Source code for experimental_experiment.torch_interpreter.investigate_helper

from typing import Any, Dict, Iterator, Optional, Tuple, Union
import onnx
import onnx.numpy_helper as onh
import torch
from ..helpers import string_type, string_diff, max_diff

[docs] def validate_fx_tensor( node: torch.fx.Node, tensor: torch.Tensor, expected_shape: Tuple[Any, ...] ) -> None: """ Validates the shape of tensor is expected. :param node: node :param tensor: tensor :param expected_shape: expected shape """ assert len(tensor.shape) == len(expected_shape), ( f"Shape mismatch, got {tensor.shape} expected {expected_shape}, " f"{!r},{getattr(node, 'target', None)}, " f"node.args={node.args}, node.kwargs={node.kwargs}, " f"node.meta={node.meta}" ) for a, b in zip(tensor.shape, expected_shape): assert not isinstance(b, int) or a == b, ( f"Dimension mismatch, got {tensor.shape} expected {expected_shape}, " f"{!r},{getattr(node, 'target', None)}, " f"node.args={node.args}, node.kwargs={node.kwargs}, " f"node.meta={node.meta}" )
[docs] def validate_fx_outputs(node: torch.fx.Node, outputs: Tuple[Any, ...]) -> None: """ Validates the outputs of a node using metadata stored in the node. :param node: node :param outputs: outputs """ if "val" not in node.meta: return if isinstance(outputs, torch.Tensor): validate_fx_tensor(node, outputs, node.meta["val"].shape) return if isinstance(outputs, (tuple, list)): assert isinstance(node.meta["val"], (list, tuple)), ( f"Unexpected type {string_type(node.meta['val'])} for node.meta['val'], " f"{!r},{getattr(node, 'target', None)}, " f"node.args={node.args}, node.kwargs={node.kwargs}, " f"node.meta={node.meta}" ) assert len(outputs) == len(node.meta["val"]), ( f"Length mismatch, got {len(outputs)} expected {len(node.meta['val'])}, " f"{!r},{getattr(node, 'target', None)}, " f"node.args={node.args}, node.kwargs={node.kwargs}, " f"node.meta={node.meta}" ) for a, b in zip(outputs, node.meta["val"]): validate_fx_tensor(node, a, b.shape) return if isinstance(outputs, int): assert ( isinstance(node.meta["val"], (torch.SymInt, torch.SymBool, torch.SymFloat)) or outputs == node.meta["val"] ), ( f"Int mismatch, got {outputs} expected {node.meta['val']}, " f"{!r},{getattr(node, 'target', None)}, " f"node.args={node.args}, node.kwargs={node.kwargs}, " f"node.meta={node.meta}" ) return if outputs is None: assert node.meta["val"] is None, ( f"None mismatch, got {outputs} expected {node.meta['val']}, " f"{!r},{getattr(node, 'target', None)}, " f"node.args={node.args}, node.kwargs={node.kwargs}, " f"node.meta={node.meta}" ) return raise NotImplementedError( f"Validation for output type {type(outputs)} is not implemented, " f"{!r},{getattr(node, 'target', None)}, " f"node.args={node.args}, node.kwargs={node.kwargs}, " f"node.meta={node.meta}" )
[docs] def run_fx_node( node: torch.fx.Node, args: Tuple[Any, ...], kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None ) -> Tuple[Any, ...]: """ Executes a node :param node: runs a node :param args: unnamed inputs to the node :param kwargs: named inputs to the node :return: results """ if node.op == "output": assert ( len(args) == 1 and not kwargs ), f"Unexpected inputs: args={string_type(args)} kwargs={string_type(kwargs)}" return args if node.op == "call_function": outputs =*args, **kwargs) validate_fx_outputs(node, outputs) return outputs raise NotImplementedError( f"node.op={node.op!r} is not implemented,{!r}" )
def _pick_result(torch_results: Dict[str, Any], ref: Any) -> Any: if isinstance(ref, torch.fx.Node): return torch_results[] if isinstance(ref, list): return [_pick_result(torch_results, n) for n in ref] if isinstance(ref, tuple): return tuple(_pick_result(torch_results, n) for n in ref) if isinstance(ref, dict): return {k: _pick_result(torch_results, v) for k, v in ref.items()} if isinstance(ref, (bool, int, float, str, torch.device, torch.dtype)): return ref if ref is None: return None raise NotImplementedError(f"Unable to process args type {type(ref)}")
[docs] def prepare_args_kwargs( torch_results: Dict[str, Any], node: torch.fx.Node ) -> Tuple[Tuple[Any, ...], Dict[str, Any]]: """ Prepares args and kwargs before executing a fx node. :param torch_results: existing results :param node: node to execute :return: new args and kwargs """ new_args = _pick_result(torch_results, node.args) new_kwargs = _pick_result(torch_results, node.kwargs) return new_args, new_kwargs
[docs] def run_aligned( ep: torch.export.ExportedProgram, onx: Union[onnx.ModelProto, onnx.FunctionProto], args: Tuple[torch.Tensor, ...], check_conversion_cls: Union[Dict[str, Any], type], kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, verbose: int = 0, ) -> Iterator[Tuple[Any, ...]]: """ Runs both the exported program and the onnx proto and looks for discrepancies. :param ep: exported program :param onx: model or function proto :param args: input args :param check_conversion_cls: defines the runtime to use for this task :param kwargs: input kwargs :param verbose: verbosity level :return: a list of tuples containing the results. """ assert not kwargs, f"Not implemented when kwargs={string_type(kwargs,with_shape=True)}" cls, atol, rtol = ( ( check_conversion_cls["cls"], check_conversion_cls["atol"], check_conversion_cls["rtol"], ) if isinstance(check_conversion_cls, dict) else (check_conversion_cls, None, None) ) # retreive the positions positions = {} for i, node in enumerate(ep.graph.nodes): if isinstance(, str): positions[] = dict(fx=i) else: for n in positions[n] = dict(fx=i) for i, node in enumerate(onx.graph.node): for n in node.output: if n in positions: positions[n]["onnx"] = i else: positions[n] = dict(onnx=i) onnx_results = {} for init in onx.graph.initializer: positions[] = -1 onnx_results[] = onh.to_array(init) torch_results = { k: torch.from_numpy(v.copy()) for k, v in onnx_results.items() if not k.startswith("init") } last_position = 0 torch_output_names = None for node in ep.graph.nodes: if node.op == "output": torch_output_names = [ for n in node.args[0]] onnx_outputs_names = [ for o in onx.graph.output] assert len(torch_output_names) == len(onnx_outputs_names), ( f"Unexpected number of outputs, torch_output_names={torch_output_names}, " f"onnx_outputs_names={onnx_outputs_names}" ) mapping_onnx_to_torch = dict(zip(onnx_outputs_names, torch_output_names)) if verbose: for k, v in torch_results.items(): print( f"[run_aligned] +torch-cst: {k}: " f"{string_type(v, with_shape=True, with_min_max=True)}" ) for k, v in onnx_results.items(): print( f"[run_aligned] +onnx-init: {k}: " f"{string_type(v, with_shape=True, with_min_max=True)}" ) for inp, v in zip(onx.graph.input, args): onnx_results[] = v.numpy() if verbose: print( f"[run_aligned] +onnx-input: {}: " f"{string_type(v, with_shape=True, with_min_max=True)}" ) for i, node in enumerate(ep.graph.nodes): if verbose: if node.op == "call_function": print( f"[run_aligned] run ep.graph.nodes[{i}]: " f"{node.op}[{}] -> {!r}" ) else: print(f"[run_aligned] run ep.graph.nodes[{i}]: {node.op} -> {!r}") if node.op == "placeholder": if in onnx_results: torch_results[] = torch.from_numpy(onnx_results[].copy()) if verbose: t = torch_results[] print( f"[run_aligned] +torch {}=" f"{string_type(t, with_shape=True, with_min_max=True)}" ) continue raise AssertionError(f"unable to process node {node.op} -> {!r}") outputs = [] if isinstance(, str) else list( args, kwargs = prepare_args_kwargs(torch_results, node) new_outputs = run_fx_node(node, args, kwargs) if isinstance(new_outputs, (torch.Tensor, int, float, list)): new_outputs = (new_outputs,) if new_outputs is None: # Probably an assert. continue for k, v in zip(outputs, new_outputs): torch_results[k] = v if verbose: for k, v in zip(outputs, new_outputs): print( f"[run_aligned] +torch {k}=" f"{string_type(v, with_shape=True, with_min_max=True)}" ) max_pos = -2 for n in outputs: if n in positions and "onnx" in positions[n]: max_pos = max(max_pos, positions[n]["onnx"]) if max_pos == -2: # we skip. continue for i_onnx in range(last_position, max_pos + 1): node = onx.graph.node[i_onnx] if verbose: print( f"[run_aligned] run onx.graph.node[{i_onnx}]: " f"{node.op_type}({', '.join(node.input)}) -> {', '.join(node.output)}" ) ref = cls(node) feeds = {k: onnx_results[k] for k in node.input} res =, feeds) for o, r in zip(node.output, res): onnx_results[o] = r if verbose: print( f"[run_aligned] +onnx {o}=" f"{string_type(r, with_shape=True, with_min_max=True)}" ) to = mapping_onnx_to_torch.get(o, o) if to in torch_results: d = max_diff(torch_results[to], r) if verbose: if o == to: print(f"[run_aligned] =common results {to}: {string_diff(d)}") else: print(f"[run_aligned] =common results {to}/{o}: {string_diff(d)}") if not ( atol is None or rtol is None or (d["abs"] <= atol and d["rel"] <= rtol) ): skw = dict(with_shape=True, with_min_max=True) raise ValueError( f"discrepancies detected for results [{to}/{o}]: " f"{string_diff(d)}" f"\n-- torch_results: {string_type(torch_results[to], **skw)}" f"\n-- onnx_results: {string_type(r, **skw)}" f"\n-- torch\n{torch_results[to]}\n-- onnx\n{r}" ) yield (i, i_onnx, o, to, d) last_position = max_pos + 1 # complete the execution of the onnx graph for i_onnx in range(last_position, len(onx.graph.node)): node = onx.graph.node[i_onnx] if verbose: print( f"[run_aligned] run onx.graph.node[{i_onnx}]: " f"{node.op_type}({', '.join(node.input)}) -> {', '.join(node.output)}" ) ref = cls(node) feeds = {k: onnx_results[k] for k in node.input} res =, feeds) for o, r in zip(node.output, res): onnx_results[o] = r if verbose: print( f"[run_aligned] +onnx {o}=" f"{string_type(r, with_shape=True, with_min_max=True)}" ) to = mapping_onnx_to_torch.get(o, o) if to in torch_results: d = max_diff(torch_results[to], r) if verbose: if o == to: print(f"[run_aligned] =common results* {to}: {string_diff(d)}") else: print(f"[run_aligned] =common results* {to}/{o}: {string_diff(d)}") if not ( atol is None or rtol is None or (d["abs"] <= atol and d["rel"] <= rtol) ): skw = dict(with_shape=True, with_min_max=True) raise ValueError( f"discrepancies detected for results* [{to}/{o}]: {string_diff(d)}" f"\n-- torch_results: {string_type(torch_results[to], **skw)}" f"\n-- onnx_results: {string_type(r, **skw)}" f"\n-- torch\n{torch_results[to]}\n-- onnx\n{r}" ) yield (i, i_onnx, o, to, d)