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Source code for experimental_experiment.xoptim.patterns.onnx_sequence
import inspect
from typing import List , Optional
from onnx import NodeProto
from ..patterns_api import MatchResult , PatternOptimization
class SequenceConstructAtPattern ( PatternOptimization ):
Replaces the sequence ``SequenceConstruct(x1, x2, ...)`` followed
by ``SequenceAt(seq, 0)``, ``SequenceAt(seq, 1)``, ...
def match (
self ,
g : "GraphBuilderPatternOptimization" , # noqa: F821
node : NodeProto ,
matched : List [ MatchResult ],
) -> Optional [ MatchResult ]:
if node . op_type != "SequenceConstruct" or node . domain != "" :
return self . none ()
next_nodes = g . next_nodes ( node . output [ 0 ])
if len ( next_nodes ) != len ( node . input ):
return self . none ( node , inspect . currentframe () . f_lineno )
if any ( n . op_type != "SequenceAt" for n in next_nodes ):
return self . none ( node , inspect . currentframe () . f_lineno )
ats = [ n . input [ 1 ] for n in next_nodes ]
if any ( not g . is_constant_scalar ( a ) for a in ats ):
return self . none ( node , inspect . currentframe () . f_lineno )
cst = [ g . get_constant_scalar ( a ) for a in ats ]
if set ( cst ) != set ( range ( len ( ats ))):
return self . none ( node , inspect . currentframe () . f_lineno )
return MatchResult ( self , [ node , * next_nodes ], self . apply , insert_at = node )
def apply (
self ,
g : "GraphBuilder" , # noqa: F821
node_seq : NodeProto ,
* node_ats : NodeProto ,
) -> List [ NodeProto ]:
assert len ( node_seq . input ) == len (
), f "Matching failed because len( { node_seq . input } ) != { len ( node_ats ) } "
new_nodes = []
for n in node_ats :
i = g . get_constant_scalar ( n . input [ 1 ])
new_nodes . append (
g . make_node (
"Identity" ,
[ node_seq . input [ i ]],
n . output ,
name = f " { self . __class__ . __name__ } -- { node_seq . name } " ,
return new_nodes