Build from source#
The packages relies on cmake to build the C++ extensions. whether it wrapped with pybind11 or cython. Both options are available and can be linked with openmp, eigen, onnxruntime, CUDA. cmake is called from with two instructions:
python build_ext --inplace
, the legacy waypip install -e .
, the new way
By default, cmake builds with CUDA if it is available. It can be disabled:
python build_ext -v --inplace --with-cuda=0
, the legacy waypip install -e . -v --config-settings="--with-cuda=0"
, the new way (not fully working yet)pip install -e . -v --global-option "--with-cuda=0"
, the deprecated wayUSE_CUDA=0 pip install -e . -v
, the run around way
In case there are multiple versions of CUDA installed, option cuda-version can be specified:
python build_ext --inplace --cuda-version=11.8
The development versions of onnxruntime can be used if it was already build
--ort-version=<version or build path>
. Example:
python build_ext --inplace --cuda-version=11.8 --ort-version=/home/github/onnxruntime/build/linux_cuda/Release