Source code for experimental_experiment.torch_dynamo.debug_backend

import os
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Set, Tuple, Union
import numpy as np
from onnx import ModelProto, TensorProto
import torch
from ..helpers import tensor_dtype_to_np_dtype
from ..xbuilder import OptimizationOptions
from ..torch_interpreter._torch_helper import create_input_names
from ..torch_interpreter import to_onnx
from ..xoptim import get_pattern_list
from ..helpers import pretty_onnx
from .backend_helper import get_dimensions

def _get_session(
    onx: ModelProto,
    impl: str = "ref",
    exc: bool = True,
    verbose: int = 0,
    providers: Optional[List[str]] = None,
    ort_optimization_level: Optional[str] = None,
) -> Union["ReferenceEvaluator", "InferenceSession"]:  # noqa: F821
    if exc:
            return _get_session(
        except Exception as e:
            with open("dump_debug_get_session.onnx", "wb") as f:
            raise AssertionError(
                f"Unable to build session ({str(e)})\n{pretty_onnx(onx)}"
            ) from e
    if callable(impl):
        return impl(onx, verbose=verbose)
    if impl == "ref":
        from ..reference import ExtendedReferenceEvaluator

        return ExtendedReferenceEvaluator(onx, verbose=verbose)
        import onnxruntime

        providers = providers or ["CPUExecutionProvider"]
        opts = onnxruntime.SessionOptions()
        if ort_optimization_level is not None:
            if ort_optimization_level is not None:
                assert hasattr(onnxruntime.GraphOptimizationLevel, ort_optimization_level), (
                    f"Unexpected value {ort_optimization_level!r} "
                    f"for GraphOptimizationLevel, "
                    f"expecting one of the values in "
                opts.graph_optimization_level = getattr(
                    onnxruntime.GraphOptimizationLevel, ort_optimization_level

        return onnxruntime.InferenceSession(onx.SerializeToString(), opts, providers=providers)

[docs] def onnx_debug_backend( graph_module: "torch.fx.GraphModule", # noqa: F821 args: List[Union["torch.Tensor", "torch.SymInt", "torch.SymFloat"]], # noqa: F821 target_opset: Optional[int] = None, backend: Union[str, Callable[[ModelProto, Optional[bool]], Any]] = "ort", verbose: Union[int, Tuple[int, int]] = 0, dump_prefix: Optional[None] = None, dump_patterns: Optional[str] = None, providers: Optional[Tuple[str]] = None, raise_exc: bool = True, storage: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, raise_list: Optional[Set[str]] = None, enable_pattern: Optional[Union[str, List[Union[str, type]]]] = "default", disable_pattern: Optional[Union[str, List[Union[str, type]]]] = None, pre_ort_model_transforms: Optional[ Union[Callable[ModelProto, ModelProto], List[Callable[ModelProto, ModelProto]]] ] = None, ort_optimization_level: Optional[str] = None, dispatcher: Optional["Dispatcher"] = None, # noqa: F821 rename_inputs: bool = True, optimize: bool = True, processor: str = "CPU", order_algorithm: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Callable: """ Custom backend to export torch models into onnx (see :epkg:`torch.compiler`). This backend is not meant to be efficient, it is more to check the conversion is ok. It relies either on :epkg:`onnxruntime` or the python reference implementation. :param graph_module: graph to export :param args: arguments :param target_opset: opset to use for the conversion :param backend: after the conversion, the model is executed with a runtime, :epkg:`onnxruntime` or the reference implementation, it must be a value among `'ort'`, `'ref'` or a class, it can be a function as well which returns an object behaving the same way :param verbose: adjust verbosity, if tuple, if gives different verbosity level to the exporter and the runtime :param dump_prefix: prefix used to dump the model generated by the backend :param dump_patterns: dump the patterns as well :param providers: where to run the model, by default :param raise_exc: raise an exception whenever something goes wrong :param storage: to store any interesting objects during the process :param raise_list: the builder stops any time a name falls into that list, this is a debbuging tool :param enable_pattern: optimization patterns to enable :param disable_pattern: optimization patterns to disable :param pre_ort_model_transforms: list of transformations applied on the final ModelProto :param ort_optimization_level: graph optimization level for onnxruntime, the default value is the same as what :epkg:`onnxruntime` defines :param dispatcher: see :class:`experimental_experiment.torch_interpreter.Dispatcher` :param rename_inputs: rename inputs into ``input_{i}`` :param optimize: enable or disable the optimization :param processor: specifies the processor it is optimized for :param order_algorithm: algorithm optimizing the order the onnx node, none by default :return: Callable See :ref:`l-plot-onnxrt-diff` for an example. If not empty, `storage` keeps the memory of the data generated, onnx models, graph module as well the inputs and outputs when the model is run. The following example shows how to use the reference implementation (:class:`experimental_experiment.reference.ExtendedReferenceEvaluator`) to run the onnx model and display the intermediate results. .. runpython:: :showcode: import torch from experimental_experiment.torch_dynamo import onnx_debug_backend class MLP(torch.nn.Module): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.layers = torch.nn.Sequential( torch.nn.Linear(10, 32), torch.nn.Sigmoid(), torch.nn.Linear(32, 1), ) def forward(self, x): return self.layers(x) x = torch.randn(3, 10, dtype=torch.float32) mlp = MLP() expected = mlp(x) compiled_model = torch.compile( mlp, backend=lambda *args, **kwargs: onnx_debug_backend( *args, verbose=(1, 10), backend="ref", **kwargs ), dynamic=False, fullgraph=True, ) got = compiled_model(x) diff = (expected - got).max() print(f"discrepancies: {diff}") """ assert dump_patterns is None or isinstance( dump_patterns, str ), f"Unexpected type {type(dump_patterns)} for dump_patterns." input_names = create_input_names(graph_module, args) if rename_inputs else None verbose_onnx, verbose_backend = ( verbose if isinstance(verbose, tuple) else (verbose, verbose) ) patterns = get_pattern_list(enable_pattern, disable_pattern, verbose=verbose_onnx) if order_algorithm is not None: from ..xoptim import OrderAlgorithm order_algorithm = getattr(OrderAlgorithm, order_algorithm.upper()) options = OptimizationOptions( remove_unused=True, constant_folding=False, patterns=patterns, verbose=verbose_onnx, processor=processor, order=order_algorithm, dump_applied_patterns=dump_patterns, ) onx, builder = to_onnx( graph_module, tuple(args), input_names=input_names, options=options, verbose=verbose_onnx, target_opset=target_opset, return_builder=True, raise_list=raise_list, dispatcher=dispatcher, optimize=optimize, ) if pre_ort_model_transforms is not None: if not isinstance(pre_ort_model_transforms, list): pre_ort_model_transforms = [pre_ort_model_transforms] for tr in pre_ort_model_transforms: onx = tr(onx) if dump_prefix: counter = 0 name = f"{dump_prefix}_{counter}.onnx" while os.path.exists(name): counter += 1 name = f"{dump_prefix}_{counter}.onnx" with open(name, "wb") as f: f.write(onx.SerializeToString()) name = f"{dump_prefix}_{counter}.txt" with open(name, "w") as f: f.write(builder.get_debug_msg()) f.write("\n") f.write("\n----------- TYPES, RANKS, SHAPES\n") f.write( str( dict( _known_types=builder._known_types, _known_ranks=builder._known_ranks, _known_shapes=builder._known_shapes, ) ) ) sess = _get_session( onx, backend, exc=raise_exc, verbose=verbose_backend, providers=providers, ort_optimization_level=ort_optimization_level, ) names = [ for i in onx.graph.input] _dtype = { np.dtype("float16"): torch.float16, np.dtype("float32"): torch.float32, np.dtype("float64"): torch.float64, np.dtype("int32"): torch.int32, np.dtype("int64"): torch.int64, np.dtype("bool"): torch.bool, np.float16: torch.float16, np.float32: torch.float32, np.float64: torch.float64, np.int32: torch.int32, np.int64: torch.int64, np.bool_: torch.bool, } is_dimension_in, is_dimension_out = get_dimensions(onx) if storage is not None: stor = {} if "instance" in storage: storage["instance"].append(stor) else: storage["instance"] = [stor] stor["graph_module"] = graph_module stor["onnx"] = onx stor["is_dimension_in"] = is_dimension_in stor["is_dimension_out"] = is_dimension_out stor["builder"] = builder stor["sess"] = sess stor["inputs"] = [] stor["outputs"] = [] else: stor = None def run( *inputs, sess=sess, names=names, stor=stor, is_dimension_in=is_dimension_in, is_dimension_out=is_dimension_out, ): max_device = max(x.get_device() for x in inputs if isinstance(x, torch.Tensor)) xnp = [] for x, (dim, rk, name, dt) in zip(inputs, is_dimension_in): if isinstance(x, torch.Tensor): assert not dim, ( f"Input {name!r} is declared as a dimension but is not, " f"dim={dim}, rk={rk}, dtype={x.dtype}, shape={x.shape}" ) nx = x.detach().cpu().numpy() elif isinstance(x, (torch.SymInt, torch.SymFloat, int, float)): assert dim and rk <= 1, ( f"Input {name!r} is not declared as a dimension but is, " f"dim={dim}, rk={rk}, x={x}, dt={dt}, type={type(x)}, names={names}" ) if dt in { TensorProto.INT64, TensorProto.UINT64, TensorProto.INT32, TensorProto.UINT32, }: vi = x if isinstance(x, int) else int(x) else: vi = x if isinstance(x, float) else float(x) nx = np.array(vi, dtype=tensor_dtype_to_np_dtype(dt)) if rk == 1: nx = nx.reshape((-1,)) else: raise AssertionError(f"Unexpected input type {type(x)}") assert nx.dtype not in ( object, np.object_, ), f"unexpected dtype {nx.dtype} for an input" xnp.append(nx) feeds = dict(zip(names, xnp)) results =, feeds) res = [] for y, (dim, rk, name, dt) in zip(results, is_dimension_out): if name is None: res.append(None) continue if dim: assert ( len(y.shape) <= 1 ), f"Unexpected shape {y.shape} ({y}) for a dimension {name!r} (rk={rk})" assert y.shape in (tuple(), (1,)), ( f"Unxpected shape {y.shape} for dim={dim!r}, " f"name={name!r}, dt={dt}, rk={rk}, y={y!r}" ) if dt in { TensorProto.INT64, TensorProto.UINT64, TensorProto.INT32, TensorProto.UINT32, }: if y.shape == (1,): yi = int(y[0]) else: yi = int(y) else: if y.shape == (1,): yi = float(y[0]) else: yi = float(y) res.append(yi) continue if max_device >= 0: if len(y.shape) == 0: y = y.reshape((1,)) squ = True else: squ = False try: yt = torch.Tensor(y) except RuntimeError as e: raise RuntimeError( f"Unexpected value for y, type={type(y)}, shape={y.shape}, " f"dtype={y.dtype}, size={y.size}" ) from e cyt =[y.dtype]) ccu ="cuda") if squ: ccu = ccu.squeeze() res.append(ccu) else: res.append(torch.Tensor(y).to(_dtype[y.dtype])) if stor: stor["inputs"].append(feeds) stor["outputs"].append(res) return res return run