import inspect
from enum import IntEnum
from typing import List, Optional
import numpy as np
from onnx import NodeProto
from ...xbuilder._shape_helper import DYNAMIC_SHAPE
from ..patterns_api import MatchResult, PatternOptimization
class MulMulMulScalarPattern(PatternOptimization):
Replaces the sequence {Div | Mul} and {Div | Mul} + {Div | Mul} with {Div | Mul} Mul.
def match(
g: "GraphBuilderPatternOptimization", # noqa: F821
node: NodeProto,
matched: List[MatchResult],
) -> Optional[MatchResult]:
if node.op_type not in {"Div", "Mul"} or node.domain != "":
return self.none()
if g.is_used_more_than_once(node.input[0]) or g.is_used_more_than_once(node.input[1]):
return self.none(node, inspect.currentframe().f_lineno)
node_left = g.node_before(node.input[0])
if node_left is None or node_left.op_type not in {"Div", "Mul"} or node.domain != "":
return self.none(node, inspect.currentframe().f_lineno)
node_right = g.node_before(node.input[1])
if node_right is None or node_right.op_type not in {"Div", "Mul"} or node.domain != "":
return self.none(node, inspect.currentframe().f_lineno)
# checking for the constant (right)
if not g.is_constant(node_left.input[1]) or not g.is_constant(node_right.input[1]):
return self.none(node, inspect.currentframe().f_lineno)
cst_left = g.get_computed_constant(node_left.input[1])
cst_right = g.get_computed_constant(node_right.input[1])
if cst_left.shape not in {tuple(), (1,)} or cst_right.shape not in {
return self.none(node, inspect.currentframe().f_lineno)
nodes = [node, node_left, node_right]
return MatchResult(self, nodes, self.apply)
def apply(
g: "GraphBuilder", # noqa: F821
node: NodeProto,
node_left: NodeProto,
node_right: NodeProto,
) -> List[NodeProto]:
new_node = g.make_node(
[node_left.input[0], node_right.input[0]],
cst_left = g.get_computed_constant(node_left.input[1])
cst_right = g.get_computed_constant(node_right.input[1])
if node_left.op_type == "Div":
cst_left = np.reciprocal(cst_left)
if node_right.op_type == "Div":
cst_right = np.reciprocal(cst_right)
if not isinstance(cst_left, np.ndarray):
cst_left = np.array(cst_left)
if not isinstance(cst_right, np.ndarray):
cst_right = np.array(cst_right)
assert (
cst_left.dtype == cst_right.dtype
), f"Type mismatch left is {cst_left.dtype}, right is {cst_right.dtype}"
new_value = cst_left * cst_right
if not isinstance(new_value, np.ndarray):
new_value = np.array(new_value)
new_cst = g.make_initializer(
"", new_value, source="MulMulMulScalarPattern.apply.new_cst"
new_node2 = g.make_node(
[new_node.output[0], new_cst],
return [new_node, new_node2]
class SwitchOrderBinaryPattern(PatternOptimization):
If it makes sense, switches the order of two multiplications
or two addtions if the broadcasting reduces one operator to
a an insignificant number.
class BroadcastType(IntEnum):
Kind of broadcast.
TRUE = 1
BOTH = 3
def match(
g: "GraphBuilderPatternOptimization", # noqa: F821
node: NodeProto,
matched: List[MatchResult],
) -> Optional[MatchResult]:
if node.op_type not in {"Add", "Mul"} or node.domain != "":
return self.none()
if not g.has_shape(node.input[0]) or not g.has_shape(node.input[1]):
return self.none(node, inspect.currentframe().f_lineno)
op_type = node.op_type
left = g.node_before(node.input[0])
right = g.node_before(node.input[1])
left_type = getattr(left, "op_type", None)
right_type = getattr(right, "op_type", None)
if op_type not in {left_type, right_type}:
return self.none()
if left_type is None:
choose = 1
elif right_type is None:
choose = 0
# Both left and right do the same operator.
if (
left.op_type != op_type
or not g.has_shape(left.input[0])
or not g.has_shape(left.input[1])
if right.op_type != op_type:
return self.none(node, inspect.currentframe().f_lineno)
choose = 1
elif (
right.op_type != op_type
or not g.has_shape(right.input[0])
or not g.has_shape(right.input[1])
if left.op_type != op_type:
return self.none(node, inspect.currentframe().f_lineno)
choose = 0
elif right.op_type != op_type:
if left.op_type != op_type:
return self.none(node, inspect.currentframe().f_lineno)
choose = 0
elif left.op_type != op_type:
choose = 1
# all have shapes and the right type
choose = 3
other_node = left if choose == 0 else right
assert (
other_node.op_type == node.op_type
), f"Type mismatch {node.op_type} != {other_node.op_type}"
if not g.has_shape(other_node.input[0]) or not g.has_shape(other_node.input[1]):
return self.none(node, inspect.currentframe().f_lineno)
shape_left = g.get_shape(node.input[0])
shape_right = g.get_shape(node.input[1])
before_left = g.get_shape(other_node.input[0])
before_right = g.get_shape(other_node.input[1])
if self.switch_order(shape_left, shape_right, before_left, before_right, choose) == 0:
if choose < 3:
return self.none(node, inspect.currentframe().f_lineno)
choose = 1
other_node = right
before_left = g.get_shape(other_node.input[0])
before_right = g.get_shape(other_node.input[1])
if (
self.switch_order(shape_left, shape_right, before_left, before_right, choose)
== 0
return self.none(node, inspect.currentframe().f_lineno)
assert choose in (0, 1), f"Unexpected value for choose={choose}"
assert (
other_node.op_type == node.op_type
), f"Type mismatch {node.op_type} != {other_node.op_type}"
if g.is_used_more_than_once(other_node.output[0]):
return self.none(node, inspect.currentframe().f_lineno)
nodes = [node, left if choose == 0 else None, right if choose == 1 else None]
return MatchResult(self, nodes, self.apply, insert_at=node)
def _align_shape(self, sh: DYNAMIC_SHAPE, rk: int) -> DYNAMIC_SHAPE:
Aligns shapes to the same size.
if len(sh) == rk:
return sh
return (1,) * (rk - len(sh)) + sh
def switch_order(
shape_left: DYNAMIC_SHAPE,
shape_right: DYNAMIC_SHAPE,
shape_before_left: DYNAMIC_SHAPE,
shape_before_right: DYNAMIC_SHAPE,
side: int,
) -> int:
Tells if the order should be switched.
`side==0` indicates if `shape_left` comes from
`Op(shape_before_left, shape_before_mul)`.
if ``side == 0``:
* Case 0: (B + C) + A: ``Op(Op(shape_before_left, shape_before_right), shape_right)``
* Case 1: (B + A) + C: ``Op(Op(shape_before_left, shape_right), shape_before_right)``
* Case 2: (A + C) + B: ``Op(Op(shape_right, shape_before_left), shape_before_left)``
The function returns the case.
if side == 1:
return self.switch_order(
shape_right, shape_left, shape_before_left, shape_before_right, 0
# option
r_left = len(shape_left)
r_right = len(shape_right)
r_b_left = len(shape_before_left)
r_b_right = len(shape_before_right)
rk = max(max(r_left, r_right), max(r_b_left, r_b_right))
assert max(r_left, r_right) == rk, (
f"Inconsistencies with shapes (side={side}) shape_left={shape_left}, "
f"shape_right={shape_right}, shape_before_left={shape_before_left}, "
cases = [
max(r_b_left, r_b_right),
max(r_right, r_b_left),
max(r_right, r_b_right),
if cases[0] < min(cases[1], cases[2]):
return 0
if cases[1] < min(cases[0], cases[2]):
return 1
if cases[2] < min(cases[0], cases[1]):
return 2
# Ranks cannot be used to determine if switch is recommended.
rk = max(cases)
# shape_left = self._align_shape(shape_left, rk)
shape_right = self._align_shape(shape_right, rk)
shape_before_left = self._align_shape(shape_before_left, rk)
shape_before_right = self._align_shape(shape_before_right, rk)
for b, c, a in zip(shape_before_left, shape_before_right, shape_right):
if b == c == a:
if isinstance(a, int) and isinstance(b, int) and isinstance(c, int):
cases = [max(b, c), max(b, a), max(a, c)]
if cases[0] < min(cases[1], cases[2]):
return 0
if cases[1] < min(cases[0], cases[2]):
return 1
if cases[2] < min(cases[0], cases[1]):
return 2
# Dynamic shapes is not implemented yet but it should
# take place here.
# No change.
return 0
def apply(
g: "GraphBuilder", # noqa: F821
node: NodeProto,
node_left: NodeProto,
node_right: NodeProto,
) -> List[NodeProto]:
side = 1 if node_left is None else 0
other_node = node_right if node_left is None else node_left
assert (
other_node.op_type == node.op_type
), f"Type mismatch {node.op_type} != {other_node.op_type}"
shape_left = g.get_shape(node.input[0])
shape_right = g.get_shape(node.input[1])
before_left = g.get_shape(other_node.input[0])
before_right = g.get_shape(other_node.input[1])
case = self.switch_order(shape_left, shape_right, before_left, before_right, side)
assert case in (1, 2), (
f"case={case}, the matching should not have happened "
f"(side={side}) shape_left={shape_left}, "
f"shape_right={shape_right}, before_left={before_left}, "
# For side == 0
# Case 0: (B + C) + A
# Case 1: (B + A) + C
# Case 2: (A + C) + B
op_type = node.op_type
final = node.output[0]
if side == 0:
B, C, A = other_node.input[0], other_node.input[1], node.input[1]
if case == 1:
op1 = g.make_node(
op_type, [B, A], name=f"{self.__class__.__name__}--{}"
op2 = g.make_node(
[op1.output[0], C],
return [op1, op2]
# case 2
op1 = g.make_node(op_type, [C, A], name=f"{self.__class__.__name__}--{}")
op2 = g.make_node(
[op1.output[0], B],
return [op1, op2]
# side 1
B, C, A = other_node.input[0], other_node.input[1], node.input[0]
if case == 1:
op1 = g.make_node(op_type, [B, A], name=f"{self.__class__.__name__}--{}")
op2 = g.make_node(
[op1.output[0], C],
return [op1, op2]
# case 2
op1 = g.make_node(op_type, [C, A], name=f"{self.__class__.__name__}--{}")
op2 = g.make_node(
[op1.output[0], B],
return [op1, op2]