Source code for experimental_experiment.memory_peak

import multiprocessing
import os
from typing import Dict, Optional

[docs] def get_memory_rss(pid: int) -> int: """ Returns the physical memory used by a process. :param pid: process id, current one is `os.getpid()` :return: physical memory It relies on the module :epkg:`psutil`. """ import psutil process = psutil.Process(pid) mem = process.memory_info().rss return mem
class Monitor: def __init__(self): self.max_peak = 0 self.average = 0 self.n_measures = 0 self.begin = 0 self.end = 0 def to_dict(self, unit: int = 1): funit = float(unit) return dict( peak=self.max_peak / funit, mean=self.average * 1.0 / self.n_measures / funit, n=self.n_measures, begin=self.begin / funit, end=self.end / funit, ) @property def delta_peak(self): return self.max_peak - self.begin @property def delta_end(self): return self.end - self.begin @property def delta_avg(self): return self.average / self.n_measures - self.begin def __repr__(self): return ( f"{self.__class__.__name__}(begin={self.begin}, end={self.end}, " f"peak={self.max_peak}, average={self.average}, n={self.n_measures}, " f"d_end={self.delta_end}, d_peak={self.delta_peak}, d_avg={self.delta_avg}" f")" ) def update(self, mem): if self.n_measures == 0: self.begin = mem self.max_peak = max(mem, self.max_peak) self.average += mem self.end = mem self.n_measures += 1 def send(self, conn): conn.send(self.max_peak) conn.send(self.average) conn.send(self.n_measures) conn.send(self.begin) conn.send(self.end) @classmethod def recv(cls, conn): m = cls() m.max_peak = conn.recv() m.average = conn.recv() m.n_measures = conn.recv() m.begin = conn.recv() m.end = conn.recv() return m def _process_memory_spy(conn): # Sends the value it started. conn.send(-2) # process id to spy on pid = conn.recv() # delay between two measures timeout = conn.recv() # do CUDA cuda = conn.recv() import psutil process = psutil.Process(pid) if cuda: from pynvml import ( nvmlDeviceGetCount, nvmlDeviceGetHandleByIndex, nvmlDeviceGetMemoryInfo, nvmlInit, nvmlShutdown, ) nvmlInit() n_gpus = nvmlDeviceGetCount() handles = [nvmlDeviceGetHandleByIndex(i) for i in range(n_gpus)] def gpu_used(): return [nvmlDeviceGetMemoryInfo(h).used for h in handles] gpus = [Monitor() for i in range(n_gpus)] else: gpus = [] cpu = Monitor() conn.send(-2) # loop while True: mem = process.memory_info().rss cpu.update(mem) if cuda: for r, g in zip(gpu_used(), gpus): g.update(r) if conn.poll(timeout=timeout): code = conn.recv() if code == -3: break # final iteration end = process.memory_info().rss cpu.update(end) if cuda: for r, g in zip(gpu_used(), gpus): g.update(r) # send cpu.send(conn) conn.send(len(gpus)) for g in gpus: g.send(conn) if cuda: nvmlShutdown() conn.close()
[docs] class MemorySpy: """ Information about the spy. It class method `start`. Method `stop` can be called to end the measure. :param pid: process id of the process to spy on :param delay: spy on every delay seconds :param cuda: enable cuda monitoring """ def __init__(self, pid: int, delay: float = 0.01, cuda: bool = False): = pid self.delay = delay self.cuda = cuda self.start()
[docs] def start(self) -> "MemorySpy": """Starts another process and tells it to spy.""" self.parent_conn, self.child_conn = multiprocessing.Pipe() self.child_process = multiprocessing.Process( target=_process_memory_spy, args=(self.child_conn,) ) self.child_process.start() data = self.parent_conn.recv() if data != -2: raise RuntimeError(f"The child processing is supposed to send -2 not {data}.") self.parent_conn.send( self.parent_conn.send(self.delay) self.parent_conn.send(1 if self.cuda else 0) data = self.parent_conn.recv() if data != -2: raise RuntimeError( f"The child processing is supposed to send -2 again not {data}." ) return self
[docs] def stop(self): """Stops spying on.""" self.parent_conn.send(-3) cpu = Monitor.recv(self.parent_conn) n_gpus = self.parent_conn.recv() gpus = [] for _i in range(n_gpus): gpus.append(Monitor.recv(self.parent_conn)) self.parent_conn.close() self.child_process.join() res = dict(cpu=cpu) if self.cuda: res["gpus"] = gpus return res
[docs] def start_spying_on( pid: Optional[int] = None, delay: float = 0.01, cuda: bool = False ) -> MemorySpy: """ Starts the memory spy. The function starts another process spying on the one sent as an argument. :param pid: process id to spy or the the current one. :param delay: delay between two measures. :param cuda: True or False to get memory for cuda devices Example: .. code-block:: python from experimental_experiment.memory_peak import start_spying_on, flatten p = start_spying_on() # ... # code to measure # ... stat = p.stop() print(stat) print(flatten(stat)) """ if pid is None: pid = os.getpid() return MemorySpy(pid, delay, cuda)
def flatten(ps, prefix: str = "") -> Dict[str, float]: obs = ps["cpu"].to_dict(unit=2**20) if "gpus" in ps: for i, g in enumerate(ps["gpus"]): for k, v in g.to_dict(unit=2**20).items(): obs[f"gpu{i}_{k}"] = v if prefix: obs = {f"{prefix}{k}": v for k, v in obs.items()} return obs