TreeEnsemble optimization#

The execution of a TreeEnsembleRegressor can lead to very different results depending on how the computation is parallelized. By trees, by rows, by both, for only one row, for a short batch of rows, a longer one. The implementation in onnxruntime does not let the user changed the predetermined settings but a custom kernel might. That’s what this example is measuring.

The default set of optimized parameters is very short and is meant to be executed fast. Many more parameters can be tried.

python plot_op_tree_ensemble_optim --scenario=LONG

To change the training parameters:


Another example with a full list of parameters:


–n_trees=100 –max_depth=10 –n_features=50 –batch_size=100000 –tries=3 –scenario=CUSTOM –parallel_tree=80,40 –parallel_tree_N=128,64 –parallel_N=50,25 –batch_size_tree=1,2 –batch_size_rows=1,2 –use_node3=0

Another example:

    --n_trees=100 --n_features=10 --batch_size=10000 --max_depth=8 -s SHORT
import logging
import os
import timeit
from typing import Tuple
import numpy
import onnx
from onnx import ModelProto
from onnx.helper import make_graph, make_model
from onnx.reference import ReferenceEvaluator
from pandas import DataFrame
from sklearn.datasets import make_regression
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor
from skl2onnx import to_onnx
from onnxruntime import InferenceSession, SessionOptions
from onnx_array_api.plotting.text_plot import onnx_simple_text_plot
from onnx_extended.reference import CReferenceEvaluator
from onnx_extended.ortops.optim.cpu import get_ort_ext_libs
from onnx_extended.ortops.optim.optimize import (
from import multiply_tree
from onnx_extended.args import get_parsed_args
from onnx_extended.ext_test_case import unit_test_going
from onnx_extended.plotting.benchmark import hhistograms


script_args = get_parsed_args(
        "SHORT": "short optimization (default)",
        "LONG": "test more options",
        "CUSTOM": "use values specified by the command line",
    n_features=(2 if unit_test_going() else 5, "number of features to generate"),
    n_trees=(3 if unit_test_going() else 10, "number of trees to train"),
    max_depth=(2 if unit_test_going() else 5, "max_depth"),
    batch_size=(1000 if unit_test_going() else 10000, "batch size"),
    parallel_tree=("80,160,40", "values to try for parallel_tree"),
    parallel_tree_N=("256,128,64", "values to try for parallel_tree_N"),
    parallel_N=("100,50,25", "values to try for parallel_N"),
    batch_size_tree=("2,4,8", "values to try for batch_size_tree"),
    batch_size_rows=("2,4,8", "values to try for batch_size_rows"),
    use_node3=("0,1", "values to try for use_node3"),
    n_jobs=("-1", "number of jobs to train the RandomForestRegressor"),

Training a model#

def train_model(
    batch_size: int, n_features: int, n_trees: int, max_depth: int
) -> Tuple[str, numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray]:
    filename = f"plot_op_tree_ensemble_optim-f{n_features}-{n_trees}-d{max_depth}.onnx"
    if not os.path.exists(filename):
        X, y = make_regression(
            batch_size + max(batch_size, 2 ** (max_depth + 1)),
        print(f"Training to get {filename!r} with X.shape={X.shape}")
        X, y = X.astype(numpy.float32), y.astype(numpy.float32)
        # To be faster, we train only 1 tree.
        model = RandomForestRegressor(
            1, max_depth=max_depth, verbose=2, n_jobs=int(script_args.n_jobs)
        )[:-batch_size], y[:-batch_size])
        onx = to_onnx(model, X[:1])

        # And wd multiply the trees.
        node = multiply_tree(onx.graph.node[0], n_trees)
        onx = make_model(
            make_graph([node],, onx.graph.input, onx.graph.output),

        with open(filename, "wb") as f:
        X, y = make_regression(batch_size, n_features=n_features, n_targets=1)
        X, y = X.astype(numpy.float32), y.astype(numpy.float32)
    Xb, yb = X[-batch_size:].copy(), y[-batch_size:].copy()
    return filename, Xb, yb

batch_size = script_args.batch_size
n_features = script_args.n_features
n_trees = script_args.n_trees
max_depth = script_args.max_depth



filename, Xb, yb = train_model(batch_size, n_features, n_trees, max_depth)

Training to get 'plot_op_tree_ensemble_optim-f5-10-d5.onnx' with X.shape=(20000, 5)
[Parallel(n_jobs=-1)]: Using backend ThreadingBackend with 8 concurrent workers.
building tree 1 of 1
[Parallel(n_jobs=-1)]: Done   1 out of   1 | elapsed:    0.2s finished
Xb.shape=(10000, 5)

Rewrite the onnx file to use a different kernel#

The custom kernel is mapped to a custom operator with the same name the attributes and domain = “onnx_extented.ortops.optim.cpu”. We call a function to do that replacement. First the current model.

with open(filename, "rb") as f:
    onx = onnx.load(f)
opset: domain='' version=1
opset: domain='' version=19
input: name='X' type=dtype('float32') shape=['', 5]
TreeEnsembleRegressor(X, n_targets=1, nodes_falsenodeids=630:[32,17,10...62,0,0], nodes_featureids=630:[0,0,3...2,0,0], nodes_hitrates=630:[1.0,1.0...1.0,1.0], nodes_missing_value_tracks_true=630:[0,0,0...0,0,0], nodes_modes=630:[b'BRANCH_LEQ',b'BRANCH_LEQ'...b'LEAF',b'LEAF'], nodes_nodeids=630:[0,1,2...60,61,62], nodes_treeids=630:[0,0,0...9,9,9], nodes_truenodeids=630:[1,2,3...61,0,0], nodes_values=630:[-0.20009872317314148,-1.1906558275222778...0.0,0.0], post_transform=b'NONE', target_ids=320:[0,0,0...0,0,0], target_nodeids=320:[5,6,8...59,61,62], target_treeids=320:[0,0,0...9,9,9], target_weights=320:[-162.12649536132812,-114.27810668945312...107.13147735595703,152.6385955810547]) -> variable
output: name='variable' type=dtype('float32') shape=['', 1]

And then the modified model.

def transform_model(model, **kwargs):
    onx = ModelProto()
    att = get_node_attribute(onx.graph.node[0], "nodes_modes")
    modes = ",".join(map(lambda s: s.decode("ascii"), att.strings)).replace(
        "BRANCH_", ""
    return change_onnx_operator_domain(

print("Tranform model to add a custom node.")
onx_modified = transform_model(onx)
print(f"Save into {filename + 'modified.onnx'!r}.")
with open(filename + "modified.onnx", "wb") as f:
Tranform model to add a custom node.
Save into 'plot_op_tree_ensemble_optim-f5-10-d5.onnxmodified.onnx'.
opset: domain='' version=1
opset: domain='' version=19
opset: domain='onnx_extented.ortops.optim.cpu' version=1
input: name='X' type=dtype('float32') shape=['', 5]
TreeEnsembleRegressor[onnx_extented.ortops.optim.cpu](X, nodes_modes=b'LEQ,LEQ,LEQ,LEQ,LEQ,LEAF,LEAF,LEQ,LEAF...LEAF,LEAF', n_targets=1, nodes_falsenodeids=630:[32,17,10...62,0,0], nodes_featureids=630:[0,0,3...2,0,0], nodes_hitrates=630:[1.0,1.0...1.0,1.0], nodes_missing_value_tracks_true=630:[0,0,0...0,0,0], nodes_nodeids=630:[0,1,2...60,61,62], nodes_treeids=630:[0,0,0...9,9,9], nodes_truenodeids=630:[1,2,3...61,0,0], nodes_values=630:[-0.20009872317314148,-1.1906558275222778...0.0,0.0], post_transform=b'NONE', target_ids=320:[0,0,0...0,0,0], target_nodeids=320:[5,6,8...59,61,62], target_treeids=320:[0,0,0...9,9,9], target_weights=320:[-162.12649536132812,-114.27810668945312...107.13147735595703,152.6385955810547]) -> variable
output: name='variable' type=dtype('float32') shape=['', 1]

Comparing onnxruntime and the custom kernel#

print(f"Loading {filename!r}")
sess_ort = InferenceSession(filename, providers=["CPUExecutionProvider"])

r = get_ort_ext_libs()
print(f"Creating SessionOptions with {r!r}")
opts = SessionOptions()
if r is not None:

print(f"Loading modified {filename!r}")
sess_cus = InferenceSession(
    onx_modified.SerializeToString(), opts, providers=["CPUExecutionProvider"]

print(f"Running once with shape {Xb.shape}.")
base =, {"X": Xb})[0]
print(f"Running modified with shape {Xb.shape}.")
got =, {"X": Xb})[0]
Loading 'plot_op_tree_ensemble_optim-f5-10-d5.onnx'
Creating SessionOptions with ['/home/xadupre/github/onnx-extended/onnx_extended/ortops/optim/cpu/']
Loading modified 'plot_op_tree_ensemble_optim-f5-10-d5.onnx'
Running once with shape (10000, 5).
Running modified with shape (10000, 5).


d = numpy.abs(base - got)
ya = numpy.abs(base).mean()
print(f"Discrepancies: max={d.max() / ya}, mean={d.mean() / ya} (A={ya})")
Discrepancies: max=2.56771443218895e-07, mean=5.363955679626997e-08 (A=950.80908203125)

Simple verification#

Baseline with onnxruntime.

t1 = timeit.timeit(lambda:, {"X": Xb}), number=50)
print(f"baseline: {t1}")
baseline: 0.10309480000023541

The custom implementation.

t2 = timeit.timeit(lambda:, {"X": Xb}), number=50)
print(f"new time: {t2}")
new time: 0.05421680000017659

The same implementation but ran from the onnx python backend.

ref = CReferenceEvaluator(filename), {"X": Xb})
t3 = timeit.timeit(lambda:, {"X": Xb}), number=50)
print(f"CReferenceEvaluator: {t3}")
CReferenceEvaluator: 0.0474501999997301

The python implementation but from the onnx python backend.

if n_trees < 50:
    # It is usully slow.
    ref = ReferenceEvaluator(filename), {"X": Xb})
    t4 = timeit.timeit(lambda:, {"X": Xb}), number=5)
    print(f"ReferenceEvaluator: {t4} (only 5 times instead of 50)")
ReferenceEvaluator: 4.078654500000084 (only 5 times instead of 50)

Time for comparison#

The custom kernel supports the same attributes as TreeEnsembleRegressor plus new ones to tune the parallelization. They can be seen in Let’s try out many possibilities. The default values are the first ones.

if unit_test_going():
    optim_params = dict(
        parallel_tree=[40],  # default is 80
        parallel_tree_N=[128],  # default is 128
        parallel_N=[50, 25],  # default is 50
        batch_size_tree=[1],  # default is 1
        batch_size_rows=[1],  # default is 1
        use_node3=[0],  # default is 0
elif script_args.scenario in (None, "SHORT"):
    optim_params = dict(
        parallel_tree=[80, 40],  # default is 80
        parallel_tree_N=[128, 64],  # default is 128
        parallel_N=[50, 25],  # default is 50
        batch_size_tree=[1],  # default is 1
        batch_size_rows=[1],  # default is 1
        use_node3=[0],  # default is 0
elif script_args.scenario == "LONG":
    optim_params = dict(
        parallel_tree=[80, 160, 40],
        parallel_tree_N=[256, 128, 64],
        parallel_N=[100, 50, 25],
        batch_size_tree=[1, 2, 4, 8],
        batch_size_rows=[1, 2, 4, 8],
        use_node3=[0, 1],
elif script_args.scenario == "CUSTOM":
    optim_params = dict(
        parallel_tree=list(int(i) for i in script_args.parallel_tree.split(",")),
        parallel_tree_N=list(int(i) for i in script_args.parallel_tree_N.split(",")),
        parallel_N=list(int(i) for i in script_args.parallel_N.split(",")),
        batch_size_tree=list(int(i) for i in script_args.batch_size_tree.split(",")),
        batch_size_rows=list(int(i) for i in script_args.batch_size_rows.split(",")),
        use_node3=list(int(i) for i in script_args.use_node3.split(",")),
    raise ValueError(
        f"Unknown scenario {script_args.scenario!r}, use --help to get them."

cmds = []
for att, value in optim_params.items():
    cmds.append(f"--{att}={','.join(map(str, value))}")
print("Full list of optimization parameters:")
print(" ".join(cmds))
Full list of optimization parameters:
--parallel_tree=80,40 --parallel_tree_N=128,64 --parallel_N=50,25 --batch_size_tree=1 --batch_size_rows=1 --use_node3=0

Then the optimization.

def create_session(onx):
    opts = SessionOptions()
    r = get_ort_ext_libs()
    if r is None:
        raise RuntimeError("No custom implementation available.")
    return InferenceSession(
        onx.SerializeToString(), opts, providers=["CPUExecutionProvider"]

res = optimize_model(
    feeds={"X": Xb},
    baseline=lambda onx: InferenceSession(
        onx.SerializeToString(), providers=["CPUExecutionProvider"]
  0%|          | 0/16 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
i=1/16 TRY=0 //tree=80 //tree_N=128 //N=50 bs_tree=1 batch_size_rows=1 n3=0:   0%|          | 0/16 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
i=1/16 TRY=0 //tree=80 //tree_N=128 //N=50 bs_tree=1 batch_size_rows=1 n3=0:   6%|▋         | 1/16 [00:00<00:07,  1.96it/s]
i=2/16 TRY=0 //tree=80 //tree_N=128 //N=25 bs_tree=1 batch_size_rows=1 n3=0  ~=1.03x:   6%|▋         | 1/16 [00:00<00:07,  1.96it/s]
i=2/16 TRY=0 //tree=80 //tree_N=128 //N=25 bs_tree=1 batch_size_rows=1 n3=0  ~=1.03x:  12%|█▎        | 2/16 [00:00<00:05,  2.71it/s]
i=3/16 TRY=0 //tree=80 //tree_N=64 //N=50 bs_tree=1 batch_size_rows=1 n3=0  ~=1.03x:  12%|█▎        | 2/16 [00:00<00:05,  2.71it/s]
i=3/16 TRY=0 //tree=80 //tree_N=64 //N=50 bs_tree=1 batch_size_rows=1 n3=0  ~=1.03x:  19%|█▉        | 3/16 [00:01<00:04,  3.05it/s]
i=4/16 TRY=0 //tree=80 //tree_N=64 //N=25 bs_tree=1 batch_size_rows=1 n3=0  ~=1.03x:  19%|█▉        | 3/16 [00:01<00:04,  3.05it/s]
i=4/16 TRY=0 //tree=80 //tree_N=64 //N=25 bs_tree=1 batch_size_rows=1 n3=0  ~=1.03x:  25%|██▌       | 4/16 [00:01<00:03,  3.26it/s]
i=5/16 TRY=0 //tree=40 //tree_N=128 //N=50 bs_tree=1 batch_size_rows=1 n3=0  ~=1.03x:  25%|██▌       | 4/16 [00:01<00:03,  3.26it/s]
i=5/16 TRY=0 //tree=40 //tree_N=128 //N=50 bs_tree=1 batch_size_rows=1 n3=0  ~=1.03x:  31%|███▏      | 5/16 [00:01<00:03,  3.23it/s]
i=6/16 TRY=0 //tree=40 //tree_N=128 //N=25 bs_tree=1 batch_size_rows=1 n3=0  ~=1.03x:  31%|███▏      | 5/16 [00:01<00:03,  3.23it/s]
i=6/16 TRY=0 //tree=40 //tree_N=128 //N=25 bs_tree=1 batch_size_rows=1 n3=0  ~=1.03x:  38%|███▊      | 6/16 [00:01<00:02,  3.41it/s]
i=7/16 TRY=0 //tree=40 //tree_N=64 //N=50 bs_tree=1 batch_size_rows=1 n3=0  ~=1.03x:  38%|███▊      | 6/16 [00:01<00:02,  3.41it/s]
i=7/16 TRY=0 //tree=40 //tree_N=64 //N=50 bs_tree=1 batch_size_rows=1 n3=0  ~=1.03x:  44%|████▍     | 7/16 [00:02<00:02,  3.50it/s]
i=8/16 TRY=0 //tree=40 //tree_N=64 //N=25 bs_tree=1 batch_size_rows=1 n3=0  ~=1.03x:  44%|████▍     | 7/16 [00:02<00:02,  3.50it/s]
i=8/16 TRY=0 //tree=40 //tree_N=64 //N=25 bs_tree=1 batch_size_rows=1 n3=0  ~=1.03x:  50%|█████     | 8/16 [00:02<00:02,  3.53it/s]
i=9/16 TRY=1 //tree=80 //tree_N=128 //N=50 bs_tree=1 batch_size_rows=1 n3=0  ~=1.03x:  50%|█████     | 8/16 [00:02<00:02,  3.53it/s]
i=9/16 TRY=1 //tree=80 //tree_N=128 //N=50 bs_tree=1 batch_size_rows=1 n3=0  ~=1.03x:  56%|█████▋    | 9/16 [00:02<00:01,  3.59it/s]
i=10/16 TRY=1 //tree=80 //tree_N=128 //N=25 bs_tree=1 batch_size_rows=1 n3=0  ~=1.03x:  56%|█████▋    | 9/16 [00:02<00:01,  3.59it/s]
i=10/16 TRY=1 //tree=80 //tree_N=128 //N=25 bs_tree=1 batch_size_rows=1 n3=0  ~=1.03x:  62%|██████▎   | 10/16 [00:02<00:01,  3.68it/s]
i=11/16 TRY=1 //tree=80 //tree_N=64 //N=50 bs_tree=1 batch_size_rows=1 n3=0  ~=1.03x:  62%|██████▎   | 10/16 [00:02<00:01,  3.68it/s]
i=11/16 TRY=1 //tree=80 //tree_N=64 //N=50 bs_tree=1 batch_size_rows=1 n3=0  ~=1.03x:  69%|██████▉   | 11/16 [00:03<00:01,  3.74it/s]
i=12/16 TRY=1 //tree=80 //tree_N=64 //N=25 bs_tree=1 batch_size_rows=1 n3=0  ~=1.03x:  69%|██████▉   | 11/16 [00:03<00:01,  3.74it/s]
i=12/16 TRY=1 //tree=80 //tree_N=64 //N=25 bs_tree=1 batch_size_rows=1 n3=0  ~=1.03x:  75%|███████▌  | 12/16 [00:03<00:01,  3.79it/s]
i=13/16 TRY=1 //tree=40 //tree_N=128 //N=50 bs_tree=1 batch_size_rows=1 n3=0  ~=1.03x:  75%|███████▌  | 12/16 [00:03<00:01,  3.79it/s]
i=13/16 TRY=1 //tree=40 //tree_N=128 //N=50 bs_tree=1 batch_size_rows=1 n3=0  ~=1.03x:  81%|████████▏ | 13/16 [00:03<00:00,  3.76it/s]
i=14/16 TRY=1 //tree=40 //tree_N=128 //N=25 bs_tree=1 batch_size_rows=1 n3=0  ~=1.03x:  81%|████████▏ | 13/16 [00:03<00:00,  3.76it/s]
i=14/16 TRY=1 //tree=40 //tree_N=128 //N=25 bs_tree=1 batch_size_rows=1 n3=0  ~=1.03x:  88%|████████▊ | 14/16 [00:04<00:00,  3.73it/s]
i=15/16 TRY=1 //tree=40 //tree_N=64 //N=50 bs_tree=1 batch_size_rows=1 n3=0  ~=1.03x:  88%|████████▊ | 14/16 [00:04<00:00,  3.73it/s]
i=15/16 TRY=1 //tree=40 //tree_N=64 //N=50 bs_tree=1 batch_size_rows=1 n3=0  ~=1.03x:  94%|█████████▍| 15/16 [00:04<00:00,  3.72it/s]
i=16/16 TRY=1 //tree=40 //tree_N=64 //N=25 bs_tree=1 batch_size_rows=1 n3=0  ~=1.03x:  94%|█████████▍| 15/16 [00:04<00:00,  3.72it/s]
i=16/16 TRY=1 //tree=40 //tree_N=64 //N=25 bs_tree=1 batch_size_rows=1 n3=0  ~=1.03x: 100%|██████████| 16/16 [00:04<00:00,  3.66it/s]
i=16/16 TRY=1 //tree=40 //tree_N=64 //N=25 bs_tree=1 batch_size_rows=1 n3=0  ~=1.03x: 100%|██████████| 16/16 [00:04<00:00,  3.48it/s]

And the results.

df = DataFrame(res)
df.to_csv("plot_op_tree_ensemble_optim.csv", index=False)
df.to_excel("plot_op_tree_ensemble_optim.xlsx", index=False)
Index(['average', 'deviation', 'min_exec', 'max_exec', 'repeat', 'number',
       'ttime', 'context_size', 'warmup_time', 'n_exp', 'n_exp_name',
       'short_name', 'TRY', 'name', 'parallel_tree', 'parallel_tree_N',
       'parallel_N', 'batch_size_tree', 'batch_size_rows', 'use_node3'],
    average  deviation  min_exec  max_exec  repeat  number     ttime  context_size  warmup_time  ...         short_name  TRY             name  parallel_tree parallel_tree_N  parallel_N  batch_size_tree  batch_size_rows  use_node3
0  0.001382   0.000080  0.001168  0.001464      10      10  0.013825            64     0.007059  ...         0,baseline  0.0         baseline            NaN             NaN         NaN              NaN              NaN        NaN
1  0.001346   0.000627  0.000714  0.002295      10      10  0.013465            64     0.012119  ...  0,80,128,50,1,1,0  NaN  80,128,50,1,1,0           80.0           128.0        50.0              1.0              1.0        0.0
2  0.001477   0.000939  0.000628  0.003061      10      10  0.014766            64     0.015152  ...  0,80,128,25,1,1,0  NaN  80,128,25,1,1,0           80.0           128.0        25.0              1.0              1.0        0.0
3  0.001606   0.000868  0.000659  0.002761      10      10  0.016056            64     0.011667  ...   0,80,64,50,1,1,0  NaN   80,64,50,1,1,0           80.0            64.0        50.0              1.0              1.0        0.0
4  0.001555   0.000857  0.000624  0.002691      10      10  0.015555            64     0.014027  ...   0,80,64,25,1,1,0  NaN   80,64,25,1,1,0           80.0            64.0        25.0              1.0              1.0        0.0

[5 rows x 20 columns]


small_df = df.drop(
     average  deviation     ttime  warmup_time  n_exp         short_name  TRY             name  parallel_tree  parallel_tree_N  parallel_N  batch_size_tree  batch_size_rows  use_node3
1   0.001346   0.000627  0.013465     0.012119      0  0,80,128,50,1,1,0  NaN  80,128,50,1,1,0           80.0            128.0        50.0              1.0              1.0        0.0
0   0.001382   0.000080  0.013825     0.007059      0         0,baseline  0.0         baseline            NaN              NaN         NaN              NaN              NaN        NaN
10  0.001383   0.000805  0.013828     0.013777      9  1,80,128,25,1,1,0  NaN  80,128,25,1,1,0           80.0            128.0        25.0              1.0              1.0        0.0
11  0.001410   0.000598  0.014102     0.012231     10   1,80,64,50,1,1,0  NaN   80,64,50,1,1,0           80.0             64.0        50.0              1.0              1.0        0.0
6   0.001430   0.000618  0.014300     0.010566      5  0,40,128,25,1,1,0  NaN  40,128,25,1,1,0           40.0            128.0        25.0              1.0              1.0        0.0
12  0.001446   0.000577  0.014460     0.004873     11   1,80,64,25,1,1,0  NaN   80,64,25,1,1,0           80.0             64.0        25.0              1.0              1.0        0.0
2   0.001477   0.000939  0.014766     0.015152      1  0,80,128,25,1,1,0  NaN  80,128,25,1,1,0           80.0            128.0        25.0              1.0              1.0        0.0
9   0.001512   0.000731  0.015122     0.009226      8  1,80,128,50,1,1,0  NaN  80,128,50,1,1,0           80.0            128.0        50.0              1.0              1.0        0.0
13  0.001528   0.000717  0.015284     0.011832     12  1,40,128,50,1,1,0  NaN  40,128,50,1,1,0           40.0            128.0        50.0              1.0              1.0        0.0
7   0.001552   0.000674  0.015521     0.010729      6   0,40,64,50,1,1,0  NaN   40,64,50,1,1,0           40.0             64.0        50.0              1.0              1.0        0.0


     average  deviation     ttime  warmup_time  n_exp         short_name  TRY             name  parallel_tree  parallel_tree_N  parallel_N  batch_size_tree  batch_size_rows  use_node3
13  0.001528   0.000717  0.015284     0.011832     12  1,40,128,50,1,1,0  NaN  40,128,50,1,1,0           40.0            128.0        50.0              1.0              1.0        0.0
7   0.001552   0.000674  0.015521     0.010729      6   0,40,64,50,1,1,0  NaN   40,64,50,1,1,0           40.0             64.0        50.0              1.0              1.0        0.0
4   0.001555   0.000857  0.015555     0.014027      3   0,80,64,25,1,1,0  NaN   80,64,25,1,1,0           80.0             64.0        25.0              1.0              1.0        0.0
14  0.001570   0.000872  0.015696     0.011788     13  1,40,128,25,1,1,0  NaN  40,128,25,1,1,0           40.0            128.0        25.0              1.0              1.0        0.0
8   0.001583   0.000816  0.015826     0.014267      7   0,40,64,25,1,1,0  NaN   40,64,25,1,1,0           40.0             64.0        25.0              1.0              1.0        0.0
3   0.001606   0.000868  0.016056     0.011667      2   0,80,64,50,1,1,0  NaN   80,64,50,1,1,0           80.0             64.0        50.0              1.0              1.0        0.0
15  0.001616   0.000736  0.016158     0.005087     14   1,40,64,50,1,1,0  NaN   40,64,50,1,1,0           40.0             64.0        50.0              1.0              1.0        0.0
16  0.001713   0.000969  0.017125     0.007210     15   1,40,64,25,1,1,0  NaN   40,64,25,1,1,0           40.0             64.0        25.0              1.0              1.0        0.0
17  0.001937   0.001396  0.019371     0.022326      0         1,baseline  1.0         baseline            NaN              NaN         NaN              NaN              NaN        NaN
5   0.001968   0.000770  0.019678     0.012655      4  0,40,128,50,1,1,0  NaN  40,128,50,1,1,0           40.0            128.0        50.0              1.0              1.0        0.0


skeys = ",".join(optim_params.keys())
title = f"TreeEnsemble tuning, n_tries={script_args.tries}\n{skeys}\nlower is better"
ax = hhistograms(df, title=title, keys=("name",))
fig = ax.get_figure()
TreeEnsemble tuning, n_tries=2 parallel_tree,parallel_tree_N,parallel_N,batch_size_tree,batch_size_rows,use_node3 lower is better

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 10.922 seconds)

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