Build with onnxruntime

This package includes a wrapper for onnxruntime based on cython. The standard one relies on pybind11. For that purpose, it includes the onnxruntime binaries released on github (see onnxruntime releases).

build onnxruntime

clear&&CUDA_VERSION=11.8 CUDACXX=/usr/local/cuda-11.8/bin/nvcc python ./tools/ci_build/ \
        --config Release --build_wheel --build_dir ./build/linux_cuda \
        --build_shared_lib --use_cuda --cuda_home /usr/local/cuda-11.8/ \
        --cudnn_home /usr/local/cuda-11.8/ --cuda_version=11.8 --enable_training --enable_training_ops \
        --cmake_extra_defines "CMAKE_CUDA_ARCHITECTURES=61" \
        --parallel --skip_tests

clear&&CUDA_VERSION=12.1 CUDACXX=/usr/local/cuda-12.1/bin/nvcc python ./tools/ci_build/ \
        --config Release --build_wheel --build_dir ./build/linux_cuda \
        --build_shared_lib --use_cuda --cuda_home /usr/local/cuda-12.1/ \
        --cudnn_home /usr/local/cuda-12.1/ --cuda_version=12.1 --enable_training --enable_training_ops \
        --cmake_extra_defines "CMAKE_CUDA_ARCHITECTURES=70;72" \
        --parallel --skip_tests


The first step is to load the extension FindOrt.cmake with find_package(Ort REQUIRED). This file exposes two functions. The first one ort_add_dependency(name folder_copy) copies the binaries into folder folder_copy and links target name with onnxruntime.

The second function ort_add_custom_op(name folder “CPU”) creates a library with several custom kernels for onnxruntime and links it with onnxruntime. name is the project name, folder its location.

    ortops_tutorial_cpu                                             # name
    ../onnx_extended/ortops/tutorial/cpu                            # folder
    ../onnx_extended/ortops/tutorial/cpu/               # source file
    ../onnx_extended/ortops/tutorial/cpu/          # source file
    ../onnx_extended/ortops/tutorial/cpu/   # source file

Every new kernel can be added by adding new source file. A line must be added in file to register the kernel. That file also defines the domain the kernel belongs to. These project define constant ORT_VERSION. For example, version 1.15 becomes 1150.