Source code for experimental_experiment.torch_interpreter.diagnose

import contextlib
import copy
import inspect
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple
import numpy as np
import torch
from ..helpers import string_type, max_diff

[docs] def make_copy(obj: Any) -> Any: """Makes a copy of the objects.""" if isinstance(obj, np.ndarray): return obj.copy() if isinstance(obj, tuple): return tuple(make_copy(_) for _ in obj) if isinstance(obj, list): return [make_copy(_) for _ in obj] if isinstance(obj, dict): return {k: make_copy(v) for k, v in obj.items()} if hasattr(obj, "clone"): return obj.clone() if obj.__class__.__name__ in ("DynamicCache", "patched_DynamicCache"): cache = obj.__class__() if hasattr(obj, "_seen_tokens"): cache._seen_tokens = obj._seen_tokens cache.key_cache = make_copy(obj.key_cache) cache.value_cache = make_copy(obj.value_cache) return cache try: return copy.deepcopy(obj) except RuntimeError as e: raise RuntimeError( f"deepcopy did not work on type {type(obj)}: {string_type(obj)}" ) from e
[docs] class ModelDiagnoseOutput: """ Contains inputs and outputs, diagnose results when tracing intermediate results. An instance of this class is produced by :func:`infer_shape_type_from_execution`. Example :ref:`l-plot-exporter-recipes-custom-phi35` tells you more about how to use this class. """ def __init__(self, name: str, model: torch.nn.Module, level: int = 0): = name self.model = model self.level = level self.forward = model.forward self.inputs = [] self.outputs = [] self.children: List[ModelDiagnoseOutput] = [] assert not isinstance(model, torch.nn.ModuleList), "ModuleList should not be traced."
[docs] def pretty_text( self, with_dynamic_shape: bool = False, with_shape: bool = True, with_min_max: bool = True, with_device: bool = True, with_inputs: bool = True, ) -> str: """ Renders the outputs. :param with_dynamic_shape: show dynamic shapes :param with_shape: see :func:`experimental_experiment.helpers.string_type`. :param with_min_max: see :func:`experimental_experiment.helpers.string_type`. :param with_device: see :func:`experimental_experiment.helpers.string_type`. :param with_inputs: show inputs and outputs shapes :return: text """ assert len(self.inputs) == len(self.outputs), ( f"Number if inputs / outputs mismatch {len(self.inputs)} != " f"{len(self.outputs)}" ) kws = dict(with_shape=with_shape, with_min_max=with_min_max, with_device=with_device) indent = " " * self.level if not self.children and not with_inputs and not any(kws.values()): return ( ( f"{indent}>>> {}: {self.model.__class__.__name__}: " f"DS={self.guess_dynamic_shapes()} <<<" ) if with_dynamic_shape else f"{indent}>>> {}: {self.model.__class__.__name__} <<<" ) rows = [f"{indent}>>> {}: {self.model.__class__.__name__}"] if with_dynamic_shape: ds = self.guess_dynamic_shapes() rows.append(f"{indent} DS={ds}") if with_inputs: for i in self.inputs: rows.append(f"{indent} > {string_type(i, **kws)}") for child in self.children: t = child.pretty_text( with_dynamic_shape=with_dynamic_shape, with_inputs=with_inputs, **kws ) rows.extend(t.split("\n")) if with_inputs: for i in self.outputs: rows.append(f"{indent} < {string_type(i, **kws)}") rows.append(f"{indent}<<<") return "\n".join(rows)
@property def full_name(self): "Returns a name and class name." return f"{}:{self.model.__class__.__name__}" @property def dot_name(self): "Returns a kind of indented name." return f"{'..' * self.level}{} - {self.model.__class__.__name__}" @property def module_name_type(self): "Returns name and module type." return f"type({})={self.model.__class__.__name__}"
[docs] def add_inputs(self, args: Tuple[Any, ...], kwargs: Dict[str, Any]): """Stores used inputs. Makes a copy.""" self.inputs.append(make_copy((args, kwargs)))
[docs] def add_outputs(self, args: Tuple[Any, ...]): """Stores returned outputs. Makes a copy.""" if not isinstance(args, tuple): args = (args,) self.outputs.append(make_copy(args))
[docs] def add_child(self, diag: "ModelDiagnoseOutput"): """Adds a submodule.""" self.children.append(diag)
[docs] def guess_dynamic_dimensions(self, *tensors) -> Any: """Infers the dynamic dimension from multiple shapes.""" if len(tensors) == 1: return {} shapes = [t.shape for t in tensors] set_length = set(len(s) for s in shapes) assert len(set_length) == 1, ( f"Shapes can be different but not ranks possible shapes={set_length} " f"shapes={shapes} for module {!r}, " f"class={self.model.__class__.__name__!r}" ) dynamic = torch.export.Dim.DYNAMIC rk = set_length.pop() res = {} for i in range(rk): if len(set(s[i] for s in shapes)) > 1: res[i] = dynamic return res
[docs] def guess_dynamic_shape_object(self, *objs: Any, msg: Optional[Callable] = None) -> Any: """ Guesses the dynamic shapes for one argument. """ assert ( len(objs) > 1 ), f"Unable to infer shapes with only one object {string_type(objs)}" set_types = set(type(o) for o in objs) assert ( len(set_types) == 1 ), f"Unexpected variety of input type {set_types}{msg() if msg else ''})" obj = objs[0] if obj is None: return None if isinstance(obj, (bool, int, float, str)): return None if isinstance(obj, (torch.Tensor, np.ndarray)): return self.guess_dynamic_dimensions(*objs) if isinstance(obj, tuple): kl = set(len(o) for o in objs) assert ( len(kl) == 1 ), f"Unexpected variety of tuple lengths {kl}{msg() if msg else ''}" shapes = [] for i in range(kl.pop()): shapes.append(self.guess_dynamic_shape_object(*[o[i] for o in objs])) return tuple(shapes) if isinstance(obj, list): kl = set(len(o) for o in objs) assert ( len(kl) == 1 ), f"Unexpected variety of list lengths {kl}{msg() if msg else ''}" shapes = [] for i in range(kl.pop()): shapes.append(self.guess_dynamic_shape_object(*[o[i] for o in objs])) return shapes if obj.__class__.__name__ in ("DynamicCache", "patched_DynamicCache"): kc = set(len(o.key_cache) for o in objs) assert ( len(kc) == 1 ), f"All attribute 'key_cache' should have the same length but found {kc}" vc = set(len(o.value_cache) for o in objs) assert ( len(vc) == 1 ), f"All attribute 'value_cache' should have the same length but found {vc}" key_cache = [] for i in range(kc.pop()): key_cache.append( self.guess_dynamic_dimensions(*[o.key_cache[i] for o in objs]) ) value_cache = [] for i in range(vc.pop()): value_cache.append( self.guess_dynamic_dimensions(*[o.value_cache[i] for o in objs]) ) return [key_cache, value_cache] raise NotImplementedError( f"Unable to build dynamic shapes for type {set_types.pop()}: " f"{string_type(objs)}{msg() if msg else ''} in {self.module_name_type}" )
[docs] def guess_dynamic_shapes(self) -> Any: """ Guesses the dynamic shapes for that module from two execution. If there is only one execution, then that would be static dimensions. """ if len(self.inputs) == 1: # No dynamic shapes. args = tuple({} for _ in self.inputs[0]) kwargs = {k: {} for k, v in self.inputs[1]} return args, kwargs # Otherwise. s1 = set(len(i[0]) for i in self.inputs) assert len(s1) == 1, f"Different numbers of unnamed arguments {s1}" s2 = set(tuple(sorted(set(i[1]))) for i in self.inputs) assert len(s1) == 1, f"Different named arguments {s2}" args = [] kwargs = {} for i in range(s1.pop()): objs = [_[0][i] for _ in self.inputs] args.append( self.guess_dynamic_shape_object(*objs, msg=lambda i=i: f" failing input {i}") ) for name in s2.pop(): objs = [_[1][name] for _ in self.inputs] kwargs[name] = self.guess_dynamic_shape_object( *objs, msg=lambda name=name: f" failing input {name!r}" ) return tuple(args), kwargs
def _move_to_kwargs(self, args, kwargs, dynamic_shapes): """ Uses the signatures to move unnamed arguments (args) to named arguments (kwargs) with the corresponding dynamic shapes. *kwargs*, *dynamic_shapes* are modified inplace. """ sig = inspect.signature(self.forward) arg_dyn, kw_dyn = dynamic_shapes for i, p in enumerate(sig.parameters): if i >= len(arg_dyn): break kwargs[p] = arg_dyn[i] kw_dyn[p] = args[i] return tuple(), kwargs, (tuple(), kw_dyn) def _try_export_no_bypass( self, modificator: Optional[Callable] = None, exporter: str = "fx", exporter_kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, verbose: int = 0, quiet: bool = True, discrepancies: bool = True, use_dynamic_shapes: Optional[bool] = None, atol: float = 1e-2, rtol: float = 1e-1, ) -> Any: """ Tries to export this class. """ export_inputs = modificator(self.inputs[0]) if modificator else self.inputs[0] export_inputs = make_copy(export_inputs) if use_dynamic_shapes is None: use_dynamic_shapes = len(self.inputs) > 1 assert ( not use_dynamic_shapes or len(self.inputs) > 1 ), "Unable to use dynamic_shapes, only one set of inputs is available." dynamic_shapes = self.guess_dynamic_shapes() if use_dynamic_shapes else None self.status = "START" if exporter == "fx": args, kwargs = export_inputs if dynamic_shapes and args and kwargs: # The export should change dynamic shapes to have only named arguments. if verbose > 1: print( f"[try_export] {self.dot_name}: exporter={exporter!r} " f"change dynamic_shapes={dynamic_shapes}" ) args, kwargs, dynamic_shapes = self._move_to_kwargs( args, kwargs, dynamic_shapes ) if verbose > 1: print( f"[try_export] {self.dot_name}: exporter={exporter!r} " f"with dynamic_shapes={dynamic_shapes}" ) if verbose > 2: print( f"[try_export] {self.dot_name}: exporter={exporter!r} " f"with export_inputs={string_type(export_inputs,with_shape=True)}" ) if quiet: try: ep = torch.export.export( self.model, args, kwargs=kwargs, dynamic_shapes=dynamic_shapes[0] or dynamic_shapes[1], **(exporter_kwargs or {}), ) self.exporter_status = "OK" except Exception as e: self.last_error = e se = str(e).split("\n")[0].replace("<_DimHint.DYNAMIC: 3>", "DYN") self.exporter_status = f"FAIL-EXPORT: {se}" if verbose: print(f"[try_export] {self.dot_name} --- {self.exporter_status}") return None else: ep = torch.export.export( self.model, args, kwargs=kwargs, dynamic_shapes=dynamic_shapes[0] or dynamic_shapes[1], **(exporter_kwargs or {}), ) self.exporter_status = "OK" if verbose > 1: print(f"[try_export] {self.dot_name}: {exporter} done") setattr(self, exporter, ep) if discrepancies: has_disc = False mod = ep.module() self.exporter_outputs = [] self.exporter_discs = [] for i, (inp, out) in enumerate(zip(self.inputs, self.outputs)): copy_inp = make_copy(inp) args, kwargs = copy_inp if quiet: try: got = mod(*args, **kwargs) except Exception as e: self.last_error = e se = str(e).split("\n")[0] self.exporter_status = f"FAIL-EVAL: {se}" break else: got = mod(*args, **kwargs) self.exporter_outputs.append(got) diff = max_diff(out, got) if verbose > 1: print(f"[try_export] {self.dot_name}: diff[{i}]={diff}") self.exporter_discs.append(diff) if diff["abs"] > atol or diff["rel"] > rtol: self.exporter_status = "DISC: abs" has_disc = True break if not has_disc: self.exporter_status = "OK" if verbose: print(f"[try_export] {self.dot_name} --- {self.exporter_status}") return ep if self.exporter_status == "OK" else None raise NotImplementedError(f"Export not implemented yet for exporter={exporter!r}") def _try_export( self, exporter: str = "fx", exporter_kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, bypass_kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, verbose: int = 0, quiet: bool = True, discrepancies: bool = True, use_dynamic_shapes: Optional[bool] = None, atol: float = 1e-2, rtol: float = 1e-1, ) -> Any: """ Tries to export this class. """ if bypass_kwargs: from .onnx_export_errors import bypass_export_some_errors with bypass_export_some_errors( verbose=max(verbose - 1, 0), **bypass_kwargs ) as modificator: return self._try_export_no_bypass( modificator, exporter, exporter_kwargs=exporter_kwargs, quiet=quiet, verbose=verbose, use_dynamic_shapes=use_dynamic_shapes, discrepancies=discrepancies, atol=atol, rtol=rtol, ) return self._try_export_no_bypass( None, exporter, exporter_kwargs=exporter_kwargs, quiet=quiet, verbose=verbose, use_dynamic_shapes=use_dynamic_shapes, discrepancies=discrepancies, atol=atol, rtol=rtol, )
[docs] def try_export( self, exporter: str = "fx", exporter_kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, bypass_kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, verbose: int = 0, quiet: bool = True, discrepancies: bool = True, use_dynamic_shapes: Optional[bool] = None, atol: float = 1e-2, rtol: float = 1e-1, ) -> Any: """ Tries to export a model. If not possible, tries every child until it is possible. The fucntion stores the export and other results in the class itself. :param exporter: export way, 'fx' for :func:`torch.export.export`, `'onnx_dynamo`' to call :func:`torch.onnx.export` ``(..., dynamo=True)``, `'torch_script'` to call :func:`torch.onnx.export` ``(..., dynamo=False)``, `'to_onnx'` to call :func:`experimental_experiment.torch_interpreter.to_onnx`. :param exporter_kwargs: argument for the export function :param bypass_kwargs: argument for function :func:`bypass_export_some_errors <experimental_experiment.torch_interpreter.onnx_export_errors.bypass_export_some_errors>` :param verbose: verbosity, to see what the function is doing :param discrepancies: run the exported model to measure the discrepancies :param quiet: do not catch the first exception :param use_dynamic_shapes: use dynamic shapes :param atol: absolute tolerance :param rtol: relative tolerance :return: result of the export function See :ref:`l-plot-exporter-recipes-custom-phi35` for an example. """ allowed = {"fx", "onnx_dynamo", "torch_script", "to_onnx"} assert ( exporter in allowed ), f"Unexpected value for exporter={exporter!r} not in {allowed}" exported = self._try_export( exporter=exporter, exporter_kwargs=exporter_kwargs, bypass_kwargs=bypass_kwargs, verbose=verbose, quiet=quiet, discrepancies=discrepancies, use_dynamic_shapes=use_dynamic_shapes, atol=atol, rtol=rtol, ) if exported is not None: return exported # Then the export failed, we look into the children. for child in self.children: child.try_export( exporter=exporter, exporter_kwargs=exporter_kwargs, bypass_kwargs=bypass_kwargs, verbose=verbose, quiet=quiet, discrepancies=discrepancies, use_dynamic_shapes=use_dynamic_shapes, atol=atol, rtol=rtol, ) # It fails... return None
def _rewrite_forward( *args, _diag: Optional[ModelDiagnoseOutput] = None, verbose: int = 0, **kwargs ): assert _diag is not None, "_diag cannot be None" if verbose: indent = " " * _diag.level if not args: print( f"[{}:{_diag.model.__class__.__name__}] " f"{indent}> **{string_type(kwargs)}" ) elif kwargs: print( f"[{}:{_diag.model.__class__.__name__}] " f"{indent}> *{string_type(args)}, **{string_type(kwargs)}" ) else: if len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], torch.Tensor): print( f"[{}:{_diag.model.__class__.__name__}] " f"{indent}> {string_type(args[0])}" ) else: print( f"[{}:{_diag.model.__class__.__name__}] " f"{indent}> *{string_type(args)}" ) _diag.add_inputs(args, kwargs) res = _diag.forward(*args, **kwargs) _diag.add_outputs(res) if verbose: if isinstance(res, torch.Tensor): print( f"[{}:{_diag.model.__class__.__name__}] " f"{indent}< {string_type(res)}" ) else: print( f"[{}:{_diag.model.__class__.__name__}] " f"{indent}< *{string_type(res)}" ) return res def _trace_forward_execution( model: torch.nn.Module, name: str = "__main__", level: int = 0, verbose: int = 0, ): diag = ModelDiagnoseOutput(name, model, level=level) if verbose: print(f"[_trace_forward_execution] {diag.dot_name}") model.forward = lambda *args, _diag=diag, verbose=verbose, **kwargs: _rewrite_forward( *args, _diag=_diag, verbose=verbose, **kwargs ) for name, mod in model.named_children(): if isinstance(mod, torch.nn.ModuleList): for i, m in enumerate(mod): d = _trace_forward_execution( m, f"{name}[{i}]", verbose=max(verbose - 1, 0), level=level + 1 ) diag.add_child(d) else: d = _trace_forward_execution( mod, name, verbose=max(verbose - 1, 0), level=level + 1 ) diag.add_child(d) return diag def _untrace_forward_execution(diag: ModelDiagnoseOutput, verbose: int = 0): if verbose: print(f"[_untrace_forward_execution] {diag.dot_name}") diag.model.forward = diag.forward for child in diag.children: _untrace_forward_execution(child, verbose=verbose)
[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def trace_forward_execution(model: torch.nn.Module, verbose: int = 0) -> ModelDiagnoseOutput: """ Replaces all forward to store the inputs and outputs of the module and every submodules. See :ref:`l-plot-exporter-recipes-custom-phi35` for an example. """ diag = _trace_forward_execution(model, verbose=verbose) try: yield diag finally: _untrace_forward_execution(diag, verbose=verbose)
[docs] def infer_shape_type_from_execution( model: torch.nn.Module, inputs: List[Tuple[Tuple[Any, ...], Dict[str, Any]]], verbose: int = 0, ) -> ModelDiagnoseOutput: """ Runs a model, traces the intermediate output and infers dynamic shapes based on it. :param model: model :param inputs: list of input sets ``[(args, kwargs), (args, kwargs), ...]`` with different shapes (at least for the dynamic dimensions) :param verbose: verbosity :return: see :class:`ModelDiagnoseOutput` See :ref:`l-plot-exporter-recipes-custom-phi35` for an example. """ with trace_forward_execution(model, verbose=verbose) as tracer: for i in inputs: if isinstance(i, dict): i = (tuple(), i) elif isinstance(i, tuple) and ( len(i) != 2 or not isinstance(i[0], tuple) or not isinstance(i[1], dict) ): i = (i, {}) if verbose: print( f"[infer_shape_type_from_execution] run with " f"{string_type(dict(args=i[0], kwargs=i[1]), with_shape=True)}" ) assert ( isinstance(i, tuple) and len(i) == 2 and isinstance(i[0], tuple) and isinstance(i[1], dict) ), ( f"Unexpected types as inputs, it should (args, kwargs) but got " f"{string_type(i)}" ) args, kwargs = i model(*args, **kwargs) if verbose: print( f"[trace_forward_execution] traced execution of model " f"{model.__class__.__name__}" ) print(tracer.pretty_text()) return tracer