Source code for experimental_experiment.mini_onnx_builder

import ctypes
import sys
from typing import Any, Dict, Iterator, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
import numpy as np
from onnx import GraphProto, ModelProto, TensorProto
import onnx.helper as oh
from .helpers import (

    TensorProto.FLOAT16: np.int16,
    TensorProto.BFLOAT16: np.int16,

def _get_type(elem_type: Any, exc: bool = True) -> int:
    if not isinstance(elem_type, int):
        st = str(elem_type)
        if "float32" in st:
            elem_type = TensorProto.FLOAT
        elif "float64" in st:
            elem_type = TensorProto.DOUBLE
        elif "bfloat16" in st:
            elem_type = TensorProto.BFLOAT16
        elif "float16" in st:
            elem_type = TensorProto.FLOAT16
        elif "uint64" in st:
            elem_type = TensorProto.UINT64
        elif "int64" in st:
            elem_type = TensorProto.INT64
        elif "uint32" in st:
            elem_type = TensorProto.UINT32
        elif "int32" in st:
            elem_type = TensorProto.INT32
        elif "uint16" in st:
            elem_type = TensorProto.UINT16
        elif "int16" in st:
            elem_type = TensorProto.INT16
        elif "bool" in st:
            elem_type = TensorProto.BOOL
        elif "uint8" in st:
            elem_type = TensorProto.UINT8
        elif "int8" in st:
            elem_type = TensorProto.INT8
        elif "complex64" in st:
            elem_type = TensorProto.COMPLEX64
        elif "complex128" in st:
            elem_type = TensorProto.COMPLEX128
        elif elem_type is None:
            elem_type = TensorProto.UNDEFINED
        elif exc:
            raise ValueError(f"Unable to interpret elem_type {elem_type!r}.")
    return elem_type

[docs] def torch_dtype_to_onnx_dtype(to: "torch.dtype") -> int: # noqa: F821 """ Converts a torch dtype into a onnx element type. :param to: torch dtype :return: onnx type """ import torch if to == torch.float32: return TensorProto.FLOAT if to == torch.float16: return TensorProto.FLOAT16 if to == torch.bfloat16: return TensorProto.BFLOAT16 if to == torch.float64: return TensorProto.DOUBLE if to == torch.int64: return TensorProto.INT64 if to == torch.int32: return TensorProto.INT32 if to == torch.bool: return TensorProto.BOOL if to == torch.SymInt: return TensorProto.INT64 if to == torch.SymFloat: return TensorProto.FLOAT if to == torch.complex64: return TensorProto.COMPLEX64 if to == torch.complex128: return TensorProto.COMPLEX128 raise NotImplementedError(f"Unable to convert torch dtype {to!r} to onnx dtype.")
[docs] def dtype_to_tensor_dtype(dt: "dtype") -> int: # noqa: F821 """ Converts a torch dtype or numpy dtype into a onnx element type. :param to: dtype :return: onnx type """ try: return np_dtype_to_tensor_dtype(dt) except (KeyError, TypeError): pass return torch_dtype_to_onnx_dtype(dt)
[docs] def proto_from_array( arr: "torch.Tensor", # noqa: F821 name: Optional[str] = None, verbose: int = 0, ) -> TensorProto: """ Converts a torch Tensor into a TensorProto. :param arr: tensor :param verbose: display the type and shape :return: a TensorProto """ import sys import torch if not isinstance(arr, torch.Tensor): raise TypeError(f"Unexpected type {type(arr)}.") if arr.is_sparse: raise NotImplementedError( f"Sparse tensor is not supported yet but initializer {name!r} is." ) # arr.contiguous() is slow after a transpose, maybe there is a way to optimize this. if arr.is_contiguous(): arr_cpu = arr.cpu() else: arr_cpu = arr.contiguous().cpu() numel = torch.numel(arr_cpu) element_size = arr_cpu.element_size() if arr_cpu.dtype in {torch.bfloat16}: np_arr = arr_cpu elif arr_cpu.data_ptr() == arr.data_ptr(): copy = arr_cpu.clone().detach().requires_grad_(False) assert ( arr_cpu.data_ptr() == 0 or arr_cpu.data_ptr() != copy.data_ptr() ), f"Pointers are not null and different {arr_cpu.data_ptr()} != {copy.data_ptr()}" np_arr = np.from_dlpack(copy) else: np_arr = np.from_dlpack(arr_cpu.detach()) tensor = TensorProto() tensor.dims.extend(arr_cpu.shape) = name itype = _get_type(arr_cpu.dtype) assert not hasattr(TensorProto, "INT4") or itype not in { TensorProto.INT4, TensorProto.UINT4, }, f"Type {arr.dtype} is not supported yet for name={name!r}" tensor.data_type = itype if verbose > 1 and numel > 100: print(f"[proto_from_array] {tensor.data_type}[{arr_cpu.shape}]") if isinstance(np_arr, torch.Tensor): byte_data = (ctypes.c_ubyte * numel * element_size).from_address(np_arr.data_ptr()) tensor.raw_data = bytes(byte_data) if sys.byteorder == "big": np_dtype = tensor_dtype_to_np_dtype(STORAGE_TYPE[tensor.data_type]) np.byteswap(np.frombuffer(tensor.raw_data, dtype=np_dtype), inplace=True) else: tensor.raw_data = np_arr.tobytes() if sys.byteorder == "big": np_dtype = tensor_dtype_to_np_dtype(tensor.data_type) np.byteswap(np.frombuffer(tensor.raw_data, dtype=np_dtype), inplace=True) return tensor
[docs] class MiniOnnxBuilder: """ Simplified builder to build very simple model. :param target_opset: opset to specify :param ir_verison: IR version to use :param sep: separator to build output names """ def __init__(self, target_opset: int = 18, ir_version: int = 10, sep: str = "___"): import torch self.initializers_dict = {} self.inputs = [] self.outputs = [] self.nodes = [] self.opsets = {"": target_opset} self.ir_version = ir_version self.torch = torch self.sep = sep
[docs] def append_output_initializer( self, name: str, tensor: Union[np.ndarray, "torch.Tensor"], # noqa: F821 randomize: bool = False, ): # noqa: F821 """ Adds an initializer as an output. The initializer name is prefixed by ``t_``. The output name is *name*. If `randomize` is True, the tensor is not stored but replaced by a random generator. """ if randomize: dtype = dtype_to_tensor_dtype(tensor.dtype) if dtype in { TensorProto.FLOAT, TensorProto.FLOAT16, TensorProto.DOUBLE, TensorProto.BFLOAT16, }: mini, maxi = tensor.min(), tensor.max() if mini < 0 and maxi > 0: op_type = "RandomNormal" kwargs = { "mean": float(tensor.mean()), "scale": float(tensor.std()), "seed": 0.0, } else: op_type = "RandomUniform" kwargs = { "low": float(mini), "high": float(maxi), "seed": 0.0, } shape = tuple(map(int, tensor.shape)) self.nodes.append( oh.make_node(op_type, [], [name], dtype=dtype, shape=shape, **kwargs) ) self.outputs.append(oh.make_tensor_value_info(name, dtype, shape)) return init_name = f"t_{name}" self.initializers_dict[init_name] = tensor shape = tuple(map(int, tensor.shape)) self.outputs.append( oh.make_tensor_value_info(name, dtype_to_tensor_dtype(tensor.dtype), shape) ) self.nodes.append(oh.make_node("Identity", [init_name], [name]))
[docs] def append_output_sequence( self, name: str, tensors: List[Union[np.ndarray, "torch.Tensor"]] # noqa: F821 ): # noqa: F821 """ Adds a sequence of initializers as an output. The initializers names are prefixed by ``seq_``. The output name is ``name``. """ if not tensors: # empty list self.nodes.append(oh.make_node("SequenceEmpty", [], [name])) tensor_type_proto = oh.make_tensor_type_proto( elem_type=TensorProto.FLOAT, shape=None ) else: assert all( isinstance(t, (np.ndarray, self.torch.Tensor)) for t in tensors ), f"Nested sequences are not supported, types are {[type(t) for t in tensors]}" names = [] for i, t in enumerate(tensors): init_name = f"seq_{name}_{i}" self.initializers_dict[init_name] = t names.append(init_name) self.nodes.append(oh.make_node("SequenceConstruct", names, [name])) tensor_type_proto = oh.make_tensor_type_proto( elem_type=dtype_to_tensor_dtype(tensors[0].dtype), shape=None ) sequence_type_proto = oh.make_sequence_type_proto(tensor_type_proto) output = oh.make_value_info(name, type_proto=sequence_type_proto) self.outputs.append(output)
[docs] def append_output_dict( self, name: str, tensors: Dict[str, Union[np.ndarray, "torch.Tensor"]] # noqa: F821 ): # noqa: F821 """ Adds two outputs, a string tensors for the keys and a sequence of tensors for the values. The output name is ``name___keys`` and ``name___values``. """ keys = [] values = [] for k, v in tensors.items(): keys.append(k) values.append(v) self.append_output_initializer(f"{name}{self.sep}keys", np.array(keys, dtype=np.str_)) self.append_output_sequence(f"{name}{self.sep}values", values)
def _build_initializers( self, switch_low_high: bool ) -> Tuple[List[TensorProto], Dict[str, TensorProto]]: """ Builds initializers. :param switch_low_high: invert low, high precision :return: a list of tensors to stored in the model """ init_dict = self.initializers_dict if switch_low_high: # Let's try to minimize the time. initializer = [] for k, v in init_dict.items(): if isinstance(v, TensorProto): initializer.append(v) continue if isinstance(v, np.ndarray): itype = dtype_to_tensor_dtype(v.dtype) if itype in { TensorProto.BOOL, TensorProto.STRING, TensorProto.UNDEFINED, TensorProto.COMPLEX64, TensorProto.COMPLEX128, getattr(TensorProto, "UINT4", 0), getattr(TensorProto, "INT4", 0), }: t = from_array_extended(v, name=k) initializer.append(t) continue from_np = True elif isinstance(v, np.float32): t = from_array_extended(np.array([v], dtype=np.float32), name=k) initializer.append(t) continue elif isinstance(v, np.float64): t = from_array_extended(np.array([v], dtype=np.float64), name=k) initializer.append(t) continue elif isinstance(v, np.float16): t = from_array_extended(np.array([v], dtype=np.float16), name=k) initializer.append(t) continue else: assert isinstance( v, self.torch.Tensor ), f"tensor {k!r} has un unexpected type {type(v)}" assert "FakeTensor" not in str( type(v) ), f"tensor {k!r} cannot be a FakeTensor: {type(v)}" from_np = False itype = dtype_to_tensor_dtype(v.dtype) # How to avoid a copy? if from_np: tensor = TensorProto() = k tensor.dims.extend(v.shape) tensor.data_type = itype tensor.raw_data = v.tobytes() else: tensor = proto_from_array(v, name=k) initializer.append(tensor) return initializer res = [] for k, v in init_dict.items(): if isinstance(v, TensorProto): res.append(v) continue if isinstance(v, self.torch.Tensor): # no string tensor t = self.from_array(v, name=k) res.append(t) continue if isinstance(v, np.ndarray): t = from_array_extended(v, name=k) res.append(t) continue raise TypeError( f"Unable to convert initializer {k!r} with type " f"{type(v)} into a TensorProto." ) return res
[docs] def to_onnx(self) -> ModelProto: """ Conversion to onnx. :return: the proto """ opsets = [oh.make_opsetid(*o) for o in self.opsets.items()] ir_version = self.ir_version model = ModelProto() model.graph.CopyFrom(GraphProto()) = "mini_model" model.graph.input.extend(self.inputs) model.graph.node.extend(self.nodes) model.graph.output.extend(self.outputs) initializers = self._build_initializers(switch_low_high=sys.byteorder != "big") model.graph.initializer.extend(initializers) model.opset_import.extend(opsets) model.ir_version = ir_version return model
[docs] def flatten_iterator(obj: Any, sep: str) -> Iterator: """ Iterates on all object. """ if obj is not None: import torch if isinstance(obj, np.ndarray): yield "array", obj elif isinstance(obj, torch.Tensor): yield "tensor", obj elif isinstance(obj, bool): yield "bool", np.array([obj], dtype=np.bool_) elif isinstance(obj, int): yield "int", np.array([obj], dtype=np.int64) elif isinstance(obj, float): yield "float", np.array([obj], dtype=np.float64) elif isinstance(obj, tuple): if not obj: yield f"tuple.{sep}empty", None else: for i, o in enumerate(obj): if i == len(obj) - 1: for p, oo in flatten_iterator(o, sep): yield f"tuple.{sep}{p}", oo else: for p, oo in flatten_iterator(o, sep): yield f"tuple{sep}{p}", oo elif isinstance(obj, list): if not obj: yield f"list.{sep}empty", None else: for i, o in enumerate(obj): if i == len(obj) - 1: for p, oo in flatten_iterator(o, sep): yield f"list.{sep}{p}", oo else: for p, oo in flatten_iterator(o, sep): yield f"list{sep}{p}", oo elif isinstance(obj, dict): if not obj: yield f"dict.{sep}empty", None else: for i, (k, v) in enumerate(obj.items()): assert sep not in k, ( f"Key {k!r} cannot contain '{sep}'. " f"It would interfer with the serialization." ) if i == len(obj) - 1: for p, o in flatten_iterator(v, sep): yield f"dict._{k}{sep}{p}", o else: for p, o in flatten_iterator(v, sep): yield f"dict_{k}{sep}{p}", o elif obj.__class__.__name__ == "DynamicCache": # transformers import transformers assert isinstance( obj, transformers.cache_utils.DynamicCache ), f"Unexpected type {type(obj)}" atts = ["key_cache", "value_cache"] for i, att in enumerate(atts): if i == len(atts) - 1: for p, o in flatten_iterator(getattr(obj, att), sep): yield f"DynamicCache._{att}{sep}{p}", o else: for p, o in flatten_iterator(getattr(obj, att), sep): yield f"DynamicCache_{att}{sep}{p}", o else: raise NotImplementedError(f"Unexpected type {type(obj)}")
[docs] def create_onnx_model_from_input_tensors( inputs: Any, switch_low_high: Optional[bool] = None, randomize: bool = False, sep: str = "___", ) -> ModelProto: """ Creates a model proto including all the value as initializers. They can be restored by executing the model. We assume these inputs are not bigger than 2Gb, the limit of protobuf. :param inputs: anything :param switch_low_high: if None, it is equal to ``switch_low_high=sys.byteorder != "big"`` :param randomize: if True, float tensors are not stored but randomized to save space :param sep: separator :return: ModelProto The function raises an error if not supported. """ if switch_low_high is None: switch_low_high = sys.byteorder != "big" builder = MiniOnnxBuilder(sep=sep) for prefix, o in flatten_iterator(inputs, sep): if o is None: builder.append_output_initializer(prefix, np.array([])) else: builder.append_output_initializer(prefix, o, randomize=randomize) model = builder.to_onnx() model.doc_string = string_type(inputs, True, True) return model
[docs] def unflatten( sep: str, names: List[str], outputs: List[Any], pos: int = 0, level: int = 0, device: str = "cpu", ): """ Unflattens a list of outputs flattended with :func:`flatten_iterator`. """ name = names[pos] spl = name.split(sep) if len(spl) == level + 1: # A tensor. if spl[-1] == "empty": return pos + 1, None if spl[-1] == "bool": return pos + 1, bool(outputs[pos][0]) if spl[-1] == "int": return pos + 1, int(outputs[pos][0]) if spl[-1] == "float": return pos + 1, float(outputs[pos][0]) if spl[-1] == "array": return pos + 1, outputs[pos] if spl[-1] == "tensor": import torch return pos + 1, torch.from_numpy(outputs[pos]).to(device) raise AssertionError(f"Unexpected name {name!r} in {names}") res = [] while True: assert pos < len(names), f"Something went wrong with names={names!r}\nres={res!r}" name = names[pos] spl = name.split(sep) prefix = spl[level] next_pos, value = unflatten( sep, names, outputs, pos=pos, level=level + 1, device=device ) if prefix.startswith("DynamicCache"): key = prefix.split("_", maxsplit=1)[-1] res.append((key, value)) lp = len("DynamicCache") end = len(prefix) > lp and prefix[lp] == "." elif prefix.startswith("dict"): key = prefix.split("_", maxsplit=1)[-1] res.append((key, value)) end = len(prefix) > 4 and prefix[4] == "." else: res.append(value) end = prefix[-1] == "." if end: if prefix.startswith("dict"): ty = dict elif prefix.startswith("list"): ty = list elif prefix.startswith("tuple"): ty = tuple elif prefix.startswith("DynamicCache"): from transformers.cache_utils import DynamicCache ty = DynamicCache else: raise AssertionError(f"Unexpected prefix={prefix!r}") break pos = next_pos def _make(ty: type, res: Any) -> Any: if ty.__name__ == "DynamicCache": r = ty() for k, v in res: setattr(r, k, v) return r return ty(res) return next_pos, ( ty() if len(res) == 1 and res[0] in (("dict.", None), None) else _make(ty, res) )
[docs] def create_input_tensors_from_onnx_model( proto: Union[str, ModelProto], device: str = "cpu", engine: str = "ExtendedReferenceEvaluator", sep: str = "___", ) -> Union[Tuple[Any, ...], Dict[str, Any]]: """ Deserializes tensors stored with function :func:`create_onnx_model_from_input_tensors`. It relies on :class:`ExtendedReferenceEvaluator <experimental_experiment.reference.ExtendedReferenceEvaluator>` to restore the tensors. :param proto: ModelProto or the file itself :param device: moves the tensor to this device :param engine: runtime to use, onnx, the default value, onnxruntime :param sep: separator :return: ModelProto """ if engine == "ExtendedReferenceEvaluator": from .reference import ExtendedReferenceEvaluator sess = ExtendedReferenceEvaluator(proto) names = sess.output_names elif engine == "onnx": from onnx.reference import ReferenceEvaluator sess = ReferenceEvaluator(proto) names = sess.output_names elif engine == "onnxruntime": from onnxruntime import InferenceSession sess = InferenceSession( proto if isinstance(proto, str) else proto.SerializeToString(), providers=["CPUExecutionProvider"], ) names = [ for i in sess.get_outputs()] else: raise AssertionError(f"Unexpected value for engine={engine!r}") got =, {}) if len(names) == 1: name = names[0] output = got[0] if name == "empty": return None if name == "array": return output if name == "bool": return bool(output[0]) if name == "int": return int(output[0]) if name == "float": return float(output[0]) if name == "tensor": import torch return torch.from_numpy(output).to(device) raise AssertionError(f"Unexpected name {name!r} in {names}") return unflatten(sep, names, got, device=device)[1]