Source code for onnx_extended.validation.bench_trees

import cProfile
import datetime
import io
import logging
import pstats
import time
import warnings
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional
import numpy as np
from onnx import ModelProto
from onnx.helper import make_model, make_graph

[docs] def create_decision_tree(n_features: int = 100, max_depth: int = 14) -> ModelProto: from sklearn.datasets import make_regression from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeRegressor from skl2onnx import to_onnx logging.getLogger("skl2onnx").setLevel(logging.ERROR) # from import onnx2string X, y = make_regression(2 ** (max_depth + 1), n_features=n_features, n_targets=1) X, y = X.astype(np.float32), y.astype(np.float32) batch_size = 2**max_depth model = DecisionTreeRegressor(max_depth=max_depth)[:-batch_size], y[:-batch_size]) onx = to_onnx(model, X[:1]) return onx
[docs] class Engine: """ Implements a common interface to the different ways to run the inference. """ def __init__(self, name: str, sess: Any): = name self.sess_ = sess def run(self, unused: Any, feeds: Dict[str, np.ndarray]) -> List[np.ndarray]: return, feeds)
[docs] class EngineCython(Engine): """ Same interface as InferenceSession but for :class:`OrtSession <onnx_extended.ortcy.wrap.ortinf.OrtSession>`. """ def run(self, unused: Any, feeds: Dict[str, np.ndarray]) -> List[np.ndarray]: return
[docs] def create_engine(name: str, onx: ModelProto, feeds: Dict[str, np.ndarray]) -> Engine: """ Creates engines to benchmark a random forest. :param name: name of the engine, see below :param onx: the model :param feeds: the inputs :return: an instance of :class:`Engine` Possible choices: * `onnxruntime`: simple onnxruntime.InferenceSession * `onnxruntime-customop`: onnxruntime.InferenceSession with a custom implementation for the trees * `CReferenceEvaluator`: :class:`onnx_extended.reference.CReferenceEvaluator` * `cython`: cython wrapper for the onnxruntime shared libraries * `cython-customop`: cython wrapper for the onnxruntime shared libraries with a custom implementation for the trees """ if name == "onnxruntime": with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") from onnxruntime import InferenceSession eng = Engine( name, InferenceSession( onx.SerializeToString(), providers=["CPUExecutionProvider"] ), ) elif name == "CReferenceEvaluator": from ..reference import CReferenceEvaluator eng = Engine(name, CReferenceEvaluator(onx)) elif name == "onnxruntime-customops": with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") from onnxruntime import InferenceSession, SessionOptions from ..ortops.optim.cpu import get_ort_ext_libs from ..ortops.optim.optimize import ( change_onnx_operator_domain, get_node_attribute, ) onx2 = change_onnx_operator_domain( onx, op_type="TreeEnsembleRegressor", op_domain="", new_op_domain="onnx_extended.ortops.optim.cpu", nodes_modes=",".join( map( lambda s: s.decode("ascii"), get_node_attribute(onx.graph.node[0], "nodes_modes").strings, ) ), ) so = SessionOptions() so.register_custom_ops_library(get_ort_ext_libs()[0]) eng = Engine( name, InferenceSession( onx2.SerializeToString(), so, providers=["CPUExecutionProvider"] ), ) elif name == "cython": from ..ortcy.wrap.ortinf import OrtSession eng = EngineCython(name, OrtSession(onx.SerializeToString())) elif name == "cython-customops": from ..ortcy.wrap.ortinf import OrtSession from ..ortops.optim.cpu import get_ort_ext_libs from ..ortops.optim.optimize import ( change_onnx_operator_domain, get_node_attribute, ) onx2 = change_onnx_operator_domain( onx, op_type="TreeEnsembleRegressor", op_domain="", new_op_domain="onnx_extended.ortops.optim.cpu", nodes_modes=",".join( map( lambda s: s.decode("ascii"), get_node_attribute(onx.graph.node[0], "nodes_modes").strings, ) ), ) eng = EngineCython( name, OrtSession(onx2.SerializeToString(), custom_libs=get_ort_ext_libs()) ) else: raise NotImplementedError(f"Unable to create engin for name={name!r}.") return eng
[docs] def bench_trees( max_depth: int = 14, n_estimators: int = 100, n_features: int = 100, batch_size=10000, number: int = 10, warmup: int = 2, verbose: int = 0, engine_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, repeat: int = 2, profile: bool = False, ) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """ Measures the performances of the different implements of the TreeEnsemble. :param max_depth: depth of tree :param n_estimators: number of trees in the forest :param n_features: number of features :param batch_size: batch size :param number: number of calls to measure :param warmup: number of calls before starting the measure :param verbose: verbosity :param engine_names: see below :param repeat: number of times to repeat the measure :param profile: run a profiler as well :return: list of observations Possible choices: * `onnxruntime`: simple onnxruntime.InferenceSession * `onnxruntime-customop`: onnxruntime.InferenceSession with a custom implementation for the trees * `CReferenceEvaluator`: :class:`onnx_extended.reference.CReferenceEvaluator` * `cython`: cython wrapper for the onnxruntime shared libraries * `cython-customop`: cython wrapper for the onnxruntime shared libraries with a custom implementation for the trees """ from import multiply_tree now = lambda: # noqa: E731 if n_features == 100 and max_depth == 14: if verbose > 0: print(f" [bench_trees] {now()} import tree") from ._tree_d14_f100 import tree_d14_f100 tree = tree_d14_f100() else: if verbose > 0: print(f" [bench_trees] {now()} create tree") tree = create_decision_tree(n_features=n_features, max_depth=max_depth) if verbose > 0: print(f" [bench_trees] {now()} create forest with {n_estimators} trees") onx2 = multiply_tree(tree.graph.node[0], n_estimators) new_tree = make_model( make_graph([onx2],, tree.graph.input, tree.graph.output), domain=tree.domain, opset_imports=tree.opset_import, ir_version=tree.ir_version, ) if verbose > 0: print( f" [bench_trees] {now()} modelsize " f"{float(len(new_tree.SerializeToString()))/2**10:1.3f} Kb" ) print(f" [bench_trees] {now()} create datasets") from sklearn.datasets import make_regression X, _ = make_regression(batch_size, n_features=n_features, n_targets=1) feeds = {"X": X.astype(np.float32)} # self.assertRaise(lambda: multiply_tree(onx, 2), TypeError) # onx2 = multiply_tree(onx.graph.node[0], 2) if verbose > 0: print(f" [bench_trees] {now()} create engines") if engine_names is None: engine_names = [ "onnxruntime", "CReferenceEvaluator", "onnxruntime-customops", "cython", "cython-customops", ] engines = {} for name in engine_names: if verbose > 1: print(f" [bench_trees] {now()} create engine {name!r}") engines[name] = create_engine(name, new_tree, feeds) if verbose > 0: print(f" [bench_trees] {now()} benchmark") if profile: pr = cProfile.Profile() pr.enable() results = [] for r in range(repeat): for name, engine in engines.items(): if verbose > 1: print(f" [bench_trees] {now()} test {name!r} warmup...") for _ in range(warmup):, feeds) if verbose > 1: print(f" [bench_trees] {now()} test {name!r} benchmark...") begin = time.perf_counter() for i in range(number): feeds["X"] += feeds["X"] * np.float32(np.random.random() / 1000), feeds) duration = time.perf_counter() - begin if verbose > 1: print( f" [bench_trees] {now()} test {name!r} " f"duration={float(duration) / number}" ) results.append( dict( name=name, repeat=r, duration=float(duration) / number, n_estimators=n_estimators, number=number, n_features=n_features, max_depth=max_depth, batch_size=batch_size, ) ) if profile: pr.disable() s = io.StringIO() sortby = pstats.SortKey.CUMULATIVE ps = pstats.Stats(pr, stream=s).sort_stats(sortby) ps.print_stats() print(s.getvalue()) return results