Source code for experimental_experiment.torch_bench.dort_bench_profile

Profiles an execution

The datas should be saved with script ```` and option ``--export <something>``.


    python -m experimental_experiment.torch_bench.dort_bench_profile --help

Example, run llama model with onnxrt backend on cuda.


    python -m experimental_experiment.torch_bench.dort_bench_profile \\
           --model model.onnx --inputs model.onnx.pkl


[docs] def main(): """ Main function for command line ``python -m experimental_experiment.torch_bench.dort_bench_profile``. """ from experimental_experiment.args import get_parsed_args args = get_parsed_args( "experimental_experiment.torch_bench.dort_bench_profile", description=__doc__, model=("model.onnx", "model to load"), inputs=("model.onnx.mkl", "inputs for the model"), profile=(0, "runs the profiling"), rewrite=(0, "rewrite again"), debug=(0, "run a backend to debug"), repeat=5, warmup=5, expose="model,inputs,warmup,repeat,profile,rewrite,debug", ) import pickle import time import numpy as np import onnx import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import torch from torch._C import _from_dlpack from onnxruntime import InferenceSession, SessionOptions, RunOptions from onnxruntime.capi import _pybind_state as ORTC from experimental_experiment.torch_dynamo.fast_backend import ( _run_onnx_session_with_ortvaluevector, ) from experimental_experiment.convert.convert_helper import optimize_model_proto_oxs from experimental_experiment.torch_dynamo.backend_helper import get_dimensions print(f"-- loading inputs {args.model}") with open(args.inputs, "rb") as f: inputs = pickle.load(f) print("-- done") assert isinstance(inputs, list), f"Unexpected type {type(inputs)} for {args.inputs}" assert len(inputs) == 3, f"Unexpected length {len(inputs)} for {args.inputs}" print(f"input_names={inputs[0]}") print(f"output_names={inputs[2]}") max_device = -1 for i, t in enumerate(inputs[1]): if isinstance(t, torch.Tensor): print(f"input {i}: device={t.get_device()} dtype={t.dtype} shape={t.shape}") max_device = max(t.get_device(), max_device) else: print(f"input {i}: type={type(t)}") providers = ( [("CUDAExecutionProvider", {"device_id": max_device}), ("CPUExecutionProvider", {})] if max_device >= 0 else ["CPUExecutionProvider"] ) sess_options = SessionOptions() if args.profile in (1, "1"): sess_options.enable_profiling = True run_options = RunOptions() run_options.add_run_config_entry("disable_synchronize_execution_providers", "1") if args.rewrite in (1, "1"): model_model = args.model.replace(".onnx", ".rewrite.onnx") print(f"-- optimize again into {model_model}") proto = onnx.load(args.model) new_proto = optimize_model_proto_oxs(proto, verbose=args.verbose), model_model) print("-- done") else: model_model = args.model print(f"-- loading model {model_model}") onnx_model = onnx.load(model_model) is_dimension_in, is_dimension_out = get_dimensions(onnx_model) sess = InferenceSession(model_model, sess_options, providers=providers) print("-- done") TORCH_DTYPE_TO_NUMPY_DTYPE = { torch.float16: np.float16, torch.float32: np.float32, torch.float64: np.float64, torch.uint8: np.uint8, torch.int8: np.int8, torch.int16: np.int16, torch.int32: np.int32, torch.int64: np.longlong, torch.bool: np.bool_, } DEVICES = {-1: ORTC.OrtDevice(ORTC.OrtDevice.cpu(), ORTC.OrtDevice.default_memory(), 0)} for i in range(torch.cuda.device_count()): DEVICES[i] = ORTC.OrtDevice(ORTC.OrtDevice.cuda(), ORTC.OrtDevice.default_memory(), i) input_names, output_names = inputs[0], inputs[2] inputs = inputs[1] is_cuda = max_device >= 0 if args.debug: print("-- debugging") from experimental_experiment.reference import ExtendedReferenceEvaluator ref = ExtendedReferenceEvaluator(model_model, verbose=10) feeds = dict( zip( input_names, [ ( t.detach().cpu().numpy() if isinstance(t, torch.Tensor) else np.array([int(t)], dtype=np.int64) ) for t in inputs ], ) ), feeds) print("-- end debugging") print(f"-- warmup: {args.warmup}") begin = time.perf_counter() for i in range(args.warmup): if is_cuda: torch.cuda.synchronize() res = _run_onnx_session_with_ortvaluevector( ORTC.OrtValueVector, _from_dlpack, TORCH_DTYPE_TO_NUMPY_DTYPE, DEVICES, run_options, sess, input_names, inputs, output_names, is_dimension_in=is_dimension_in, is_dimension_out=is_dimension_out, ) if is_cuda: torch.cuda.synchronize() if i == 0: for ti, t in enumerate(res): if isinstance(t, torch.Tensor): print( f" output {ti}: device={t.get_device()} " f"dtype={t.dtype} - shape={t.shape}" ) elif isinstance(t, torch.SymInt): print(f" output {ti}: dimension {t}") elif isinstance(t, torch.SymFloat): print(f" output {ti}: dimensiof {t}") warmup_time = time.perf_counter() - begin print(f"-- done: warmup time {warmup_time}") print(f"-- measure: {args.repeat}") times = [] for _ in range(args.repeat): if is_cuda: torch.cuda.synchronize() begin = time.perf_counter() res = _run_onnx_session_with_ortvaluevector( ORTC.OrtValueVector, _from_dlpack, TORCH_DTYPE_TO_NUMPY_DTYPE, DEVICES, run_options, sess, input_names, inputs, output_names, is_dimension_in=is_dimension_in, is_dimension_out=is_dimension_out, ) if is_cuda: torch.cuda.synchronize() d = time.perf_counter() times.append(d - begin) print(f"-- times: {np.mean(times)} - {times}") if args.profile in (1, "1"): from import ( js_profile_to_dataframe, plot_ort_profile, ) from import plot_ort_profile_timeline def _align(s, n): if len(s) >= n: return s[:n] return s + " " * (n - len(s)) prof = sess.end_profiling() print(f"-- profiling name {prof}") onx = onnx.load(model_model) n_nodes = len(onx.graph.node) n_unique_nodes = len(set( for n in onx.graph.node)) print( "\n".join( f"{_align(n.op_type, 16)} - {n.input} -> {n.output}" for n in onx.graph.node ) ) # first graph: aggregated profile df = js_profile_to_dataframe(prof, first_it_out=True) df.to_csv(f"{model_model}.csv", errors="ignore") df.to_excel(f"{model_model}.xlsx") assert set(df["it==0"]) == {0, 1} for v in set(df["it==0"]): dfv = df[df["it==0"] == v] vs = "after" if v == 0 else "warmup" fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(10, max(5, n_unique_nodes // 12))) plot_ort_profile( dfv, ax[0], ax[1], f"profiling {vs} {n_nodes} nodes\n{model_model}" ) fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig(f"{model_model}_{vs}.png") # second graph: timeline fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(5, max(5, n_nodes))) iteration = args.repeat - 2 plot_ort_profile_timeline( df, ax, iteration=iteration, title=f"profiling it={iteration} {n_nodes} nodes\n{model_model}", ) fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig(f"{model_model}_{iteration}_timeline.png")
if __name__ == "__main__": main()