Source code for experimental_experiment.torch_bench._bash_bench_cmd

import os
import pprint
import time
from datetime import datetime
from typing import List, Optional
import numpy as np

[docs] def bash_bench_parse_args(name: str, doc: str, new_args: Optional[List[str]] = None): """Returns parsed arguments.""" from experimental_experiment.args import get_parsed_args args = get_parsed_args( f"experimental_experiment.torch_bench.{name}", description=doc, model=( "101Dummy", "if empty, prints the list of models, " "all for all models, a list of indices works as well", ), exporter=( "custom", "export, export-nostrict, export-default, " "inductor, " "custom, custom-fallback, custom-nostrict, custom-tracing, " "onnx_dynamo, onnx_dynamo-fallback, torch_script", ), process=("0", "run every run in a separate process"), device=("cpu", "'cpu' or 'cuda'"), dynamic=("0", "use dynamic shapes"), target_opset=("18", "opset to convert into, use with backend=custom"), verbose=("0", "verbosity"), opt_patterns=("", "a list of optimization patterns to disable"), dump_folder=("dump_bash_bench", "where to dump the exported model"), quiet=("1", "catch exception and go on or fail"), start=("0", "first model to run (to continue a bench)"), rtopt=("1", "runtime optimization are enabled"), dtype=( "", "converts the model using this type, empty for no change, " "possible value, float16, float32, ...", ), output_data=( f"output_data_{name}.csv", "when running multiple configuration, save the results in that file", ), memory_peak=( "0", "measure the memory peak during exporter, " "it starts another process to monitor the memory", ), nvtx=("0", "add events to profile"), profile=( "0", "run a profiling to see which python function is taking the most time", ), dump_ort=("0", "dump the onnxruntime optimized graph"), split_process=("0", "run exporter and the inference in two separate processes"), part=("", "which part to run, 0, or 1"), tag=("", "add a version tag when everything else did not change"), timeout=("600", "timeout for subprocesses"), shape2=("0", "redo the shape inference"), new_args=new_args, expose="repeat,warmup", ) return args
def _clean_text(text): import onnx import onnxruntime import onnxscript import torch import experimental_experiment pathes = [ os.path.abspath(os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(m.__file__), ".."))) for m in [onnx, onnxruntime, onnxscript, np, torch, experimental_experiment] ] for p in pathes: text = text.replace(p, "") text = text.replace("experimental_experiment", "experimental_experiment".upper()) return text
[docs] def bash_bench_main(script_name: str, doc: str, args: Optional[List[str]] = None): """ Main command line for all bash_bench script. :param script_name: suffix for the bash :param doc: documentation :param args: optional arguments """ args = bash_bench_parse_args(f"{script_name}.py", __doc__, new_args=args) print(f"[{script_name}] start") for k, v in sorted(args.__dict__.items()): print(f"{k}={v}") from experimental_experiment.torch_bench import BOOLEAN_VALUES from experimental_experiment.torch_bench._bash_bench_benchmark_runner_agg import ( merge_benchmark_reports, ) from experimental_experiment.torch_bench._bash_bench_model_runner import ModelRunner from experimental_experiment.bench_run import ( make_configs, make_dataframe_from_benchmark_data, multi_run, run_benchmark, ) if script_name == "bash_bench_huggingface": from ._bash_bench_set_huggingface import HuggingfaceRunner runner = HuggingfaceRunner(device=args.device, verbose=int(args.verbose)) elif script_name == "bash_bench_huggingface_big": from ._bash_bench_set_huggingface_big import HuggingfaceBigRunner runner = HuggingfaceBigRunner(device=args.device, verbose=int(args.verbose)) elif script_name == "bash_bench_issues": from ._bash_bench_set_issues import IssueRunner runner = IssueRunner(device=args.device, verbose=int(args.verbose)) elif script_name == "bash_bench_torchbench": from ._bash_bench_set_torchbench import TorchBenchRunner runner = TorchBenchRunner(device=args.device, verbose=int(args.verbose)) elif script_name == "bash_bench_torchbench_ado": from ._bash_bench_set_torchbench_ado import TorchBenchAdoRunner runner = TorchBenchAdoRunner(device=args.device, verbose=int(args.verbose)) elif script_name == "bash_bench_timm": from ._bash_bench_set_timm import TimmRunner runner = TimmRunner(device=args.device, verbose=int(args.verbose)) elif script_name == "bash_bench_explicit": from ._bash_bench_set_explicit import ExplicitRunner runner = ExplicitRunner(device=args.device, verbose=int(args.verbose)) elif script_name == "bash_bench_untrained": from ._bash_bench_suites import UntrainedRunner runner = UntrainedRunner(device=args.device, verbose=int(args.verbose)) else: raise AssertionError(f"Unexpected bash_bench name {script_name!r}.") names = runner.get_model_name_list() def _name(name, names): if isinstance(name, int): name = names[name] return name missing = { "suite": runner.SUITE, "time_latency": lambda missing, config: { "model_name": _name(config["model"], names), "ERR_crash": "INFERENCE failed", }, "time_export_unbiased": lambda missing, config: { "model_name": _name(config["model"], names), "ERR_crash": "EXPORT failed", }, "time_latency_eager": lambda missing, config: { "model_name": _name(config["model"], names), "ERR_crash": "EAGER is missing", }, } if not args.model and args.model not in ("0", 0): # prints the list of models. print(f"list of models for device={args.device} (args.model={args.model!r})") print("--") print("\n".join([f"{i: 3d}/{len(names)} - {n}" for i, n in enumerate(names)])) print("--") elif args.model == "Refresh": names = "\n".join(sorted(runner.refresh_model_names())) print("Refresh the list with:") print(names) else: if args.model == "all": args.model = ",".join(names) elif args.model == "All": args.model = ",".join(n for n in names if not n.startswith("101")) elif args.model == "Head": args.model = ",".join([n for n in names if not n.startswith("101")][:10]) elif args.model == "Tail": args.model = ",".join(n for n in names[-10:] if not n.startswith("101")) elif isinstance(args.model, str) and "-" in args.model: ms = [] for v in args.model.split(","): if "-" not in v: ms.append(v) continue spl = v.split("-") assert len(spl) == 2, f"Unexpected value {v!r} in {args.model!r}" a, b = spl ia = int(a) ib = int(b) for i in range(ia, ib + 1): ms.append(str(i)) args.model = ",".join(ms) assert ( "," not in args.tag ), f"Parameter tag={args.tag!r} does not support multiple values." if ( multi_run(args) or args.process in BOOLEAN_VALUES or (args.split_process in BOOLEAN_VALUES and args.part in (None, "")) ): assert args.part == "", f"part={args.part} must be empty" args_output_data = args.output_data if args.output_data: name, ext = os.path.splitext(args.output_data) temp_output_data = f"{name}.temp{ext}" else: temp_output_data = None split_process = args.split_process in BOOLEAN_VALUES if split_process and args.part == "": args.part = "0,1" if args.verbose: print("Running export and inference in two different processes") configs = make_configs( args, drop={"process"}, replace={"output_data": ""}, last={"part"} if split_process else None, filter_function=lambda kwargs: ModelRunner.allowed_configuration( exporter=kwargs["exporter"], optimization=kwargs.get("opt_patterns", None), ), ) assert configs, f"No configuration configs={configs} for args={args}" data = run_benchmark( f"experimental_experiment.torch_bench.{script_name}", configs, args.verbose, stop_if_exception=False, temp_output_data=temp_output_data, dump_std=args.dump_folder, start=args.start, summary=merge_benchmark_reports, timeout=int(args.timeout), missing=missing, ) if args.verbose > 2: pprint.pprint(data if args.verbose > 3 else data[:2]) if args_output_data: df = make_dataframe_from_benchmark_data(data, detailed=False) filename = args_output_data if os.path.exists(filename): # Let's avoid losing data. name, ext = os.path.splitext(filename) i = 2 while os.path.exists(filename): filename = f"{name}.m{i}{ext}" i += 1 print(f"Prints out the merged results into file {filename!r}") fold, _ = os.path.split(filename) if fold and not os.path.exists(fold): os.makedirs(fold) df.to_csv(filename, index=False, errors="ignore") df.to_excel(filename + ".xlsx", index=False) if args.verbose: print(df) # also write a summary fn = f"{filename}.summary.xlsx" print(f"Prints out the merged summary into file {fn!r}") merge_benchmark_reports(df, excel_output=fn) else: try: indice = int(args.model) name = names[indice] except (TypeError, ValueError): name = args.model if args.verbose: print(f"Running model {name!r}") do_profile = args.profile in BOOLEAN_VALUES runner = runner.__class__( include_model_names={name}, verbose=args.verbose, device=args.device, target_opset=args.target_opset, repeat=args.repeat, warmup=args.warmup, dtype=args.dtype, nvtx=args.nvtx in BOOLEAN_VALUES, dump_ort=args.dump_ort in BOOLEAN_VALUES, ) if do_profile: import cProfile pr = cProfile.Profile() pr.enable() split_process = args.split_process in BOOLEAN_VALUES begin = time.perf_counter() data = list( runner.enumerate_test_models( process=args.process in BOOLEAN_VALUES, exporter=args.exporter, quiet=args.quiet in BOOLEAN_VALUES, dynamic=args.dynamic in BOOLEAN_VALUES, folder=args.dump_folder, optimization=args.opt_patterns if args.opt_patterns != "none" else "", memory_peak=args.memory_peak in BOOLEAN_VALUES, part=int(args.part) if split_process else None, pickled_name="temp_pickled_file.pkl" if split_process else None, rtopt=args.rtopt in BOOLEAN_VALUES, shape_again=args.shape2 in BOOLEAN_VALUES, ) ) duration = time.perf_counter() - begin if do_profile: import io import pstats from onnx_array_api.profiling import profile2graph pr.disable() s = io.StringIO() sortby = pstats.SortKey.CUMULATIVE ps = pstats.Stats(pr, stream=s).sort_stats(sortby) root, _ = profile2graph(ps, clean_text=_clean_text) text = root.to_text(fct_width=100) filename = ( f"{args.output_data}.profile.txt" if args.output_data else "profile.txt" ) with open(filename, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write(text) if args.tag: for d in data: d["version_tag"] = args.tag if len(data) == 1: for k, v in sorted(data[0].items()): print(f":{k},{v};") else: print(f":model_name,{name};") print(f":device,{args.device};") print(f":ERROR,unexpected number of data {len(data)};") if args.output_data: df = make_dataframe_from_benchmark_data(data, detailed=False) df["DATE"] = f"{}" df["ITER"] = 0 df["TIME_ITER"] = duration df["PART"] = int(args.part) if args.part in (0, 1, "0", "1") else np.nan filename = args.output_data if os.path.exists(filename): # Let's avoid losing data. name, ext = os.path.splitext(filename) i = 2 while os.path.exists(filename): filename = f"{name}.i{i}{ext}" i += 1 print(f"Prints out the results into file {filename!r}") fold, _ = os.path.split(filename) if fold and not os.path.exists(fold): os.makedirs(fold) df.to_csv(filename, index=False, errors="ignore") df.to_excel(filename + ".xlsx", index=False) if args.verbose: print(df) # also write a summary if args.part in (None, "", 1, "1"): fn = f"{filename}.summary-one.xlsx" print(f"Prints out the summary into file {fn!r}") merge_benchmark_reports(df, excel_output=fn)