Source code for experimental_experiment.torch_models.training_helper

import inspect
import os
from typing import Callable, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
from onnx.inliner import inline_local_functions

[docs] def make_aot_ort( dynamic: bool = False, rewrite: bool = True, rewrite_more: bool = False, aten_conversion_changes: Optional[List[Tuple[Callable, str]]] = None, verbose: int = 0, enable_pattern: Optional[Union[str, List[Union[str, type]]]] = "default", disable_pattern: Optional[Union[str, List[Union[str, type]]]] = None, processor: str = "CPU", ort_optimization_level: Optional[str] = None, order_algorithm: Optional[str] = None, dump_patterns: Optional[str] = None, dump_prefix: Optional[str] = None, ) -> tuple: """ Creates a backend to train model with DORT. :param dynamic: enable dynamic shapes :param rewrite: rewrite the model after its conversion to onnx, it must be True, as it is no longer possible to disable that option :param rewrite_more: runs more optimization :param aten_conversion_changes: calls aten ops :param verbose: verbosity :param enable_pattern: optimization patterns to enable :param disable_pattern: optimization patterns to disable :param processor: optimization should be made for this processor or this list of processors (comma separated value) :param ort_optimization_level: onnxruntime optimization level :param order_algorithm: algorithm optimizing the order the onnx node, none by default :param dump_patterns: dump the applied patterns :param dump_prefix: prefix before saving the models :return: twice the same backend """ assert not dump_prefix, f"dump_prefix={dump_prefix!r} not implemented" import onnxruntime from torch.onnx import ( OnnxRegistry, _OrtBackend as OrtBackend, _OrtBackendOptions as OrtBackendOptions, ExportOptions, ) names = [] onnx_registry = None if aten_conversion_changes is not None: onnx_registry = OnnxRegistry() for fct, name in aten_conversion_changes: onnx_registry.register_op( function=fct, namespace="aten", op_name=name, overload="default" ) names.append(f"torch.ops.aten.{name}.default") if verbose: print(f"[make_aot_ort] register {names[-1]!r}") ort_session_options = onnxruntime.SessionOptions() # ort_session_options.log_severity_level = 1 if ort_optimization_level is not None: assert hasattr(onnxruntime.GraphOptimizationLevel, ort_optimization_level), ( f"Unexpected value {ort_optimization_level!r} for GraphOptimizationLevel, " f"expecting one of the values in {dir(onnxruntime.GraphOptimizationLevel)}" ) ort_session_options.graph_optimization_level = getattr( onnxruntime.GraphOptimizationLevel, ort_optimization_level ) if ort_optimization_level == "ORT_DISABLE_ALL": ort_session_options.enable_mem_pattern = False ort_session_options.enable_mem_reuse = False ort_session_options.enable_cpu_mem_arena = False # ort_session_options.add_session_config_entry("set_denormal_as_zero", "1") ort_session_options.add_session_config_entry("disable_prepacking", "1") if enable_pattern and ( "experimental" in enable_pattern or any("experimental" in s for s in enable_pattern) ): try: from onnx_extended.ortops.optim.cuda import get_ort_ext_libs register = True except ImportError: register = False if register: assert os.path.exists( get_ort_ext_libs()[0] ), f"Unable to find library {get_ort_ext_libs()[0]!r}." ort_session_options.register_custom_ops_library(get_ort_ext_libs()[0]) from onnx_extended.ortops.optim.cpu import ( get_ort_ext_libs as get_ort_ext_libs_cpu, ) assert os.path.exists( get_ort_ext_libs()[0] ), f"Unable to find library {get_ort_ext_libs_cpu()[0]!r}." ort_session_options.register_custom_ops_library(get_ort_ext_libs_cpu()[0]) assert rewrite, "It is no longer possible to disable rewriting." import packaging.version as pv from torch import __version__ as torch_version assert pv.Version(".".join(torch_version.split(".")[:2])) >= pv.Version( "2.3" ), f"This requires torch>=2.3 not {torch_version!r}" if onnx_registry is None: export_options = ExportOptions(dynamic_shapes=dynamic) else: if verbose: print(f"[make_aot_ort] enable {onnx_registry!r}") export_options = ExportOptions(dynamic_shapes=dynamic, onnx_registry=onnx_registry) from torch.onnx._internal import onnxruntime code = inspect.getsource(onnxruntime) assert ( "optimizer.optimize" in code ), f"torch is not recent enough, file {onnxruntime.__file__!r} is not recent enough." if rewrite_more: def opt_f( *args, order_algorithm=order_algorithm, enable_pattern=enable_pattern, disable_pattern=disable_pattern, verbose=verbose, **kwargs, ): from ..xbuilder import GraphBuilder, OptimizationOptions from ..xoptim import get_pattern_list first_model_proto = args[0] next_model = inline_local_functions(first_model_proto) # next_model = optimize_model_proto_oxs( # *args, verbose=verbose, onnx_shape_inference=False, **kwargs # ) patterns = get_pattern_list(enable_pattern, disable_pattern, verbose=verbose) if order_algorithm is not None: from ..xoptim import OrderAlgorithm order_algorithm = getattr(OrderAlgorithm, order_algorithm.upper()) gr = GraphBuilder( next_model, infer_shapes_options=True, optimization_options=OptimizationOptions( patterns=patterns, processor=processor, order=order_algorithm, dump_applied_patterns=dump_patterns, ), verbose=verbose, ) model_proto = gr.to_onnx() del first_model_proto.graph.node[:] del first_model_proto.functions[:] del first_model_proto.graph.initializer[:] del first_model_proto.opset_import[:] first_model_proto.graph.node.extend(model_proto.graph.node) first_model_proto.functions.extend(model_proto.functions) first_model_proto.graph.initializer.extend(model_proto.graph.initializer) first_model_proto.opset_import.extend(model_proto.opset_import) return first_model_proto else: def opt_f(*args, **kwargs): first_model_proto = args[0] next_model = inline_local_functions(first_model_proto) # next_model = optimize_model_proto_oxs( # *args, verbose=verbose, onnx_shape_inference=False, **kwargs # ) del first_model_proto.graph.node[:] del first_model_proto.functions[:] del first_model_proto.graph.initializer[:] del first_model_proto.opset_import[:] first_model_proto.graph.node.extend(next_model.graph.node) first_model_proto.functions.extend(next_model.functions) first_model_proto.graph.initializer.extend(next_model.graph.initializer) first_model_proto.opset_import.extend(next_model.opset_import) return first_model_proto options = OrtBackendOptions( export_options=export_options, ort_session_options=ort_session_options, pre_ort_model_transforms=[opt_f], ) ort_backend = OrtBackend(options=options) if names: for n in names: ort_backend._supported_ops._support_dict[n] = None return ort_backend, ort_backend
def train_loop(model, *args, loss_fn=None, optimizer=None): import torch if loss_fn is None: loss_fn = torch.nn.MSELoss() if optimizer is None: optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(model.parameters(), lr=1e-3) # Set the model to training mode - important for batch normalization and dropout layers # Unnecessary in this situation but added for best practices model.train() # Compute prediction and loss pred = model(*args) if isinstance(pred, tuple): v = pred[0] elif hasattr(pred, "last_hidden_state"): v = pred.last_hidden_state else: v = pred loss = loss_fn(v, torch.ones_like(v)) # Backpropagation loss.backward() optimizer.step() # skip that part to retrieve the gradients # optimizer.zero_grad() # returns the gradients res = tuple(p.grad for p in model.parameters() if p.grad is not None) assert len(res) > 0, f"No gradient, loss is {loss}" return res def train_loop_mixed_precision(model, *args, loss_fn=None, optimizer=None): import torch if loss_fn is None: loss_fn = torch.nn.MSELoss() if optimizer is None: optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(model.parameters(), lr=1e-3) with torch.autocast(device_type="cuda", dtype=torch.float16): # Set the model to training mode - # important for batch normalization and dropout layers # Unnecessary in this situation but added for best practices model.train() # Compute prediction and loss pred = model(*args) if isinstance(pred, tuple): v = pred[0] elif hasattr(pred, "last_hidden_state"): v = pred.last_hidden_state else: v = pred loss = loss_fn(v, torch.ones_like(v)) # Backpropagation loss.backward() optimizer.step() # skip that part to retrieve the gradients # optimizer.zero_grad() # returns the gradients res = tuple(p.grad for p in model.parameters() if p.grad is not None) assert len(res) > 0, f"No gradient, loss is {loss}" return res