Source code for onnx_extended.reference.c_ops.c_op_conv

from typing import Any, Dict

import numpy as np

from onnx import NodeProto
from onnx.reference.op_run import OpRun
from .cpu.c_op_conv_ import ConvDouble, ConvFloat

[docs]class Conv(OpRun): def __init__( self, onnx_node: NodeProto, run_params: Dict[str, Any], schema: Any = None ): OpRun.__init__(self, onnx_node, run_params, schema) self.cache_: Dict[type, Any] = {} def _run( self, X, W, B=None, auto_pad=None, dilations=None, group=None, kernel_shape=None, pads=None, strides=None, ): if X.dtype not in self.cache_: if X.dtype == np.float32: rt = ConvFloat() elif X.dtype == np.float64: rt = ConvDouble() else: raise TypeError( f"No C implementation C for operator 'Conv' and dtype={X.dtype}." ) self.cache_[X.dtype] = rt rt.init( auto_pad, np.array(dilations or [], dtype=np.int64), group, np.array(kernel_shape or [], dtype=np.int64), np.array(pads or [], dtype=np.int64), np.array(strides or [], dtype=np.int64), ) rt = self.cache_[X.dtype] assert X is not None, f"X cannot be None for operator {type(self)}." assert ( min(X.shape) != 0 ), f"Unable to run operator Conv on an empty matrix. X.shape={X.shape!r}." assert ( B is None or min(B.shape) != 0 ), f"Unable to run operator Conv on an empty matrix. B.shape={B.shape!r}." cv = rt.compute(X, W, B) return (cv,)