Source code for experimental_experiment.torch_bench.bash_bench_agg

Benchmark Aggregator

Calls ``merge_benchmark_reports``.


    python -m experimental_experiment.torch_bench.bash_bench_agg summary.xlsx a.csv b.csv

import inspect
import os
import zipfile
from argparse import ArgumentParser, BooleanOptionalAction

[docs] def main(args=None): """ Main function for command line ``python -m experimental_experiment.torch_bench.bash_bench_agg``. """ parser = ArgumentParser( "experimental_experiment.torch_bench.bash_bench_agg", description=__doc__ ) parser.add_argument("output", help="output excel file") parser.add_argument("inputs", nargs="+", help="input csv files, at least 1") parser.add_argument( "--filter_in", default="", help="adds a filter to filter in data, syntax is " '``"<column1>:<value1>;<value2>/<column2>:<value3>"`` ...', ) parser.add_argument( "--filter_out", default="", help="adds a filter to filter out data, syntax is " '``"<column1>:<value1>;<value2>/<column2>:<value3>"`` ...', ) parser.add_argument( "--skip_keys", default="", help="skip the differences on those columns, example: " "``--skip_keys=version,version_onnxscript,version_torch``", ) parser.add_argument( "--save_raw", default="", help="save the concatanated cleaned raw data in a csv file", ) parser.add_argument( "--baseline", default="", help="a csv file containing the baseline the new figures needs to be compared to", ) parser.add_argument( "--quiet", default=0, help="avoid raising an exception if it fails", ) parser.add_argument( "--export_simple", default="", help="if not empty, export main figures into a csv file", ) parser.add_argument( "--export_correlations", default="", help="if not empty, gives insights on model running for two exporters", ) parser.add_argument( "--broken", default=0, help="if true, creates a secondary file per exporter with all broken models", ) parser.add_argument( "--disc", default=1e9, help="if < 10, creates a secondary file per exporter with all " "models and wrong discrepancy", ) parser.add_argument( "--slow", default=1e9, help="if < 10, creates a secondary file per exporter with all " "models whose speedup is lower than this", ) parser.add_argument( "--fast", default=1e9, help="if < 10, creates a secondary file per exporter with all " "models whose speedup is higher than this", ) parser.add_argument( "--slow_script", default=1e9, help="if < 10, creates a secondary file per exporter with all " "models whose speedup is lower than torch_script", ) parser.add_argument( "--fast_script", default=1e9, help="if < 10, creates a secondary file per exporter with all " "models whose speedup is higher than torch_script", ) parser.add_argument( "--list", default=False, action=BooleanOptionalAction, help="List of files involved in the aggregation", ) parser.add_argument( "--history", default=False, action=BooleanOptionalAction, help="Computes historical graphs", ) parser.add_argument( "--recent", default=False, action=BooleanOptionalAction, help="If the same experiment was run twice, keeps only the latest one", ) parser.add_argument( "--exclude", default="", help="excludes files from the aggregation given by their number " "(use --list to determine them)", ) parser.add_argument( "--pages", default="", help="pages to keep when building the historical graphs", ) parser.add_argument("--verbose", default=0, help="verbosity level") res = parser.parse_args(args=args) from experimental_experiment.torch_bench import BOOLEAN_VALUES from experimental_experiment.torch_bench._bash_bench_benchmark_runner_agg import ( merge_benchmark_reports, enumerate_csv_files, open_dataframe, ) from experimental_experiment.torch_bench._bash_bench_benchmark_runner_agg_helper import ( build_historical_report, ) kwargs = {} if res.skip_keys: sig = inspect.signature(merge_benchmark_reports) keys = None for p in sig.parameters: if p == "keys": keys = sig.parameters[p].default assert keys is not None, f"Unable to extract the default values for keys in {sig}" skip = set(res.skip_keys.split(",")) kwargs["keys"] = tuple(c for c in keys if c not in skip) if res.history: build_historical_report( input_files=res.inputs, output=res.output, verbose=int(res.verbose), filter_in=res.filter_in, filter_out=res.filter_out, pages=res.pages, ) return if res.list: print(f"Looking into {res.inputs!r}...") for i, filename in enumerate(sorted(enumerate_csv_files(res.inputs))): df = open_dataframe(filename) exporters = sorted(set(df.exporter)) opt_patterns = sorted(set(df.opt_patterns)) dynamic = sorted(set(df.dynamic)) suites = sorted(set(df.suite)) if len(suites) == 1 and len(exporters) == 1 and len(dynamic) == 1: prefix = ( f"{1 if dynamic[0] in ('True', '1', 1, True) else 0}:" f"{exporters[0]}:{suites[0]}:{','.join(opt_patterns)} - " ) else: prefix = "" if isinstance(filename, str): print( f"{filename} - {os.stat(filename).st_mltime} - " f"{os.stat(filename).st_size} bytes" ) elif isinstance(filename, tuple) and not filename[-1]: assert len(filename) == 4, f"Unexpected value {filename!r}" print( f"{i} - {prefix}{filename[0]} - {filename[1]} - " f"{os.stat(filename[2]).st_size} bytes (fullname={filename[2]})" ) elif isinstance(filename, tuple): assert len(filename) == 4, f"Unexpected value {filename!r}" zf = zipfile.ZipFile(filename[-1], "r") info = zf.getinfo(filename[2]) zf.close() print( f"{i} - {prefix}{filename[0]} - {filename[1]} - " f"{info.file_size} bytes in {filename[-1]}" ) if not prefix: print( f" suites={','.join(suites)}, " f"dynamic={','.join(map(str, dynamic))}, " f"exporters={','.join(exporters)}, " f"opt_patterns={','.join(opt_patterns)}" ) return merge_benchmark_reports( res.inputs, excel_output=res.output, filter_in=res.filter_in, filter_out=res.filter_out, verbose=int(res.verbose), output_clean_raw_data=res.save_raw, baseline=res.baseline, exc=res.quiet not in BOOLEAN_VALUES, export_simple=res.export_simple, export_correlations=res.export_correlations, broken=res.broken in BOOLEAN_VALUES, disc=float(res.disc), slow=float(res.slow), fast=float(, slow_script=float(res.slow_script), fast_script=float(res.fast_script), exclude=( [int(i) for i in res.exclude.strip().split(",")] if res.exclude.strip() else None ), keep_more_recent=res.recent, **kwargs, )
if __name__ == "__main__": main()