonZero_output_0
  Transpose(/NonZero_output_0, perm=[1,0]) -> /Transpose_output_0
  Split(/Transpose_output_0, /Constant_output_0, axis=1) -> /Split_output_0, /Split_output_1
Constant(value=[1]) -> /Constant_1_output_0
  Squeeze(/Split_output_0, /Constant_1_output_0) -> 7
Constant(value=[1]) -> /Constant_2_output_0
  Squeeze(/Split_output_1, /Constant_2_output_0) -> 9
output: name='7' type=dtype('int64') shape=['Squeeze7_dim_0']
output: name='9' type=dtype('int64') shape=['Squeeze7_dim_0']



def forward(self, x):
    return torch.roll(x, 1, -1)


opset: domain='' version=18
input: name='x' type=dtype('float32') shape=[2, 3, 4]
init: name='init7_s1_-1' type=int64 shape=(1,) -- array([-1])         -- Opset.make_node.1/Shape##Opset.make_node.1/Shape##Opset.make_node.1/Shape##Opset.make_node.1/Shape
init: name='init7_s1_4' type=int64 shape=(1,) -- array([4])           -- Opset.make_node.1/Shape
init: name='init7_s1_0' type=int64 shape=(1,) -- array([0])           -- Opset.make_node.1/Shape
Slice(x, init7_s1_-1, init7_s1_4, init7_s1_-1) -> _onx_slice_x0
Slice(x, init7_s1_0, init7_s1_-1, init7_s1_-1) -> _onx_slice_x02
  Concat(_onx_slice_x0, _onx_slice_x02, axis=-1) -> output_0
output: name='output_0' type=dtype('float32') shape=[2, 3, 4]


opset: domain='' version=18
input: name='x' type=dtype('float32') shape=[2, 3, 4]
init: name='init7_s1_-1' type=int64 shape=(1,) -- array([-1])         -- Opset.make_node.1/Shape##Opset.make_node.1/Shape##Opset.make_node.1/Shape##Opset.make_node.1/Shape
init: name='init7_s1_4' type=int64 shape=(1,) -- array([4])           -- Opset.make_node.1/Shape
init: name='init7_s1_0' type=int64 shape=(1,) -- array([0])           -- Opset.make_node.1/Shape
Slice(x, init7_s1_-1, init7_s1_4, init7_s1_-1) -> _onx_slice_x0
Slice(x, init7_s1_0, init7_s1_-1, init7_s1_-1) -> _onx_slice_x02
  Concat(_onx_slice_x0, _onx_slice_x02, axis=-1) -> output_0
output: name='output_0' type=dtype('float32') shape=[2, 3, 4]


opset: domain='' version=18
input: name='x' type=dtype('float32') shape=[2, 3, 4]
init: name='init7_s1_-1' type=int64 shape=(1,) -- array([-1])         -- Opset.make_node.1/Shape##Opset.make_node.1/Shape##Opset.make_node.1/Shape##Opset.make_node.1/Shape
init: name='init7_s1_4' type=int64 shape=(1,) -- array([4])           -- Opset.make_node.1/Shape
init: name='init7_s1_0' type=int64 shape=(1,) -- array([0])           -- Opset.make_node.1/Shape
Slice(x, init7_s1_-1, init7_s1_4, init7_s1_-1) -> _onx_slice_x0
Slice(x, init7_s1_0, init7_s1_-1, init7_s1_-1) -> _onx_slice_x02
  Concat(_onx_slice_x0, _onx_slice_x02, axis=-1) -> output
output: name='output' type=dtype('float32') shape=[2, 3, 4]


opset: domain='pkg.onnxscript.torch_lib.common' version=1
opset: domain='' version=18
opset: domain='pkg.onnxscript.torch_lib' version=1
input: name='x' type=dtype('float32') shape=[2, 3, 4]
Constant(value_ints=[0]) -> tmp_4
Constant(value=[-1]) -> dim_tensor
Constant(value=[1]) -> shift_tensor
Constant(value=[3]) -> slice_length_3
  Slice(x, tmp_4, slice_length_3, dim_tensor) -> suffix
Constant(value=[24]) -> tmp_6
  Slice(x, slice_length_3, tmp_6, dim_tensor) -> prefix
    Concat(prefix, suffix, axis=-1) -> roll
output: name='roll' type=dtype('float32') shape=[2, 3, 4]


opset: domain='' version=17
input: name='onnx::Slice_0' type=dtype('float32') shape=[2, 3, 4]
Constant(value=[-1]) -> /Constant_output_0
Constant(value=[-1]) -> /Constant_1_output_0
Constant(value=[922337203...) -> /Constant_2_output_0
  Slice(onnx::Slice_0, /Constant_1_output_0, /Constant_2_output_0, /Constant_output_0) -> /Slice_output_0
Constant(value=[-1]) -> /Constant_3_output_0
Constant(value=[0]) -> /Constant_4_output_0
Constant(value=[-1]) -> /Constant_5_output_0
  Slice(onnx::Slice_0, /Constant_4_output_0, /Constant_5_output_0, /Constant_3_output_0) -> /Slice_1_output_0
    Concat(/Slice_output_0, /Slice_1_output_0, axis=-1) -> 9
output: name='9' type=dtype('float32') shape=[2, 3, 4]



def forward(self, x):
    return torch.relu(torch.roll(x, -1, -1))


opset: domain='' version=18
input: name='x' type=dtype('float32') shape=[2, 3, 4]
init: name='init7_s1_1' type=int64 shape=(1,) -- array([1])           -- Opset.make_node.1/Shape##Opset.make_node.1/Shape
init: name='init7_s1_4' type=int64 shape=(1,) -- array([4])           -- Opset.make_node.1/Shape
init: name='init7_s1_-1' type=int64 shape=(1,) -- array([-1])         -- Opset.make_node.1/Shape##Opset.make_node.1/Shape
init: name='init7_s1_0' type=int64 shape=(1,) -- array([0])           -- Opset.make_node.1/Shape
Slice(x, init7_s1_1, init7_s1_4, init7_s1_-1) -> _onx_slice_x0
Slice(x, init7_s1_0, init7_s1_1, init7_s1_-1) -> _onx_slice_x02
  Concat(_onx_slice_x0, _onx_slice_x02, axis=-1) -> _onx_concat_slice_x00
    Relu(_onx_concat_slice_x00) -> output_0
output: name='output_0' type=dtype('float32') shape=[2, 3, 4]


opset: domain='' version=18
input: name='x' type=dtype('float32') shape=[2, 3, 4]
init: name='init7_s1_1' type=int64 shape=(1,) -- array([1])           -- Opset.make_node.1/Shape##Opset.make_node.1/Shape
init: name='init7_s1_4' type=int64 shape=(1,) -- array([4])           -- Opset.make_node.1/Shape
init: name='init7_s1_-1' type=int64 shape=(1,) -- array([-1])         -- Opset.make_node.1/Shape##Opset.make_node.1/Shape
init: name='init7_s1_0' type=int64 shape=(1,) -- array([0])           -- Opset.make_node.1/Shape
Slice(x, init7_s1_1, init7_s1_4, init7_s1_-1) -> _onx_slice_x0
Slice(x, init7_s1_0, init7_s1_1, init7_s1_-1) -> _onx_slice_x02
  Concat(_onx_slice_x0, _onx_slice_x02, axis=-1) -> _onx_concat_slice_x00
    Relu(_onx_concat_slice_x00) -> output_0
output: name='output_0' type=dtype('float32') shape=[2, 3, 4]


opset: domain='' version=18
input: name='x' type=dtype('float32') shape=[2, 3, 4]
init: name='init7_s1_1' type=int64 shape=(1,) -- array([1])           -- Opset.make_node.1/Shape##Opset.make_node.1/Shape
init: name='init7_s1_4' type=int64 shape=(1,) -- array([4])           -- Opset.make_node.1/Shape
init: name='init7_s1_-1' type=int64 shape=(1,) -- array([-1])         -- Opset.make_node.1/Shape##Opset.make_node.1/Shape
init: name='init7_s1_0' type=int64 shape=(1,) -- array([0])           -- Opset.make_node.1/Shape
Slice(x, init7_s1_1, init7_s1_4, init7_s1_-1) -> _onx_slice_x0
Slice(x, init7_s1_0, init7_s1_1, init7_s1_-1) -> _onx_slice_x02
  Concat(_onx_slice_x0, _onx_slice_x02, axis=-1) -> _onx_concat_slice_x00
    Relu(_onx_concat_slice_x00) -> output
output: name='output' type=dtype('float32') shape=[2, 3, 4]


opset: domain='pkg.onnxscript.torch_lib.common' version=1
opset: domain='' version=18
opset: domain='pkg.onnxscript.torch_lib' version=1
input: name='x' type=dtype('float32') shape=[2, 3, 4]
Constant(value_ints=[0]) -> tmp_4
Constant(value=[-1]) -> dim_tensor
Constant(value=[-1]) -> shift_tensor
Constant(value=[1]) -> slice_length_3
  Slice(x, tmp_4, slice_length_3, dim_tensor) -> suffix
Constant(value=[24]) -> tmp_6
  Slice(x, slice_length_3, tmp_6, dim_tensor) -> prefix
    Concat(prefix, suffix, axis=-1) -> roll
      Relu(roll) -> relu
output: name='relu' type=dtype('float32') shape=[2, 3, 4]


opset: domain='' version=17
input: name='onnx::Slice_0' type=dtype('float32') shape=[2, 3, 4]
Constant(value=[-1]) -> /Constant_output_0
Constant(value=[1]) -> /Constant_1_output_0
Constant(value=[922337203...) -> /Constant_2_output_0
  Slice(onnx::Slice_0, /Constant_1_output_0, /Constant_2_output_0, /Constant_output_0) -> /Slice_output_0
Constant(value=[-1]) -> /Constant_3_output_0
Constant(value=[0]) -> /Constant_4_output_0
Constant(value=[1]) -> /Constant_5_output_0
  Slice(onnx::Slice_0, /Constant_4_output_0, /Constant_5_output_0, /Constant_3_output_0) -> /Slice_1_output_0
    Concat(/Slice_output_0, /Slice_1_output_0, axis=-1) -> /Concat_output_0
      Relu(/Concat_output_0) -> 10
output: name='10' type=dtype('float32') shape=[2, 3, 4]



def forward(self, x, lx: list | torch.Tensor):
    if isinstance(lx, list):
        t = lx[0] * lx[1].sum(axis=1, keepdim=True)
        return torch.sigmoid(self.linear(x)) - self.buff + t
    return torch.sigmoid(self.linear(x)) - self.buff + lx


opset: domain='' version=18
input: name='x' type=dtype('float32') shape=[4, 3]
input: name='lx_0' type=dtype('float32') shape=[4, 1]
input: name='lx_1' type=dtype('float32') shape=[4, 2]
init: name='b_buff' type=float32 shape=(1,) -- array([0.5], dtype=float32)-- DynamoInterpret.placeholder.0
init: name='init7_s1_1' type=int64 shape=(1,) -- array([1])           -- Opset.make_node.1/Shape
init: name='init7_s2_-1_1' type=int64 shape=(2,) -- array([-1,  1])   -- TransposeEqualReshapePattern.apply.new_shape
init: name='init7_s2_1_-1' type=int64 shape=(2,) -- array([ 1, -1])   -- TransposeEqualReshapePattern.apply.new_shape
init: name='linear.weight' type=float32 shape=(1, 3) -- array([0.384, 0.464, 0.004], dtype=float32)-- DynamoInterpret.placeholder.1/P(linear.weight)
init: name='linear.bias' type=float32 shape=(1,) -- array([-0.494], dtype=float32)-- DynamoInterpret.placeholder.1/P(linear.bias)
ReduceSum(lx_1, init7_s1_1, keepdims=1) -> sum_1
  Mul(lx_0, sum_1) -> mul
Reshape(linear.weight, init7_s2_-1_1) -> _onx_transpose_p_linear_weight0
  Reshape(_onx_transpose_p_linear_weight0, init7_s2_1_-1) -> GemmTransposePattern--_onx_transpose_p_linear_weight0
    Gemm(x, GemmTransposePattern--_onx_transpose_p_linear_weight0, linear.bias, transB=1) -> linear
      Sigmoid(linear) -> sigmoid
        Sub(sigmoid, b_buff) -> sub
    Add(sub, mul) -> output_0
output: name='output_0' type=dtype('float32') shape=[4, 1]


opset: domain='' version=18
input: name='x' type=dtype('float32') shape=[4, 3]
input: name='lx_0' type=dtype('float32') shape=[4, 1]
input: name='lx_1' type=dtype('float32') shape=[4, 2]
init: name='b_buff' type=float32 shape=(1,) -- array([0.5], dtype=float32)-- DynamoInterpret.placeholder.0
init: name='init7_s1_1' type=int64 shape=(1,) -- array([1])           -- Opset.make_node.1/Shape
init: name='init7_s2_-1_1' type=int64 shape=(2,) -- array([-1,  1])   -- TransposeEqualReshapePattern.apply.new_shape
init: name='init7_s2_1_-1' type=int64 shape=(2,) -- array([ 1, -1])   -- TransposeEqualReshapePattern.apply.new_shape
init: name='linear.weight' type=float32 shape=(1, 3) -- array([-0.243,  0.192,  0.396], dtype=float32)-- DynamoInterpret.placeholder.1/P(linear.weight)
init: name='linear.bias' type=float32 shape=(1,) -- array([0.133], dtype=float32)-- DynamoInterpret.placeholder.1/P(linear.bias)
ReduceSum(lx_1, init7_s1_1, keepdims=1) -> sum_1
  Mul(lx_0, sum_1) -> mul
Reshape(linear.weight, init7_s2_-1_1) -> _onx_transpose_p_linear_weight0
  Reshape(_onx_transpose_p_linear_weight0, init7_s2_1_-1) -> GemmTransposePattern--_onx_transpose_p_linear_weight0
    Gemm(x, GemmTransposePattern--_onx_transpose_p_linear_weight0, linear.bias, transB=1) -> linear
      Sigmoid(linear) -> sigmoid
        Sub(sigmoid, b_buff) -> sub
    Add(sub, mul) -> output_0
output: name='output_0' type=dtype('float32') shape=[4, 1]



Type is unknown for result 'lx', known_types={'x': 1, 'linear.weight': 1, 'linear.bias': 1, '_sub_Linear_input_1': 1, '_sub_Linear__onx_transpose_weight0': 1, '_sub_Linear__onx_matmul_input_10': 1, '_sub_Linear_linear': 1, '_sub_Linear_output': 1, 'linear': 1, 'sigmoid': 1, 'buff': 1, 'sub': 1}
[GraphBuilder-AHS] Message starts, there are 3 initializers, 8 nodes, 2 inputs, 2 outputs.
_known_types={'_sub_Linear__onx_matmul_input_10': 1,
 '_sub_Linear__onx_transpose_weight0': 1,
 '_sub_Linear_input_1': 1,
 '_sub_Linear_linear': 1,
 '_sub_Linear_output': 1,
 'buff': 1,
 'linear': 1,
 'linear.bias': 1,
 'linear.weight': 1,
 'sigmoid': 1,
 'sub': 1,
 'x': 1}
_known_shapes={'_sub_Linear__onx_matmul_input_10': (4, 1),
 '_sub_Linear__onx_transpose_weight0': (3, 1),
 '_sub_Linear_input_1': (4, 3),
 '_sub_Linear_linear': (4, 1),
 '_sub_Linear_output': (4, 1),
 'buff': (1,),
 'linear': (4, 1),
 'linear.bias': (1,),
 'linear.weight': (1, 3),
 'sigmoid': (4, 1),
 'sub': (4, 1),
 'x': (4, 3)}
_known_constants=['_sub_Linear__onx_transpose_weight0', 'buff', 'linear.bias', 'linear.weight']
    add -> {output}
    buff -> {sub}
    linear -> {sigmoid}
    lx -> {add}
    sigmoid -> {sub}
    sub -> {add}
    x -> {linear}
    x: ('run_node', (('example_value', torch.float32, torch.Size([4, 3])), '')) --- 1:2:(4, 3):
    lx: ('run_node', ('', '')) --- :::
    linear: ('run_node', ('', '')) --- 1:2:(4, 1):
    sigmoid: ('run_node', ('', '')) --- 1:2:(4, 1):
    buff: ('run_node', ('', '')) --- 1:1:(1,):
    sub: ('run_node', ('', '')) --- 1:2:(4, 1):
    add: ('run_node', ('', '')) --- :::
-- process.graph_module --
    %x : [num_users=1] = placeholder[target=x]
    %lx : list | torch.Tensor [num_users=1] = placeholder[target=lx]
    %linear : [num_users=1] = call_module[target=linear](args = (%x,), kwargs = {})
    %sigmoid : [num_users=1] = call_function[target=torch.sigmoid](args = (%linear,), kwargs = {})
    %buff : [num_users=1] = get_attr[target=buff]
    %sub : [num_users=1] = call_function[target=operator.sub](args = (%sigmoid, %buff), kwargs = {})
    %add : [num_users=1] = call_function[target=operator.add](args = (%sub, %lx), kwargs = {})
    return add
-- process.progress --
node 6/8 target=<built-in function add>
[GraphBuilder-AHS.make_tensor_input] x[1:4x3]
[GraphBuilder-AHS.make_tensor_input] lx[0:]
[GraphBuilder-AHS.make_initializer] linear.weight[torch.float32:torch.float32:[-0.10921941697597504, 0.28512099385261536, 0.4753551781177521]] - SOURCE: GraphBuilder.make_nodes/fromlinear.weight##DynamoInterpret.get_attr.1/P(linear.weight)
[GraphBuilder-AHS.make_initializer] linear.bias[torch.float32:torch.float32:[-0.30600863695144653]] - SOURCE: GraphBuilder.make_nodes/fromlinear.bias##DynamoInterpret.get_attr.1/P(linear.bias)
[GraphBuilder-AHS.make_initializer] buff[torch.float32:torch.float32:[0.5]] - SOURCE: DynamoInterpret.get_attr.0
[GraphBuilder-AHS.make_node] .make_nodes     [#:#   ] Identity:['x']->['_sub_Linear_input_1']
[GraphBuilder-AHS.make_node] linear          [#:#   ] Transpose:['linear.weight']->['_sub_Linear__onx_transpose_weight0']
[GraphBuilder-AHS.make_node] Opset           [##:#  ] MatMul:['_sub_Linear_input_1', '_sub_Linear__onx_transpose_weight0']->['_sub_Linear__onx_matmul_input_10']
[GraphBuilder-AHS.make_node] Opset2          [##:#  ] Add:['_sub_Linear__onx_matmul_input_10', 'linear.bias']->['_sub_Linear_linear']
[GraphBuilder-AHS.make_node] .output         [#:#   ] Identity:['_sub_Linear_linear']->['_sub_Linear_output']
[GraphBuilder-AHS.make_node] .make_nodes2    [#:#   ] Identity:['_sub_Linear_output']->['linear']
[GraphBuilder-AHS.make_node] sigmoid         [#:#   ] Sigmoid:['linear']->['sigmoid']
[GraphBuilder-AHS.make_node] sub             [##:#  ] Sub:['sigmoid', 'buff']->['sub']
[GraphBuilder-AHS] Message completed, there are 3 initializers, 8 nodes, 2 inputs, 2 outputs..


opset: domain='pkg.onnxscript.torch_lib.common' version=1
opset: domain='' version=18
input: name='x' type=dtype('float32') shape=[4, 3]
input: name='lx_0' type=dtype('float32') shape=[4, 1]
input: name='lx_1' type=dtype('float32') shape=[4, 2]
init: name='linear.weight' type=float32 shape=(1, 3) -- array([-0.36 , -0.201, -0.156], dtype=float32)
init: name='linear.bias' type=float32 shape=(1,) -- array([0.557], dtype=float32)
init: name='buff' type=float32 shape=(1,) -- array([0.5], dtype=float32)
Constant(value=[1]) -> val_3
  ReduceSum(lx_1, val_3, noop_with_empty_axes=0, keepdims=1) -> sum_1
    Mul(lx_0, sum_1) -> mul
Gemm(x, linear.weight, linear.bias, beta=1.00, transB=1, alpha=1.00, transA=0) -> linear
  Sigmoid(linear) -> sigmoid
    Sub(sigmoid, buff) -> sub
      Add(sub, mul) -> add
output: name='add' type=dtype('float32') shape=[4, 1]


opset: domain='' version=17
input: name='onnx::Gemm_0' type=dtype('float32') shape=[4, 3]
input: name='onnx::Mul_1' type=dtype('float32') shape=[4, 1]
input: name='onnx::ReduceSum_2' type=dtype('float32') shape=[4, 2]
init: name='buff' type=float32 shape=(1,) -- array([0.5], dtype=float32)
init: name='linear.weight' type=float32 shape=(1, 3) -- array([-0.276, -0.173, -0.033], dtype=float32)
init: name='linear.bias' type=float32 shape=(1,) -- array([-0.576], dtype=float32)
Constant(value=[1]) -> onnx::ReduceSum_6
  ReduceSum(onnx::ReduceSum_2, onnx::ReduceSum_6, keepdims=1) -> /ReduceSum_output_0
    Mul(onnx::Mul_1, /ReduceSum_output_0) -> /Mul_output_0
Gemm(onnx::Gemm_0, linear.weight, linear.bias, alpha=1.00, beta=1.00, transB=1) -> /linear/Gemm_output_0
  Sigmoid(/linear/Gemm_output_0) -> /Sigmoid_output_0
    Sub(/Sigmoid_output_0, buff) -> /Sub_output_0
      Add(/Sub_output_0, /Mul_output_0) -> 12
output: name='12' type=dtype('float32') shape=[4, 1]



def forward(self, x, lx: list):
    t = lx[0] * lx[1].sum(axis=1, keepdim=True)
    if len(lx) > 2:
        t = t + lx[2].sum(axis=1, keepdim=True)
    return torch.sigmoid(self.linear(x)) - self.buff + t


opset: domain='' version=18
input: name='x' type=dtype('float32') shape=[4, 3]
input: name='lx_0' type=dtype('float32') shape=[4, 1]
input: name='lx_1' type=dtype('float32') shape=[4, 2]
init: name='b_buff' type=float32 shape=(1,) -- array([0.5], dtype=float32)-- DynamoInterpret.placeholder.0
init: name='init7_s1_1' type=int64 shape=(1,) -- array([1])           -- Opset.make_node.1/Shape
init: name='init7_s2_-1_1' type=int64 shape=(2,) -- array([-1,  1])   -- TransposeEqualReshapePattern.apply.new_shape
init: name='init7_s2_1_-1' type=int64 shape=(2,) -- array([ 1, -1])   -- TransposeEqualReshapePattern.apply.new_shape
init: name='linear.weight' type=float32 shape=(1, 3) -- array([-0.459,  0.481,  0.34 ], dtype=float32)-- DynamoInterpret.placeholder.1/P(linear.weight)
init: name='linear.bias' type=float32 shape=(1,) -- array([0.387], dtype=float32)-- DynamoInterpret.placeholder.1/P(linear.bias)
ReduceSum(lx_1, init7_s1_1, keepdims=1) -> sum_1
  Mul(lx_0, sum_1) -> mul
Reshape(linear.weight, init7_s2_-1_1) -> _onx_transpose_p_linear_weight0
  Reshape(_onx_transpose_p_linear_weight0, init7_s2_1_-1) -> GemmTransposePattern--_onx_transpose_p_linear_weight0
    Gemm(x, GemmTransposePattern--_onx_transpose_p_linear_weight0, linear.bias, transB=1) -> linear
      Sigmoid(linear) -> sigmoid
        Sub(sigmoid, b_buff) -> sub
    Add(sub, mul) -> output_0
output: name='output_0' type=dtype('float32') shape=[4, 1]


opset: domain='' version=18
input: name='x' type=dtype('float32') shape=[4, 3]
input: name='lx_0' type=dtype('float32') shape=[4, 1]
input: name='lx_1' type=dtype('float32') shape=[4, 2]
init: name='b_buff' type=float32 shape=(1,) -- array([0.5], dtype=float32)-- DynamoInterpret.placeholder.0
init: name='init7_s1_1' type=int64 shape=(1,) -- array([1])           -- Opset.make_node.1/Shape
init: name='init7_s2_-1_1' type=int64 shape=(2,) -- array([-1,  1])   -- TransposeEqualReshapePattern.apply.new_shape
init: name='init7_s2_1_-1' type=int64 shape=(2,) -- array([ 1, -1])   -- TransposeEqualReshapePattern.apply.new_shape
init: name='linear.weight' type=float32 shape=(1, 3) -- array([-0.31 ,  0.419,  0.177], dtype=float32)-- DynamoInterpret.placeholder.1/P(linear.weight)
init: name='linear.bias' type=float32 shape=(1,) -- array([-0.465], dtype=float32)-- DynamoInterpret.placeholder.1/P(linear.bias)
ReduceSum(lx_1, init7_s1_1, keepdims=1) -> sum_1
  Mul(lx_0, sum_1) -> mul
Reshape(linear.weight, init7_s2_-1_1) -> _onx_transpose_p_linear_weight0
  Reshape(_onx_transpose_p_linear_weight0, init7_s2_1_-1) -> GemmTransposePattern--_onx_transpose_p_linear_weight0
    Gemm(x, GemmTransposePattern--_onx_transpose_p_linear_weight0, linear.bias, transB=1) -> linear
      Sigmoid(linear) -> sigmoid
        Sub(sigmoid, b_buff) -> sub
    Add(sub, mul) -> output_0
output: name='output_0' type=dtype('float32') shape=[4, 1]



len(.) expects an integer, len needs to be replaced. You should use _len.


opset: domain='pkg.onnxscript.torch_lib.common' version=1
opset: domain='' version=18
input: name='x' type=dtype('float32') shape=[4, 3]
input: name='lx_0' type=dtype('float32') shape=[4, 1]
input: name='lx_1' type=dtype('float32') shape=[4, 2]
init: name='linear.weight' type=float32 shape=(1, 3) -- array([ 0.076,  0.54 , -0.086], dtype=float32)
init: name='linear.bias' type=float32 shape=(1,) -- array([-0.16], dtype=float32)
init: name='buff' type=float32 shape=(1,) -- array([0.5], dtype=float32)
Constant(value=[1]) -> val_3
  ReduceSum(lx_1, val_3, noop_with_empty_axes=0, keepdims=1) -> sum_1
    Mul(lx_0, sum_1) -> mul
Gemm(x, linear.weight, linear.bias, beta=1.00, transB=1, alpha=1.00, transA=0) -> linear
  Sigmoid(linear) -> sigmoid
    Sub(sigmoid, buff) -> sub
      Add(sub, mul) -> add
output: name='add' type=dtype('float32') shape=[4, 1]


opset: domain='' version=17
input: name='onnx::Gemm_0' type=dtype('float32') shape=[4, 3]
input: name='onnx::Mul_1' type=dtype('float32') shape=[4, 1]
input: name='onnx::ReduceSum_2' type=dtype('float32') shape=[4, 2]
init: name='buff' type=float32 shape=(1,) -- array([0.5], dtype=float32)
init: name='linear.weight' type=float32 shape=(1, 3) -- array([0.02 , 0.16 , 0.113], dtype=float32)
init: name='linear.bias' type=float32 shape=(1,) -- array([-0.331], dtype=float32)
Constant(value=[1]) -> onnx::ReduceSum_6
  ReduceSum(onnx::ReduceSum_2, onnx::ReduceSum_6, keepdims=1) -> /ReduceSum_output_0
    Mul(onnx::Mul_1, /ReduceSum_output_0) -> /Mul_output_0
Gemm(onnx::Gemm_0, linear.weight, linear.bias, alpha=1.00, beta=1.00, transB=1) -> /linear/Gemm_output_0
  Sigmoid(/linear/Gemm_output_0) -> /Sigmoid_output_0
    Sub(/Sigmoid_output_0, buff) -> /Sub_output_0
      Add(/Sub_output_0, /Mul_output_0) -> 12
output: name='12' type=dtype('float32') shape=[4, 1]



def forward(self, x, angle):
    return torch.polar(x, angle)



[ONNXRuntimeError] : 10 : INVALID_GRAPH : This is an invalid model. Type Error: Type 'tensor(complex64)' of input parameter (_onx_cast_sin_angle00) of operator (Mul) in node (polar5) is invalid.



[ONNXRuntimeError] : 10 : INVALID_GRAPH : This is an invalid model. Type Error: Type 'tensor(complex64)' of input parameter (_onx_cast_sin_angle00) of operator (Mul) in node (polar5) is invalid.



[ONNXRuntimeError] : 10 : INVALID_GRAPH : This is an invalid model. Type Error: Type 'tensor(complex64)' of input parameter (_onx_cast_sin_angle00) of operator (Mul) in node (polar5) is invalid.


opset: domain='pkg.onnxscript.torch_lib.common' version=1
opset: domain='pkg.onnxscript.torch_lib' version=1
opset: domain='' version=18
input: name='x' type=dtype('float32') shape=[4, 4]
input: name='angle' type=dtype('float32') shape=[4, 4]
Constant(value=[-1]) -> int64_m1_1d
Cos(angle) -> tmp
  Mul(x, tmp) -> tmp_0
  Unsqueeze(tmp_0, int64_m1_1d) -> real
Sin(angle) -> tmp_1
  Mul(x, tmp_1) -> tmp_2
Constant(value=[-1]) -> int64_m1_1d_3
  Unsqueeze(tmp_2, int64_m1_1d_3) -> imag
    Concat(real, imag, axis=-1) -> polar
output: name='polar' type=dtype('float32') shape=[4, 4, 2]



Exporting the operator 'aten::polar' to ONNX opset version 17 is not supported. Please feel free to request support or submit a pull request on PyTorch GitHub: https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/issues.



def forward(self, x):
    def true_fn(x):
        return torch.sin(x)

    def false_fn(x):
        return torch.cos(x)

    return torch.cond(x.sum() > 0, true_fn, false_fn, [x])


opset: domain='' version=18
opset: domain='local_functions' version=1
input: name='x' type=dtype('float32') shape=[5, 3]
init: name='init1_s_' type=float32 shape=() -- array([0.], dtype=float32)-- shape_type_compute._cast_inputs.1(gt_Scalar)
ReduceSum(x, keepdims=0) -> sum_1
  Greater(sum_1, init1_s_) -> gt
    If(gt, else_branch=G1, then_branch=G2) -> output_0
output: name='output_0' type=dtype('float32') shape=[5, 3]
----- subgraph ---- If - cond - att.else_branch=G1 -- level=1 --  -> cond#0
false_graph_0[local_functions](x) -> cond#0
output: name='cond#0' type='NOTENSOR' shape=None
----- subgraph ---- If - cond - att.then_branch=G2 -- level=1 --  -> cond#0
true_graph_0[local_functions](x) -> cond#0
output: name='cond#0' type='NOTENSOR' shape=None
----- function name=true_graph_0 domain=local_functions
----- doc_string: -- function_options=FunctionOptions(export_as_function=...
opset: domain='' version=18
input: 'x'
Sin(x) -> output_0
output: name='output_0' type=? shape=?
----- function name=false_graph_0 domain=local_functions
----- doc_string: -- function_options=FunctionOptions(export_as_function=...
opset: domain='' version=18
opset: domain='local_functions' version=1
input: 'x'
Cos(x) -> output_0
output: name='output_0' type=? shape=?


opset: domain='' version=18
opset: domain='local_functions' version=1
input: name='x' type=dtype('float32') shape=[5, 3]
init: name='init1_s_' type=float32 shape=() -- array([0.], dtype=float32)-- shape_type_compute._cast_inputs.1(gt_Scalar)
ReduceSum(x, keepdims=0) -> sum_1
  Greater(sum_1, init1_s_) -> gt
    If(gt, else_branch=G1, then_branch=G2) -> output_0
output: name='output_0' type=dtype('float32') shape=[5, 3]
----- subgraph ---- If - cond - att.else_branch=G1 -- level=1 --  -> cond#0
false_graph_0[local_functions](x) -> cond#0
output: name='cond#0' type='NOTENSOR' shape=None
----- subgraph ---- If - cond - att.then_branch=G2 -- level=1 --  -> cond#0
true_graph_0[local_functions](x) -> cond#0
output: name='cond#0' type='NOTENSOR' shape=None
----- function name=true_graph_0 domain=local_functions
----- doc_string: -- function_options=FunctionOptions(export_as_function=...
opset: domain='' version=18
input: 'x'
Sin(x) -> output_0
output: name='output_0' type=? shape=?
----- function name=false_graph_0 domain=local_functions
----- doc_string: -- function_options=FunctionOptions(export_as_function=...
opset: domain='' version=18
opset: domain='local_functions' version=1
input: 'x'
Cos(x) -> output_0
output: name='output_0' type=? shape=?



aten_meth_sum() missing 1 required positional argument: 'axis'


opset: domain='pkg.onnxscript.torch_lib.common' version=1
opset: domain='' version=18
opset: domain='pkg.torch.__subgraph__' version=1
input: name='x' type=dtype('float32') shape=[5, 3]
Constant(value=0.0) -> scalar_tensor_default
ReduceSum(x, noop_with_empty_axes=0, keepdims=0) -> sum_1
  Greater(sum_1, scalar_tensor_default) -> gt
    If(gt, then_branch=G1, else_branch=G2) -> getitem
output: name='getitem' type=dtype('float32') shape=[5, 3]
----- subgraph ---- If - node_If_4 - att.then_branch=G1 -- level=1 --  -> sin_true_graph_0
Sin(x) -> sin_true_graph_0
output: name='sin_true_graph_0' type=dtype('float32') shape=[5, 3]
----- subgraph ---- If - node_If_4 - att.else_branch=G2 -- level=1 --  -> cos_false_graph_0
Cos(x) -> cos_false_graph_0
output: name='cos_false_graph_0' type=dtype('float32') shape=[5, 3]



Detected that you are using FX to torch.jit.trace a dynamo-optimized function. This is not supported at the moment.



def forward(self, x, y):
    def true_fn(x, y):
        return torch.sin(x), torch.cos(x) + y

    def false_fn(x, y):
        return torch.cos(x), torch.sin(x) + y

    return torch.cond(x.sum() > 0, true_fn, false_fn, [x, y])


opset: domain='' version=18
opset: domain='local_functions' version=1
input: name='x' type=dtype('float32') shape=[5, 3]
input: name='y' type=dtype('float32') shape=[5, 3]
init: name='init1_s_' type=float32 shape=() -- array([0.], dtype=float32)-- shape_type_compute._cast_inputs.1(gt_Scalar)
ReduceSum(x, keepdims=0) -> sum_1
  Greater(sum_1, init1_s_) -> gt
    If(gt, else_branch=G1, then_branch=G2) -> output_0, output_1
output: name='output_0' type=dtype('float32') shape=[5, 3]
output: name='output_1' type=dtype('float32') shape=[5, 3]
----- subgraph ---- If - cond - att.else_branch=G1 -- level=1 --  -> cond#0,cond#1
false_graph_0[local_functions](x, y) -> cond#0, cond#1
output: name='cond#0' type='NOTENSOR' shape=None
output: name='cond#1' type='NOTENSOR' shape=None
----- subgraph ---- If - cond - att.then_branch=G2 -- level=1 --  -> cond#0,cond#1
true_graph_0[local_functions](x, y) -> cond#0, cond#1
output: name='cond#0' type='NOTENSOR' shape=None
output: name='cond#1' type='NOTENSOR' shape=None
----- function name=true_graph_0 domain=local_functions
----- doc_string: -- function_options=FunctionOptions(export_as_function=...
opset: domain='' version=18
input: 'x'
input: 'y'
Cos(x) -> cos
  Add(cos, y) -> output_1
Sin(x) -> output_0
output: name='output_0' type=? shape=?
output: name='output_1' type=? shape=?
----- function name=false_graph_0 domain=local_functions
----- doc_string: -- function_options=FunctionOptions(export_as_function=...
opset: domain='' version=18
opset: domain='local_functions' version=1
input: 'x'
input: 'y'
Cos(x) -> output_0
Sin(x) -> sin
  Add(sin, y) -> output_1
output: name='output_0' type=? shape=?
output: name='output_1' type=? shape=?


opset: domain='' version=18
opset: domain='local_functions' version=1
input: name='x' type=dtype('float32') shape=[5, 3]
input: name='y' type=dtype('float32') shape=[5, 3]
init: name='init1_s_' type=float32 shape=() -- array([0.], dtype=float32)-- shape_type_compute._cast_inputs.1(gt_Scalar)
ReduceSum(x, keepdims=0) -> sum_1
  Greater(sum_1, init1_s_) -> gt
    If(gt, else_branch=G1, then_branch=G2) -> output_0, output_1
output: name='output_0' type=dtype('float32') shape=[5, 3]
output: name='output_1' type=dtype('float32') shape=[5, 3]
----- subgraph ---- If - cond - att.else_branch=G1 -- level=1 --  -> cond#0,cond#1
false_graph_0[local_functions](x, y) -> cond#0, cond#1
output: name='cond#0' type='NOTENSOR' shape=None
output: name='cond#1' type='NOTENSOR' shape=None
----- subgraph ---- If - cond - att.then_branch=G2 -- level=1 --  -> cond#0,cond#1
true_graph_0[local_functions](x, y) -> cond#0, cond#1
output: name='cond#0' type='NOTENSOR' shape=None
output: name='cond#1' type='NOTENSOR' shape=None
----- function name=true_graph_0 domain=local_functions
----- doc_string: -- function_options=FunctionOptions(export_as_function=...
opset: domain='' version=18
input: 'x'
input: 'y'
Cos(x) -> cos
  Add(cos, y) -> output_1
Sin(x) -> output_0
output: name='output_0' type=? shape=?
output: name='output_1' type=? shape=?
----- function name=false_graph_0 domain=local_functions
----- doc_string: -- function_options=FunctionOptions(export_as_function=...
opset: domain='' version=18
opset: domain='local_functions' version=1
input: 'x'
input: 'y'
Cos(x) -> output_0
Sin(x) -> sin
  Add(sin, y) -> output_1
output: name='output_0' type=? shape=?
output: name='output_1' type=? shape=?



aten_meth_sum() missing 1 required positional argument: 'axis'



Failed to convert the exported program to an ONNX model. This is step 3/3 of exporting the model to ONNX. Next steps:
- If there is a missing ONNX function, implement it and register it to the registry.
- If there is an internal error during ONNX conversion, debug the error and summit a PR to PyTorch.
- Create an error report with `torch.onnx.export(..., report=True)`, and save the ExportedProgram as a pt2 file. Create an issue in the PyTorch GitHub repository against the *onnx* component. Attach the error report and the pt2 model.

## Exception summary

<class 'IndexError'>: tuple index out of range
<class 'torch.onnx._internal.exporter._errors.ConversionError'>: Error when translating node %getitem_1 : [num_users=1] = call_function[target=operator.getitem](args = (%cond, 1), kwargs = {}). See the stack trace for more information.

(Refer to the full stack trace above for more information.)



Detected that you are using FX to torch.jit.trace a dynamo-optimized function. This is not supported at the moment.



def forward(self, x):
    def true_fn(x):
        return torch.sin(x), torch.cos(x)

    def false_fn(x):
        return torch.cos(x), torch.sin(x)

    return torch.cond(x.sum() > 0, true_fn, false_fn, [x])


opset: domain='' version=18
opset: domain='local_functions' version=1
input: name='x' type=dtype('float32') shape=[5, 3]
init: name='init1_s_' type=float32 shape=() -- array([0.], dtype=float32)-- shape_type_compute._cast_inputs.1(gt_Scalar)
ReduceSum(x, keepdims=0) -> sum_1
  Greater(sum_1, init1_s_) -> gt
    If(gt, else_branch=G1, then_branch=G2) -> output_0, output_1
output: name='output_0' type=dtype('float32') shape=[5, 3]
output: name='output_1' type=dtype('float32') shape=[5, 3]
----- subgraph ---- If - cond - att.else_branch=G1 -- level=1 --  -> cond#0,cond#1
false_graph_0[local_functions](x) -> cond#0, cond#1
output: name='cond#0' type='NOTENSOR' shape=None
output: name='cond#1' type='NOTENSOR' shape=None
----- subgraph ---- If - cond - att.then_branch=G2 -- level=1 --  -> cond#0,cond#1
true_graph_0[local_functions](x) -> cond#0, cond#1
output: name='cond#0' type='NOTENSOR' shape=None
output: name='cond#1' type='NOTENSOR' shape=None
----- function name=true_graph_0 domain=local_functions
----- doc_string: -- function_options=FunctionOptions(export_as_function=...
opset: domain='' version=18
input: 'x'
Cos(x) -> output_1
Sin(x) -> output_0
output: name='output_0' type=? shape=?
output: name='output_1' type=? shape=?
----- function name=false_graph_0 domain=local_functions
----- doc_string: -- function_options=FunctionOptions(export_as_function=...
opset: domain='' version=18
opset: domain='local_functions' version=1
input: 'x'
Cos(x) -> output_0
Sin(x) -> output_1
output: name='output_0' type=? shape=?
output: name='output_1' type=? shape=?


opset: domain='' version=18
opset: domain='local_functions' version=1
input: name='x' type=dtype('float32') shape=[5, 3]
init: name='init1_s_' type=float32 shape=() -- array([0.], dtype=float32)-- shape_type_compute._cast_inputs.1(gt_Scalar)
ReduceSum(x, keepdims=0) -> sum_1
  Greater(sum_1, init1_s_) -> gt
    If(gt, else_branch=G1, then_branch=G2) -> output_0, output_1
output: name='output_0' type=dtype('float32') shape=[5, 3]
output: name='output_1' type=dtype('float32') shape=[5, 3]
----- subgraph ---- If - cond - att.else_branch=G1 -- level=1 --  -> cond#0,cond#1
false_graph_0[local_functions](x) -> cond#0, cond#1
output: name='cond#0' type='NOTENSOR' shape=None
output: name='cond#1' type='NOTENSOR' shape=None
----- subgraph ---- If - cond - att.then_branch=G2 -- level=1 --  -> cond#0,cond#1
true_graph_0[local_functions](x) -> cond#0, cond#1
output: name='cond#0' type='NOTENSOR' shape=None
output: name='cond#1' type='NOTENSOR' shape=None
----- function name=true_graph_0 domain=local_functions
----- doc_string: -- function_options=FunctionOptions(export_as_function=...
opset: domain='' version=18
input: 'x'
Cos(x) -> output_1
Sin(x) -> output_0
output: name='output_0' type=? shape=?
output: name='output_1' type=? shape=?
----- function name=false_graph_0 domain=local_functions
----- doc_string: -- function_options=FunctionOptions(export_as_function=...
opset: domain='' version=18
opset: domain='local_functions' version=1
input: 'x'
Cos(x) -> output_0
Sin(x) -> output_1
output: name='output_0' type=? shape=?
output: name='output_1' type=? shape=?



aten_meth_sum() missing 1 required positional argument: 'axis'



Failed to convert the exported program to an ONNX model. This is step 3/3 of exporting the model to ONNX. Next steps:
- If there is a missing ONNX function, implement it and register it to the registry.
- If there is an internal error during ONNX conversion, debug the error and summit a PR to PyTorch.
- Create an error report with `torch.onnx.export(..., report=True)`, and save the ExportedProgram as a pt2 file. Create an issue in the PyTorch GitHub repository against the *onnx* component. Attach the error report and the pt2 model.

## Exception summary

<class 'IndexError'>: tuple index out of range
<class 'torch.onnx._internal.exporter._errors.ConversionError'>: Error when translating node %getitem_1 : [num_users=1] = call_function[target=operator.getitem](args = (%cond, 1), kwargs = {}). See the stack trace for more information.

(Refer to the full stack trace above for more information.)



Detected that you are using FX to torch.jit.trace a dynamo-optimized function. This is not supported at the moment.



def forward(self, x):
    def true_fn(x):
        return torch.sin(x) - torch.ones(x.shape, dtype=x.dtype)

    def false_fn(x):
        return torch.cos(x) + torch.ones((1, 1024), dtype=x.dtype)

    return torch.cond(x.sum() > 0, true_fn, false_fn, [x])


opset: domain='' version=18
opset: domain='local_functions' version=1
input: name='x' type=dtype('float32') shape=[1024, 1024]
init: name='init1_s_' type=float32 shape=() -- array([0.], dtype=float32)-- shape_type_compute._cast_inputs.1(gt_Scalar)
ReduceSum(x, keepdims=0) -> sum_1
  Greater(sum_1, init1_s_) -> gt
    If(gt, else_branch=G1, then_branch=G2) -> output_0
output: name='output_0' type=dtype('float32') shape=[1024, 1024]
----- subgraph ---- If - cond - att.else_branch=G1 -- level=1 --  -> cond#0
false_graph_0[local_functions](x) -> cond#0
output: name='cond#0' type='NOTENSOR' shape=None
----- subgraph ---- If - cond - att.then_branch=G2 -- level=1 --  -> cond#0
true_graph_0[local_functions](x) -> cond#0
output: name='cond#0' type='NOTENSOR' shape=None
----- function name=true_graph_0 domain=local_functions
----- doc_string: -- function_options=FunctionOptions(export_as_function=...
opset: domain='' version=18
input: 'x'
Constant(value=[1024, 102...) -> init7_s2_1024_1024
  ConstantOfShape(init7_s2_1024_1024, value=[1.0]) -> ones
Sin(x) -> sin
  Sub(sin, ones) -> output_0
output: name='output_0' type=? shape=?
----- function name=false_graph_0 domain=local_functions
----- doc_string: -- function_options=FunctionOptions(export_as_function=...
opset: domain='' version=18
opset: domain='local_functions' version=1
input: 'x'
Constant(value=[1, 1024]) -> init7_s2_1_1024
  ConstantOfShape(init7_s2_1_1024, value=[1.0]) -> ones
Cos(x) -> cos
  Add(cos, ones) -> output_0
output: name='output_0' type=? shape=?


opset: domain='' version=18
opset: domain='local_functions' version=1
input: name='x' type=dtype('float32') shape=[1024, 1024]
init: name='init1_s_' type=float32 shape=() -- array([0.], dtype=float32)-- shape_type_compute._cast_inputs.1(gt_Scalar)
ReduceSum(x, keepdims=0) -> sum_1
  Greater(sum_1, init1_s_) -> gt
    If(gt, else_branch=G1, then_branch=G2) -> output_0
output: name='output_0' type=dtype('float32') shape=[1024, 1024]
----- subgraph ---- If - cond - att.else_branch=G1 -- level=1 --  -> cond#0
false_graph_0[local_functions](x) -> cond#0
output: name='cond#0' type='NOTENSOR' shape=None
----- subgraph ---- If - cond - att.then_branch=G2 -- level=1 --  -> cond#0
true_graph_0[local_functions](x) -> cond#0
output: name='cond#0' type='NOTENSOR' shape=None
----- function name=true_graph_0 domain=local_functions
----- doc_string: -- function_options=FunctionOptions(export_as_function=...
opset: domain='' version=18
input: 'x'
Constant(value=[1024, 102...) -> init7_s2_1024_1024
  ConstantOfShape(init7_s2_1024_1024, value=[1.0]) -> ones
Sin(x) -> sin
  Sub(sin, ones) -> output_0
output: name='output_0' type=? shape=?
----- function name=false_graph_0 domain=local_functions
----- doc_string: -- function_options=FunctionOptions(export_as_function=...
opset: domain='' version=18
opset: domain='local_functions' version=1
input: 'x'
Constant(value=[1, 1024]) -> init7_s2_1_1024
  ConstantOfShape(init7_s2_1_1024, value=[1.0]) -> ones
Cos(x) -> cos
  Add(cos, ones) -> output_0
output: name='output_0' type=? shape=?



aten_meth_sum() missing 1 required positional argument: 'axis'


opset: domain='pkg.onnxscript.torch_lib.common' version=1
opset: domain='' version=18
opset: domain='pkg.torch.__subgraph__' version=1
input: name='x' type=dtype('float32') shape=[1024, 1024]
Constant(value=0.0) -> scalar_tensor_default
ReduceSum(x, noop_with_empty_axes=0, keepdims=0) -> sum_1
  Greater(sum_1, scalar_tensor_default) -> gt
    If(gt, then_branch=G1, else_branch=G2) -> getitem
output: name='getitem' type=dtype('float32') shape=[1024, 1024]
----- subgraph ---- If - node_If_4 - att.then_branch=G1 -- level=1 --  -> sub_true_graph_0
Constant(value=[1024, 102...) -> val_1
Sin(x) -> sin
Constant(value=1.0) -> val_3
  Expand(val_3, val_1) -> ones
  Sub(sin, ones) -> sub_true_graph_0
output: name='sub_true_graph_0' type=dtype('float32') shape=[1024, 1024]
----- subgraph ---- If - node_If_4 - att.else_branch=G2 -- level=1 --  -> add_false_graph_0
Constant(value=[[1.0, 1.0...) -> ones_2
Cos(x) -> cos
  Add(cos, ones_2) -> add_false_graph_0
output: name='add_false_graph_0' type=dtype('float32') shape=[1024, 1024]



Detected that you are using FX to torch.jit.trace a dynamo-optimized function. This is not supported at the moment.



def forward(self, x):
    def true_fn(x):
        return self.submodule(x)

    def false_fn(x):
        return x - self.weight

    y = torch.cond(x.sum() > 0, true_fn, false_fn, [x])
    return y


opset: domain='' version=18
opset: domain='local_functions.0' version=1
opset: domain='local_functions' version=1
input: name='x' type=dtype('int64') shape=[2]
init: name='init7_s_0' type=int64 shape=() -- array([0])              -- shape_type_compute._cast_inputs.1(gt_Scalar)
init: name='submodule.weight' type=float32 shape=(1,) -- array([100.], dtype=float32)-- DynamoInterpret.placeholder.1/P(submodule.weight)
init: name='weight' type=float32 shape=(1,) -- array([42.], dtype=float32)-- DynamoInterpret.placeholder.1/P(weight)
ReduceSum(x, keepdims=0) -> sum_1
  Greater(sum_1, init7_s_0) -> gt
    If(gt, else_branch=G1, then_branch=G2) -> output_0
output: name='output_0' type=dtype('float32') shape=[2]
----- subgraph ---- If - cond - att.else_branch=G1 -- level=1 --  -> cond#0
false_graph_0[local_functions](x, submodule.weight, weight) -> cond#0
output: name='cond#0' type='NOTENSOR' shape=None
----- subgraph ---- If - cond - att.then_branch=G2 -- level=1 --  -> cond#0
true_graph_0[local_functions](x, submodule.weight, weight) -> cond#0
output: name='cond#0' type='NOTENSOR' shape=None
----- function name=true_graph_0 domain=local_functions.0
----- doc_string: -- function_options=FunctionOptions(export_as_function=...
opset: domain='' version=18
input: 'p_submodule_weight'
input: 'x'
Cast(x, to=1) -> _onx_cast_x0
  Mul(_onx_cast_x0, p_submodule_weight) -> output_0
output: name='output_0' type=? shape=?
----- function name=false_graph_0 domain=local_functions.0
----- doc_string: -- function_options=FunctionOptions(export_as_function=...
opset: domain='' version=18
opset: domain='local_functions.0' version=1
input: 'p_submodule_weight'
input: 'x'
Cast(x, to=1) -> _onx_cast_x0
  Div(_onx_cast_x0, p_submodule_weight) -> output_0
output: name='output_0' type=? shape=?
----- function name=true_graph_0 domain=local_functions
----- doc_string: -- function_options=FunctionOptions(export_as_function=...
opset: domain='' version=18
opset: domain='local_functions.0' version=1
input: 'x'
input: 'p_submodule_weight'
input: 'p_weight'
Abs(x) -> abs_1
  ReduceSum(abs_1, keepdims=0) -> sum_1
Constant(value=100) -> init7_s_100
  Greater(sum_1, init7_s_100) -> gt
    If(gt, else_branch=G3, then_branch=G4) -> output_0
output: name='output_0' type=? shape=?
----- subgraph ---- If - cond - att.else_branch=G3 -- level=1 --  -> cond#0
false_graph_0[local_functions.0](p_submodule_weight, x) -> cond#0
output: name='cond#0' type='NOTENSOR' shape=None
----- subgraph ---- If - cond - att.then_branch=G4 -- level=1 --  -> cond#0
true_graph_0[local_functions.0](p_submodule_weight, x) -> cond#0
output: name='cond#0' type='NOTENSOR' shape=None
----- function name=false_graph_0 domain=local_functions
----- doc_string: -- function_options=FunctionOptions(export_as_function=...
opset: domain='' version=18
opset: domain='local_functions.0' version=1
opset: domain='local_functions' version=1
input: 'x'
input: 'p_submodule_weight'
input: 'p_weight'
Cast(x, to=1) -> _onx_cast_x0
  Sub(_onx_cast_x0, p_weight) -> output_0
output: name='output_0' type=? shape=?


opset: domain='' version=18
opset: domain='local_functions.0' version=1
opset: domain='local_functions' version=1
input: name='x' type=dtype('int64') shape=[2]
init: name='init7_s_0' type=int64 shape=() -- array([0])              -- shape_type_compute._cast_inputs.1(gt_Scalar)
init: name='weight' type=float32 shape=(1,) -- array([42.], dtype=float32)-- DynamoInterpret.placeholder.1/P(weight)
init: name='submodule.weight' type=float32 shape=(1,) -- array([100.], dtype=float32)-- DynamoInterpret.placeholder.1/P(submodule.weight)
ReduceSum(x, keepdims=0) -> sum_1
  Greater(sum_1, init7_s_0) -> gt
    If(gt, else_branch=G1, then_branch=G2) -> output_0
output: name='output_0' type=dtype('float32') shape=[2]
----- subgraph ---- If - cond - att.else_branch=G1 -- level=1 --  -> cond#0
false_graph_0[local_functions](x, submodule.weight, weight) -> cond#0
output: name='cond#0' type='NOTENSOR' shape=None
----- subgraph ---- If - cond - att.then_branch=G2 -- level=1 --  -> cond#0
true_graph_0[local_functions](x, submodule.weight, weight) -> cond#0
output: name='cond#0' type='NOTENSOR' shape=None
----- function name=true_graph_0 domain=local_functions.0
----- doc_string: -- function_options=FunctionOptions(export_as_function=...
opset: domain='' version=18
input: 'p_submodule_weight'
input: 'x'
Cast(x, to=1) -> _onx_cast_x0
  Mul(_onx_cast_x0, p_submodule_weight) -> output_0
output: name='output_0' type=? shape=?
----- function name=false_graph_0 domain=local_functions.0
----- doc_string: -- function_options=FunctionOptions(export_as_function=...
opset: domain='' version=18
opset: domain='local_functions.0' version=1
input: 'p_submodule_weight'
input: 'x'
Cast(x, to=1) -> _onx_cast_x0
  Div(_onx_cast_x0, p_submodule_weight) -> output_0
output: name='output_0' type=? shape=?
----- function name=true_graph_0 domain=local_functions
----- doc_string: -- function_options=FunctionOptions(export_as_function=...
opset: domain='' version=18
opset: domain='local_functions.0' version=1
input: 'x'
input: 'p_submodule_weight'
input: 'p_weight'
Abs(x) -> abs_1
  ReduceSum(abs_1, keepdims=0) -> sum_1
Constant(value=100) -> init7_s_100
  Greater(sum_1, init7_s_100) -> gt
    If(gt, else_branch=G3, then_branch=G4) -> output_0
output: name='output_0' type=? shape=?
----- subgraph ---- If - cond - att.else_branch=G3 -- level=1 --  -> cond#0
false_graph_0[local_functions.0](p_submodule_weight, x) -> cond#0
output: name='cond#0' type='NOTENSOR' shape=None
----- subgraph ---- If - cond - att.then_branch=G4 -- level=1 --  -> cond#0
true_graph_0[local_functions.0](p_submodule_weight, x) -> cond#0
output: name='cond#0' type='NOTENSOR' shape=None
----- function name=false_graph_0 domain=local_functions
----- doc_string: -- function_options=FunctionOptions(export_as_function=...
opset: domain='' version=18
opset: domain='local_functions.0' version=1
opset: domain='local_functions' version=1
input: 'x'
input: 'p_submodule_weight'
input: 'p_weight'
Cast(x, to=1) -> _onx_cast_x0
  Sub(_onx_cast_x0, p_weight) -> output_0
output: name='output_0' type=? shape=?



aten_meth_sum() missing 1 required positional argument: 'axis'


opset: domain='pkg.onnxscript.torch_lib.common' version=1
opset: domain='' version=18
opset: domain='pkg.torch.__subgraph__' version=1
opset: domain='pkg.onnxscript.torch_lib' version=1
input: name='x' type=dtype('int64') shape=[2]
init: name='weight' type=float32 shape=(1,) -- array([42.], dtype=float32)
init: name='submodule.weight' type=float32 shape=(1,) -- array([100.], dtype=float32)
Constant(value=0) -> val_0
ReduceSum(x, noop_with_empty_axes=0, keepdims=0) -> sum_1
  Greater(sum_1, val_0) -> gt
    If(gt, then_branch=G1, else_branch=G2) -> getitem
output: name='getitem' type=dtype('float32') shape=[2]
----- subgraph ---- If - node_If_3 - att.then_branch=G1 -- level=1 --  -> getitem_true_graph_0
Abs(x) -> abs_1
  ReduceSum(abs_1, noop_with_empty_axes=0, keepdims=0) -> sum_1_2
Constant(value=100) -> val_0_2
  Greater(sum_1_2, val_0_2) -> gt_2
    If(gt_2, then_branch=G3, else_branch=G4) -> getitem_true_graph_0
output: name='getitem_true_graph_0' type='NOTENSOR' shape=None
----- subgraph ---- If - node_If_4 - att.then_branch=G3 -- level=2 --  -> mul_true_graph_0__true_graph_0
Cast(x, to=1) -> convert_element_type_default
Mul(convert_element_type_default, submodule.weight) -> mul_true_graph_0__true_graph_0
output: name='mul_true_graph_0__true_graph_0' type=dtype('float32') shape=[2]
----- subgraph ---- If - node_If_4 - att.else_branch=G4 -- level=2 --  -> div_true_graph_0__false_graph_0
Cast(x, to=1) -> convert_element_type_default_2
Div(convert_element_type_default_2, submodule.weight) -> div_true_graph_0__false_graph_0
output: name='div_true_graph_0__false_graph_0' type=dtype('float32') shape=[2]
----- subgraph ---- If - node_If_4 - att.then_branch=G3 -- level=1 --  -> mul_true_graph_0__true_graph_0
Cast(x, to=1) -> convert_element_type_default
Mul(convert_element_type_default, submodule.weight) -> mul_true_graph_0__true_graph_0
output: name='mul_true_graph_0__true_graph_0' type=dtype('float32') shape=[2]
----- subgraph ---- If - node_If_4 - att.else_branch=G4 -- level=1 --  -> div_true_graph_0__false_graph_0
Cast(x, to=1) -> convert_element_type_default_2
Div(convert_element_type_default_2, submodule.weight) -> div_true_graph_0__false_graph_0
output: name='div_true_graph_0__false_graph_0' type=dtype('float32') shape=[2]
----- subgraph ---- If - node_If_3 - att.else_branch=G2 -- level=1 --  -> sub_false_graph_0
Cast(x, to=1) -> convert_element_type_default_3
Sub(convert_element_type_default_3, weight) -> sub_false_graph_0
output: name='sub_false_graph_0' type=dtype('float32') shape=[2]



Detected that you are using FX to torch.jit.trace a dynamo-optimized function. This is not supported at the moment.



def forward(self, input_ids, image_features, vocab_size):
    def then_branch(input_ids, image_features, vocab_size):
        input_shape = input_ids.size()
        input_ids = input_ids.view(-1, input_shape[-1])

        condition = (input_ids < 0) & (input_ids > -int(1e9))
        positions = torch.nonzero(condition, as_tuple=True)
        input_ids = input_ids.clamp_min(0).clamp_max(vocab_size)
        return (input_ids, positions[0], positions[1])

    def else_branch(input_ids, image_features, vocab_size):
        r = torch.where(torch.zeros((1, 1), dtype=torch.bool))
        return (input_ids, r[0], r[1])

    a, b, c = torch.cond(
        image_features.numel() > 0,
        [input_ids, image_features, vocab_size],
    return a, b, c


/home/xadupre/vv/this312/lib/python3.12/site-packages/torch/_dynamo/variables/higher_order_ops.py:807: UserWarning: Pred is a Python constant. When used with torch.cond, it specializes on one of the branches. If you want torch.cond to preserve two branches, please make the predicate a boolean tensor or a SymBool.


opset: domain='' version=18
input: name='input_ids' type=dtype('int64') shape=[2, 12]
input: name='image_features' type=dtype('float32') shape=[2, 16]
input: name='vocab_size' type=dtype('int64') shape=[1]
init: name='init7_s2_-1_12' type=int64 shape=(2,) -- array([-1, 12])  -- Opset.make_node.1/Shape
init: name='init7_s_0' type=int64 shape=() -- array([0])              -- shape_type_compute._cast_inputs.1(lt_Scalar)##DynamoInterpreter.getitem.1##shape_type_compute._cast_inputs.1(ge)
init: name='init7_s1_1' type=int64 shape=(1,) -- array([1])           -- Opset.make_node.1/Shape##Opset.make_node.1/Shape##Opset.make_node.1/Shape##Opset.make_node.1/Shape##Opset.make_node.1/Shape##Opset.make_node.1/Shape
init: name='init7_s_-1000000000' type=int64 shape=() -- array([-1000000000])-- shape_type_compute._cast_inputs.1(gt_Scalar)
init: name='init7_s_1' type=int64 shape=() -- array([1])              -- DynamoInterpreter.getitem.1
init: name='init7_s1_0' type=int64 shape=(1,) -- array([0])           -- Opset.make_node.1/Shape
init: name='init7_s1_1025' type=int64 shape=(1,) -- array([1025])     -- Opset.make_node.1/Shape
Reshape(init7_s_-1000000000, init7_s1_1) -> _reshape_init7_s_-10000000000
Reshape(input_ids, init7_s2_-1_12) -> view
  Greater(view, _reshape_init7_s_-10000000000) -> gt
Reshape(init7_s_0, init7_s1_1) -> _reshape_init7_s_00
  Less(view, _reshape_init7_s_00) -> lt
    And(lt, gt) -> and_1
      NonZero(and_1) -> _onx_nonzero_and_10
        SplitToSequence(_onx_nonzero_and_10, axis=0, keepdims=0) -> nonzero_numpy
          SequenceAt(nonzero_numpy, init7_s_0) -> output_1
SequenceAt(nonzero_numpy, init7_s_1) -> output_2
Clip(view, init7_s1_0, init7_s1_1025) -> output_0
output: name='output_0' type=dtype('int64') shape=[2, 12]
output: name='output_1' type=dtype('int64') shape=['u2']
output: name='output_2' type=dtype('int64') shape=['u2']


/home/xadupre/vv/this312/lib/python3.12/site-packages/torch/_dynamo/variables/higher_order_ops.py:807: UserWarning: Pred is a Python constant. When used with torch.cond, it specializes on one of the branches. If you want torch.cond to preserve two branches, please make the predicate a boolean tensor or a SymBool.


opset: domain='' version=18
input: name='input_ids' type=dtype('int64') shape=[2, 12]
input: name='image_features' type=dtype('float32') shape=[2, 16]
input: name='vocab_size' type=dtype('int64') shape=[1]
init: name='init7_s2_-1_12' type=int64 shape=(2,) -- array([-1, 12])  -- Opset.make_node.1/Shape
init: name='init7_s_0' type=int64 shape=() -- array([0])              -- shape_type_compute._cast_inputs.1(lt_Scalar)##DynamoInterpreter.getitem.1##shape_type_compute._cast_inputs.1(ge)
init: name='init7_s1_1' type=int64 shape=(1,) -- array([1])           -- Opset.make_node.1/Shape##Opset.make_node.1/Shape##Opset.make_node.1/Shape##Opset.make_node.1/Shape##Opset.make_node.1/Shape##Opset.make_node.1/Shape
init: name='init7_s_-1000000000' type=int64 shape=() -- array([-1000000000])-- shape_type_compute._cast_inputs.1(gt_Scalar)
init: name='init7_s_1' type=int64 shape=() -- array([1])              -- DynamoInterpreter.getitem.1
init: name='init7_s1_0' type=int64 shape=(1,) -- array([0])           -- Opset.make_node.1/Shape
init: name='init7_s1_1025' type=int64 shape=(1,) -- array([1025])     -- Opset.make_node.1/Shape
Reshape(init7_s_-1000000000, init7_s1_1) -> _reshape_init7_s_-10000000000
Reshape(input_ids, init7_s2_-1_12) -> view
  Greater(view, _reshape_init7_s_-10000000000) -> gt
Reshape(init7_s_0, init7_s1_1) -> _reshape_init7_s_00
  Less(view, _reshape_init7_s_00) -> lt
    And(lt, gt) -> and_1
      NonZero(and_1) -> _onx_nonzero_and_10
        SplitToSequence(_onx_nonzero_and_10, axis=0, keepdims=0) -> nonzero_numpy
          SequenceAt(nonzero_numpy, init7_s_0) -> output_1
SequenceAt(nonzero_numpy, init7_s_1) -> output_2
Clip(view, init7_s1_0, init7_s1_1025) -> output_0
output: name='output_0' type=dtype('int64') shape=[2, 12]
output: name='output_1' type=dtype('int64') shape=['u4']
output: name='output_2' type=dtype('int64') shape=['u4']



val is None for node=output, output=(getitem, getitem_1, getitem_2), a='getitem', o='output_0', has_type=False, has_rank=False, has_shape=False, 
node.__dict__={'graph': <torch.fx.graph.Graph object at 0x7f154af33da0>, 'name': 'output', 'op': 'output', 'target': 'output', '_input_nodes': {getitem: None, getitem_1: None, getitem_2: None}, '_args': ((getitem, getitem_1, getitem_2),), '_kwargs': {}, 'users': {}, 'type': None, '_sort_key': (11,), '_repr_fn': None, 'meta': {}}
[GraphBuilder-GPK] Message starts, there are 2 initializers, 11 nodes, 3 inputs, 3 outputs.
    local_functions,_cb_cond_then_branch_0(['x', 'y', 'z']) -> ['output_0', 'output_1', 'output_2']
    local_functions,_cb_cond_else_branch_0(['x', 'y', 'z']) -> ['output_0', 'output_1', 'output_2']
_known_types={'_reshape_init7_s_00': 7,
 '_reshape_numel0': 7,
 'gt': 9,
 'image_features': 1,
 'init7_s1_1': 7,
 'init7_s_0': 7,
 'input_ids': 7,
 'numel': 7,
 'vocab_size': 7}
_known_shapes={'_reshape_init7_s_00': (1,),
 '_reshape_numel0': (1,),
 'gt': (),
 'image_features': (2, 16),
 'init7_s1_1': (1,),
 'init7_s_0': (),
 'input_ids': (2, 12),
 'numel': (),
 'vocab_size': ()}
_known_constants=['_reshape_init7_s_00', 'init7_s1_1', 'init7_s_0']
    _cb_cond_else_branch_0 -> {condcc}
    _cb_cond_then_branch_0 -> {condcc}
    condcc -> {getitem_2, getitem, getitem_1}
    getitem -> {output}
    getitem_1 -> {output}
    getitem_2 -> {output}
    gt -> {condcc}
    image_features -> {condcc, numel}
    input_ids -> {condcc}
    numel -> {gt}
    output -> set()
    vocab_size -> {condcc}
    input_ids: ('run_node', (('example_value', torch.int64, torch.Size([2, 12])), '')) --- 7:2:(2, 12):
    image_features: ('run_node', (('example_value', torch.float32, torch.Size([2, 16])), '')) --- 1:2:(2, 16):
    vocab_size: ('run_node', (('example_value', torch.int64, torch.Size([])), '')) --- 7:0:():
    numel: ('run_node', ('', '')) --- 7:0:():
    gt: ('run_node', ('', '')) --- 9:0:():
    _cb_cond_then_branch_0: ('run_node', ('', '')) --- :::
    _cb_cond_else_branch_0: ('run_node', ('', '')) --- :::
    condcc: ('run_node', ('', '')) --- :::
    getitem: ('run_node', ('', '')) --- :::
    getitem_1: ('run_node', ('', '')) --- :::
    getitem_2: ('run_node', ('', '')) --- :::
    output: ('run_node', ('', '')) --- :::
-- process.graph_module --
    %input_ids : [num_users=1] = placeholder[target=input_ids]
    %image_features : [num_users=2] = placeholder[target=image_features]
    %vocab_size : [num_users=1] = placeholder[target=vocab_size]
    %numel : [num_users=1] = call_method[target=numel](args = (%image_features,), kwargs = {})
    %gt : [num_users=1] = call_function[target=operator.gt](args = (%numel, 0), kwargs = {})
    %_cb_cond_then_branch_0 : [num_users=1] = get_attr[target=_cb_cond_then_branch_0]
    %_cb_cond_else_branch_0 : [num_users=1] = get_attr[target=_cb_cond_else_branch_0]
    %condcc : [num_users=3] = call_function[target=torch.ops.higher_order.cond](args = (%gt, %_cb_cond_then_branch_0, %_cb_cond_else_branch_0, [%input_ids, %image_features, %vocab_size]), kwargs = {})
    %getitem : [num_users=1] = call_function[target=operator.getitem](args = (%condcc, 0), kwargs = {})
    %getitem_1 : [num_users=1] = call_function[target=operator.getitem](args = (%condcc, 1), kwargs = {})
    %getitem_2 : [num_users=1] = call_function[target=operator.getitem](args = (%condcc, 2), kwargs = {})
    return (getitem, getitem_1, getitem_2)
-- process.progress --
node 11/12 target=output
[GraphBuilder-GPK.make_tensor_input] input_ids[7:2x12]
[GraphBuilder-GPK.make_tensor_input] image_features[1:2x16]
[GraphBuilder-GPK.make_tensor_input] vocab_size[7:]
[GraphBuilder-GPK.make_initializer] init7_s_0[int64:int64:[0]] - SOURCE: shape_type_compute._cast_inputs.1(gt)
[GraphBuilder-GPK.make_initializer] init7_s1_1[int64:int64:[1]] - SOURCE: Opset.make_node.1/Shape##Opset.make_node.1/Shape
[GraphBuilder-GPK.make_node] meth_numel      [#:#   ] Size:['image_features']->['numel']
[GraphBuilder-GPK.make_node] gt              [##:#  ] Reshape:['numel', 'init7_s1_1']->['_reshape_numel0']
[GraphBuilder-GPK.make_node] gt2             [##:#  ] Reshape:['init7_s_0', 'init7_s1_1']->['_reshape_init7_s_00']
[GraphBuilder-GPK.make_node] gt3             [##:#  ] Greater:['numel', 'init7_s_0']->['gt']
[GraphBuilder-GPK.make_node] cond            [#:--- ] If:['gt']->['condcc#0', 'condcc#1', 'condcc#2']
[GraphBuilder-GPK.make_node] getitemB_tuple  [-:-   ] Identity:['condcc#0']->['getitem']
[GraphBuilder-GPK.make_node] getitemB_tuple2 [-:-   ] Identity:['condcc#1']->['getitem_1']
[GraphBuilder-GPK.make_node] getitemB_tuple3 [-:-   ] Identity:['condcc#2']->['getitem_2']
[GraphBuilder-GPK.make_node] .output         [-:-   ] Identity:['getitem']->['output_0']
[GraphBuilder-GPK.make_node] .output2        [-:-   ] Identity:['getitem_1']->['output_1']
[GraphBuilder-GPK.make_node] .output3        [-:-   ] Identity:['getitem_2']->['output_2']
[GraphBuilder-GPK] Message completed, there are 2 initializers, 11 nodes, 3 inputs, 3 outputs.



Input mismatch, inputs[0]=(T7r2,T1r2,int) but names=['input_ids', 'image_features'], model=ControlFlowCondNonZero, export='dynamo-ir'



Detected that you are using FX to torch.jit.trace a dynamo-optimized function. This is not supported at the moment.



def forward(self, x):
    def true_fn2(x):
        def true_fn1(x):
            return torch.sin(x)

        def false_fn1(x):
            return torch.cos(x)

        return torch.cond(x.sum() < 0, true_fn1, false_fn1, [x])

    def false_fn2(x):
        return -x

    return torch.cond(x.sum() > 0, true_fn2, false_fn2, [x])


opset: domain='' version=18
opset: domain='local_functions.0' version=1
opset: domain='local_functions' version=1
input: name='x' type=dtype('float32') shape=[5, 3]
init: name='init1_s_' type=float32 shape=() -- array([0.], dtype=float32)-- shape_type_compute._cast_inputs.1(gt_Scalar)
ReduceSum(x, keepdims=0) -> sum_1
  Greater(sum_1, init1_s_) -> gt
    If(gt, else_branch=G1, then_branch=G2) -> output_0
output: name='output_0' type=dtype('float32') shape=[5, 3]
----- subgraph ---- If - cond - att.else_branch=G1 -- level=1 --  -> cond#0
false_graph_0[local_functions](x) -> cond#0
output: name='cond#0' type='NOTENSOR' shape=None
----- subgraph ---- If - cond - att.then_branch=G2 -- level=1 --  -> cond#0
true_graph_0[local_functions](x) -> cond#0
output: name='cond#0' type='NOTENSOR' shape=None
----- function name=true_graph_0 domain=local_functions.0
----- doc_string: -- function_options=FunctionOptions(export_as_function=...
opset: domain='' version=18
input: 'x'
Sin(x) -> output_0
output: name='output_0' type=? shape=?
----- function name=false_graph_0 domain=local_functions.0
----- doc_string: -- function_options=FunctionOptions(export_as_function=...
opset: domain='' version=18
opset: domain='local_functions.0' version=1
input: 'x'
Cos(x) -> output_0
output: name='output_0' type=? shape=?
----- function name=true_graph_0 domain=local_functions
----- doc_string: -- function_options=FunctionOptions(export_as_function=...
opset: domain='' version=18
opset: domain='local_functions.0' version=1
input: 'x'
Constant(value=0.0) -> init1_s_
ReduceSum(x, keepdims=0) -> sum_1
  Less(sum_1, init1_s_) -> lt
    If(lt, else_branch=G3, then_branch=G4) -> output_0
output: name='output_0' type=? shape=?
----- subgraph ---- If - cond - att.else_branch=G3 -- level=1 --  -> cond#0
false_graph_0[local_functions.0](x) -> cond#0
output: name='cond#0' type='NOTENSOR' shape=None
----- subgraph ---- If - cond - att.then_branch=G4 -- level=1 --  -> cond#0
true_graph_0[local_functions.0](x) -> cond#0
output: name='cond#0' type='NOTENSOR' shape=None
----- function name=false_graph_0 domain=local_functions
----- doc_string: -- function_options=FunctionOptions(export_as_function=...
opset: domain='' version=18
opset: domain='local_functions.0' version=1
opset: domain='local_functions' version=1
input: 'x'
Neg(x) -> output_0
output: name='output_0' type=? shape=?


opset: domain='' version=18
opset: domain='local_functions.0' version=1
opset: domain='local_functions' version=1
input: name='x' type=dtype('float32') shape=[5, 3]
init: name='init1_s_' type=float32 shape=() -- array([0.], dtype=float32)-- shape_type_compute._cast_inputs.1(gt_Scalar)
ReduceSum(x, keepdims=0) -> sum_1
  Greater(sum_1, init1_s_) -> gt
    If(gt, else_branch=G1, then_branch=G2) -> output_0
output: name='output_0' type=dtype('float32') shape=[5, 3]
----- subgraph ---- If - cond - att.else_branch=G1 -- level=1 --  -> cond#0
false_graph_0[local_functions](x) -> cond#0
output: name='cond#0' type='NOTENSOR' shape=None
----- subgraph ---- If - cond - att.then_branch=G2 -- level=1 --  -> cond#0
true_graph_0[local_functions](x) -> cond#0
output: name='cond#0' type='NOTENSOR' shape=None
----- function name=true_graph_0 domain=local_functions.0
----- doc_string: -- function_options=FunctionOptions(export_as_function=...
opset: domain='' version=18
input: 'x'
Sin(x) -> output_0
output: name='output_0' type=? shape=?
----- function name=false_graph_0 domain=local_functions.0
----- doc_string: -- function_options=FunctionOptions(export_as_function=...
opset: domain='' version=18
opset: domain='local_functions.0' version=1
input: 'x'
Cos(x) -> output_0
output: name='output_0' type=? shape=?
----- function name=true_graph_0 domain=local_functions
----- doc_string: -- function_options=FunctionOptions(export_as_function=...
opset: domain='' version=18
opset: domain='local_functions.0' version=1
input: 'x'
Constant(value=0.0) -> init1_s_
ReduceSum(x, keepdims=0) -> sum_1
  Less(sum_1, init1_s_) -> lt
    If(lt, else_branch=G3, then_branch=G4) -> output_0
output: name='output_0' type=? shape=?
----- subgraph ---- If - cond - att.else_branch=G3 -- level=1 --  -> cond#0
false_graph_0[local_functions.0](x) -> cond#0
output: name='cond#0' type='NOTENSOR' shape=None
----- subgraph ---- If - cond - att.then_branch=G4 -- level=1 --  -> cond#0
true_graph_0[local_functions.0](x) -> cond#0
output: name='cond#0' type='NOTENSOR' shape=None
----- function name=false_graph_0 domain=local_functions
----- doc_string: -- function_options=FunctionOptions(export_as_function=...
opset: domain='' version=18
opset: domain='local_functions.0' version=1
opset: domain='local_functions' version=1
input: 'x'
Neg(x) -> output_0
output: name='output_0' type=? shape=?



aten_meth_sum() missing 1 required positional argument: 'axis'


opset: domain='pkg.onnxscript.torch_lib.common' version=1
opset: domain='' version=18
opset: domain='pkg.torch.__subgraph__' version=1
input: name='x' type=dtype('float32') shape=[5, 3]
Constant(value=0.0) -> scalar_tensor_default
ReduceSum(x, noop_with_empty_axes=0, keepdims=0) -> sum_1
  Greater(sum_1, scalar_tensor_default) -> gt
    If(gt, then_branch=G1, else_branch=G2) -> getitem
output: name='getitem' type=dtype('float32') shape=[5, 3]
----- subgraph ---- If - node_If_4 - att.then_branch=G1 -- level=1 --  -> getitem_true_graph_0
Constant(value=0.0) -> scalar_tensor_default_2
ReduceSum(x, noop_with_empty_axes=0, keepdims=0) -> sum_1_2
  Less(sum_1_2, scalar_tensor_default_2) -> lt
    If(lt, then_branch=G3, else_branch=G4) -> getitem_true_graph_0
output: name='getitem_true_graph_0' type='NOTENSOR' shape=None
----- subgraph ---- If - node_If_4_2 - att.then_branch=G3 -- level=2 --  -> sin_true_graph_0__true_graph_0
Sin(x) -> sin_true_graph_0__true_graph_0
output: name='sin_true_graph_0__true_graph_0' type=dtype('float32') shape=[5, 3]
----- subgraph ---- If - node_If_4_2 - att.else_branch=G4 -- level=2 --  -> cos_true_graph_0__false_graph_0
Cos(x) -> cos_true_graph_0__false_graph_0
output: name='cos_true_graph_0__false_graph_0' type=dtype('float32') shape=[5, 3]
----- subgraph ---- If - node_If_4_2 - att.then_branch=G3 -- level=1 --  -> sin_true_graph_0__true_graph_0
Sin(x) -> sin_true_graph_0__true_graph_0
output: name='sin_true_graph_0__true_graph_0' type=dtype('float32') shape=[5, 3]
----- subgraph ---- If - node_If_4_2 - att.else_branch=G4 -- level=1 --  -> cos_true_graph_0__false_graph_0
Cos(x) -> cos_true_graph_0__false_graph_0
output: name='cos_true_graph_0__false_graph_0' type=dtype('float32') shape=[5, 3]
----- subgraph ---- If - node_If_4 - att.else_branch=G2 -- level=1 --  -> neg_false_graph_0
Neg(x) -> neg_false_graph_0
output: name='neg_false_graph_0' type=dtype('float32') shape=[5, 3]



Detected that you are using FX to torch.jit.trace a dynamo-optimized function. This is not supported at the moment.



def forward(self, x):
    init = torch.zeros_like(x[0])
    carry, out = torch.ops.higher_order.scan(
        ControlFlowScan.add, [init], [x], dim=0, reverse=False, additional_inputs=[]
    return carry


opset: domain='' version=18
opset: domain='local_functions' version=1
input: name='x' type=dtype('float32') shape=[3, 3]
init: name='init7_s1_3' type=int64 shape=(1,) -- array([3])           -- Opset.make_node.1/Shape
ConstantOfShape(init7_s1_3, value=[0.0]) -> zeros_like
  Scan(zeros_like, x, body=G1, num_scan_inputs=1, scan_input_directions=[0], scan_output_axes=[0], scan_output_directions=[0]) -> output_0, scan#1
output: name='output_0' type=dtype('float32') shape=[3]
----- subgraph ---- Scan - scan - att.body=G1 -- level=1 -- init_0_zeros_like,scan_0_x -> output_0,output_1
input: name='init_0_zeros_like' type='NOTENSOR' shape=None
input: name='scan_0_x' type='NOTENSOR' shape=None
scan_combine_graph_0[local_functions](init_0_zeros_like, scan_0_x) -> output_0, output_1
output: name='output_0' type='NOTENSOR' shape=None
output: name='output_1' type='NOTENSOR' shape=None
----- function name=scan_combine_graph_0 domain=local_functions
----- doc_string: -- function_options=FunctionOptions(export_as_function=...
opset: domain='' version=18
input: 'arg0_1'
input: 'arg1_1'
Add(arg0_1, arg1_1) -> output_0
  Identity(output_0) -> output_1
output: name='output_0' type=? shape=?
output: name='output_1' type=? shape=?


opset: domain='' version=18
opset: domain='local_functions' version=1
input: name='x' type=dtype('float32') shape=[3, 3]
init: name='init7_s1_3' type=int64 shape=(1,) -- array([3])           -- Opset.make_node.1/Shape
ConstantOfShape(init7_s1_3, value=[0.0]) -> zeros_like
  Scan(zeros_like, x, body=G1, num_scan_inputs=1, scan_input_directions=[0], scan_output_axes=[0], scan_output_directions=[0]) -> output_0, scan#1
output: name='output_0' type=dtype('float32') shape=[3]
----- subgraph ---- Scan - scan - att.body=G1 -- level=1 -- init_0_zeros_like,scan_0_x -> output_0,output_1
input: name='init_0_zeros_like' type='NOTENSOR' shape=None
input: name='scan_0_x' type='NOTENSOR' shape=None
scan_combine_graph_0[local_functions](init_0_zeros_like, scan_0_x) -> output_0, output_1
output: name='output_0' type='NOTENSOR' shape=None
output: name='output_1' type='NOTENSOR' shape=None
----- function name=scan_combine_graph_0 domain=local_functions
----- doc_string: -- function_options=FunctionOptions(export_as_function=...
opset: domain='' version=18
input: 'arg0_1'
input: 'arg1_1'
Add(arg0_1, arg1_1) -> output_0
  Identity(output_0) -> output_1
output: name='output_0' type=? shape=?
output: name='output_1' type=? shape=?



Unable to symbolically trace HigherOrderOperators



Failed to convert the exported program to an ONNX model. This is step 3/3 of exporting the model to ONNX. Next steps:
- If there is a missing ONNX function, implement it and register it to the registry.
- If there is an internal error during ONNX conversion, debug the error and summit a PR to PyTorch.
- Create an error report with `torch.onnx.export(..., report=True)`, and save the ExportedProgram as a pt2 file. Create an issue in the PyTorch GitHub repository against the *onnx* component. Attach the error report and the pt2 model.

## Exception summary

<class 'torch.onnx._internal.exporter._errors.DispatchError'>: No ONNX function found for <torch._higher_order_ops.scan.ScanOp object at 0x7f1676e49eb0>. Failure message: No decompositions registered for the real-valued input
<class 'torch.onnx._internal.exporter._errors.ConversionError'>: Error when translating node %scan : [num_users=1] = call_function[target=torch.ops.higher_order.scan](args = (%scan_combine_graph_0, [%zeros_like], [%x], 0, False, []), kwargs = {}). See the stack trace for more information.

(Refer to the full stack trace above for more information.)



could not find kernel for HigherOrderOperator scan at dispatch key DispatchKey.??? (resolved from DispatchKey.???)



def forward(self, x):
    init1 = torch.zeros_like(x[0])
    init2 = torch.ones_like(x[0])
    carry1, carry2, out1, out2 = torch.ops.higher_order.scan(
        [init1, init2],
        [x, x * 2],
    return carry1, carry2, out1, out2


opset: domain='' version=18
opset: domain='local_functions' version=1
input: name='x' type=dtype('float32') shape=[3, 4]
init: name='init7_s1_4' type=int64 shape=(1,) -- array([4])           -- Opset.make_node.1/Shape##Opset.make_node.1/Shape
init: name='init1_s_' type=float32 shape=() -- array([2.], dtype=float32)-- shape_type_compute._cast_inputs.1(mul_Tensor)
init: name='init7_s1_1' type=int64 shape=(1,) -- array([1])           -- Opset.make_node.1/Shape
ConstantOfShape(init7_s1_4, value=[1.0]) -> ones_like
ConstantOfShape(init7_s1_4, value=[0.0]) -> zeros_like
Reshape(init1_s_, init7_s1_1) -> _reshape_init1_s_0
  Mul(x, _reshape_init1_s_0) -> _onx_mul_x0
  Scan(zeros_like, ones_like, x, _onx_mul_x0, body=G1, num_scan_inputs=2, scan_input_directions=[0,0], scan_output_axes=[0,0], scan_output_directions=[0,0]) -> output_0, output_1, output_2, output_3
output: name='output_0' type=dtype('float32') shape=[4]
output: name='output_1' type=dtype('float32') shape=[4]
output: name='output_2' type=dtype('float32') shape=[3, 4]
output: name='output_3' type=dtype('float32') shape=[3, 4]
----- subgraph ---- Scan - scan - att.body=G1 -- level=1 -- init_0_zeros_like,init_1_ones_like,scan_0_x,scan_1_mul -> output_0,output_1,output_2,output_3
input: name='init_0_zeros_like' type='NOTENSOR' shape=None
input: name='init_1_ones_like' type='NOTENSOR' shape=None
input: name='scan_0_x' type='NOTENSOR' shape=None
input: name='scan_1_mul' type='NOTENSOR' shape=None
scan_combine_graph_0[local_functions](init_0_zeros_like, init_1_ones_like, scan_0_x, scan_1_mul) -> output_0, output_1, output_2, output_3
output: name='output_0' type='NOTENSOR' shape=None
output: name='output_1' type='NOTENSOR' shape=None
output: name='output_2' type='NOTENSOR' shape=None
output: name='output_3' type='NOTENSOR' shape=None
----- function name=scan_combine_graph_0 domain=local_functions
----- doc_string: -- function_options=FunctionOptions(export_as_function=...
opset: domain='' version=18
input: 'arg0_1'
input: 'arg1_1'
input: 'arg2_1'
input: 'arg3_1'
Add(arg0_1, arg2_1) -> output_0
  Identity(output_0) -> output_2
Mul(arg1_1, arg3_1) -> output_1
  Identity(output_1) -> output_3
output: name='output_0' type=? shape=?
output: name='output_1' type=? shape=?
output: name='output_2' type=? shape=?
output: name='output_3' type=? shape=?


opset: domain='' version=18
opset: domain='local_functions' version=1
input: name='x' type=dtype('float32') shape=[3, 4]
init: name='init7_s1_4' type=int64 shape=(1,) -- array([4])           -- Opset.make_node.1/Shape##Opset.make_node.1/Shape
init: name='init1_s_' type=float32 shape=() -- array([2.], dtype=float32)-- shape_type_compute._cast_inputs.1(mul_Tensor)
init: name='init7_s1_1' type=int64 shape=(1,) -- array([1])           -- Opset.make_node.1/Shape
ConstantOfShape(init7_s1_4, value=[1.0]) -> ones_like
ConstantOfShape(init7_s1_4, value=[0.0]) -> zeros_like
Reshape(init1_s_, init7_s1_1) -> _reshape_init1_s_0
  Mul(x, _reshape_init1_s_0) -> _onx_mul_x0
  Scan(zeros_like, ones_like, x, _onx_mul_x0, body=G1, num_scan_inputs=2, scan_input_directions=[0,0], scan_output_axes=[0,0], scan_output_directions=[0,0]) -> output_0, output_1, output_2, output_3
output: name='output_0' type=dtype('float32') shape=[4]
output: name='output_1' type=dtype('float32') shape=[4]
output: name='output_2' type=dtype('float32') shape=[3, 4]
output: name='output_3' type=dtype('float32') shape=[3, 4]
----- subgraph ---- Scan - scan - att.body=G1 -- level=1 -- init_0_zeros_like,init_1_ones_like,scan_0_x,scan_1_mul -> output_0,output_1,output_2,output_3
input: name='init_0_zeros_like' type='NOTENSOR' shape=None
input: name='init_1_ones_like' type='NOTENSOR' shape=None
input: name='scan_0_x' type='NOTENSOR' shape=None
input: name='scan_1_mul' type='NOTENSOR' shape=None
scan_combine_graph_0[local_functions](init_0_zeros_like, init_1_ones_like, scan_0_x, scan_1_mul) -> output_0, output_1, output_2, output_3
output: name='output_0' type='NOTENSOR' shape=None
output: name='output_1' type='NOTENSOR' shape=None
output: name='output_2' type='NOTENSOR' shape=None
output: name='output_3' type='NOTENSOR' shape=None
----- function name=scan_combine_graph_0 domain=local_functions
----- doc_string: -- function_options=FunctionOptions(export_as_function=...
opset: domain='' version=18
input: 'arg0_1'
input: 'arg1_1'
input: 'arg2_1'
input: 'arg3_1'
Add(arg0_1, arg2_1) -> output_0
  Identity(output_0) -> output_2
Mul(arg1_1, arg3_1) -> output_1
  Identity(output_1) -> output_3
output: name='output_0' type=? shape=?
output: name='output_1' type=? shape=?
output: name='output_2' type=? shape=?
output: name='output_3' type=? shape=?



Unable to symbolically trace HigherOrderOperators



Failed to convert the exported program to an ONNX model. This is step 3/3 of exporting the model to ONNX. Next steps:
- If there is a missing ONNX function, implement it and register it to the registry.
- If there is an internal error during ONNX conversion, debug the error and summit a PR to PyTorch.
- Create an error report with `torch.onnx.export(..., report=True)`, and save the ExportedProgram as a pt2 file. Create an issue in the PyTorch GitHub repository against the *onnx* component. Attach the error report and the pt2 model.

## Exception summary

<class 'torch.onnx._internal.exporter._errors.DispatchError'>: No ONNX function found for <torch._higher_order_ops.scan.ScanOp object at 0x7f1676e49eb0>. Failure message: No decompositions registered for the real-valued input
<class 'torch.onnx._internal.exporter._errors.ConversionError'>: Error when translating node %scan : [num_users=4] = call_function[target=torch.ops.higher_order.scan](args = (%scan_combine_graph_0, [%zeros_like, %ones_like], [%x, %mul], 0, False, []), kwargs = {}). See the stack trace for more information.

(Refer to the full stack trace above for more information.)



could not find kernel for HigherOrderOperator scan at dispatch key DispatchKey.??? (resolved from DispatchKey.???)



def forward(self, x):
    carry, out = torch.ops.higher_order.scan(
    return out


opset: domain='' version=18
opset: domain='local_functions' version=1
input: name='x' type=dtype('float32') shape=[3, 4]
Scan(x, x, body=G1, num_scan_inputs=1, scan_input_directions=[0], scan_output_axes=[0], scan_output_directions=[0]) -> scan#0, output_0
output: name='output_0' type=dtype('float32') shape=[3, 3]
----- subgraph ---- Scan - scan - att.body=G1 -- level=1 -- init_0_x,scan_0_x -> output_0,output_1
input: name='init_0_x' type='NOTENSOR' shape=None
input: name='scan_0_x' type='NOTENSOR' shape=None
scan_combine_graph_0[local_functions](init_0_x, scan_0_x) -> output_0, output_1
output: name='output_0' type='NOTENSOR' shape=None
output: name='output_1' type='NOTENSOR' shape=None
----- function name=scan_combine_graph_0 domain=local_functions
----- doc_string: -- function_options=FunctionOptions(export_as_function=...
opset: domain='' version=18
input: 'arg0_1'
input: 'arg1_1'
Constant(value=[1, -1]) -> init7_s2_1_-1
  Reshape(arg1_1, init7_s2_1_-1) -> reshape
    Sub(arg0_1, reshape) -> sub
      Mul(sub, sub) -> mul
Constant(value=[1]) -> init7_s1_1
  ReduceSum(mul, init7_s1_1, keepdims=0) -> sum_1
    Sqrt(sum_1) -> output_1
Identity(arg0_1) -> output_0
output: name='output_0' type=? shape=?
output: name='output_1' type=? shape=?


opset: domain='' version=18
opset: domain='local_functions' version=1
input: name='x' type=dtype('float32') shape=[3, 4]
Scan(x, x, body=G1, num_scan_inputs=1, scan_input_directions=[0], scan_output_axes=[0], scan_output_directions=[0]) -> scan#0, output_0
output: name='output_0' type=dtype('float32') shape=[3, 3]
----- subgraph ---- Scan - scan - att.body=G1 -- level=1 -- init_0_x,scan_0_x -> output_0,output_1
input: name='init_0_x' type='NOTENSOR' shape=None
input: name='scan_0_x' type='NOTENSOR' shape=None
scan_combine_graph_0[local_functions](init_0_x, scan_0_x) -> output_0, output_1
output: name='output_0' type='NOTENSOR' shape=None
output: name='output_1' type='NOTENSOR' shape=None
----- function name=scan_combine_graph_0 domain=local_functions
----- doc_string: -- function_options=FunctionOptions(export_as_function=...
opset: domain='' version=18
input: 'arg0_1'
input: 'arg1_1'
Constant(value=[1, -1]) -> init7_s2_1_-1
  Reshape(arg1_1, init7_s2_1_-1) -> view
    Sub(arg0_1, view) -> sub
      Mul(sub, sub) -> mul
Constant(value=[1]) -> init7_s1_1
  ReduceSum(mul, init7_s1_1, keepdims=0) -> sum_1
    Sqrt(sum_1) -> output_1
Identity(arg0_1) -> output_0
output: name='output_0' type=? shape=?
output: name='output_1' type=? shape=?



Unable to symbolically trace HigherOrderOperators



Failed to convert the exported program to an ONNX model. This is step 3/3 of exporting the model to ONNX. Next steps:
- If there is a missing ONNX function, implement it and register it to the registry.
- If there is an internal error during ONNX conversion, debug the error and summit a PR to PyTorch.
- Create an error report with `torch.onnx.export(..., report=True)`, and save the ExportedProgram as a pt2 file. Create an issue in the PyTorch GitHub repository against the *onnx* component. Attach the error report and the pt2 model.

## Exception summary

<class 'torch.onnx._internal.exporter._errors.DispatchError'>: No ONNX function found for <torch._higher_order_ops.scan.ScanOp object at 0x7f1676e49eb0>. Failure message: No decompositions registered for the real-valued input
<class 'torch.onnx._internal.exporter._errors.ConversionError'>: Error when translating node %scan : [num_users=1] = call_function[target=torch.ops.higher_order.scan](args = (%scan_combine_graph_0, [%x], [%x], 0, False, []), kwargs = {}). See the stack trace for more information.

(Refer to the full stack trace above for more information.)



could not find kernel for HigherOrderOperator scan at dispatch key DispatchKey.??? (resolved from DispatchKey.???)



def forward(self, x):
    z = torch.tensor([0], dtype=torch.float32)
    y = x.clone()
    out = torch.ops.higher_order.scan(
    return out[1]


opset: domain='' version=18
opset: domain='local_functions' version=1
input: name='x' type=dtype('float32') shape=[3, 4]
init: name='c_lifted_tensor_0' type=float32 shape=(1,) -- array([0.], dtype=float32)-- DynamoInterpret.placeholder.0
Identity(x) -> hidden_input_scan_0_clone
Scan(c_lifted_tensor_0, x, body=G1, num_scan_inputs=1, scan_input_directions=[0], scan_output_axes=[0], scan_output_directions=[0]) -> scan#0, output_0
output: name='output_0' type=dtype('float32') shape=[3, 3]
----- subgraph ---- Scan - scan - att.body=G1 -- level=1 -- init_0_detach_,scan_0_x -> output_0,output_1
input: name='init_0_detach_' type='NOTENSOR' shape=None
input: name='scan_0_x' type='NOTENSOR' shape=None
scan_combine_graph_0[local_functions](init_0_detach_, scan_0_x, hidden_input_scan_0_clone) -> output_0, output_1
output: name='output_0' type='NOTENSOR' shape=None
output: name='output_1' type='NOTENSOR' shape=None
----- function name=scan_combine_graph_0 domain=local_functions
----- doc_string: -- function_options=FunctionOptions(export_as_function=...
opset: domain='' version=18
input: 'arg0_1'
input: 'arg1_1'
input: 'arg2_1'
Constant(value=[1, -1]) -> init7_s2_1_-1
  Reshape(arg1_1, init7_s2_1_-1) -> reshape
    Sub(arg2_1, reshape) -> sub
      Mul(sub, sub) -> mul
Constant(value=[1]) -> init7_s1_1
  ReduceSum(mul, init7_s1_1, keepdims=0) -> sum_1
    Sqrt(sum_1) -> output_1
Identity(arg0_1) -> output_0
output: name='output_0' type=? shape=?
output: name='output_1' type=? shape=?


/home/xadupre/vv/this312/lib/python3.12/site-packages/torch/export/_unlift.py:81: UserWarning: Attempted to insert a get_attr Node with no underlying reference in the owning GraphModule! Call GraphModule.add_submodule to add the necessary submodule, GraphModule.add_parameter to add the necessary Parameter, or nn.Module.register_buffer to add the necessary buffer

getattr_node = gm.graph.get_attr(lifted_node)

/home/xadupre/vv/this312/lib/python3.12/site-packages/torch/fx/graph.py:1790: UserWarning: Node lifted_tensor_0 target lifted_tensor_0 lifted_tensor_0 of does not reference an nn.Module, nn.Parameter, or buffer, which is what ‘get_attr’ Nodes typically target


opset: domain='' version=18
opset: domain='local_functions' version=1
input: name='x' type=dtype('float32') shape=[3, 4]
init: name='c_lifted_tensor_0' type=float32 shape=(1,) -- array([0.], dtype=float32)-- DynamoInterpret.placeholder.0
Identity(x) -> hidden_input_scan_0_clone
Scan(c_lifted_tensor_0, x, body=G1, num_scan_inputs=1, scan_input_directions=[0], scan_output_axes=[0], scan_output_directions=[0]) -> scan#0, output_0
output: name='output_0' type=dtype('float32') shape=[3, 3]
----- subgraph ---- Scan - scan - att.body=G1 -- level=1 -- init_0_lift_fresh_copy,scan_0_x -> output_0,output_1
input: name='init_0_lift_fresh_copy' type='NOTENSOR' shape=None
input: name='scan_0_x' type='NOTENSOR' shape=None
scan_combine_graph_0[local_functions](init_0_lift_fresh_copy, scan_0_x, hidden_input_scan_0_clone) -> output_0, output_1
output: name='output_0' type='NOTENSOR' shape=None
output: name='output_1' type='NOTENSOR' shape=None
----- function name=scan_combine_graph_0 domain=local_functions
----- doc_string: -- function_options=FunctionOptions(export_as_function=...
opset: domain='' version=18
input: 'arg0_1'
input: 'arg1_1'
input: 'arg2_1'
Constant(value=[1, -1]) -> init7_s2_1_-1
  Reshape(arg1_1, init7_s2_1_-1) -> view
    Sub(arg2_1, view) -> sub
      Mul(sub, sub) -> mul
Constant(value=[1]) -> init7_s1_1
  ReduceSum(mul, init7_s1_1, keepdims=0) -> sum_1
    Sqrt(sum_1) -> output_1
Identity(arg0_1) -> output_0
output: name='output_0' type=? shape=?
output: name='output_1' type=? shape=?



[CustomProxy(clone)] can only be of (<class 'torch.Tensor'>, <class 'int'>, <class 'torch.SymInt'>) but got (<class 'experimental_experiment.torch_interpreter.tracing.CustomProxy'>,)



Failed to convert the exported program to an ONNX model. This is step 3/3 of exporting the model to ONNX. Next steps:
- If there is a missing ONNX function, implement it and register it to the registry.
- If there is an internal error during ONNX conversion, debug the error and summit a PR to PyTorch.
- Create an error report with `torch.onnx.export(..., report=True)`, and save the ExportedProgram as a pt2 file. Create an issue in the PyTorch GitHub repository against the *onnx* component. Attach the error report and the pt2 model.

## Exception summary

<class 'torch.onnx._internal.exporter._errors.DispatchError'>: No ONNX function found for <torch._higher_order_ops.scan.ScanOp object at 0x7f1676e49eb0>. Failure message: No decompositions registered for the real-valued input
<class 'torch.onnx._internal.exporter._errors.ConversionError'>: Error when translating node %scan : [num_users=1] = call_function[target=torch.ops.higher_order.scan](args = (%scan_combine_graph_0, [%lift_fresh_copy], [%x], 0, False, [%clone]), kwargs = {}). See the stack trace for more information.

(Refer to the full stack trace above for more information.)



could not find kernel for HigherOrderOperator scan at dispatch key DispatchKey.??? (resolved from DispatchKey.???)



def forward(self, x, y):
    carry, out = torch.ops.higher_order.scan(
    return out


opset: domain='' version=18
opset: domain='local_functions' version=1
input: name='x' type=dtype('float32') shape=[3, 4]
input: name='y' type=dtype('float32') shape=[5, 4]
Scan(y, x, body=G1, num_scan_inputs=1, scan_input_directions=[0], scan_output_axes=[0], scan_output_directions=[0]) -> scan#0, output_0
output: name='output_0' type=dtype('float32') shape=[3, 5]
----- subgraph ---- Scan - scan - att.body=G1 -- level=1 -- init_0_y,scan_0_x -> output_0,output_1
input: name='init_0_y' type='NOTENSOR' shape=None
input: name='scan_0_x' type='NOTENSOR' shape=None
scan_combine_graph_0[local_functions](init_0_y, scan_0_x) -> output_0, output_1
output: name='output_0' type='NOTENSOR' shape=None
output: name='output_1' type='NOTENSOR' shape=None
----- function name=scan_combine_graph_0 domain=local_functions
----- doc_string: -- function_options=FunctionOptions(export_as_function=...
opset: domain='' version=18
input: 'arg0_1'
input: 'arg1_1'
Constant(value=[1, -1]) -> init7_s2_1_-1
  Reshape(arg1_1, init7_s2_1_-1) -> reshape
    Sub(arg0_1, reshape) -> sub
      Mul(sub, sub) -> mul
Constant(value=[1]) -> init7_s1_1
  ReduceSum(mul, init7_s1_1, keepdims=0) -> sum_1
    Sqrt(sum_1) -> output_1
Identity(arg0_1) -> output_0
output: name='output_0' type=? shape=?
output: name='output_1' type=? shape=?


opset: domain='' version=18
opset: domain='local_functions' version=1
input: name='x' type=dtype('float32') shape=[3, 4]
input: name='y' type=dtype('float32') shape=[5, 4]
Scan(y, x, body=G1, num_scan_inputs=1, scan_input_directions=[0], scan_output_axes=[0], scan_output_directions=[0]) -> scan#0, output_0
output: name='output_0' type=dtype('float32') shape=[3, 5]
----- subgraph ---- Scan - scan - att.body=G1 -- level=1 -- init_0_y,scan_0_x -> output_0,output_1
input: name='init_0_y' type='NOTENSOR' shape=None
input: name='scan_0_x' type='NOTENSOR' shape=None
scan_combine_graph_0[local_functions](init_0_y, scan_0_x) -> output_0, output_1
output: name='output_0' type='NOTENSOR' shape=None
output: name='output_1' type='NOTENSOR' shape=None
----- function name=scan_combine_graph_0 domain=local_functions
----- doc_string: -- function_options=FunctionOptions(export_as_function=...
opset: domain='' version=18
input: 'arg0_1'
input: 'arg1_1'
Constant(value=[1, -1]) -> init7_s2_1_-1
  Reshape(arg1_1, init7_s2_1_-1) -> view
    Sub(arg0_1, view) -> sub
      Mul(sub, sub) -> mul
Constant(value=[1]) -> init7_s1_1
  ReduceSum(mul, init7_s1_1, keepdims=0) -> sum_1
    Sqrt(sum_1) -> output_1
Identity(arg0_1) -> output_0
output: name='output_0' type=? shape=?
output: name='output_1' type=? shape=?



Unable to symbolically trace HigherOrderOperators



Failed to convert the exported program to an ONNX model. This is step 3/3 of exporting the model to ONNX. Next steps:
- If there is a missing ONNX function, implement it and register it to the registry.
- If there is an internal error during ONNX conversion, debug the error and summit a PR to PyTorch.
- Create an error report with `torch.onnx.export(..., report=True)`, and save the ExportedProgram as a pt2 file. Create an issue in the PyTorch GitHub repository against the *onnx* component. Attach the error report and the pt2 model.

## Exception summary

<class 'torch.onnx._internal.exporter._errors.DispatchError'>: No ONNX function found for <torch._higher_order_ops.scan.ScanOp object at 0x7f1676e49eb0>. Failure message: No decompositions registered for the real-valued input
<class 'torch.onnx._internal.exporter._errors.ConversionError'>: Error when translating node %scan : [num_users=1] = call_function[target=torch.ops.higher_order.scan](args = (%scan_combine_graph_0, [%y], [%x], 0, False, []), kwargs = {}). See the stack trace for more information.

(Refer to the full stack trace above for more information.)



could not find kernel for HigherOrderOperator scan at dispatch key DispatchKey.??? (resolved from DispatchKey.???)



def forward(self, x):
    y = torch.ones((x.shape[0], x.shape[1] + 1))
    return y


opset: domain='' version=18
input: name='x' type=dtype('float32') shape=[4, 4]
init: name='init7_s2_4_5' type=int64 shape=(2,) -- array([4, 5])      -- Opset.make_node.1/Shape
ConstantOfShape(init7_s2_4_5, value=[1.0]) -> output_0
output: name='output_0' type=dtype('float32') shape=[4, 5]


opset: domain='' version=18
input: name='x' type=dtype('float32') shape=[4, 4]
init: name='init7_s2_4_5' type=int64 shape=(2,) -- array([4, 5])      -- Opset.make_node.1/Shape
ConstantOfShape(init7_s2_4_5, value=[1.0]) -> output_0
output: name='output_0' type=dtype('float32') shape=[4, 5]



ones(): argument 'size' (position 1) must be tuple of ints, but found element of type CustomProxy at pos 0


opset: domain='pkg.onnxscript.torch_lib.common' version=1
opset: domain='' version=18
input: name='x' type=dtype('float32') shape=[4, 4]
Constant(value=[[1.0, 1.0...) -> ones
output: name='ones' type=dtype('float32') shape=[4, 5]



Input mismatch, inputs[0]=(T1r2,) but names=[], model=CreateFromShape, export='script'



def forward(self, x):
    dy1 = CreateFromShapeThroughFunction.add_one(x.shape[1])
    y = torch.ones((x.shape[0], dy1))
    return y


opset: domain='' version=18
input: name='x' type=dtype('float32') shape=[4, 4]
init: name='init7_s2_4_5' type=int64 shape=(2,) -- array([4, 5])      -- Opset.make_node.1/Shape
ConstantOfShape(init7_s2_4_5, value=[1.0]) -> output_0
output: name='output_0' type=dtype('float32') shape=[4, 5]


opset: domain='' version=18
input: name='x' type=dtype('float32') shape=[4, 4]
init: name='init7_s2_4_5' type=int64 shape=(2,) -- array([4, 5])      -- Opset.make_node.1/Shape
ConstantOfShape(init7_s2_4_5, value=[1.0]) -> output_0
output: name='output_0' type=dtype('float32') shape=[4, 5]



ones(): argument 'size' (position 1) must be tuple of ints, but found element of type CustomProxy at pos 0


opset: domain='pkg.onnxscript.torch_lib.common' version=1
opset: domain='' version=18
input: name='x' type=dtype('float32') shape=[4, 4]
Constant(value=[[1.0, 1.0...) -> ones
output: name='ones' type=dtype('float32') shape=[4, 5]



Input mismatch, inputs[0]=(T1r2,) but names=[], model=CreateFromShapeThroughFunction, export='script'



def forward(self, x, shape):
    return x[..., : shape[0]]



None of the following options [ExportOptions(), ExportOptions(strict=False), ExportOptions(decomposition_table='default'), ExportOptions(strict=False, decomposition_table='default'), ExportOptions(dynamo=True), ExportOptions(decomposition_table='default', dynamo=True), ExportOptions(jit=True)] worked, args=(T1r3,T7r1), kwargs=None, exception=
  Unsupported('Dynamic slicing on data-dependent value is not supported\n\nfrom user code:\n   File "/home/xadupre/github/experimental-experiment/experimental_experiment/torch_interpreter/eval/model_cases.py", line 741, in forward\n    return x[..., : shape[0]]\n\nSet TORCH_LOGS="+dynamo" and TORCHDYNAMO_VERBOSE=1 for more information\n')),
  GuardOnDataDependentSymNode('Could not extract specialized integer from data-dependent expression u0 (unhinted: u0).  (Size-like symbols: none)\n\nCaused by: (_export/non_strict_utils.py:654 in __torch_function__)\nFor more information, run with TORCH_LOGS="dynamic"\nFor extended logs when we create symbols, also add TORCHDYNAMO_EXTENDED_DEBUG_CREATE_SYMBOL="u0"\nIf you suspect the guard was triggered from C++, add TORCHDYNAMO_EXTENDED_DEBUG_CPP=1\nFor more debugging help, see https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HSuTTVvYH1pTew89Rtpeu84Ht3nQEFTYhAX3Ypa_xJs/edit?usp=sharing\n\nFor C++ stack trace, run with TORCHDYNAMO_EXTENDED_DEBUG_CPP=1\n\nThe following call raised this error:\n  File "/home/xadupre/github/experimental-experiment/experimental_experiment/torch_interpreter/eval/model_cases.py", line 741, in forward\n    return x[..., : shape[0]]\n')),
  Unsupported('Dynamic slicing on data-dependent value is not supported\n\nfrom user code:\n   File "/home/xadupre/github/experimental-experiment/experimental_experiment/torch_interpreter/eval/model_cases.py", line 741, in forward\n    return x[..., : shape[0]]\n\nSet TORCH_LOGS="+dynamo" and TORCHDYNAMO_VERBOSE=1 for more information\n')),
 (ExportOptions(strict=False, decomposition_table='default'),
  GuardOnDataDependentSymNode('Could not extract specialized integer from data-dependent expression u0 (unhinted: u0).  (Size-like symbols: none)\n\nCaused by: (_export/non_strict_utils.py:654 in __torch_function__)\nFor more information, run with TORCH_LOGS="dynamic"\nFor extended logs when we create symbols, also add TORCHDYNAMO_EXTENDED_DEBUG_CREATE_SYMBOL="u0"\nIf you suspect the guard was triggered from C++, add TORCHDYNAMO_EXTENDED_DEBUG_CPP=1\nFor more debugging help, see https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HSuTTVvYH1pTew89Rtpeu84Ht3nQEFTYhAX3Ypa_xJs/edit?usp=sharing\n\nFor C++ stack trace, run with TORCHDYNAMO_EXTENDED_DEBUG_CPP=1\n\nThe following call raised this error:\n  File "/home/xadupre/github/experimental-experiment/experimental_experiment/torch_interpreter/eval/model_cases.py", line 741, in forward\n    return x[..., : shape[0]]\n')),
  Unsupported('Dynamic slicing on data-dependent value is not supported\n\nfrom user code:\n   File "/home/xadupre/github/experimental-experiment/experimental_experiment/torch_interpreter/eval/model_cases.py", line 741, in forward\n    return x[..., : shape[0]]\n\nSet TORCH_LOGS="+dynamo" and TORCHDYNAMO_VERBOSE=1 for more information\n')),
 (ExportOptions(decomposition_table='default', dynamo=True),
  Unsupported('Dynamic slicing on data-dependent value is not supported\n\nfrom user code:\n   File "/home/xadupre/github/experimental-experiment/experimental_experiment/torch_interpreter/eval/model_cases.py", line 741, in forward\n    return x[..., : shape[0]]\n\nSet TORCH_LOGS="+dynamo" and TORCHDYNAMO_VERBOSE=1 for more information\n')),
  GuardOnDataDependentSymNode('Could not guard on data-dependent expression u0 < 0 (unhinted: u0 < 0).  (Size-like symbols: none)\n\nCaused by: (_decomp/decompositions.py:734 in slice_forward)\nFor more information, run with TORCH_LOGS="dynamic"\nFor extended logs when we create symbols, also add TORCHDYNAMO_EXTENDED_DEBUG_CREATE_SYMBOL="u0"\nIf you suspect the guard was triggered from C++, add TORCHDYNAMO_EXTENDED_DEBUG_CPP=1\nFor more debugging help, see https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HSuTTVvYH1pTew89Rtpeu84Ht3nQEFTYhAX3Ypa_xJs/edit?usp=sharing\n\nFor C++ stack trace, run with TORCHDYNAMO_EXTENDED_DEBUG_CPP=1\n\nThe following call raised this error:\n  File "<string>", line 1, in <lambda>\n\n\nWhile executing %slice_tensor : [num_users=1] = call_function[target=torch.ops.aten.slice.Tensor](args = (%x, 2, 0, %_local_scalar_dense_default, 1), kwargs = {})\nOriginal traceback:\nNone'))]



Dynamic slicing on data-dependent value is not supported

from user code:
   File "/home/xadupre/github/experimental-experiment/experimental_experiment/torch_interpreter/eval/model_cases.py", line 741, in forward
    return x[..., : shape[0]]

Set TORCH_LOGS="+dynamo" and TORCHDYNAMO_VERBOSE=1 for more information


opset: domain='' version=18
input: name='x' type=dtype('float32') shape=[3, 4, 4]
input: name='shape' type=dtype('int64') shape=[1]
init: name='init7_s1_0' type=int64 shape=(1,) -- array([0])           -- Opset.make_node.1/Shape##Opset.make_node.1/Shape##Opset.make_node.1/Shape
init: name='getitem_1_axis' type=int64 shape=(1,) -- array([-1])      -- DynamoInterpreter._getitem_slice.axis.1
init: name='getitem_1_step' type=int64 shape=(1,) -- array([1])       -- DynamoInterpreter._getitem_slice.3
Gather(shape, init7_s1_0) -> _onx_gather_shape0
  Slice(x, init7_s1_0, _onx_gather_shape0, getitem_1_axis, getitem_1_step) -> output
output: name='output' type=dtype('float32') shape=['d_output_0', 'd_output_1', 'd_output_2']



Failed to export the model with torch.export. This is step 1/3 of exporting the model to ONNX. Next steps:
- Modify the model code for `torch.export.export` to succeed. Refer to https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/generated/exportdb/index.html for more information.
- Debug `torch.export.export` and summit a PR to PyTorch.
- Create an issue in the PyTorch GitHub repository against the *torch.export* component and attach the full error stack as well as reproduction scripts.

## Exception summary

<class 'torch.fx.experimental.symbolic_shapes.GuardOnDataDependentSymNode'>: Could not extract specialized integer from data-dependent expression u0 (unhinted: u0).  (Size-like symbols: none)

Caused by: (_export/non_strict_utils.py:654 in __torch_function__)
For more information, run with TORCH_LOGS="dynamic"
For extended logs when we create symbols, also add TORCHDYNAMO_EXTENDED_DEBUG_CREATE_SYMBOL="u0"
If you suspect the guard was triggered from C++, add TORCHDYNAMO_EXTENDED_DEBUG_CPP=1
For more debugging help, see https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HSuTTVvYH1pTew89Rtpeu84Ht3nQEFTYhAX3Ypa_xJs/edit?usp=sharing

For C++ stack trace, run with TORCHDYNAMO_EXTENDED_DEBUG_CPP=1

The following call raised this error:
  File "/home/xadupre/github/experimental-experiment/experimental_experiment/torch_interpreter/eval/model_cases.py", line 741, in forward
    return x[..., : shape[0]]

(Refer to the full stack trace above for more information.)


opset: domain='' version=17
input: name='onnx::Slice_0' type=dtype('float32') shape=[3, 4, 4]
input: name='onnx::Gather_1' type=dtype('int64') shape=[1]
Constant(value=0) -> /Constant_output_0
  Gather(onnx::Gather_1, /Constant_output_0, axis=0) -> /Gather_output_0
Constant(value=[2]) -> /Constant_1_output_0
Constant(value=[0]) -> /Constant_2_output_0
Constant(value=[0]) -> /Constant_3_output_0
  Unsqueeze(/Gather_output_0, /Constant_3_output_0) -> /Unsqueeze_output_0
Constant(value=[1]) -> /Constant_4_output_0
  Slice(onnx::Slice_0, /Constant_2_output_0, /Unsqueeze_output_0, /Constant_1_output_0, /Constant_4_output_0) -> 14
output: name='14' type=dtype('float32') shape=[3, 4, 'Slice14_dim_2']



def forward(self, x, y):
    return x[..., : y.shape[0]]


opset: domain='' version=18
input: name='x' type=dtype('float32') shape=[3, 4, 4]
input: name='y' type=dtype('float32') shape=[2]
init: name='init7_s1_0' type=int64 shape=(1,) -- array([0])           -- Opset.make_node.1/Shape
init: name='init7_s1_2' type=int64 shape=(1,) -- array([2])           -- Opset.make_node.1/Shape##Opset.make_node.1/Shape
Slice(x, init7_s1_0, init7_s1_2, init7_s1_2) -> output_0
output: name='output_0' type=dtype('float32') shape=[3, 4, 2]


opset: domain='' version=18
input: name='x' type=dtype('float32') shape=[3, 4, 4]
input: name='y' type=dtype('float32') shape=[2]
init: name='init7_s1_0' type=int64 shape=(1,) -- array([0])           -- Opset.make_node.1/Shape
init: name='init7_s1_2' type=int64 shape=(1,) -- array([2])           -- Opset.make_node.1/Shape##Opset.make_node.1/Shape
Slice(x, init7_s1_0, init7_s1_2, init7_s1_2) -> output_0
output: name='output_0' type=dtype('float32') shape=[3, 4, 2]


opset: domain='' version=18
input: name='x' type=dtype('float32') shape=[3, 4, 4]
input: name='y' type=dtype('float32') shape=[2]
init: name='init7_s1_0' type=int64 shape=(1,) -- array([0])           -- Opset.make_node.1/Shape##Opset.make_node.1/Shape##Opset.make_node.1/Shape
init: name='getitem_1_axis' type=int64 shape=(1,) -- array([-1])      -- DynamoInterpreter._getitem_slice.axis.1
init: name='getitem_1_step' type=int64 shape=(1,) -- array([1])       -- DynamoInterpreter._getitem_slice.3
Shape(y) -> getattr_1
  Gather(getattr_1, init7_s1_0) -> _onx_gather_getattr_10
    Slice(x, init7_s1_0, _onx_gather_getattr_10, getitem_1_axis, getitem_1_step) -> output
output: name='output' type=dtype('float32') shape=['d_output_0', 'd_output_1', 'd_output_2']


opset: domain='pkg.onnxscript.torch_lib.common' version=1
opset: domain='' version=18
input: name='x' type=dtype('float32') shape=[3, 4, 4]
input: name='y' type=dtype('float32') shape=[2]
Constant(value_ints=[1]) -> val_11
Constant(value=[0]) -> val_3
Constant(value=[2]) -> val_7
Constant(value=[2]) -> val_10
  Slice(x, val_3, val_7, val_10, val_11) -> slice_1
output: name='slice_1' type=dtype('float32') shape=[3, 4, 2]



Input mismatch, inputs[0]=(T1r3,T1r1) but names=['onnx::Slice_0'], model=CropLastDimensionWithTensorShape, export='script'



def forward(self, x):
    x += self.bias
    return x


opset: domain='' version=18
input: name='x' type=dtype('float32') shape=[3, 4]
init: name='c_bias' type=float32 shape=(1, 4) -- array([1., 1., 1., 1.], dtype=float32)-- DynamoInterpret.placeholder.0
Add(x, c_bias) -> output_0
output: name='output_0' type=dtype('float32') shape=[3, 4]


/home/xadupre/vv/this312/lib/python3.12/site-packages/torch/export/_unlift.py:81: UserWarning: Attempted to insert a get_attr Node with no underlying reference in the owning GraphModule! Call GraphModule.add_submodule to add the necessary submodule, GraphModule.add_parameter to add the necessary Parameter, or nn.Module.register_buffer to add the necessary buffer

getattr_node = gm.graph.get_attr(lifted_node)

/home/xadupre/vv/this312/lib/python3.12/site-packages/torch/fx/graph.py:1790: UserWarning: Node bias target bias bias of does not reference an nn.Module, nn.Parameter, or buffer, which is what ‘get_attr’ Nodes typically target


opset: domain='' version=18
input: name='x' type=dtype('float32') shape=[3, 4]
init: name='c_bias' type=float32 shape=(1, 4) -- array([1., 1., 1., 1.], dtype=float32)-- DynamoInterpret.placeholder.0
Add(x, c_bias) -> output_0
  Identity(output_0) -> output_1
output: name='output_1' type=dtype('float32') shape=[3, 4]


opset: domain='' version=18
input: name='x' type=dtype('float32') shape=[3, 4]
init: name='bias' type=float32 shape=(1, 4) -- array([1., 1., 1., 1.], dtype=float32)-- DynamoInterpret.get_attr.0
Add(x, bias) -> output
output: name='output' type=dtype('float32') shape=[3, 4]


opset: domain='pkg.onnxscript.torch_lib.common' version=1
opset: domain='' version=18
input: name='x' type=dtype('float32') shape=[3, 4]
init: name='bias' type=float32 shape=(1, 4) -- array([1., 1., 1., 1.], dtype=float32)
Add(x, bias) -> add
output: name='add' type=dtype('float32') shape=[3, 4]


opset: domain='' version=17
input: name='onnx::Add_0' type=dtype('float32') shape=[3, 4]
Constant(value=[[1.0, 1.0...) -> /Constant_output_0
  Add(onnx::Add_0, /Constant_output_0) -> 2
output: name='2' type=dtype('float32') shape=[3, 4]



def forward(self, x):
    return x


opset: domain='' version=18
input: name='x' type=dtype('float32') shape=[3, 4]
init: name='c_bias' type=float32 shape=(1, 4) -- array([1., 1., 1., 1.], dtype=float32)-- DynamoInterpret.placeholder.0
Add(x, c_bias) -> output_0
output: name='output_0' type=dtype('float32') shape=[3, 4]


/home/xadupre/vv/this312/lib/python3.12/site-packages/torch/export/_unlift.py:81: UserWarning: Attempted to insert a get_attr Node with no underlying reference in the owning GraphModule! Call GraphModule.add_submodule to add the necessary submodule, GraphModule.add_parameter to add the necessary Parameter, or nn.Module.register_buffer to add the necessary buffer

getattr_node = gm.graph.get_attr(lifted_node)

/home/xadupre/vv/this312/lib/python3.12/site-packages/torch/fx/graph.py:1790: UserWarning: Node bias target bias bias of does not reference an nn.Module, nn.Parameter, or buffer, which is what ‘get_attr’ Nodes typically target


opset: domain='' version=18
input: name='x' type=dtype('float32') shape=[3, 4]
init: name='c_bias' type=float32 shape=(1, 4) -- array([1., 1., 1., 1.], dtype=float32)-- DynamoInterpret.placeholder.0
Add(x, c_bias) -> output_0
  Identity(output_0) -> output_1
output: name='output_1' type=dtype('float32') shape=[3, 4]



Unable to interpret method 'aten_meth_add_', args=(x, bias), kwargs={}, dispatcher=None
[GraphBuilder-TIM] Message starts, there are 1 initializers, 0 nodes, 1 inputs, 1 outputs.
_known_types={'bias': 1, 'x': 1}
_known_shapes={'bias': (1, 4), 'x': (3, 4)}
    add_ -> {output}
    bias -> {add_}
    x -> {add_}
    x: ('run_node', (('example_value', torch.float32, torch.Size([3, 4])), '')) --- 1:2:(3, 4):
    bias: ('run_node', ('', '')) --- 1:2:(1, 4):
    add_: ('run_node', ('', '')) --- :::
-- process.graph_module --
    %x : [num_users=1] = placeholder[target=x]
    %bias : [num_users=1] = get_attr[target=bias]
    %add_ : [num_users=1] = call_method[target=add_](args = (%x, %bias), kwargs = {})
    return add_
-- process.progress --
node 2/4 target=add_
[GraphBuilder-TIM.make_tensor_input] x[1:3x4]
[GraphBuilder-TIM.make_initializer] bias[torch.float32:torch.float32:[1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]] - SOURCE: DynamoInterpret.get_attr.0
[GraphBuilder-TIM] Message completed, there are 1 initializers, 0 nodes, 1 inputs, 1 outputs.


opset: domain='pkg.onnxscript.torch_lib.common' version=1
opset: domain='' version=18
input: name='x' type=dtype('float32') shape=[3, 4]
init: name='bias' type=float32 shape=(1, 4) -- array([1., 1., 1., 1.], dtype=float32)
Add(x, bias) -> add
output: name='add' type=dtype('float32') shape=[3, 4]


opset: domain='' version=17
input: name='onnx::Add_0' type=dtype('float32') shape=[3, 4]
Constant(value=[[1.0, 1.0...) -> /Constant_output_0
  Add(onnx::Add_0, /Constant_output_0) -> 2
output: name='2' type=dtype('float32') shape=[3, 4]



def forward(self, x):
    return x * 2


opset: domain='' version=18
input: name='x' type=dtype('float32') shape=[3, 4]
init: name='c_bias' type=float32 shape=(1, 4) -- array([1., 1., 1., 1.], dtype=float32)-- DynamoInterpret.placeholder.0
init: name='init1_s_' type=float32 shape=() -- array([2.], dtype=float32)-- shape_type_compute._cast_inputs.1(mul_Tensor)
init: name='init7_s1_1' type=int64 shape=(1,) -- array([1])           -- Opset.make_node.1/Shape
Add(x, c_bias) -> add_
Reshape(init1_s_, init7_s1_1) -> _reshape_init1_s_0
  Mul(add_, _reshape_init1_s_0) -> output_0
output: name='output_0' type=dtype('float32') shape=[3, 4]


/home/xadupre/vv/this312/lib/python3.12/site-packages/torch/export/_unlift.py:81: UserWarning: Attempted to insert a get_attr Node with no underlying reference in the owning GraphModule! Call GraphModule.add_submodule to add the necessary submodule, GraphModule.add_parameter to add the necessary Parameter, or nn.Module.register_buffer to add the necessary buffer

getattr_node = gm.graph.get_attr(lifted_node)

/home/xadupre/vv/this312/lib/python3.12/site-packages/torch/fx/graph.py:1790: UserWarning: Node bias target bias bias of does not reference an nn.Module, nn.Parameter, or buffer, which is what ‘get_attr’ Nodes typically target


opset: domain='' version=18
input: name='x' type=dtype('float32') shape=[3, 4]
init: name='c_bias' type=float32 shape=(1, 4) -- array([1., 1., 1., 1.], dtype=float32)-- DynamoInterpret.placeholder.0
init: name='init1_s_' type=float32 shape=() -- array([2.], dtype=float32)-- shape_type_compute._cast_inputs.1(mul_Tensor)
init: name='init7_s1_1' type=int64 shape=(1,) -- array([1])           -- Opset.make_node.1/Shape
Add(x, c_bias) -> output_0
Reshape(init1_s_, init7_s1_1) -> _reshape_init1_s_0
  Mul(output_0, _reshape_init1_s_0) -> output_1
output: name='output_1' type=dtype('float32') shape=[3, 4]



Unable to interpret method 'aten_meth_add_', args=(x, bias), kwargs={}, dispatcher=None
[GraphBuilder-WEA] Message starts, there are 1 initializers, 0 nodes, 1 inputs, 1 outputs.
_known_types={'bias': 1, 'x': 1}
_known_shapes={'bias': (1, 4), 'x': (3, 4)}
    add_ -> {mul}
    bias -> {add_}
    x -> {add_}
    x: ('run_node', (('example_value', torch.float32, torch.Size([3, 4])), '')) --- 1:2:(3, 4):
    bias: ('run_node', ('', '')) --- 1:2:(1, 4):
    add_: ('run_node', ('', '')) --- :::
-- process.graph_module --
    %x : [num_users=1] = placeholder[target=x]
    %bias : [num_users=1] = get_attr[target=bias]
    %add_ : [num_users=1] = call_method[target=add_](args = (%x, %bias), kwargs = {})
    %mul : [num_users=1] = call_function[target=operator.mul](args = (%add_, 2), kwargs = {})
    return mul
-- process.progress --
node 2/5 target=add_
[GraphBuilder-WEA.make_tensor_input] x[1:3x4]
[GraphBuilder-WEA.make_initializer] bias[torch.float32:torch.float32:[1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]] - SOURCE: DynamoInterpret.get_attr.0
[GraphBuilder-WEA] Message completed, there are 1 initializers, 0 nodes, 1 inputs, 1 outputs.


opset: domain='pkg.onnxscript.torch_lib.common' version=1
opset: domain='' version=18
input: name='x' type=dtype('float32') shape=[3, 4]
init: name='bias' type=float32 shape=(1, 4) -- array([1., 1., 1., 1.], dtype=float32)
Add(x, bias) -> add
Constant(value=2.0) -> scalar_tensor_default
  Mul(add, scalar_tensor_default) -> mul
output: name='mul' type=dtype('float32') shape=[3, 4]


opset: domain='' version=17
input: name='onnx::Add_0' type=dtype('float32') shape=[3, 4]
Constant(value=[[1.0, 1.0...) -> /Constant_output_0
  Add(onnx::Add_0, /Constant_output_0) -> /Add_output_0
Constant(value=2.0) -> /Constant_1_output_0
  Mul(/Add_output_0, /Constant_1_output_0) -> 4
output: name='4' type=dtype('float32') shape=[3, 4]



def forward(self, x):
    x = x.clone()
    return x


opset: domain='' version=18
input: name='x' type=dtype('float32') shape=[3, 4]
init: name='c_bias' type=float32 shape=(1, 4) -- array([1., 1., 1., 1.], dtype=float32)-- DynamoInterpret.placeholder.0
Add(x, c_bias) -> output_0
output: name='output_0' type=dtype('float32') shape=[3, 4]


/home/xadupre/vv/this312/lib/python3.12/site-packages/torch/export/_unlift.py:81: UserWarning: Attempted to insert a get_attr Node with no underlying reference in the owning GraphModule! Call GraphModule.add_submodule to add the necessary submodule, GraphModule.add_parameter to add the necessary Parameter, or nn.Module.register_buffer to add the necessary buffer

getattr_node = gm.graph.get_attr(lifted_node)

/home/xadupre/vv/this312/lib/python3.12/site-packages/torch/fx/graph.py:1790: UserWarning: Node bias target bias bias of does not reference an nn.Module, nn.Parameter, or buffer, which is what ‘get_attr’ Nodes typically target


opset: domain='' version=18
input: name='x' type=dtype('float32') shape=[3, 4]
init: name='c_bias' type=float32 shape=(1, 4) -- array([1., 1., 1., 1.], dtype=float32)-- DynamoInterpret.placeholder.0
Add(x, c_bias) -> output_0
output: name='output_0' type=dtype('float32') shape=[3, 4]



Unable to interpret method 'aten_meth_add_', args=(clone, bias), kwargs={}, dispatcher=None
[GraphBuilder-OEA] Message starts, there are 1 initializers, 1 nodes, 1 inputs, 1 outputs.
_known_types={'bias': 1, 'clone': 1, 'x': 1}
_known_shapes={'bias': (1, 4), 'clone': (3, 4), 'x': (3, 4)}
    add_ -> {output}
    bias -> {add_}
    clone -> {add_}
    x -> {clone}
    x: ('run_node', (('example_value', torch.float32, torch.Size([3, 4])), '')) --- 1:2:(3, 4):
    clone: ('run_node', ('', '')) --- 1:2:(3, 4):
    bias: ('run_node', ('', '')) --- 1:2:(1, 4):
    add_: ('run_node', ('', '')) --- :::
-- process.graph_module --
    %x : [num_users=1] = placeholder[target=x]
    %clone : [num_users=1] = call_method[target=clone](args = (%x,), kwargs = {})
    %bias : [num_users=1] = get_attr[target=bias]
    %add_ : [num_users=1] = call_method[target=add_](args = (%clone, %bias), kwargs = {})
    return add_
-- process.progress --
node 3/5 target=add_
[GraphBuilder-OEA.make_tensor_input] x[1:3x4]
[GraphBuilder-OEA.make_initializer] bias[torch.float32:torch.float32:[1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]] - SOURCE: DynamoInterpret.get_attr.0
[GraphBuilder-OEA.make_node] .clone          [#:#   ] Identity:['x']->['clone']
[GraphBuilder-OEA] Message completed, there are 1 initializers, 1 nodes, 1 inputs, 1 outputs.


opset: domain='pkg.onnxscript.torch_lib.common' version=1
opset: domain='' version=18
input: name='x' type=dtype('float32') shape=[3, 4]
init: name='bias' type=float32 shape=(1, 4) -- array([1., 1., 1., 1.], dtype=float32)
Add(x, bias) -> add
output: name='add' type=dtype('float32') shape=[3, 4]


opset: domain='' version=17
input: name='onnx::Add_0' type=dtype('float32') shape=[3, 4]
Constant(value=[[1.0, 1.0...) -> /Constant_output_0
  Add(onnx::Add_0, /Constant_output_0) -> 2
output: name='2' type=dtype('float32') shape=[3, 4]



def forward(self, index, update):
    copy = self.params.clone()
    copy[..., index] = update
    return copy


opset: domain='' version=18
input: name='index' type=dtype('int64') shape=[4]
input: name='update' type=dtype('float32') shape=[8192, 4]
init: name='c_params' type=float32 shape=(1, 8192, 4)                 -- DynamoInterpret.placeholder.0
init: name='init7_s1_0' type=int64 shape=(1,) -- array([0])           -- Opset.make_node.1/Shape
init: name='init7_s3_-1_1_1' type=int64 shape=(3,) -- array([-1,  1,  1])-- Opset.make_node.1/Shape
init: name='init7_s8192_' type=int64 shape=(8192,)                    -- Opset.make_node.0
init: name='init7_s3_1_-1_1' type=int64 shape=(3,) -- array([ 1, -1,  1])-- Opset.make_node.1/Shape
init: name='init7_s3_1_1_-1' type=int64 shape=(3,) -- array([ 1,  1, -1])-- Opset.make_node.1/Shape
init: name='init7_s3_1_8192_4' type=int64 shape=(3,) -- array([   1, 8192,    4])-- Opset.make_node.1/Shape##Opset.make_node.1/Shape
init: name='init7_s1_32768' type=int64 shape=(1,) -- array([32768])   -- Opset.make_node.1/Shape
init: name='init7_s1_4' type=int64 shape=(1,) -- array([4])           -- Opset.make_node.1/Shape
init: name='init7_s1_-1' type=int64 shape=(1,) -- array([-1])         -- Opset.make_node.1/Shape##Opset.make_node.1/Shape##Opset.make_node.1/Shape
init: name='init7_s32768_' type=int64 shape=(32768,)                  -- Opset.make_node.0
Expand(update, init7_s3_1_8192_4) -> _onx_expand_update0
  Reshape(_onx_expand_update0, init7_s1_-1) -> _reshape_expand_update00
Reshape(init7_s1_0, init7_s3_-1_1_1) -> _reshape_init7_s1_00
  Mul(_reshape_init7_s1_00, init7_s1_32768) -> _onx_mul__reshape_init7_s1_000
Reshape(init7_s8192_, init7_s3_1_-1_1) -> _reshape_init7_s8192_0
  Mul(_reshape_init7_s8192_0, init7_s1_4) -> _onx_mul__reshape_init7_s8192_00
Reshape(index, init7_s3_1_1_-1) -> _reshape_index0
  Add(_onx_mul__reshape_init7_s1_000, _reshape_index0) -> add-_onx_mul__reshape_init7_s1_000
    Add(add-_onx_mul__reshape_init7_s1_000, _onx_mul__reshape_init7_s8192_00) -> _onx_add_add_mul__reshape_init7_s1_00000
      Reshape(_onx_add_add_mul__reshape_init7_s1_00000, init7_s1_-1) -> _reshape_add_add_mul__reshape_init7_s1_000000
        GatherElements(init7_s32768_, _reshape_add_add_mul__reshape_init7_s1_000000) -> _onx_gatherelements_init7_s32768_0
Reshape(c_params, init7_s1_-1) -> _reshape_clone0
  ScatterElements(_reshape_clone0, _onx_gatherelements_init7_s32768_0, _reshape_expand_update00) -> _onx_scatterelements__reshape_clone00
    Reshape(_onx_scatterelements__reshape_clone00, init7_s3_1_8192_4) -> output_0
output: name='output_0' type=dtype('float32') shape=[1, 8192, 4]


/home/xadupre/vv/this312/lib/python3.12/site-packages/torch/export/_unlift.py:81: UserWarning: Attempted to insert a get_attr Node with no underlying reference in the owning GraphModule! Call GraphModule.add_submodule to add the necessary submodule, GraphModule.add_parameter to add the necessary Parameter, or nn.Module.register_buffer to add the necessary buffer

getattr_node = gm.graph.get_attr(lifted_node)

/home/xadupre/vv/this312/lib/python3.12/site-packages/torch/fx/graph.py:1790: UserWarning: Node params target params params of does not reference an nn.Module, nn.Parameter, or buffer, which is what ‘get_attr’ Nodes typically target



false INTERNAL ASSERT FAILED at "/pytorch/build/aten/src/ATen/RegisterFunctionalization_1.cpp":5941, please report a bug to PyTorch. mutating a non-functional tensor with a functional tensor is not allowed. Please ensure that all of your inputs are wrapped inside of a functionalize() call.

While executing %index_put_ : [num_users=1] = call_function[target=torch.ops.aten.index_put_.default](args = (%clone, [None, None, %index], %update), kwargs = {})
Original traceback:
  File "/home/xadupre/github/experimental-experiment/experimental_experiment/torch_interpreter/eval/model_cases.py", line 116, in forward
    copy[..., index] = update



setitem is not implemented when indices=(Ellipsis, 'index') and rank is unknown or not equal to the number of indices
[GraphBuilder-EJW] Message starts, there are 1 initializers, 0 nodes, 2 inputs, 2 outputs.
_known_types={'_tensor_constant0': 1, 'index': 7, 'update': 1}
_known_shapes={'_tensor_constant0': (1, 8192, 4), 'index': (4,), 'update': (8192, 4)}
    _tensor_constant0 -> {setitem}
    index -> {setitem}
    setitem -> {output}
    update -> {setitem}
    index: ('run_node', (('example_value', torch.int64, torch.Size([4])), '')) --- 7:1:(4,):
    update: ('run_node', (('example_value', torch.float32, torch.Size([8192, 4])), '')) --- 1:2:(8192, 4):
    _tensor_constant0: ('run_node', ('', '')) --- 1:3:(1, 8192, 4):
    setitem: ('run_node', ('', '')) --- :::
-- process.graph_module --
    %index : [num_users=1] = placeholder[target=index]
    %update : [num_users=1] = placeholder[target=update]
    %_tensor_constant0 : [num_users=1] = get_attr[target=_tensor_constant0]
    %setitem : [num_users=1] = call_function[target=operator.setitem](args = (%_tensor_constant0, (Ellipsis, %index), %update), kwargs = {})
    return setitem
-- process.progress --
node 3/5 target=<built-in function setitem>
[GraphBuilder-EJW.make_tensor_input] index[7:4]
[GraphBuilder-EJW.make_tensor_input] update[1:8192x4]
[GraphBuilder-EJW.make_initializer] _tensor_constant0[torch.float32:torch.float32] - SOURCE: DynamoInterpret.get_attr.0
[GraphBuilder-EJW] Message completed, there are 1 initializers, 0 nodes, 2 inputs, 2 outputs.



Failed to decompose the FX graph for ONNX compatibility. This is step 2/3 of exporting the model to ONNX. Next steps:
- Create an issue in the PyTorch GitHub repository against the *torch.export* component and attach the full error stack as well as reproduction scripts.
- Create an error report with `torch.onnx.export(..., report=True)`, and save the ExportedProgram as a pt2 file. Create an issue in the PyTorch GitHub repository against the *onnx* component. Attach the error report and the pt2 model.

## Exception summary

<class 'RuntimeError'>: false INTERNAL ASSERT FAILED at "/pytorch/build/aten/src/ATen/RegisterFunctionalization_1.cpp":5941, please report a bug to PyTorch. mutating a non-functional tensor with a functional tensor is not allowed. Please ensure that all of your inputs are wrapped inside of a functionalize() call.

While executing %index_put_ : [num_users=1] = call_function[target=torch.ops.aten.index_put_.default](args = (%clone, [None, None, %index], %update), kwargs = {})
Original traceback:
File "/home/xadupre/github/experimental-experiment/experimental_experiment/torch_interpreter/eval/model_cases.py", line 116, in forward
    copy[..., index] = update

(Refer to the full stack trace above for more information.)



[ONNXRuntimeError] : 10 : INVALID_GRAPH : This is an invalid model. In Node, ("/Add", Add, "", -1) : ("","",) -> ("/Add_output_0",) , Error Node (/Add)'s input 0 is marked single but has an empty string in the graph



def forward(self, index, update):
    copy = self.params.clone()
    copy[..., index] = update
    return copy


opset: domain='' version=18
input: name='index' type=dtype('int64') shape=[4]
input: name='update' type=dtype('float32') shape=[8192, 4]
init: name='c_params' type=float32 shape=(1, 8192, 6)                 -- DynamoInterpret.placeholder.0
init: name='init7_s1_0' type=int64 shape=(1,) -- array([0])           -- Opset.make_node.1/Shape
init: name='init7_s3_-1_1_1' type=int64 shape=(3,) -- array([-1,  1,  1])-- Opset.make_node.1/Shape
init: name='init7_s8192_' type=int64 shape=(8192,)                    -- Opset.make_node.0
init: name='init7_s3_1_-1_1' type=int64 shape=(3,) -- array([ 1, -1,  1])-- Opset.make_node.1/Shape
init: name='init7_s3_1_1_-1' type=int64 shape=(3,) -- array([ 1,  1, -1])-- Opset.make_node.1/Shape
init: name='init7_s3_1_8192_4' type=int64 shape=(3,) -- array([   1, 8192,    4])-- Opset.make_node.1/Shape
init: name='init7_s1_49152' type=int64 shape=(1,) -- array([49152])   -- Opset.make_node.1/Shape
init: name='init7_s1_6' type=int64 shape=(1,) -- array([6])           -- Opset.make_node.1/Shape
init: name='init7_s1_-1' type=int64 shape=(1,) -- array([-1])         -- Opset.make_node.1/Shape##Opset.make_node.1/Shape##Opset.make_node.1/Shape
init: name='init7_s49152_' type=int64 shape=(49152,)                  -- Opset.make_node.0
init: name='init7_s3_1_8192_6' type=int64 shape=(3,) -- array([   1, 8192,    6])-- Opset.make_node.1/Shape
Expand(update, init7_s3_1_8192_4) -> _onx_expand_update0
  Reshape(_onx_expand_update0, init7_s1_-1) -> _reshape_expand_update00
Reshape(init7_s1_0, init7_s3_-1_1_1) -> _reshape_init7_s1_00
  Mul(_reshape_init7_s1_00, init7_s1_49152) -> _onx_mul__reshape_init7_s1_000
Reshape(init7_s8192_, init7_s3_1_-1_1) -> _reshape_init7_s8192_0
  Mul(_reshape_init7_s8192_0, init7_s1_6) -> _onx_mul__reshape_init7_s8192_00
Reshape(index, init7_s3_1_1_-1) -> _reshape_index0
  Add(_onx_mul__reshape_init7_s1_000, _reshape_index0) -> add-_onx_mul__reshape_init7_s1_000
    Add(add-_onx_mul__reshape_init7_s1_000, _onx_mul__reshape_init7_s8192_00) -> _onx_add_add_mul__reshape_init7_s1_00000
      Reshape(_onx_add_add_mul__reshape_init7_s1_00000, init7_s1_-1) -> _reshape_add_add_mul__reshape_init7_s1_000000
        GatherElements(init7_s49152_, _reshape_add_add_mul__reshape_init7_s1_000000) -> _onx_gatherelements_init7_s49152_0
Reshape(c_params, init7_s1_-1) -> _reshape_clone0
  ScatterElements(_reshape_clone0, _onx_gatherelements_init7_s49152_0, _reshape_expand_update00) -> _onx_scatterelements__reshape_clone00
    Reshape(_onx_scatterelements__reshape_clone00, init7_s3_1_8192_6) -> output_0
output: name='output_0' type=dtype('float32') shape=[1, 8192, 6]


/home/xadupre/vv/this312/lib/python3.12/site-packages/torch/export/_unlift.py:81: UserWarning: Attempted to insert a get_attr Node with no underlying reference in the owning GraphModule! Call GraphModule.add_submodule to add the necessary submodule, GraphModule.add_parameter to add the necessary Parameter, or nn.Module.register_buffer to add the necessary buffer

getattr_node = gm.graph.get_attr(lifted_node)

/home/xadupre/vv/this312/lib/python3.12/site-packages/torch/fx/graph.py:1790: UserWarning: Node params target params params of does not reference an nn.Module, nn.Parameter, or buffer, which is what ‘get_attr’ Nodes typically target



false INTERNAL ASSERT FAILED at "/pytorch/build/aten/src/ATen/RegisterFunctionalization_1.cpp":5941, please report a bug to PyTorch. mutating a non-functional tensor with a functional tensor is not allowed. Please ensure that all of your inputs are wrapped inside of a functionalize() call.

While executing %index_put_ : [num_users=1] = call_function[target=torch.ops.aten.index_put_.default](args = (%clone, [None, None, %index], %update), kwargs = {})
Original traceback:
  File "/home/xadupre/github/experimental-experiment/experimental_experiment/torch_interpreter/eval/model_cases.py", line 134, in forward
    copy[..., index] = update



setitem is not implemented when indices=(Ellipsis, 'index') and rank is unknown or not equal to the number of indices
[GraphBuilder-QYA] Message starts, there are 1 initializers, 0 nodes, 2 inputs, 2 outputs.
_known_types={'_tensor_constant0': 1, 'index': 7, 'update': 1}
_known_shapes={'_tensor_constant0': (1, 8192, 6), 'index': (4,), 'update': (8192, 4)}
    _tensor_constant0 -> {setitem}
    index -> {setitem}
    setitem -> {output}
    update -> {setitem}
    index: ('run_node', (('example_value', torch.int64, torch.Size([4])), '')) --- 7:1:(4,):
    update: ('run_node', (('example_value', torch.float32, torch.Size([8192, 4])), '')) --- 1:2:(8192, 4):
    _tensor_constant0: ('run_node', ('', '')) --- 1:3:(1, 8192, 6):
    setitem: ('run_node', ('', '')) --- :::
-- process.graph_module --
    %index : [num_users=1] = placeholder[target=index]
    %update : [num_users=1] = placeholder[target=update]
    %_tensor_constant0 : [num_users=1] = get_attr[target=_tensor_constant0]
    %setitem : [num_users=1] = call_function[target=operator.setitem](args = (%_tensor_constant0, (Ellipsis, %index), %update), kwargs = {})
    return setitem
-- process.progress --
node 3/5 target=<built-in function setitem>
[GraphBuilder-QYA.make_tensor_input] index[7:4]
[GraphBuilder-QYA.make_tensor_input] update[1:8192x4]
[GraphBuilder-QYA.make_initializer] _tensor_constant0[torch.float32:torch.float32] - SOURCE: DynamoInterpret.get_attr.0
[GraphBuilder-QYA] Message completed, there are 1 initializers, 0 nodes, 2 inputs, 2 outputs.



Failed to decompose the FX graph for ONNX compatibility. This is step 2/3 of exporting the model to ONNX. Next steps:
- Create an issue in the PyTorch GitHub repository against the *torch.export* component and attach the full error stack as well as reproduction scripts.
- Create an error report with `torch.onnx.export(..., report=True)`, and save the ExportedProgram as a pt2 file. Create an issue in the PyTorch GitHub repository against the *onnx* component. Attach the error report and the pt2 model.

## Exception summary

<class 'RuntimeError'>: false INTERNAL ASSERT FAILED at "/pytorch/build/aten/src/ATen/RegisterFunctionalization_1.cpp":5941, please report a bug to PyTorch. mutating a non-functional tensor with a functional tensor is not allowed. Please ensure that all of your inputs are wrapped inside of a functionalize() call.

While executing %index_put_ : [num_users=1] = call_function[target=torch.ops.aten.index_put_.default](args = (%clone, [None, None, %index], %update), kwargs = {})
Original traceback:
File "/home/xadupre/github/experimental-experiment/experimental_experiment/torch_interpreter/eval/model_cases.py", line 134, in forward
    copy[..., index] = update

(Refer to the full stack trace above for more information.)



[ONNXRuntimeError] : 10 : INVALID_GRAPH : This is an invalid model. In Node, ("/Add", Add, "", -1) : ("","",) -> ("/Add_output_0",) , Error Node (/Add)'s input 0 is marked single but has an empty string in the graph



def forward(self, x):
    mask = x.to(bool)
    x[mask] = 2
    return x


opset: domain='' version=18
input: name='x' type=dtype('float32') shape=[2, 3, 3]
init: name='c_lifted_tensor_0' type=float32 shape=() -- array([2.], dtype=float32)-- DynamoInterpret.placeholder.0
Cast(x, to=9) -> to
  Where(to, c_lifted_tensor_0, x) -> output_0
output: name='output_0' type=dtype('float32') shape=[2, 3, 3]


/home/xadupre/vv/this312/lib/python3.12/site-packages/torch/export/_unlift.py:81: UserWarning: Attempted to insert a get_attr Node with no underlying reference in the owning GraphModule! Call GraphModule.add_submodule to add the necessary submodule, GraphModule.add_parameter to add the necessary Parameter, or nn.Module.register_buffer to add the necessary buffer

getattr_node = gm.graph.get_attr(lifted_node)

/home/xadupre/vv/this312/lib/python3.12/site-packages/torch/fx/graph.py:1790: UserWarning: Node lifted_tensor_0 target lifted_tensor_0 lifted_tensor_0 of does not reference an nn.Module, nn.Parameter, or buffer, which is what ‘get_attr’ Nodes typically target


opset: domain='' version=18
input: name='x' type=dtype('float32') shape=[2, 3, 3]
init: name='c_lifted_tensor_0' type=float32 shape=() -- array([2.], dtype=float32)-- DynamoInterpret.placeholder.0
Cast(x, to=9) -> _to_copy
  Where(_to_copy, c_lifted_tensor_0, x) -> output_0
    Identity(output_0) -> output_1
output: name='output_1' type=dtype('float32') shape=[2, 3, 3]



Unexpected type <class 'int'> for name.


opset: domain='pkg.onnxscript.torch_lib.common' version=1
opset: domain='' version=18
input: name='x' type=dtype('float32') shape=[2, 3, 3]
Cast(x, to=9) -> _to_copy
Constant(value=2.0) -> lift_fresh_copy
  Where(_to_copy, lift_fresh_copy, x) -> index_put
output: name='index_put' type=dtype('float32') shape=[2, 3, 3]


opset: domain='' version=17
input: name='onnx::Cast_0' type=dtype('float32') shape=[2, 3, 3]
Cast(onnx::Cast_0, to=9) -> /Cast_output_0
  Cast(/Cast_output_0, to=9) -> /Cast_1_output_0
Constant(value=2.0) -> /Constant_output_0
  Where(/Cast_1_output_0, /Constant_output_0, onnx::Cast_0) -> 4
output: name='4' type=dtype('float32') shape=[2, 3, 3]



def forward(self, x):
    x[:2, :3] = 1
    return x


/home/xadupre/vv/this312/lib/python3.12/site-packages/torch/export/_unlift.py:81: UserWarning: Attempted to insert a get_attr Node with no underlying reference in the owning GraphModule! Call GraphModule.add_submodule to add the necessary submodule, GraphModule.add_parameter to add the necessary Parameter, or nn.Module.register_buffer to add the necessary buffer

getattr_node = gm.graph.get_attr(lifted_node)

/home/xadupre/vv/this312/lib/python3.12/site-packages/torch/fx/graph.py:1790: UserWarning: Node lifted_tensor_0 target lifted_tensor_0 lifted_tensor_0 of does not reference an nn.Module, nn.Parameter, or buffer, which is what ‘get_attr’ Nodes typically target


opset: domain='' version=18
input: name='x' type=dtype('float32') shape=[5, 5]
init: name='c_lifted_tensor_0' type=float32 shape=() -- array([1.], dtype=float32)-- DynamoInterpret.placeholder.0
init: name='init7_s1_0' type=int64 shape=(1,) -- array([0])           -- Opset.make_node.1/Shape##Opset.make_node.1/Shape##Opset.make_node.1/Shape##Opset.make_node.1/Shape##Opset.make_node.1/Shape
init: name='init7_s1_2' type=int64 shape=(1,) -- array([2])           -- Opset.make_node.1/Shape##Opset.make_node.1/Shape
init: name='init7_s1_3' type=int64 shape=(1,) -- array([3])           -- Opset.make_node.1/Shape
init: name='init7_s1_1' type=int64 shape=(1,) -- array([1])           -- Opset.make_node.1/Shape
init: name='init7_s3_0_1_2' type=int64 shape=(3,) -- array([0, 1, 2]) -- Opset.make_node.1/Shape
init: name='init7_s2_-1_1' type=int64 shape=(2,) -- array([-1,  1])   -- Opset.make_node.1/Shape##Opset.make_node.1/Shape
init: name='init7_s2_0_1' type=int64 shape=(2,) -- array([0, 1])      -- Opset.make_node.1/Shape
Concat(init7_s1_0, init7_s1_1, axis=0) -> SliceSlicePattern_init7_s1_1_axis
Concat(init7_s1_0, init7_s1_0, axis=0) -> SliceSlicePattern_init7_s1_0_start
Concat(init7_s1_2, init7_s1_3, axis=0) -> SliceSlicePattern_init7_s1_3_end
  Slice(x, SliceSlicePattern_init7_s1_0_start, SliceSlicePattern_init7_s1_3_end, SliceSlicePattern_init7_s1_1_axis) -> slice_2
    Shape(slice_2) -> _shape_slice_20
      Expand(c_lifted_tensor_0, _shape_slice_20) -> fill
        Transpose(fill, perm=[1,0]) -> _onx_transpose_fill0
Slice(x, init7_s1_0, init7_s1_2, init7_s1_0) -> slice_3
  Transpose(slice_3, perm=[1,0]) -> _onx_transpose_slice_30
Reshape(init7_s3_0_1_2, init7_s2_-1_1) -> _reshape_init7_s3_0_1_20
  ScatterND(_onx_transpose_slice_30, _reshape_init7_s3_0_1_20, _onx_transpose_fill0) -> _onx_scatternd_transpose_slice_300
    Transpose(_onx_scatternd_transpose_slice_300, perm=[1,0]) -> slice_scatter
Reshape(init7_s2_0_1, init7_s2_-1_1) -> _reshape_init7_s2_0_10
  ScatterND(x, _reshape_init7_s2_0_10, slice_scatter) -> output_0
    Identity(output_0) -> output_1
output: name='output_1' type=dtype('float32') shape=[5, 5]


/home/xadupre/vv/this312/lib/python3.12/site-packages/torch/export/_unlift.py:81: UserWarning: Attempted to insert a get_attr Node with no underlying reference in the owning GraphModule! Call GraphModule.add_submodule to add the necessary submodule, GraphModule.add_parameter to add the necessary Parameter, or nn.Module.register_buffer to add the necessary buffer

getattr_node = gm.graph.get_attr(lifted_node)

/home/xadupre/vv/this312/lib/python3.12/site-packages/torch/fx/graph.py:1790: UserWarning: Node lifted_tensor_0 target lifted_tensor_0 lifted_tensor_0 of does not reference an nn.Module, nn.Parameter, or buffer, which is what ‘get_attr’ Nodes typically target


opset: domain='' version=18
input: name='x' type=dtype('float32') shape=[5, 5]
init: name='c_lifted_tensor_0' type=float32 shape=() -- array([1.], dtype=float32)-- DynamoInterpret.placeholder.0
init: name='init7_s1_0' type=int64 shape=(1,) -- array([0])           -- Opset.make_node.1/Shape##Opset.make_node.1/Shape##Opset.make_node.1/Shape##Opset.make_node.1/Shape##Opset.make_node.1/Shape
init: name='init7_s1_2' type=int64 shape=(1,) -- array([2])           -- Opset.make_node.1/Shape##Opset.make_node.1/Shape
init: name='init7_s1_3' type=int64 shape=(1,) -- array([3])           -- Opset.make_node.1/Shape
init: name='init7_s1_1' type=int64 shape=(1,) -- array([1])           -- Opset.make_node.1/Shape
init: name='init7_s3_0_1_2' type=int64 shape=(3,) -- array([0, 1, 2]) -- Opset.make_node.1/Shape
init: name='init7_s2_-1_1' type=int64 shape=(2,) -- array([-1,  1])   -- Opset.make_node.1/Shape##Opset.make_node.1/Shape
init: name='init7_s2_0_1' type=int64 shape=(2,) -- array([0, 1])      -- Opset.make_node.1/Shape
Concat(init7_s1_0, init7_s1_1, axis=0) -> SliceSlicePattern_init7_s1_1_axis
Concat(init7_s1_0, init7_s1_0, axis=0) -> SliceSlicePattern_init7_s1_0_start
Concat(init7_s1_2, init7_s1_3, axis=0) -> SliceSlicePattern_init7_s1_3_end
  Slice(x, SliceSlicePattern_init7_s1_0_start, SliceSlicePattern_init7_s1_3_end, SliceSlicePattern_init7_s1_1_axis) -> slice_2
    Shape(slice_2) -> _shape_slice_20
      Expand(c_lifted_tensor_0, _shape_slice_20) -> fill
        Transpose(fill, perm=[1,0]) -> _onx_transpose_fill0
Slice(x, init7_s1_0, init7_s1_2, init7_s1_0) -> slice_3
  Transpose(slice_3, perm=[1,0]) -> _onx_transpose_slice_30
Reshape(init7_s3_0_1_2, init7_s2_-1_1) -> _reshape_init7_s3_0_1_20
  ScatterND(_onx_transpose_slice_30, _reshape_init7_s3_0_1_20, _onx_transpose_fill0) -> _onx_scatternd_transpose_slice_300
    Transpose(_onx_scatternd_transpose_slice_300, perm=[1,0]) -> slice_scatter
Reshape(init7_s2_0_1, init7_s2_-1_1) -> _reshape_init7_s2_0_10
  ScatterND(x, _reshape_init7_s2_0_10, slice_scatter) -> output_0
    Identity(output_0) -> output_1
output: name='output_1' type=dtype('float32') shape=[5, 5]



Unexpected type <class 'int'> for name.


opset: domain='pkg.onnxscript.torch_lib.common' version=1
opset: domain='' version=18
opset: domain='pkg.onnxscript.torch_lib' version=1
input: name='x' type=dtype('float32') shape=[5, 5]
Constant(value=[[0], [1],...) -> val_43
Constant(value=[0]) -> val_26
Constant(value=[2]) -> val_29
Constant(value=[0]) -> val_32
Constant(value_ints=[1]) -> val_33
  Slice(x, val_26, val_29, val_32, val_33) -> slice_3
    Transpose(slice_3, perm=[1,0]) -> val_45
Constant(value=[[1.0, 1.0...) -> val_44
  ScatterND(val_45, val_43, val_44, reduction=b'none') -> val_46
    Transpose(val_46, perm=[1,0]) -> slice_scatter
Constant(value=[[0], [1]]) -> val_55
  ScatterND(x, val_55, slice_scatter, reduction=b'none') -> slice_scatter_1
output: name='slice_scatter_1' type=dtype('float32') shape=[5, 5]


opset: domain='' version=17
input: name='onnx::Slice_0' type=dtype('float32') shape=[5, 5]
Constant(value=[0]) -> /Constant_output_0
Constant(value=[0]) -> /Constant_1_output_0
Constant(value=[2]) -> /Constant_2_output_0
Constant(value=[1]) -> /Constant_3_output_0
  Slice(onnx::Slice_0, /Constant_1_output_0, /Constant_2_output_0, /Constant_output_0, /Constant_3_output_0) -> /Slice_output_0
Constant(value=[1]) -> /Constant_4_output_0
Constant(value=[0]) -> /Constant_5_output_0
Constant(value=[3]) -> /Constant_6_output_0
Constant(value=[1]) -> /Constant_7_output_0
  Slice(/Slice_output_0, /Constant_5_output_0, /Constant_6_output_0, /Constant_4_output_0, /Constant_7_output_0) -> /Slice_1_output_0
    Shape(/Slice_1_output_0) -> /Shape_output_0
Constant(value=[[1.0]]) -> /Constant_8_output_0
  Expand(/Constant_8_output_0, /Shape_output_0) -> /Expand_output_0
Constant(value=[0, 1, 2]) -> /Constant_9_output_0
Constant(value=[[0], [1]]) -> onnx::Expand_27
Constant(value=[2, 3]) -> /Constant_10_output_0
Constant(value=[2]) -> /Constant_11_output_0
  ConstantOfShape(/Constant_11_output_0, value=[1]) -> /ConstantOfShape_output_0
Constant(value=-1) -> /Constant_12_output_0
  Mul(/ConstantOfShape_output_0, /Constant_12_output_0) -> /Mul_output_0
  Equal(/Constant_10_output_0, /Mul_output_0) -> /Equal_output_0
  Where(/Equal_output_0, /ConstantOfShape_output_0, /Constant_10_output_0) -> /Where_output_0
  Expand(onnx::Expand_27, /Where_output_0) -> /Expand_1_output_0
Constant(value=[-1]) -> /Constant_13_output_0
  Unsqueeze(/Expand_1_output_0, /Constant_13_output_0) -> /Unsqueeze_output_0
Constant(value=[2]) -> /Constant_14_output_0
  ConstantOfShape(/Constant_14_output_0, value=[1]) -> /ConstantOfShape_1_output_0
Constant(value=-1) -> /Constant_15_output_0
  Mul(/ConstantOfShape_1_output_0, /Constant_15_output_0) -> /Mul_1_output_0
  Equal(/Constant_10_output_0, /Mul_1_output_0) -> /Equal_1_output_0
  Where(/Equal_1_output_0, /ConstantOfShape_1_output_0, /Constant_10_output_0) -> /Where_1_output_0
  Expand(/Constant_9_output_0, /Where_1_output_0) -> /Expand_2_output_0
Constant(value=[-1]) -> /Constant_16_output_0
  Unsqueeze(/Expand_2_output_0, /Constant_16_output_0) -> /Unsqueeze_1_output_0
    Concat(/Unsqueeze_output_0, /Unsqueeze_1_output_0, axis=-1) -> /Concat_output_0
Shape(onnx::Slice_0) -> /Shape_1_output_0
Constant(value=[0]) -> /Constant_17_output_0
Constant(value=[2]) -> /Constant_18_output_0
Constant(value=[922337203...) -> /Constant_19_output_0
  Slice(/Shape_1_output_0, /Constant_18_output_0, /Constant_19_output_0, /Constant_17_output_0) -> /Slice_2_output_0
  Concat(/Constant_10_output_0, /Slice_2_output_0, axis=0) -> /Concat_1_output_0
    Reshape(/Expand_output_0, /Concat_1_output_0, allowzero=0) -> /Reshape_output_0
      ScatterND(onnx::Slice_0, /Concat_output_0, /Reshape_output_0) -> 58
output: name='58' type=dtype('float32') shape=[5, 5]



def forward(self, x):
    x[:2, :3] = 1
    return x + 2


/home/xadupre/vv/this312/lib/python3.12/site-packages/torch/export/_unlift.py:81: UserWarning: Attempted to insert a get_attr Node with no underlying reference in the owning GraphModule! Call GraphModule.add_submodule to add the necessary submodule, GraphModule.add_parameter to add the necessary Parameter, or nn.Module.register_buffer to add the necessary buffer

getattr_node = gm.graph.get_attr(lifted_node)

/home/xadupre/vv/this312/lib/python3.12/site-packages/torch/fx/graph.py:1790: UserWarning: Node lifted_tensor_0 target lifted_tensor_0 lifted_tensor_0 of does not reference an nn.Module, nn.Parameter, or buffer, which is what ‘get_attr’ Nodes typically target


opset: domain='' version=18
input: name='x' type=dtype('float32') shape=[5, 5]
init: name='c_lifted_tensor_0' type=float32 shape=() -- array([1.], dtype=float32)-- DynamoInterpret.placeholder.0
init: name='init7_s1_0' type=int64 shape=(1,) -- array([0])           -- Opset.make_node.1/Shape##Opset.make_node.1/Shape##Opset.make_node.1/Shape##Opset.make_node.1/Shape##Opset.make_node.1/Shape
init: name='init7_s1_2' type=int64 shape=(1,) -- array([2])           -- Opset.make_node.1/Shape##Opset.make_node.1/Shape
init: name='init7_s1_3' type=int64 shape=(1,) -- array([3])           -- Opset.make_node.1/Shape
init: name='init7_s1_1' type=int64 shape=(1,) -- array([1])           -- Opset.make_node.1/Shape##Opset.make_node.1/Shape
init: name='init7_s3_0_1_2' type=int64 shape=(3,) -- array([0, 1, 2]) -- Opset.make_node.1/Shape
init: name='init7_s2_-1_1' type=int64 shape=(2,) -- array([-1,  1])   -- Opset.make_node.1/Shape##Opset.make_node.1/Shape
init: name='init7_s2_0_1' type=int64 shape=(2,) -- array([0, 1])      -- Opset.make_node.1/Shape
init: name='init1_s_' type=float32 shape=() -- array([2.], dtype=float32)-- shape_type_compute._cast_inputs.0
Concat(init7_s1_0, init7_s1_1, axis=0) -> SliceSlicePattern_init7_s1_1_axis
Concat(init7_s1_0, init7_s1_0, axis=0) -> SliceSlicePattern_init7_s1_0_start
Concat(init7_s1_2, init7_s1_3, axis=0) -> SliceSlicePattern_init7_s1_3_end
  Slice(x, SliceSlicePattern_init7_s1_0_start, SliceSlicePattern_init7_s1_3_end, SliceSlicePattern_init7_s1_1_axis) -> slice_2
    Shape(slice_2) -> _shape_slice_20
      Expand(c_lifted_tensor_0, _shape_slice_20) -> fill
        Transpose(fill, perm=[1,0]) -> _onx_transpose_fill0
Slice(x, init7_s1_0, init7_s1_2, init7_s1_0) -> slice_3
  Transpose(slice_3, perm=[1,0]) -> _onx_transpose_slice_30
Reshape(init7_s3_0_1_2, init7_s2_-1_1) -> _reshape_init7_s3_0_1_20
  ScatterND(_onx_transpose_slice_30, _reshape_init7_s3_0_1_20, _onx_transpose_fill0) -> _onx_scatternd_transpose_slice_300
    Transpose(_onx_scatternd_transpose_slice_300, perm=[1,0]) -> slice_scatter
Reshape(init7_s2_0_1, init7_s2_-1_1) -> _reshape_init7_s2_0_10
  ScatterND(x, _reshape_init7_s2_0_10, slice_scatter) -> output_0
Reshape(init1_s_, init7_s1_1) -> _reshape_init1_s_0
  Add(output_0, _reshape_init1_s_0) -> output_1
output: name='output_1' type=dtype('float32') shape=[5, 5]


/home/xadupre/vv/this312/lib/python3.12/site-packages/torch/export/_unlift.py:81: UserWarning: Attempted to insert a get_attr Node with no underlying reference in the owning GraphModule! Call GraphModule.add_submodule to add the necessary submodule, GraphModule.add_parameter to add the necessary Parameter, or nn.Module.register_buffer to add the necessary buffer

getattr_node = gm.graph.get_attr(lifted_node)

/home/xadupre/vv/this312/lib/python3.12/site-packages/torch/fx/graph.py:1790: UserWarning: Node lifted_tensor_0 target lifted_tensor_0 lifted_tensor_0 of does not reference an nn.Module, nn.Parameter, or buffer, which is what ‘get_attr’ Nodes typically target


opset: domain='' version=18
input: name='x' type=dtype('float32') shape=[5, 5]
init: name='c_lifted_tensor_0' type=float32 shape=() -- array([1.], dtype=float32)-- DynamoInterpret.placeholder.0
init: name='init7_s1_0' type=int64 shape=(1,) -- array([0])           -- Opset.make_node.1/Shape##Opset.make_node.1/Shape##Opset.make_node.1/Shape##Opset.make_node.1/Shape##Opset.make_node.1/Shape
init: name='init7_s1_2' type=int64 shape=(1,) -- array([2])           -- Opset.make_node.1/Shape##Opset.make_node.1/Shape
init: name='init7_s1_3' type=int64 shape=(1,) -- array([3])           -- Opset.make_node.1/Shape
init: name='init7_s1_1' type=int64 shape=(1,) -- array([1])           -- Opset.make_node.1/Shape##Opset.make_node.1/Shape
init: name='init7_s3_0_1_2' type=int64 shape=(3,) -- array([0, 1, 2]) -- Opset.make_node.1/Shape
init: name='init7_s2_-1_1' type=int64 shape=(2,) -- array([-1,  1])   -- Opset.make_node.1/Shape##Opset.make_node.1/Shape
init: name='init7_s2_0_1' type=int64 shape=(2,) -- array([0, 1])      -- Opset.make_node.1/Shape
init: name='init1_s_' type=float32 shape=() -- array([2.], dtype=float32)-- shape_type_compute._cast_inputs.0
Concat(init7_s1_0, init7_s1_1, axis=0) -> SliceSlicePattern_init7_s1_1_axis
Concat(init7_s1_0, init7_s1_0, axis=0) -> SliceSlicePattern_init7_s1_0_start
Concat(init7_s1_2, init7_s1_3, axis=0) -> SliceSlicePattern_init7_s1_3_end
  Slice(x, SliceSlicePattern_init7_s1_0_start, SliceSlicePattern_init7_s1_3_end, SliceSlicePattern_init7_s1_1_axis) -> slice_2
    Shape(slice_2) -> _shape_slice_20
      Expand(c_lifted_tensor_0, _shape_slice_20) -> fill
        Transpose(fill, perm=[1,0]) -> _onx_transpose_fill0
Slice(x, init7_s1_0, init7_s1_2, init7_s1_0) -> slice_3
  Transpose(slice_3, perm=[1,0]) -> _onx_transpose_slice_30
Reshape(init7_s3_0_1_2, init7_s2_-1_1) -> _reshape_init7_s3_0_1_20
  ScatterND(_onx_transpose_slice_30, _reshape_init7_s3_0_1_20, _onx_transpose_fill0) -> _onx_scatternd_transpose_slice_300
    Transpose(_onx_scatternd_transpose_slice_300, perm=[1,0]) -> slice_scatter
Reshape(init7_s2_0_1, init7_s2_-1_1) -> _reshape_init7_s2_0_10
  ScatterND(x, _reshape_init7_s2_0_10, slice_scatter) -> output_0
Reshape(init1_s_, init7_s1_1) -> _reshape_init1_s_0
  Add(output_0, _reshape_init1_s_0) -> output_1
output: name='output_1' type=dtype('float32') shape=[5, 5]



Unexpected type <class 'int'> for name.


opset: domain='pkg.onnxscript.torch_lib.common' version=1
opset: domain='' version=18
opset: domain='pkg.onnxscript.torch_lib' version=1
input: name='x' type=dtype('float32') shape=[5, 5]
Constant(value=[[0], [1],...) -> val_43
Constant(value=[0]) -> val_26
Constant(value=[2]) -> val_29
Constant(value=[0]) -> val_32
Constant(value_ints=[1]) -> val_33
  Slice(x, val_26, val_29, val_32, val_33) -> slice_3
    Transpose(slice_3, perm=[1,0]) -> val_45
Constant(value=[[1.0, 1.0...) -> val_44
  ScatterND(val_45, val_43, val_44, reduction=b'none') -> val_46
    Transpose(val_46, perm=[1,0]) -> slice_scatter
Constant(value=[[0], [1]]) -> val_55
  ScatterND(x, val_55, slice_scatter, reduction=b'none') -> slice_scatter_1
Constant(value=2.0) -> scalar_tensor_default
  Add(slice_scatter_1, scalar_tensor_default) -> add
output: name='add' type=dtype('float32') shape=[5, 5]


opset: domain='' version=17
input: name='onnx::Slice_0' type=dtype('float32') shape=[5, 5]
Constant(value=[0]) -> /Constant_output_0
Constant(value=[0]) -> /Constant_1_output_0
Constant(value=[2]) -> /Constant_2_output_0
Constant(value=[1]) -> /Constant_3_output_0
  Slice(onnx::Slice_0, /Constant_1_output_0, /Constant_2_output_0, /Constant_output_0, /Constant_3_output_0) -> /Slice_output_0
Constant(value=[1]) -> /Constant_4_output_0
Constant(value=[0]) -> /Constant_5_output_0
Constant(value=[3]) -> /Constant_6_output_0
Constant(value=[1]) -> /Constant_7_output_0
  Slice(/Slice_output_0, /Constant_5_output_0, /Constant_6_output_0, /Constant_4_output_0, /Constant_7_output_0) -> /Slice_1_output_0
    Shape(/Slice_1_output_0) -> /Shape_output_0
Constant(value=[[1.0]]) -> /Constant_8_output_0
  Expand(/Constant_8_output_0, /Shape_output_0) -> /Expand_output_0
Constant(value=[0, 1, 2]) -> /Constant_9_output_0
Constant(value=[[0], [1]]) -> onnx::Expand_27
Constant(value=[2, 3]) -> /Constant_10_output_0
Constant(value=[2]) -> /Constant_11_output_0
  ConstantOfShape(/Constant_11_output_0, value=[1]) -> /ConstantOfShape_output_0
Constant(value=-1) -> /Constant_12_output_0
  Mul(/ConstantOfShape_output_0, /Constant_12_output_0) -> /Mul_output_0
  Equal(/Constant_10_output_0, /Mul_output_0) -> /Equal_output_0
  Where(/Equal_output_0, /ConstantOfShape_output_0, /Constant_10_output_0) -> /Where_output_0
  Expand(onnx::Expand_27, /Where_output_0) -> /Expand_1_output_0
Constant(value=[-1]) -> /Constant_13_output_0
  Unsqueeze(/Expand_1_output_0, /Constant_13_output_0) -> /Unsqueeze_output_0
Constant(value=[2]) -> /Constant_14_output_0
  ConstantOfShape(/Constant_14_output_0, value=[1]) -> /ConstantOfShape_1_output_0
Constant(value=-1) -> /Constant_15_output_0
  Mul(/ConstantOfShape_1_output_0, /Constant_15_output_0) -> /Mul_1_output_0
  Equal(/Constant_10_output_0, /Mul_1_output_0) -> /Equal_1_output_0
  Where(/Equal_1_output_0, /ConstantOfShape_1_output_0, /Constant_10_output_0) -> /Where_1_output_0
  Expand(/Constant_9_output_0, /Where_1_output_0) -> /Expand_2_output_0
Constant(value=[-1]) -> /Constant_16_output_0
  Unsqueeze(/Expand_2_output_0, /Constant_16_output_0) -> /Unsqueeze_1_output_0
    Concat(/Unsqueeze_output_0, /Unsqueeze_1_output_0, axis=-1) -> /Concat_output_0
Shape(onnx::Slice_0) -> /Shape_1_output_0
Constant(value=[0]) -> /Constant_17_output_0
Constant(value=[2]) -> /Constant_18_output_0
Constant(value=[922337203...) -> /Constant_19_output_0
  Slice(/Shape_1_output_0, /Constant_18_output_0, /Constant_19_output_0, /Constant_17_output_0) -> /Slice_2_output_0
  Concat(/Constant_10_output_0, /Slice_2_output_0, axis=0) -> /Concat_1_output_0
    Reshape(/Expand_output_0, /Concat_1_output_0, allowzero=0) -> /Reshape_output_0
      ScatterND(onnx::Slice_0, /Concat_output_0, /Reshape_output_0) -> /ScatterND_output_0
Constant(value=2.0) -> /Constant_20_output_0
  Add(/ScatterND_output_0, /Constant_20_output_0) -> 60
output: name='60' type=dtype('float32') shape=[5, 5]



def forward(self, x):
    x[:2, :3] = 1
    return x + 2, x + 3


/home/xadupre/vv/this312/lib/python3.12/site-packages/torch/export/_unlift.py:81: UserWarning: Attempted to insert a get_attr Node with no underlying reference in the owning GraphModule! Call GraphModule.add_submodule to add the necessary submodule, GraphModule.add_parameter to add the necessary Parameter, or nn.Module.register_buffer to add the necessary buffer

getattr_node = gm.graph.get_attr(lifted_node)

/home/xadupre/vv/this312/lib/python3.12/site-packages/torch/fx/graph.py:1790: UserWarning: Node lifted_tensor_0 target lifted_tensor_0 lifted_tensor_0 of does not reference an nn.Module, nn.Parameter, or buffer, which is what ‘get_attr’ Nodes typically target


opset: domain='' version=18
input: name='x' type=dtype('float32') shape=[5, 5]
init: name='c_lifted_tensor_0' type=float32 shape=() -- array([1.], dtype=float32)-- DynamoInterpret.placeholder.0
init: name='init7_s1_0' type=int64 shape=(1,) -- array([0])           -- Opset.make_node.1/Shape##Opset.make_node.1/Shape##Opset.make_node.1/Shape##Opset.make_node.1/Shape##Opset.make_node.1/Shape
init: name='init7_s1_2' type=int64 shape=(1,) -- array([2])           -- Opset.make_node.1/Shape##Opset.make_node.1/Shape
init: name='init7_s1_3' type=int64 shape=(1,) -- array([3])           -- Opset.make_node.1/Shape
init: name='init7_s1_1' type=int64 shape=(1,) -- array([1])           -- Opset.make_node.1/Shape##Opset.make_node.1/Shape##Opset.make_node.1/Shape
init: name='init7_s3_0_1_2' type=int64 shape=(3,) -- array([0, 1, 2]) -- Opset.make_node.1/Shape
init: name='init7_s2_-1_1' type=int64 shape=(2,) -- array([-1,  1])   -- Opset.make_node.1/Shape##Opset.make_node.1/Shape
init: name='init7_s2_0_1' type=int64 shape=(2,) -- array([0, 1])      -- Opset.make_node.1/Shape
init: name='init1_s_' type=float32 shape=() -- array([2.], dtype=float32)-- shape_type_compute._cast_inputs.0
init: name='init1_s_2' type=float32 shape=() -- array([3.], dtype=float32)-- shape_type_compute._cast_inputs.0
Concat(init7_s1_0, init7_s1_1, axis=0) -> SliceSlicePattern_init7_s1_1_axis
Concat(init7_s1_0, init7_s1_0, axis=0) -> SliceSlicePattern_init7_s1_0_start
Concat(init7_s1_2, init7_s1_3, axis=0) -> SliceSlicePattern_init7_s1_3_end
  Slice(x, SliceSlicePattern_init7_s1_0_start, SliceSlicePattern_init7_s1_3_end, SliceSlicePattern_init7_s1_1_axis) -> slice_2
    Shape(slice_2) -> _shape_slice_20
      Expand(c_lifted_tensor_0, _shape_slice_20) -> fill
        Transpose(fill, perm=[1,0]) -> _onx_transpose_fill0
Slice(x, init7_s1_0, init7_s1_2, init7_s1_0) -> slice_3
  Transpose(slice_3, perm=[1,0]) -> _onx_transpose_slice_30
Reshape(init7_s3_0_1_2, init7_s2_-1_1) -> _reshape_init7_s3_0_1_20
  ScatterND(_onx_transpose_slice_30, _reshape_init7_s3_0_1_20, _onx_transpose_fill0) -> _onx_scatternd_transpose_slice_300
    Transpose(_onx_scatternd_transpose_slice_300, perm=[1,0]) -> slice_scatter
Reshape(init7_s2_0_1, init7_s2_-1_1) -> _reshape_init7_s2_0_10
  ScatterND(x, _reshape_init7_s2_0_10, slice_scatter) -> output_0
Reshape(init1_s_, init7_s1_1) -> _reshape_init1_s_0
  Add(output_0, _reshape_init1_s_0) -> output_1
Reshape(init1_s_2, init7_s1_1) -> _reshape_init1_s_20
  Add(output_0, _reshape_init1_s_20) -> output_2
output: name='output_1' type=dtype('float32') shape=[5, 5]
output: name='output_2' type=dtype('float32') shape=[5, 5]


/home/xadupre/vv/this312/lib/python3.12/site-packages/torch/export/_unlift.py:81: UserWarning: Attempted to insert a get_attr Node with no underlying reference in the owning GraphModule! Call GraphModule.add_submodule to add the necessary submodule, GraphModule.add_parameter to add the necessary Parameter, or nn.Module.register_buffer to add the necessary buffer

getattr_node = gm.graph.get_attr(lifted_node)

/home/xadupre/vv/this312/lib/python3.12/site-packages/torch/fx/graph.py:1790: UserWarning: Node lifted_tensor_0 target lifted_tensor_0 lifted_tensor_0 of does not reference an nn.Module, nn.Parameter, or buffer, which is what ‘get_attr’ Nodes typically target


opset: domain='' version=18
input: name='x' type=dtype('float32') shape=[5, 5]
init: name='c_lifted_tensor_0' type=float32 shape=() -- array([1.], dtype=float32)-- DynamoInterpret.placeholder.0
init: name='init7_s1_0' type=int64 shape=(1,) -- array([0])           -- Opset.make_node.1/Shape##Opset.make_node.1/Shape##Opset.make_node.1/Shape##Opset.make_node.1/Shape##Opset.make_node.1/Shape
init: name='init7_s1_2' type=int64 shape=(1,) -- array([2])           -- Opset.make_node.1/Shape##Opset.make_node.1/Shape
init: name='init7_s1_3' type=int64 shape=(1,) -- array([3])           -- Opset.make_node.1/Shape
init: name='init7_s1_1' type=int64 shape=(1,) -- array([1])           -- Opset.make_node.1/Shape##Opset.make_node.1/Shape##Opset.make_node.1/Shape
init: name='init7_s3_0_1_2' type=int64 shape=(3,) -- array([0, 1, 2]) -- Opset.make_node.1/Shape
init: name='init7_s2_-1_1' type=int64 shape=(2,) -- array([-1,  1])   -- Opset.make_node.1/Shape##Opset.make_node.1/Shape
init: name='init7_s2_0_1' type=int64 shape=(2,) -- array([0, 1])      -- Opset.make_node.1/Shape
init: name='init1_s_' type=float32 shape=() -- array([2.], dtype=float32)-- shape_type_compute._cast_inputs.0
init: name='init1_s_2' type=float32 shape=() -- array([3.], dtype=float32)-- shape_type_compute._cast_inputs.0
Concat(init7_s1_0, init7_s1_1, axis=0) -> SliceSlicePattern_init7_s1_1_axis
Concat(init7_s1_0, init7_s1_0, axis=0) -> SliceSlicePattern_init7_s1_0_start
Concat(init7_s1_2, init7_s1_3, axis=0) -> SliceSlicePattern_init7_s1_3_end
  Slice(x, SliceSlicePattern_init7_s1_0_start, SliceSlicePattern_init7_s1_3_end, SliceSlicePattern_init7_s1_1_axis) -> slice_2
    Shape(slice_2) -> _shape_slice_20
      Expand(c_lifted_tensor_0, _shape_slice_20) -> fill
        Transpose(fill, perm=[1,0]) -> _onx_transpose_fill0
Slice(x, init7_s1_0, init7_s1_2, init7_s1_0) -> slice_3
  Transpose(slice_3, perm=[1,0]) -> _onx_transpose_slice_30
Reshape(init7_s3_0_1_2, init7_s2_-1_1) -> _reshape_init7_s3_0_1_20
  ScatterND(_onx_transpose_slice_30, _reshape_init7_s3_0_1_20, _onx_transpose_fill0) -> _onx_scatternd_transpose_slice_300
    Transpose(_onx_scatternd_transpose_slice_300, perm=[1,0]) -> slice_scatter
Reshape(init7_s2_0_1, init7_s2_-1_1) -> _reshape_init7_s2_0_10
  ScatterND(x, _reshape_init7_s2_0_10, slice_scatter) -> output_0
Reshape(init1_s_, init7_s1_1) -> _reshape_init1_s_0
  Add(output_0, _reshape_init1_s_0) -> output_1
Reshape(init1_s_2, init7_s1_1) -> _reshape_init1_s_20
  Add(output_0, _reshape_init1_s_20) -> output_2
output: name='output_1' type=dtype('float32') shape=[5, 5]
output: name='output_2' type=dtype('float32') shape=[5, 5]



Unexpected type <class 'int'> for name.


opset: domain='pkg.onnxscript.torch_lib.common' version=1
opset: domain='' version=18
opset: domain='pkg.onnxscript.torch_lib' version=1
input: name='x' type=dtype('float32') shape=[5, 5]
Constant(value=[[0], [1],...) -> val_43
Constant(value=[0]) -> val_26
Constant(value=[2]) -> val_29
Constant(value=[0]) -> val_32
Constant(value_ints=[1]) -> val_33
  Slice(x, val_26, val_29, val_32, val_33) -> slice_3
    Transpose(slice_3, perm=[1,0]) -> val_45
Constant(value=[[1.0, 1.0...) -> val_44
  ScatterND(val_45, val_43, val_44, reduction=b'none') -> val_46
    Transpose(val_46, perm=[1,0]) -> slice_scatter
Constant(value=[[0], [1]]) -> val_55
  ScatterND(x, val_55, slice_scatter, reduction=b'none') -> slice_scatter_1
Constant(value=2.0) -> scalar_tensor_default
  Add(slice_scatter_1, scalar_tensor_default) -> add
Constant(value=3.0) -> scalar_tensor_default_1
  Add(slice_scatter_1, scalar_tensor_default_1) -> add_1
output: name='add' type=dtype('float32') shape=[5, 5]
output: name='add_1' type=dtype('float32') shape=[5, 5]


opset: domain='' version=17
input: name='onnx::Slice_0' type=dtype('float32') shape=[5, 5]
Constant(value=[0]) -> /Constant_output_0
Constant(value=[0]) -> /Constant_1_output_0
Constant(value=[2]) -> /Constant_2_output_0
Constant(value=[1]) -> /Constant_3_output_0
  Slice(onnx::Slice_0, /Constant_1_output_0, /Constant_2_output_0, /Constant_output_0, /Constant_3_output_0) -> /Slice_output_0
Constant(value=[1]) -> /Constant_4_output_0
Constant(value=[0]) -> /Constant_5_output_0
Constant(value=[3]) -> /Constant_6_output_0
Constant(value=[1]) -> /Constant_7_output_0
  Slice(/Slice_output_0, /Constant_5_output_0, /Constant_6_output_0, /Constant_4_output_0, /Constant_7_output_0) -> /Slice_1_output_0
    Shape(/Slice_1_output_0) -> /Shape_output_0
Constant(value=[[1.0]]) -> /Constant_8_output_0
  Expand(/Constant_8_output_0, /Shape_output_0) -> /Expand_output_0
Constant(value=[0, 1, 2]) -> /Constant_9_output_0
Constant(value=[[0], [1]]) -> onnx::Expand_27
Constant(value=[2, 3]) -> /Constant_10_output_0
Constant(value=[2]) -> /Constant_11_output_0
  ConstantOfShape(/Constant_11_output_0, value=[1]) -> /ConstantOfShape_output_0
Constant(value=-1) -> /Constant_12_output_0
  Mul(/ConstantOfShape_output_0, /Constant_12_output_0) -> /Mul_output_0
  Equal(/Constant_10_output_0, /Mul_output_0) -> /Equal_output_0
  Where(/Equal_output_0, /ConstantOfShape_output_0, /Constant_10_output_0) -> /Where_output_0
  Expand(onnx::Expand_27, /Where_output_0) -> /Expand_1_output_0
Constant(value=[-1]) -> /Constant_13_output_0
  Unsqueeze(/Expand_1_output_0, /Constant_13_output_0) -> /Unsqueeze_output_0
Constant(value=[2]) -> /Constant_14_output_0
  ConstantOfShape(/Constant_14_output_0, value=[1]) -> /ConstantOfShape_1_output_0
Constant(value=-1) -> /Constant_15_output_0
  Mul(/ConstantOfShape_1_output_0, /Constant_15_output_0) -> /Mul_1_output_0
  Equal(/Constant_10_output_0, /Mul_1_output_0) -> /Equal_1_output_0
  Where(/Equal_1_output_0, /ConstantOfShape_1_output_0, /Constant_10_output_0) -> /Where_1_output_0
  Expand(/Constant_9_output_0, /Where_1_output_0) -> /Expand_2_output_0
Constant(value=[-1]) -> /Constant_16_output_0
  Unsqueeze(/Expand_2_output_0, /Constant_16_output_0) -> /Unsqueeze_1_output_0
    Concat(/Unsqueeze_output_0, /Unsqueeze_1_output_0, axis=-1) -> /Concat_output_0
Shape(onnx::Slice_0) -> /Shape_1_output_0
Constant(value=[0]) -> /Constant_17_output_0
Constant(value=[2]) -> /Constant_18_output_0
Constant(value=[922337203...) -> /Constant_19_output_0
  Slice(/Shape_1_output_0, /Constant_18_output_0, /Constant_19_output_0, /Constant_17_output_0) -> /Slice_2_output_0
  Concat(/Constant_10_output_0, /Slice_2_output_0, axis=0) -> /Concat_1_output_0
    Reshape(/Expand_output_0, /Concat_1_output_0, allowzero=0) -> /Reshape_output_0
      ScatterND(onnx::Slice_0, /Concat_output_0, /Reshape_output_0) -> /ScatterND_output_0
Constant(value=2.0) -> /Constant_20_output_0
  Add(/ScatterND_output_0, /Constant_20_output_0) -> 60
Constant(value=3.0) -> /Constant_21_output_0
  Add(/ScatterND_output_0, /Constant_21_output_0) -> 62
output: name='60' type=dtype('float32') shape=[5, 5]
output: name='62' type=dtype('float32') shape=[5, 5]



def forward(self, x, alpha: float = 2.0):
    return torch.sigmoid(self.linear(x)) - self.buff * alpha


opset: domain='' version=18
input: name='x' type=dtype('float32') shape=[4, 3]
input: name='alpha' type=dtype('float32') shape=[1]
init: name='b_buff' type=float32 shape=(1,) -- array([0.5], dtype=float32)-- DynamoInterpret.placeholder.0
init: name='init1_s_' type=float32 shape=() -- array([1.5], dtype=float32)-- shape_type_compute._cast_inputs.1(mul_Tensor)
init: name='init7_s1_1' type=int64 shape=(1,) -- array([1])           -- Opset.make_node.1/Shape
init: name='init7_s2_-1_1' type=int64 shape=(2,) -- array([-1,  1])   -- TransposeEqualReshapePattern.apply.new_shape
init: name='init7_s2_1_-1' type=int64 shape=(2,) -- array([ 1, -1])   -- TransposeEqualReshapePattern.apply.new_shape
init: name='linear.weight' type=float32 shape=(1, 3) -- array([0.536, 0.088, 0.263], dtype=float32)-- DynamoInterpret.placeholder.1/P(linear.weight)
init: name='linear.bias' type=float32 shape=(1,) -- array([0.49], dtype=float32)-- DynamoInterpret.placeholder.1/P(linear.bias)
Reshape(linear.weight, init7_s2_-1_1) -> _onx_transpose_p_linear_weight0
  Reshape(_onx_transpose_p_linear_weight0, init7_s2_1_-1) -> GemmTransposePattern--_onx_transpose_p_linear_weight0
    Gemm(x, GemmTransposePattern--_onx_transpose_p_linear_weight0, linear.bias, transB=1) -> linear
      Sigmoid(linear) -> sigmoid
Reshape(init1_s_, init7_s1_1) -> _reshape_init1_s_0
  Mul(b_buff, _reshape_init1_s_0) -> _onx_mul_b_buff0
    Sub(sigmoid, _onx_mul_b_buff0) -> output_0
output: name='output_0' type=dtype('float32') shape=[4, 1]


opset: domain='' version=18
input: name='x' type=dtype('float32') shape=[4, 3]
input: name='alpha' type=dtype('float32') shape=[1]
init: name='b_buff' type=float32 shape=(1,) -- array([0.5], dtype=float32)-- DynamoInterpret.placeholder.0
init: name='init1_s_' type=float32 shape=() -- array([1.5], dtype=float32)-- shape_type_compute._cast_inputs.1(mul_Tensor)
init: name='init7_s1_1' type=int64 shape=(1,) -- array([1])           -- Opset.make_node.1/Shape
init: name='init7_s2_-1_1' type=int64 shape=(2,) -- array([-1,  1])   -- TransposeEqualReshapePattern.apply.new_shape
init: name='init7_s2_1_-1' type=int64 shape=(2,) -- array([ 1, -1])   -- TransposeEqualReshapePattern.apply.new_shape
init: name='linear.weight' type=float32 shape=(1, 3) -- array([ 0.171, -0.293, -0.233], dtype=float32)-- DynamoInterpret.placeholder.1/P(linear.weight)
init: name='linear.bias' type=float32 shape=(1,) -- array([-0.079], dtype=float32)-- DynamoInterpret.placeholder.1/P(linear.bias)
Reshape(linear.weight, init7_s2_-1_1) -> _onx_transpose_p_linear_weight0
  Reshape(_onx_transpose_p_linear_weight0, init7_s2_1_-1) -> GemmTransposePattern--_onx_transpose_p_linear_weight0
    Gemm(x, GemmTransposePattern--_onx_transpose_p_linear_weight0, linear.bias, transB=1) -> linear
      Sigmoid(linear) -> sigmoid
Reshape(init1_s_, init7_s1_1) -> _reshape_init1_s_0
  Mul(b_buff, _reshape_init1_s_0) -> _onx_mul_b_buff0
    Sub(sigmoid, _onx_mul_b_buff0) -> output_0
output: name='output_0' type=dtype('float32') shape=[4, 1]



Unable to interpret method 'aten_meth_mul', args=(buff, alpha), kwargs={}, dispatcher=None
[GraphBuilder-MMQ] Message starts, there are 3 initializers, 7 nodes, 2 inputs, 2 outputs.
_known_types={'_sub_Linear__onx_matmul_input_10': 1,
 '_sub_Linear__onx_transpose_weight0': 1,
 '_sub_Linear_input_1': 1,
 '_sub_Linear_linear': 1,
 '_sub_Linear_output': 1,
 'alpha': 1,
 'buff': 1,
 'linear': 1,
 'linear.bias': 1,
 'linear.weight': 1,
 'sigmoid': 1,
 'x': 1}
_known_shapes={'_sub_Linear__onx_matmul_input_10': (4, 1),
 '_sub_Linear__onx_transpose_weight0': (3, 1),
 '_sub_Linear_input_1': (4, 3),
 '_sub_Linear_linear': (4, 1),
 '_sub_Linear_output': (4, 1),
 'alpha': (),
 'buff': (1,),
 'linear': (4, 1),
 'linear.bias': (1,),
 'linear.weight': (1, 3),
 'sigmoid': (4, 1),
 'x': (4, 3)}
_known_constants=['_sub_Linear__onx_transpose_weight0', 'buff', 'linear.bias', 'linear.weight']
    alpha -> {mul}
    buff -> {mul}
    linear -> {sigmoid}
    mul -> {sub}
    sigmoid -> {sub}
    x -> {linear}
    x: ('run_node', (('example_value', torch.float32, torch.Size([4, 3])), '')) --- 1:2:(4, 3):
    alpha: ('run_node', (('example_value', torch.float32, torch.Size([])), '')) --- 1:0:():
    linear: ('run_node', ('', '')) --- 1:2:(4, 1):
    sigmoid: ('run_node', ('', '')) --- 1:2:(4, 1):
    buff: ('run_node', ('', '')) --- 1:1:(1,):
    mul: ('run_node', ('', '')) --- :::
-- process.graph_module --
    %x : [num_users=1] = placeholder[target=x]
    %alpha : float [num_users=1] = placeholder[target=alpha](default=2.0)
    %linear : [num_users=1] = call_module[target=linear](args = (%x,), kwargs = {})
    %sigmoid : [num_users=1] = call_function[target=torch.sigmoid](args = (%linear,), kwargs = {})
    %buff : [num_users=1] = get_attr[target=buff]
    %mul : [num_users=1] = call_method[target=mul](args = (%buff, %alpha), kwargs = {})
    %sub : [num_users=1] = call_function[target=operator.sub](args = (%sigmoid, %mul), kwargs = {})
    return sub
-- process.progress --
node 5/8 target=mul
[GraphBuilder-MMQ.make_tensor_input] x[1:4x3]
[GraphBuilder-MMQ.make_tensor_input] alpha[1:]
[GraphBuilder-MMQ.make_initializer] linear.weight[torch.float32:torch.float32:[0.5690456628799438, -0.07528189569711685, 0.44065335392951965]] - SOURCE: GraphBuilder.make_nodes/fromlinear.weight##DynamoInterpret.get_attr.1/P(linear.weight)
[GraphBuilder-MMQ.make_initializer] linear.bias[torch.float32:torch.float32:[0.04045680910348892]] - SOURCE: GraphBuilder.make_nodes/fromlinear.bias##DynamoInterpret.get_attr.1/P(linear.bias)
[GraphBuilder-MMQ.make_initializer] buff[torch.float32:torch.float32:[0.5]] - SOURCE: DynamoInterpret.get_attr.0
[GraphBuilder-MMQ.make_node] .make_nodes     [#:#   ] Identity:['x']->['_sub_Linear_input_1']
[GraphBuilder-MMQ.make_node] linear          [#:#   ] Transpose:['linear.weight']->['_sub_Linear__onx_transpose_weight0']
[GraphBuilder-MMQ.make_node] Opset           [##:#  ] MatMul:['_sub_Linear_input_1', '_sub_Linear__onx_transpose_weight0']->['_sub_Linear__onx_matmul_input_10']
[GraphBuilder-MMQ.make_node] Opset2          [##:#  ] Add:['_sub_Linear__onx_matmul_input_10', 'linear.bias']->['_sub_Linear_linear']
[GraphBuilder-MMQ.make_node] .output         [#:#   ] Identity:['_sub_Linear_linear']->['_sub_Linear_output']
[GraphBuilder-MMQ.make_node] .make_nodes2    [#:#   ] Identity:['_sub_Linear_output']->['linear']
[GraphBuilder-MMQ.make_node] sigmoid         [#:#   ] Sigmoid:['linear']->['sigmoid']
[GraphBuilder-MMQ] Message completed, there are 3 initializers, 7 nodes, 2 inputs, 2 outputs.



Input mismatch, inputs[0]=(T1r2,float) but names=['x'], model=SignatureFloat1, export='dynamo-ir'



[ONNXRuntimeError] : 2 : INVALID_ARGUMENT : Unexpected input data type. Actual: (tensor(float)) , expected: (tensor(double))



def forward(self, x, i: int = 2):
    return torch.sigmoid(self.linear(x)) - self.buff + x[:, i : i + 1]


opset: domain='' version=18
input: name='x' type=dtype('float32') shape=[4, 3]
input: name='i' type=dtype('int64') shape=[1]
init: name='b_buff' type=float32 shape=(1,) -- array([0.5], dtype=float32)-- DynamoInterpret.placeholder.0
init: name='init7_s1_1' type=int64 shape=(1,) -- array([1])           -- Opset.make_node.1/Shape##Opset.make_node.1/Shape
init: name='init7_s1_2' type=int64 shape=(1,) -- array([2])           -- Opset.make_node.1/Shape
init: name='init7_s2_-1_1' type=int64 shape=(2,) -- array([-1,  1])   -- TransposeEqualReshapePattern.apply.new_shape
init: name='init7_s2_1_-1' type=int64 shape=(2,) -- array([ 1, -1])   -- TransposeEqualReshapePattern.apply.new_shape
init: name='linear.weight' type=float32 shape=(1, 3) -- array([-0.272, -0.547, -0.192], dtype=float32)-- DynamoInterpret.placeholder.1/P(linear.weight)
init: name='linear.bias' type=float32 shape=(1,) -- array([-0.063], dtype=float32)-- DynamoInterpret.placeholder.1/P(linear.bias)
Reshape(linear.weight, init7_s2_-1_1) -> _onx_transpose_p_linear_weight0
  Reshape(_onx_transpose_p_linear_weight0, init7_s2_1_-1) -> GemmTransposePattern--_onx_transpose_p_linear_weight0
    Gemm(x, GemmTransposePattern--_onx_transpose_p_linear_weight0, linear.bias, transB=1) -> linear
      Sigmoid(linear) -> sigmoid
        Sub(sigmoid, b_buff) -> sub
Slice(x, init7_s1_1, init7_s1_2, init7_s1_1) -> slice_2
  Add(sub, slice_2) -> output_0
output: name='output_0' type=dtype('float32') shape=[4, 1]


opset: domain='' version=18
input: name='x' type=dtype('float32') shape=[4, 3]
input: name='i' type=dtype('int64') shape=[1]
init: name='b_buff' type=float32 shape=(1,) -- array([0.5], dtype=float32)-- DynamoInterpret.placeholder.0
init: name='init7_s1_1' type=int64 shape=(1,) -- array([1])           -- Opset.make_node.1/Shape##Opset.make_node.1/Shape
init: name='init7_s1_2' type=int64 shape=(1,) -- array([2])           -- Opset.make_node.1/Shape
init: name='init7_s2_-1_1' type=int64 shape=(2,) -- array([-1,  1])   -- TransposeEqualReshapePattern.apply.new_shape
init: name='init7_s2_1_-1' type=int64 shape=(2,) -- array([ 1, -1])   -- TransposeEqualReshapePattern.apply.new_shape
init: name='linear.weight' type=float32 shape=(1, 3) -- array([ 0.529, -0.574,  0.374], dtype=float32)-- DynamoInterpret.placeholder.1/P(linear.weight)
init: name='linear.bias' type=float32 shape=(1,) -- array([-0.239], dtype=float32)-- DynamoInterpret.placeholder.1/P(linear.bias)
Reshape(linear.weight, init7_s2_-1_1) -> _onx_transpose_p_linear_weight0
  Reshape(_onx_transpose_p_linear_weight0, init7_s2_1_-1) -> GemmTransposePattern--_onx_transpose_p_linear_weight0
    Gemm(x, GemmTransposePattern--_onx_transpose_p_linear_weight0, linear.bias, transB=1) -> linear
      Sigmoid(linear) -> sigmoid
        Sub(sigmoid, b_buff) -> sub
Slice(x, init7_s1_1, init7_s1_2, init7_s1_1) -> slice_2
  Add(sub, slice_2) -> output_0
output: name='output_0' type=dtype('float32') shape=[4, 1]



[ONNXRuntimeError] : 6 : RUNTIME_EXCEPTION : Non-zero status code returned while running Concat node. Name:'_getitem_slicenSD' Status Message: /home/xadupre/github/onnxruntime/onnxruntime/core/providers/cpu/tensor/concat.cc:139 onnxruntime::common::Status onnxruntime::ConcatBase::PrepareForCompute(onnxruntime::OpKernelContext*, const InlinedTensorsVector&, onnxruntime::Prepare&) const input_rank == reference_rank was false. Ranks of input data are different, cannot concatenate them. expected rank: 1 got: 2



Input mismatch, inputs[0]=(T1r2,int) but names=['x'], model=SignatureInt1, export='dynamo-ir'



[ONNXRuntimeError] : 1 : FAIL : Non-zero status code returned while running Slice node. Name:'/Slice' Status Message: slice.cc:195 FillVectorsFromInput Starts must be a 1-D array



def forward(self, x, i: int = 2):
    return torch.sigmoid(self.linear(x)) - self.buff + x[:, i]


opset: domain='' version=18
input: name='x' type=dtype('float32') shape=[4, 3]
input: name='i' type=dtype('int64') shape=[1]
init: name='b_buff' type=float32 shape=(1,) -- array([0.5], dtype=float32)-- DynamoInterpret.placeholder.0
init: name='init7_s_1' type=int64 shape=() -- array([1])              -- Opset.make_node.1/Shape
init: name='init7_s2_-1_1' type=int64 shape=(2,) -- array([-1,  1])   -- TransposeEqualReshapePattern.apply.new_shape
init: name='init7_s2_1_-1' type=int64 shape=(2,) -- array([ 1, -1])   -- TransposeEqualReshapePattern.apply.new_shape
init: name='linear.weight' type=float32 shape=(1, 3) -- array([-0.313, -0.436,  0.12 ], dtype=float32)-- DynamoInterpret.placeholder.1/P(linear.weight)
init: name='linear.bias' type=float32 shape=(1,) -- array([0.341], dtype=float32)-- DynamoInterpret.placeholder.1/P(linear.bias)
Gather(x, init7_s_1, axis=1) -> select
Reshape(linear.weight, init7_s2_-1_1) -> _onx_transpose_p_linear_weight0
  Reshape(_onx_transpose_p_linear_weight0, init7_s2_1_-1) -> GemmTransposePattern--_onx_transpose_p_linear_weight0
    Gemm(x, GemmTransposePattern--_onx_transpose_p_linear_weight0, linear.bias, transB=1) -> linear
      Sigmoid(linear) -> sigmoid
        Sub(sigmoid, b_buff) -> sub
  Add(sub, select) -> output_0
output: name='output_0' type=dtype('float32') shape=[4, 4]


opset: domain='' version=18
input: name='x' type=dtype('float32') shape=[4, 3]
input: name='i' type=dtype('int64') shape=[1]
init: name='b_buff' type=float32 shape=(1,) -- array([0.5], dtype=float32)-- DynamoInterpret.placeholder.0
init: name='init7_s_1' type=int64 shape=() -- array([1])              -- Opset.make_node.1/Shape
init: name='init7_s2_-1_1' type=int64 shape=(2,) -- array([-1,  1])   -- TransposeEqualReshapePattern.apply.new_shape
init: name='init7_s2_1_-1' type=int64 shape=(2,) -- array([ 1, -1])   -- TransposeEqualReshapePattern.apply.new_shape
init: name='linear.weight' type=float32 shape=(1, 3) -- array([-0.053,  0.024,  0.428], dtype=float32)-- DynamoInterpret.placeholder.1/P(linear.weight)
init: name='linear.bias' type=float32 shape=(1,) -- array([0.465], dtype=float32)-- DynamoInterpret.placeholder.1/P(linear.bias)
Gather(x, init7_s_1, axis=1) -> select
Reshape(linear.weight, init7_s2_-1_1) -> _onx_transpose_p_linear_weight0
  Reshape(_onx_transpose_p_linear_weight0, init7_s2_1_-1) -> GemmTransposePattern--_onx_transpose_p_linear_weight0
    Gemm(x, GemmTransposePattern--_onx_transpose_p_linear_weight0, linear.bias, transB=1) -> linear
      Sigmoid(linear) -> sigmoid
        Sub(sigmoid, b_buff) -> sub
  Add(sub, select) -> output_0
output: name='output_0' type=dtype('float32') shape=[4, 4]



One index is given as an integer i but this requires to append a node 'Squeeze' after this one and this is not yet implemented. You can replace the integer by `i:i+1`
[GraphBuilder-THG] Message starts, there are 4 initializers, 8 nodes, 2 inputs, 2 outputs.
_known_types={'_sub_Linear__onx_matmul_input_10': 1,
 '_sub_Linear__onx_transpose_weight0': 1,
 '_sub_Linear_input_1': 1,
 '_sub_Linear_linear': 1,
 '_sub_Linear_output': 1,
 'buff': 1,
 'getitem_axis': 7,
 'i': 7,
 'linear': 1,
 'linear.bias': 1,
 'linear.weight': 1,
 'sigmoid': 1,
 'sub': 1,
 'x': 1}
_known_shapes={'_sub_Linear__onx_matmul_input_10': (4, 1),
 '_sub_Linear__onx_transpose_weight0': (3, 1),
 '_sub_Linear_input_1': (4, 3),
 '_sub_Linear_linear': (4, 1),
 '_sub_Linear_output': (4, 1),
 'buff': (1,),
 'getitem_axis': (2,),
 'i': (),
 'linear': (4, 1),
 'linear.bias': (1,),
 'linear.weight': (1, 3),
 'sigmoid': (4, 1),
 'sub': (4, 1),
 'x': (4, 3)}
    buff -> {sub}
    getitem -> {add}
    i -> {getitem}
    linear -> {sigmoid}
    sigmoid -> {sub}
    sub -> {add}
    x -> {getitem, linear}
    x: ('run_node', (('example_value', torch.float32, torch.Size([4, 3])), '')) --- 1:2:(4, 3):
    i: ('run_node', (('example_value', torch.int64, torch.Size([])), '')) --- 7:0:():
    linear: ('run_node', ('', '')) --- 1:2:(4, 1):
    sigmoid: ('run_node', ('', '')) --- 1:2:(4, 1):
    buff: ('run_node', ('', '')) --- 1:1:(1,):
    sub: ('run_node', ('', '')) --- 1:2:(4, 1):
    getitem: ('run_node', ('', '')) --- :::
-- process.graph_module --
    %x : [num_users=2] = placeholder[target=x]
    %i : int [num_users=1] = placeholder[target=i](default=2)
    %linear : [num_users=1] = call_module[target=linear](args = (%x,), kwargs = {})
    %sigmoid : [num_users=1] = call_function[target=torch.sigmoid](args = (%linear,), kwargs = {})
    %buff : [num_users=1] = get_attr[target=buff]
    %sub : [num_users=1] = call_function[target=operator.sub](args = (%sigmoid, %buff), kwargs = {})
    %getitem : [num_users=1] = call_function[target=operator.getitem](args = (%x, (slice(None, None, None), %i)), kwargs = {})
    %add : [num_users=1] = call_function[target=operator.add](args = (%sub, %getitem), kwargs = {})
    return add
-- process.progress --
node 6/9 target=<built-in function getitem>
[GraphBuilder-THG.make_tensor_input] x[1:4x3]
[GraphBuilder-THG.make_tensor_input] i[7:]
[GraphBuilder-THG.make_initializer] linear.weight[torch.float32:torch.float32:[-0.4261559545993805, -0.21323251724243164, 0.29962265491485596]] - SOURCE: GraphBuilder.make_nodes/fromlinear.weight##DynamoInterpret.get_attr.1/P(linear.weight)
[GraphBuilder-THG.make_initializer] linear.bias[torch.float32:torch.float32:[0.37028077244758606]] - SOURCE: GraphBuilder.make_nodes/fromlinear.bias##DynamoInterpret.get_attr.1/P(linear.bias)
[GraphBuilder-THG.make_initializer] buff[torch.float32:torch.float32:[0.5]] - SOURCE: DynamoInterpret.get_attr.0
[GraphBuilder-THG.make_initializer] getitem_axis[int64:int64:[0, 1]] - SOURCE: DynamoInterpreter._getitem_slice.axis.1
[GraphBuilder-THG.make_node] .make_nodes     [#:#   ] Identity:['x']->['_sub_Linear_input_1']
[GraphBuilder-THG.make_node] linear          [#:#   ] Transpose:['linear.weight']->['_sub_Linear__onx_transpose_weight0']
[GraphBuilder-THG.make_node] Opset           [##:#  ] MatMul:['_sub_Linear_input_1', '_sub_Linear__onx_transpose_weight0']->['_sub_Linear__onx_matmul_input_10']
[GraphBuilder-THG.make_node] Opset2          [##:#  ] Add:['_sub_Linear__onx_matmul_input_10', 'linear.bias']->['_sub_Linear_linear']
[GraphBuilder-THG.make_node] .output         [#:#   ] Identity:['_sub_Linear_linear']->['_sub_Linear_output']
[GraphBuilder-THG.make_node] .make_nodes2    [#:#   ] Identity:['_sub_Linear_output']->['linear']
[GraphBuilder-THG.make_node] sigmoid         [#:#   ] Sigmoid:['linear']->['sigmoid']
[GraphBuilder-THG.make_node] sub             [##:#  ] Sub:['sigmoid', 'buff']->['sub']
[GraphBuilder-THG] Message completed, there are 4 initializers, 8 nodes, 2 inputs, 2 outputs.



Input mismatch, inputs[0]=(T1r2,int) but names=['x'], model=SignatureInt2, export='dynamo-ir'


opset: domain='' version=17
input: name='onnx::Gemm_0' type=dtype('float32') shape=[4, 3]
input: name='onnx::Gather_1' type=dtype('int64') shape=None
init: name='buff' type=float32 shape=(1,) -- array([0.5], dtype=float32)
init: name='linear.weight' type=float32 shape=(1, 3) -- array([-0.517, -0.294, -0.426], dtype=float32)
init: name='linear.bias' type=float32 shape=(1,) -- array([0.423], dtype=float32)
Gather(onnx::Gemm_0, onnx::Gather_1, axis=1) -> /Gather_output_0
Gemm(onnx::Gemm_0, linear.weight, linear.bias, alpha=1.00, beta=1.00, transB=1) -> /linear/Gemm_output_0
  Sigmoid(/linear/Gemm_output_0) -> /Sigmoid_output_0
    Sub(/Sigmoid_output_0, buff) -> /Sub_output_0
  Add(/Sub_output_0, /Gather_output_0) -> 9
output: name='9' type=dtype('float32') shape=[4, 4]



def forward(self, x, lx: list):
    return (
        torch.sigmoid(self.linear(x)) - self.buff + lx[0] * lx[1].sum(axis=1, keepdim=True)


opset: domain='' version=18
input: name='x' type=dtype('float32') shape=[4, 3]
input: name='lx_0' type=dtype('float32') shape=[4, 1]
input: name='lx_1' type=dtype('float32') shape=[4, 2]
init: name='b_buff' type=float32 shape=(1,) -- array([0.5], dtype=float32)-- DynamoInterpret.placeholder.0
init: name='init7_s1_1' type=int64 shape=(1,) -- array([1])           -- Opset.make_node.1/Shape
init: name='init7_s2_-1_1' type=int64 shape=(2,) -- array([-1,  1])   -- TransposeEqualReshapePattern.apply.new_shape
init: name='init7_s2_1_-1' type=int64 shape=(2,) -- array([ 1, -1])   -- TransposeEqualReshapePattern.apply.new_shape
init: name='linear.weight' type=float32 shape=(1, 3) -- array([ 0.095,  0.322, -0.203], dtype=float32)-- DynamoInterpret.placeholder.1/P(linear.weight)
init: name='linear.bias' type=float32 shape=(1,) -- array([0.429], dtype=float32)-- DynamoInterpret.placeholder.1/P(linear.bias)
ReduceSum(lx_1, init7_s1_1, keepdims=1) -> sum_1
  Mul(lx_0, sum_1) -> mul
Reshape(linear.weight, init7_s2_-1_1) -> _onx_transpose_p_linear_weight0
  Reshape(_onx_transpose_p_linear_weight0, init7_s2_1_-1) -> GemmTransposePattern--_onx_transpose_p_linear_weight0
    Gemm(x, GemmTransposePattern--_onx_transpose_p_linear_weight0, linear.bias, transB=1) -> linear
      Sigmoid(linear) -> sigmoid
        Sub(sigmoid, b_buff) -> sub
    Add(sub, mul) -> output_0
output: name='output_0' type=dtype('float32') shape=[4, 1]


opset: domain='' version=18
input: name='x' type=dtype('float32') shape=[4, 3]
input: name='lx_0' type=dtype('float32') shape=[4, 1]
input: name='lx_1' type=dtype('float32') shape=[4, 2]
init: name='b_buff' type=float32 shape=(1,) -- array([0.5], dtype=float32)-- DynamoInterpret.placeholder.0
init: name='init7_s1_1' type=int64 shape=(1,) -- array([1])           -- Opset.make_node.1/Shape
init: name='init7_s2_-1_1' type=int64 shape=(2,) -- array([-1,  1])   -- TransposeEqualReshapePattern.apply.new_shape
init: name='init7_s2_1_-1' type=int64 shape=(2,) -- array([ 1, -1])   -- TransposeEqualReshapePattern.apply.new_shape
init: name='linear.weight' type=float32 shape=(1, 3) -- array([-0.531, -0.305, -0.333], dtype=float32)-- DynamoInterpret.placeholder.1/P(linear.weight)
init: name='linear.bias' type=float32 shape=(1,) -- array([-0.339], dtype=float32)-- DynamoInterpret.placeholder.1/P(linear.bias)
ReduceSum(lx_1, init7_s1_1, keepdims=1) -> sum_1
  Mul(lx_0, sum_1) -> mul
Reshape(linear.weight, init7_s2_-1_1) -> _onx_transpose_p_linear_weight0
  Reshape(_onx_transpose_p_linear_weight0, init7_s2_1_-1) -> GemmTransposePattern--_onx_transpose_p_linear_weight0
    Gemm(x, GemmTransposePattern--_onx_transpose_p_linear_weight0, linear.bias, transB=1) -> linear
      Sigmoid(linear) -> sigmoid
        Sub(sigmoid, b_buff) -> sub
    Add(sub, mul) -> output_0
output: name='output_0' type=dtype('float32') shape=[4, 1]


opset: domain='' version=18
input: name='x' type=dtype('float32') shape=[4, 3]
input: name='lx' type='NOTENSOR' shape=None
init: name='linear.weight' type=float32 shape=(1, 3) -- array([ 0.146, -0.55 , -0.27 ], dtype=float32)-- GraphBuilder.make_nodes/fromlinear.weight##DynamoInterpret.get_attr.1/P(linear.weight)
init: name='linear.bias' type=float32 shape=(1,) -- array([0.485], dtype=float32)-- GraphBuilder.make_nodes/fromlinear.bias##DynamoInterpret.get_attr.1/P(linear.bias)
init: name='buff' type=float32 shape=(1,) -- array([0.5], dtype=float32)-- DynamoInterpret.get_attr.0
init: name='init7_s_0' type=int64 shape=() -- array([0])              -- DynamoInterpreter.getitem.1
init: name='init7_s_1' type=int64 shape=() -- array([1])              -- DynamoInterpreter.getitem.1
init: name='init7_s1_1' type=int64 shape=(1,) -- array([1])           -- Opset.make_node.1/Shape
init: name='init7_s2_-1_1' type=int64 shape=(2,) -- array([-1,  1])   -- TransposeEqualReshapePattern.apply.new_shape
init: name='init7_s2_1_-1' type=int64 shape=(2,) -- array([ 1, -1])   -- TransposeEqualReshapePattern.apply.new_shape
Reshape(linear.weight, init7_s2_-1_1) -> _sub_Linear__onx_transpose_weight0
  Reshape(_sub_Linear__onx_transpose_weight0, init7_s2_1_-1) -> GemmTransposePattern--_sub_Linear__onx_transpose_weight0
    Gemm(x, GemmTransposePattern--_sub_Linear__onx_transpose_weight0, linear.bias, transB=1) -> _sub_Linear_linear
      Sigmoid(_sub_Linear_linear) -> sigmoid
        Sub(sigmoid, buff) -> sub
SequenceAt(lx, init7_s_0) -> getitem
SequenceAt(lx, init7_s_1) -> getitem_1
  ReduceSum(getitem_1, init7_s1_1, keepdims=1) -> sum_1
  Mul(getitem, sum_1) -> mul
    Add(sub, mul) -> output
output: name='output' type=dtype('float32') shape=[4, 1]


opset: domain='pkg.onnxscript.torch_lib.common' version=1
opset: domain='' version=18
input: name='x' type=dtype('float32') shape=[4, 3]
input: name='lx_0' type=dtype('float32') shape=[4, 1]
input: name='lx_1' type=dtype('float32') shape=[4, 2]
init: name='linear.weight' type=float32 shape=(1, 3) -- array([-0.458,  0.516,  0.184], dtype=float32)
init: name='linear.bias' type=float32 shape=(1,) -- array([-0.267], dtype=float32)
init: name='buff' type=float32 shape=(1,) -- array([0.5], dtype=float32)
Constant(value=[1]) -> val_3
  ReduceSum(lx_1, val_3, noop_with_empty_axes=0, keepdims=1) -> sum_1
    Mul(lx_0, sum_1) -> mul
Gemm(x, linear.weight, linear.bias, beta=1.00, transB=1, alpha=1.00, transA=0) -> linear
  Sigmoid(linear) -> sigmoid
    Sub(sigmoid, buff) -> sub
      Add(sub, mul) -> add
output: name='add' type=dtype('float32') shape=[4, 1]


opset: domain='' version=17
input: name='onnx::Gemm_0' type=dtype('float32') shape=[4, 3]
input: name='onnx::Mul_1' type=dtype('float32') shape=[4, 1]
input: name='onnx::ReduceSum_2' type=dtype('float32') shape=[4, 2]
init: name='buff' type=float32 shape=(1,) -- array([0.5], dtype=float32)
init: name='linear.weight' type=float32 shape=(1, 3) -- array([ 0.046,  0.334, -0.191], dtype=float32)
init: name='linear.bias' type=float32 shape=(1,) -- array([0.502], dtype=float32)
Constant(value=[1]) -> onnx::ReduceSum_9
  ReduceSum(onnx::ReduceSum_2, onnx::ReduceSum_9, keepdims=1) -> /ReduceSum_output_0
    Mul(onnx::Mul_1, /ReduceSum_output_0) -> /Mul_output_0
Gemm(onnx::Gemm_0, linear.weight, linear.bias, alpha=1.00, beta=1.00, transB=1) -> /linear/Gemm_output_0
  Sigmoid(/linear/Gemm_output_0) -> /Sigmoid_output_0
    Sub(/Sigmoid_output_0, buff) -> /Sub_output_0
      Add(/Sub_output_0, /Mul_output_0) -> 12
output: name='12' type=dtype('float32') shape=[4, 1]



def forward(self, lx):
    x = lx[0]
    if lx[1] is not None:
        x += lx[1]
    if lx[2] is not None:
        x += lx[2]
    return x



Input mismatch, inputs[0]=(#3[T1r2,T1r2,None],) but names=['lx_0', 'lx_1'], model=SignatureListFixedWithNone, export='custom-fallback'



Input mismatch, inputs[0]=(#3[T1r2,T1r2,None],) but names=['lx_0', 'lx_1'], model=SignatureListFixedWithNone, export='custom-dec'



Unable to create an input 'lx' with type #3[T1r2,T1r2,None]
[GraphBuilder-XVC] Message starts, there are 0 initializers, 0 nodes, 0 inputs, 0 outputs.
    lx -> {getitem_1, getitem, getitem_3, getitem_2, getitem_4}
    lx: ('run_node', ('', '')) --- :::
-- process.graph_module --
    %lx : [num_users=5] = placeholder[target=lx]
    %getitem : [num_users=1] = call_function[target=operator.getitem](args = (%lx, 0), kwargs = {})
    %getitem_1 : [num_users=0] = call_function[target=operator.getitem](args = (%lx, 1), kwargs = {})
    %getitem_2 : [num_users=1] = call_function[target=operator.getitem](args = (%lx, 1), kwargs = {})
    %add : [num_users=1] = call_function[target=operator.add](args = (%getitem, %getitem_2), kwargs = {})
    %getitem_3 : [num_users=0] = call_function[target=operator.getitem](args = (%lx, 2), kwargs = {})
    %getitem_4 : [num_users=1] = call_function[target=operator.getitem](args = (%lx, 2), kwargs = {})
    %add_1 : [num_users=1] = call_function[target=operator.add](args = (%add, %getitem_4), kwargs = {})
    return add_1
-- process.progress --
node 0/9 target=lx
[GraphBuilder-XVC] Message completed, there are 0 initializers, 0 nodes, 0 inputs, 0 outputs.



Input mismatch, inputs[0]=(#3[T1r2,T1r2,None],) but names=['lx_0', 'lx_1'], model=SignatureListFixedWithNone, export='dynamo-ir'



Input mismatch, inputs[0]=(#3[T1r2,T1r2,None],) but names=['onnx::Add_0', 'onnx::Add_1'], model=SignatureListFixedWithNone, export='script'



def forward(self, x, lx: list):
    t = torch.cat(lx, dim=1).sum(axis=1, keepdim=True)
    return torch.sigmoid(self.linear(x)) - self.buff + t


opset: domain='' version=18
input: name='x' type=dtype('float32') shape=[4, 3]
input: name='lx_0' type=dtype('float32') shape=[4, 1]
input: name='lx_1' type=dtype('float32') shape=[4, 2]
init: name='b_buff' type=float32 shape=(1,) -- array([0.5], dtype=float32)-- DynamoInterpret.placeholder.0
init: name='init7_s1_1' type=int64 shape=(1,) -- array([1])           -- Opset.make_node.1/Shape
init: name='init7_s2_-1_1' type=int64 shape=(2,) -- array([-1,  1])   -- TransposeEqualReshapePattern.apply.new_shape
init: name='init7_s2_1_-1' type=int64 shape=(2,) -- array([ 1, -1])   -- TransposeEqualReshapePattern.apply.new_shape
init: name='linear.weight' type=float32 shape=(1, 3) -- array([ 0.427, -0.281, -0.024], dtype=float32)-- DynamoInterpret.placeholder.1/P(linear.weight)
init: name='linear.bias' type=float32 shape=(1,) -- array([-0.521], dtype=float32)-- DynamoInterpret.placeholder.1/P(linear.bias)
Concat(lx_0, lx_1, axis=1) -> cat
  ReduceSum(cat, init7_s1_1, keepdims=1) -> sum_1
Reshape(linear.weight, init7_s2_-1_1) -> _onx_transpose_p_linear_weight0
  Reshape(_onx_transpose_p_linear_weight0, init7_s2_1_-1) -> GemmTransposePattern--_onx_transpose_p_linear_weight0
    Gemm(x, GemmTransposePattern--_onx_transpose_p_linear_weight0, linear.bias, transB=1) -> linear
      Sigmoid(linear) -> sigmoid
        Sub(sigmoid, b_buff) -> sub
    Add(sub, sum_1) -> output_0
output: name='output_0' type=dtype('float32') shape=[4, 1]


opset: domain='' version=18
input: name='x' type=dtype('float32') shape=[4, 3]
input: name='lx_0' type=dtype('float32') shape=[4, 1]
input: name='lx_1' type=dtype('float32') shape=[4, 2]
init: name='b_buff' type=float32 shape=(1,) -- array([0.5], dtype=float32)-- DynamoInterpret.placeholder.0
init: name='init7_s1_1' type=int64 shape=(1,) -- array([1])           -- Opset.make_node.1/Shape
init: name='init7_s2_-1_1' type=int64 shape=(2,) -- array([-1,  1])   -- TransposeEqualReshapePattern.apply.new_shape
init: name='init7_s2_1_-1' type=int64 shape=(2,) -- array([ 1, -1])   -- TransposeEqualReshapePattern.apply.new_shape
init: name='linear.weight' type=float32 shape=(1, 3) -- array([-0.428,  0.223, -0.21 ], dtype=float32)-- DynamoInterpret.placeholder.1/P(linear.weight)
init: name='linear.bias' type=float32 shape=(1,) -- array([0.395], dtype=float32)-- DynamoInterpret.placeholder.1/P(linear.bias)
Concat(lx_0, lx_1, axis=1) -> cat
  ReduceSum(cat, init7_s1_1, keepdims=1) -> sum_1
Reshape(linear.weight, init7_s2_-1_1) -> _onx_transpose_p_linear_weight0
  Reshape(_onx_transpose_p_linear_weight0, init7_s2_1_-1) -> GemmTransposePattern--_onx_transpose_p_linear_weight0
    Gemm(x, GemmTransposePattern--_onx_transpose_p_linear_weight0, linear.bias, transB=1) -> linear
      Sigmoid(linear) -> sigmoid
        Sub(sigmoid, b_buff) -> sub
    Add(sub, sum_1) -> output_0
output: name='output_0' type=dtype('float32') shape=[4, 1]



Type is unknown for result 'l', known_types={'x': 1}
[GraphBuilder-AMI] Message starts, there are 0 initializers, 0 nodes, 2 inputs, 2 outputs.
_known_types={'x': 1}
_known_shapes={'x': (4, 3)}
    cat -> {sum_1}
    lx -> {cat}
    x -> {linear}
    x: ('run_node', (('example_value', torch.float32, torch.Size([4, 3])), '')) --- 1:2:(4, 3):
    lx: ('run_node', ('', '')) --- :::
    cat: ('run_node', ('', '')) --- :::
-- process.graph_module --
    %x : [num_users=1] = placeholder[target=x]
    %lx : list [num_users=1] = placeholder[target=lx]
    %cat : [num_users=1] = call_function[target=torch.cat](args = (%lx, 1), kwargs = {})
    %sum_1 : [num_users=1] = call_method[target=sum](args = (%cat,), kwargs = {axis: 1, keepdim: True})
    %linear : [num_users=1] = call_module[target=linear](args = (%x,), kwargs = {})
    %sigmoid : [num_users=1] = call_function[target=torch.sigmoid](args = (%linear,), kwargs = {})
    %buff : [num_users=1] = get_attr[target=buff]
    %sub : [num_users=1] = call_function[target=operator.sub](args = (%sigmoid, %buff), kwargs = {})
    %add : [num_users=1] = call_function[target=operator.add](args = (%sub, %sum_1), kwargs = {})
    return add
-- process.progress --
node 2/10 target=<built-in method cat of type object at 0x7f177a2f6e40>
[GraphBuilder-AMI.make_tensor_input] x[1:4x3]
[GraphBuilder-AMI.make_tensor_input] lx[0:]
[GraphBuilder-AMI] Message completed, there are 0 initializers, 0 nodes, 2 inputs, 2 outputs..


opset: domain='pkg.onnxscript.torch_lib.common' version=1
opset: domain='' version=18
input: name='x' type=dtype('float32') shape=[4, 3]
input: name='lx_0' type=dtype('float32') shape=[4, 1]
input: name='lx_1' type=dtype('float32') shape=[4, 2]
init: name='linear.weight' type=float32 shape=(1, 3) -- array([-0.103,  0.272,  0.405], dtype=float32)
init: name='linear.bias' type=float32 shape=(1,) -- array([-0.44], dtype=float32)
init: name='buff' type=float32 shape=(1,) -- array([0.5], dtype=float32)
Concat(lx_0, lx_1, axis=1) -> cat
Constant(value=[1]) -> val_3
  ReduceSum(cat, val_3, noop_with_empty_axes=0, keepdims=1) -> sum_1
Gemm(x, linear.weight, linear.bias, beta=1.00, transB=1, alpha=1.00, transA=0) -> linear
  Sigmoid(linear) -> sigmoid
    Sub(sigmoid, buff) -> sub
    Add(sub, sum_1) -> add
output: name='add' type=dtype('float32') shape=[4, 1]


opset: domain='' version=17
input: name='onnx::Gemm_0' type=dtype('float32') shape=[4, 3]
input: name='onnx::Concat_1' type=dtype('float32') shape=[4, 1]
input: name='onnx::Concat_2' type=dtype('float32') shape=[4, 2]
init: name='buff' type=float32 shape=(1,) -- array([0.5], dtype=float32)
init: name='linear.weight' type=float32 shape=(1, 3) -- array([-0.024,  0.335,  0.006], dtype=float32)
init: name='linear.bias' type=float32 shape=(1,) -- array([-0.099], dtype=float32)
Concat(onnx::Concat_1, onnx::Concat_2, axis=1) -> /Concat_output_0
Constant(value=[1]) -> onnx::ReduceSum_7
  ReduceSum(/Concat_output_0, onnx::ReduceSum_7, keepdims=1) -> /ReduceSum_output_0
Gemm(onnx::Gemm_0, linear.weight, linear.bias, alpha=1.00, beta=1.00, transB=1) -> /linear/Gemm_output_0
  Sigmoid(/linear/Gemm_output_0) -> /Sigmoid_output_0
    Sub(/Sigmoid_output_0, buff) -> /Sub_output_0
    Add(/Sub_output_0, /ReduceSum_output_0) -> 12
output: name='12' type=dtype('float32') shape=[4, 1]



def forward(self, x, y):
    t = torch.sigmoid(self.linear(x)) + x
    return t[:, : y.shape[1]]


opset: domain='' version=18
input: name='x' type=dtype('float32') shape=[4, 3]
input: name='y' type=dtype('float32') shape=[4, 2]
init: name='init7_s1_0' type=int64 shape=(1,) -- array([0])           -- Opset.make_node.1/Shape
init: name='init7_s1_2' type=int64 shape=(1,) -- array([2])           -- Opset.make_node.1/Shape
init: name='init7_s1_1' type=int64 shape=(1,) -- array([1])           -- Opset.make_node.1/Shape
init: name='init7_s2_-1_1' type=int64 shape=(2,) -- array([-1,  1])   -- TransposeEqualReshapePattern.apply.new_shape
init: name='init7_s2_1_-1' type=int64 shape=(2,) -- array([ 1, -1])   -- TransposeEqualReshapePattern.apply.new_shape
init: name='linear.weight' type=float32 shape=(1, 3) -- array([-0.294,  0.348,  0.454], dtype=float32)-- DynamoInterpret.placeholder.1/P(linear.weight)
init: name='linear.bias' type=float32 shape=(1,) -- array([-0.575], dtype=float32)-- DynamoInterpret.placeholder.1/P(linear.bias)
Reshape(linear.weight, init7_s2_-1_1) -> _onx_transpose_p_linear_weight0
  Reshape(_onx_transpose_p_linear_weight0, init7_s2_1_-1) -> GemmTransposePattern--_onx_transpose_p_linear_weight0
    Gemm(x, GemmTransposePattern--_onx_transpose_p_linear_weight0, linear.bias, transB=1) -> linear
      Sigmoid(linear) -> sigmoid
        Add(sigmoid, x) -> add
          Slice(add, init7_s1_0, init7_s1_2, init7_s1_1) -> output_0
output: name='output_0' type=dtype('float32') shape=[4, 2]


opset: domain='' version=18
input: name='x' type=dtype('float32') shape=[4, 3]
input: name='y' type=dtype('float32') shape=[4, 2]
init: name='init7_s1_0' type=int64 shape=(1,) -- array([0])           -- Opset.make_node.1/Shape
init: name='init7_s1_2' type=int64 shape=(1,) -- array([2])           -- Opset.make_node.1/Shape
init: name='init7_s1_1' type=int64 shape=(1,) -- array([1])           -- Opset.make_node.1/Shape
init: name='init7_s2_-1_1' type=int64 shape=(2,) -- array([-1,  1])   -- TransposeEqualReshapePattern.apply.new_shape
init: name='init7_s2_1_-1' type=int64 shape=(2,) -- array([ 1, -1])   -- TransposeEqualReshapePattern.apply.new_shape
init: name='linear.weight' type=float32 shape=(1, 3) -- array([ 0.469, -0.064, -0.444], dtype=float32)-- DynamoInterpret.placeholder.1/P(linear.weight)
init: name='linear.bias' type=float32 shape=(1,) -- array([0.184], dtype=float32)-- DynamoInterpret.placeholder.1/P(linear.bias)
Reshape(linear.weight, init7_s2_-1_1) -> _onx_transpose_p_linear_weight0
  Reshape(_onx_transpose_p_linear_weight0, init7_s2_1_-1) -> GemmTransposePattern--_onx_transpose_p_linear_weight0
    Gemm(x, GemmTransposePattern--_onx_transpose_p_linear_weight0, linear.bias, transB=1) -> linear
      Sigmoid(linear) -> sigmoid
        Add(sigmoid, x) -> add
          Slice(add, init7_s1_0, init7_s1_2, init7_s1_1) -> output_0
output: name='output_0' type=dtype('float32') shape=[4, 2]


opset: domain='' version=18
input: name='x' type=dtype('float32') shape=[4, 3]
input: name='y' type=dtype('float32') shape=[4, 2]
init: name='linear.weight' type=float32 shape=(1, 3) -- array([ 0.35 , -0.249,  0.556], dtype=float32)-- GraphBuilder.make_nodes/fromlinear.weight##DynamoInterpret.get_attr.1/P(linear.weight)
init: name='linear.bias' type=float32 shape=(1,) -- array([0.026], dtype=float32)-- GraphBuilder.make_nodes/fromlinear.bias##DynamoInterpret.get_attr.1/P(linear.bias)
init: name='init7_s1_1' type=int64 shape=(1,) -- array([1])           -- Opset.make_node.1/Shape
init: name='getitem_1_axis' type=int64 shape=(2,) -- array([0, 1])    -- DynamoInterpreter._getitem_slice.axis.1
init: name='init7_s1_4' type=int64 shape=(1,) -- array([4])           -- Opset.make_node.1/Shape
init: name='getitem_1_start' type=int64 shape=(2,) -- array([0, 0])   -- DynamoInterpreter._getitem_slice.2
init: name='getitem_1_step' type=int64 shape=(2,) -- array([1, 1])    -- DynamoInterpreter._getitem_slice.3
init: name='init7_s2_-1_1' type=int64 shape=(2,) -- array([-1,  1])   -- TransposeEqualReshapePattern.apply.new_shape
init: name='init7_s2_1_-1' type=int64 shape=(2,) -- array([ 1, -1])   -- TransposeEqualReshapePattern.apply.new_shape
Reshape(linear.weight, init7_s2_-1_1) -> _sub_Linear__onx_transpose_weight0
  Reshape(_sub_Linear__onx_transpose_weight0, init7_s2_1_-1) -> GemmTransposePattern--_sub_Linear__onx_transpose_weight0
    Gemm(x, GemmTransposePattern--_sub_Linear__onx_transpose_weight0, linear.bias, transB=1) -> _sub_Linear_linear
      Sigmoid(_sub_Linear_linear) -> sigmoid
        Add(sigmoid, x) -> add
Shape(y) -> getattr_1
  Gather(getattr_1, init7_s1_1) -> _onx_gather_getattr_10
    Concat(init7_s1_4, _onx_gather_getattr_10, axis=0) -> _onx_concat_init7_s1_40
      Slice(add, getitem_1_start, _onx_concat_init7_s1_40, getitem_1_axis, getitem_1_step) -> output
output: name='output' type=dtype('float32') shape=['d_output_0', 'd_output_1']


opset: domain='pkg.onnxscript.torch_lib.common' version=1
opset: domain='' version=18
input: name='x' type=dtype('float32') shape=[4, 3]
input: name='y' type=dtype('float32') shape=[4, 2]
init: name='linear.weight' type=float32 shape=(1, 3) -- array([ 0.037, -0.195, -0.089], dtype=float32)
init: name='linear.bias' type=float32 shape=(1,) -- array([-0.195], dtype=float32)
Constant(value_ints=[1]) -> val_23
Gemm(x, linear.weight, linear.bias, beta=1.00, transB=1, alpha=1.00, transA=0) -> linear
  Sigmoid(linear) -> sigmoid
    Add(sigmoid, x) -> add
Constant(value=[0]) -> val_14
Constant(value=[2]) -> val_18
Constant(value=[1]) -> val_22
  Slice(add, val_14, val_18, val_22, val_23) -> slice_2
output: name='slice_2' type=dtype('float32') shape=[4, 2]



Input mismatch, inputs[0]=(T1r2,T1r2) but names=['onnx::Gemm_0'], model=SignatureShapeAsIndex, export='script'



def forward(self, x):
    xb = x.to(torch.bfloat16)
    return (xb + xb).to(torch.float32)


opset: domain='' version=18
input: name='x' type=dtype('float32') shape=[4, 4]
Add(x, x) -> add-x
  Cast(add-x, to=16) -> add
    Cast(add, to=1) -> output_0
output: name='output_0' type=dtype('float32') shape=[4, 4]


opset: domain='' version=18
input: name='x' type=dtype('float32') shape=[4, 4]
Add(x, x) -> add-x
  Cast(add-x, to=16) -> add
    Cast(add, to=1) -> output_0
output: name='output_0' type=dtype('float32') shape=[4, 4]


opset: domain='' version=18
input: name='x' type=dtype('float32') shape=[4, 4]
Add(x, x) -> add-x
  Cast(add-x, to=16) -> add
    Cast(add, to=1) -> output
output: name='output' type=dtype('float32') shape=[4, 4]



[ONNXRuntimeError] : 9 : NOT_IMPLEMENTED : Could not find an implementation for Add(14) node with name 'node_Add_1'



[ONNXRuntimeError] : 9 : NOT_IMPLEMENTED : Could not find an implementation for Add(14) node with name '/Add'
