- experimental_experiment.model_run.create_feeds(sess: onnxruntime.InferenceSession, batch_size: int = 1) Dict[str, Any] [source]¶
Creates random feeds for a model.
- Parameters:
sess – onnxruntime session
batch_size – batch_size
- Returns:
- experimental_experiment.model_run.create_tensor(shape: Tuple[int, ...], dtype: int, batch_size: int = 1) ndarray [source]¶
Creates a random tensor.
- Parameters:
shape – shape
dtype – onnx type
batch_size – batch_size
- Returns:
numpy array
- experimental_experiment.model_run.model_run(model: str | ModelProto, repeat: int = 10, warmup: int = 5, batch_size: int = 1, processor: str = 'CPU', verbose: int = 0, validate: str | ModelProto | None = None) Dict[str, Any] [source]¶
Loads a model with onnxruntime and measures the inference time.
- Parameters:
model – model to run
warmup – number of iterations to run before measuring
repeat – number of iterations to run to measure
batch_size – batch size of the inputs
processor – processor to run
verbose – verbosity
- Returns: