Source code for experimental_experiment.torch_models.dump_helper

import contextlib
import os
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
import numpy as np
from onnx import ModelProto, load
from onnx.numpy_helper import to_array
from ..helpers import tensor_dtype_to_np_dtype

[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def dump_onnx(prefix: str, folder: Optional[str] = None, clean: bool = False): """ context enabling the dump of models generated by :epkg:`onnxrt backend`. :param prefix: prefix for all files :param folder: sub folder (created if it does not exist) :param clean: if True, cleans the folder See :ref:`l-plot-onnxrt-diff` for an example. """ if folder: if not os.path.exists(folder): os.makedirs(folder) if clean: for f in os.listdir(folder): ff = os.path.join(folder, f) if os.path.isfile(ff): os.remove(ff) else: assert not clean, "cleaning can only happen if folder is specified" value = os.environ.get("ONNXRT_DUMP_PATH", None) os.environ["ONNXRT_DUMP_PATH"] = os.path.join(folder, f"{prefix}_") try: yield finally: os.environ["ONNXRT_DUMP_PATH"] = value or ""
[docs] def assert_all_close( v1: Any, v2: Any, atol: Union[float, Tuple[float, float]] = 1e-5, rtol: float = 1e-5, msg: str = "", ): """ Checks that the expected outputs and new outputs are the same. :param v1: tensor or tuple of tensors :param v2: tensor or tuple of tensors :param atol: absolute error or (absolute error, quantile), if quantile is specified, the function checks the error is < atol for quantile % :param rtol: relative error :param msg: more complex message See :ref:`l-plot-onnxrt-diff` for an example. """ if msg: try: assert_all_close(v1, v2, atol=atol, rtol=rtol) except AssertionError as e: raise AssertionError(f"ERROR: {msg}") from e return import torch aatol = atol if isinstance(atol, tuple): atol, quantile = atol else: atol, quantile = atol, None if isinstance(v1, torch.Tensor): assert isinstance(v2, torch.Tensor), f"v2 is not a tensor but {type(v2)}" assert_all_close( v1.detach().cpu().numpy(), v2.detach().cpu().numpy(), atol=aatol, rtol=rtol ) # assert torch.allclose(v1.cpu(), v2.cpu(), atol=atol, rtol=rtol, equal_nan=True) elif isinstance(v1, np.ndarray): assert isinstance(v2, np.ndarray), f"v2 is not an array but {type(v2)}" try: # desired is the second input np.testing.assert_allclose(v2, v1, atol=atol, rtol=rtol) except AssertionError as e: if quantile is None: if v1.size <= 10: raise AssertionError( f"Discrepancies between\nv1={v1}\nv2={v2}\nratio={v2/v1}" ) from e raise maxdiff = np.abs(v1 - v2) th = np.quantile(maxdiff, quantile) ind = maxdiff <= th r = maxdiff[ind] rmax = r.max() if rmax > atol: li = r.ravel().tolist() li.sort() msg = ( f"quantile={quantile} th={th} rmax={rmax} atol={atol} " f"dtypes={v1.dtype} {v2.dtype}, shapes={v1.shape} {v2.shape}, " f"means={v1.mean()} median={np.median(v1)} {np.median(v2)}, " f"{v2.mean()}, min={v1.min()} {v2.min()}, " f"max={v1.max()} {v2.max()}, ..... {li[:10]} ..... {li[-10:]}" ) raise AssertionError(msg) from e elif isinstance(v1, (tuple, list)): assert isinstance(v2, type(v1)), f"v2 is not a {type(v1)} but {type(v2)}" v1 = tuple(_ for _ in v1 if _ is not None) v2 = tuple(_ for _ in v2 if _ is not None) assert len(v1) == len(v2), f"tuple have different lengths {len(v1)} != {len(v2)}" for a, b in zip(v1, v2): assert_all_close(a, b, atol=aatol, rtol=rtol) elif isinstance(v1, int): assert isinstance(v2, type(v1)), f"v2 is not a {type(v1)} but {type(v2)}" assert v1 == v2 else: raise AssertionError(f"Unexpected type for v1 and v2 {type(v1)}, {type(v2)}")
[docs] def reorder_functions_in_proto(proto: Union[str, ModelProto]) -> Union[str, ModelProto]: """ The reference implementation expects function to be defined. So rank function has to be placed in the first position :param proto: a model :return: modified model inplace See :ref:`l-plot-onnxrt-diff` for an example. """ if isinstance(proto, str): p = load(proto) p2 = reorder_functions_in_proto(p) with open(proto, "wb") as f: f.write(p2.SerializeToString()) return proto def _order(name): if name == "Rank": return 0 if name == "IsScalar": return 1 return 10 names = [(_order(,, f) for f in proto.functions] names.sort() del proto.functions[:] proto.functions.extend([_[-1] for _ in names]) return proto
[docs] def inputs_from_onnx_model( model: Union[str, ModelProto], init: bool = False ) -> List[Tuple[str, int, Tuple[int, ...]]]: """ Returns the inputs for a model. :param model: model or filename :param init: include the initializer as well :return: list of inputs and initializers See :ref:`l-plot-onnxrt-diff` for an example. """ if isinstance(model, str): proto = load(model) else: proto = model res = [] for i in proto.graph.input: res.append( ( "INPUT",, i.type.tensor_type.elem_type, tuple( d.dim_param if d.dim_param else d.dim_value for d in i.type.tensor_type.shape.dim ), ) ) if init: for i in proto.graph.initializer: res.append(("INIT",, i.data_type, tuple(i.dims))) return res
[docs] def build_matching_inputs( model1: Union[str, ModelProto], feeds: Dict[str, Any], model2: Union[str, ModelProto], ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Builds a list of inputs for a model based on the inputs made for another. We assume they both needs the same inputs. :param model1: first model :param feeds: inputs for the first model :param model2: second model, the one we need the inputs for :return: new inputs See :ref:`l-plot-onnxrt-diff` for an example. """ if isinstance(model1, str): return build_matching_inputs(load(model1), feeds, model2) if isinstance(model2, str): return build_matching_inputs(model1, feeds, load(model2)) feeds_rev = {} for k, v in feeds.items(): if hasattr(v, "detach"): v = v.deatch().numpy() key = v.dtype, v.shape if key not in feeds_rev: feeds_rev[key] = [] feeds_rev[key].append((k, v)) for i in model1.graph.initializer: if in feeds: continue dt = tensor_dtype_to_np_dtype(i.data_type) shape = tuple(i.dims) key = dt, shape if key not in feeds_rev: feeds_rev[key] = [] feeds_rev[key].append((, to_array(i))) # inputs2 inputs = inputs_from_onnx_model(model2) feeds2 = {} for _kind, name, dt, shape in inputs: dt = tensor_dtype_to_np_dtype(dt) key = dt, shape if key in feeds_rev: if feeds_rev[key]: feeds2[name] = feeds_rev[key][0][1] del feeds_rev[key][0] continue raise RuntimeError(f"Unable to find key={key} among {list(feeds_rev)}") return feeds2
[docs] def results_to_string(results: Any, indent: str = "") -> str: """ Builds a string showing the type and shape of every tensor in it. """ import torch if isinstance(results, torch.Tensor): return f"{indent}{results.dtype} {tuple(results.shape)} [sum={results.sum():1.3g}]" if isinstance(results, tuple): return f"{indent}{len(results)} results\n" + "\n".join( results_to_string(r, indent=indent + " ") for r in results ) raise RuntimeError(f"Unexpected type {type(results)} for results")