Measuring performance of TfIdfVectorizer#

The banchmark measures the performance of a TfIdfVectizer along two parameters, the vocabulary size, the batch size whether. It measures the benefit of using sparse implementation through the computation time and the memory peak.

A simple model#

We start with a model including only one node TfIdfVectorizer. It only contains unigram. The model processes only sequences of 10 integers. The sparsity of the results is then 10 divided by the size of vocabulary.

import gc
import time
import itertools
from typing import Tuple
import numpy as np
import pandas
from onnx import ModelProto
from onnx.helper import make_attribute
from tqdm import tqdm
from onnxruntime import InferenceSession, SessionOptions
from onnx_extended.ext_test_case import measure_time, unit_test_going
from onnx_extended.memory_peak import start_spying_on
from onnx_extended.reference import CReferenceEvaluator
from onnx_extended.ortops.optim.cpu import get_ort_ext_libs
from onnx_extended.plotting.benchmark import vhistograms

def make_onnx(n_words: int) -> ModelProto:
    from skl2onnx.common.data_types import Int64TensorType, FloatTensorType
    from skl2onnx.algebra.onnx_ops import OnnxTfIdfVectorizer

    # from onnx_array_api.light_api import start
    # onx = (
    #     start(opset=19, opsets={"": 3})
    #     .vin("X", elem_type=TensorProto.INT64)
    #     .ai.onnx.TfIdfVectorizer(
    #     ...
    #     )
    #     .rename(Y)
    #     .vout(elem_type=TensorProto.FLOAT)
    #     .to_onnx()
    # )
    onx = OnnxTfIdfVectorizer(
    ).to_onnx(inputs=[("X", Int64TensorType())], outputs=[("Y", FloatTensorType())])
    #     .rename(Y)
    #     .vout(elem_type=TensorProto.FLOAT)
    #     .to_onnx()
    # )
    return onx

onx = make_onnx(7)
ref = CReferenceEvaluator(onx)
got =, {"X": np.array([[0, 1], [2, 3]], dtype=np.int64)})
[array([[1., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.],
       [0., 0., 1., 1., 0., 0., 0.]], dtype=float32)]

It works as expected. Let’s now compare the execution with onnxruntime for different batch size and vocabulary size.


def make_sessions(
    onx: ModelProto,
) -> Tuple[InferenceSession, InferenceSession, InferenceSession]:
    # first: onnxruntime
    ref = InferenceSession(onx.SerializeToString(), providers=["CPUExecutionProvider"])

    # second: custom kernel equivalent to the onnxruntime implementation
    for node in onx.graph.node:
        if node.op_type == "TfIdfVectorizer":
            node.domain = "onnx_extented.ortops.optim.cpu"
            # new_add = make_attribute("sparse", 1)
            # node.attribute.append(new_add)

    d = onx.opset_import.add()
    d.domain = "onnx_extented.ortops.optim.cpu"
    d.version = 1

    r = get_ort_ext_libs()
    opts = SessionOptions()
    cus = InferenceSession(
        onx.SerializeToString(), opts, providers=["CPUExecutionProvider"]

    # third: with sparse
    for node in onx.graph.node:
        if node.op_type == "TfIdfVectorizer":
            new_add = make_attribute("sparse", 1)
    cussp = InferenceSession(
        onx.SerializeToString(), opts, providers=["CPUExecutionProvider"]

    return ref, cus, cussp

if unit_test_going():
    vocabulary_sizes = [10, 20]
    batch_sizes = [5, 10]
    vocabulary_sizes = [100, 1000, 5000, 10000]
    batch_sizes = [1, 10, 500, 1000, 2000]
confs = list(itertools.product(vocabulary_sizes, batch_sizes))

data = []
for voc_size, batch_size in tqdm(confs):
    onx = make_onnx(voc_size)
    ref, cus, sparse = make_sessions(onx)

    feeds = dict(
        X=(np.arange(batch_size * 10) % voc_size)
        .reshape((batch_size, -1))

    # sparse
    p = start_spying_on(delay=0.0001), feeds)
    obs = measure_time(
        lambda sparse=sparse, feeds=feeds:, feeds), max_time=1
    mem = p.stop()
    obs["peak"] = mem["cpu"].max_peak - mem["cpu"].begin
    obs["name"] = "sparse"
    obs.update(dict(voc_size=voc_size, batch_size=batch_size))

    # reference
    p = start_spying_on(delay=0.0001), feeds)
    obs = measure_time(lambda ref=ref, feeds=feeds:, feeds), max_time=1)
    mem = p.stop()
    obs["peak"] = mem["cpu"].max_peak - mem["cpu"].begin
    obs["name"] = "ref"
    obs.update(dict(voc_size=voc_size, batch_size=batch_size))

    # custom
    p = start_spying_on(delay=0.0001), feeds)
    obs = measure_time(lambda cus=cus, feeds=feeds:, feeds), max_time=1)
    mem = p.stop()
    obs["peak"] = mem["cpu"].max_peak - mem["cpu"].begin
    obs["name"] = "custom"
    obs.update(dict(voc_size=voc_size, batch_size=batch_size))

    del sparse
    del cus
    del ref
    del feeds

df = pandas.DataFrame(data)
df["time"] = df["average"]
df.to_csv("plot_op_tfidfvectorizer_sparse.csv", index=False)
  0%|          | 0/20 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
  5%|▌         | 1/20 [00:04<01:20,  4.25s/it]
 10%|█         | 2/20 [00:09<01:22,  4.56s/it]
 15%|█▌        | 3/20 [00:13<01:14,  4.40s/it]
 20%|██        | 4/20 [00:17<01:09,  4.34s/it]
 25%|██▌       | 5/20 [00:21<01:04,  4.29s/it]
 30%|███       | 6/20 [00:25<00:59,  4.23s/it]
 35%|███▌      | 7/20 [00:30<00:58,  4.47s/it]
 40%|████      | 8/20 [00:35<00:53,  4.42s/it]
 45%|████▌     | 9/20 [00:39<00:49,  4.50s/it]
 50%|█████     | 10/20 [00:44<00:44,  4.42s/it]
 55%|█████▌    | 11/20 [00:48<00:39,  4.35s/it]
 60%|██████    | 12/20 [00:52<00:34,  4.36s/it]
 65%|██████▌   | 13/20 [00:56<00:30,  4.36s/it]
 70%|███████   | 14/20 [01:01<00:26,  4.41s/it]
 75%|███████▌  | 15/20 [01:06<00:22,  4.47s/it]
 80%|████████  | 16/20 [01:10<00:17,  4.32s/it]
 85%|████████▌ | 17/20 [01:14<00:13,  4.37s/it]
 90%|█████████ | 18/20 [01:19<00:08,  4.44s/it]
 95%|█████████▌| 19/20 [01:23<00:04,  4.49s/it]
100%|██████████| 20/20 [01:28<00:00,  4.58s/it]
100%|██████████| 20/20 [01:28<00:00,  4.43s/it]
    average     deviation  min_exec  max_exec  repeat    number     ttime  context_size  warmup_time   peak    name  voc_size  batch_size      time
0  0.000012  5.508292e-07  0.000012  0.000078       1   97535.0  1.203585            64     0.000222  12288  sparse       100           1  0.000012
1  0.000010  4.909999e-07  0.000009  0.000061       1  101664.0  1.037275            64     0.000122      0     ref       100           1  0.000010
2  0.000010  8.988595e-07  0.000009  0.000101       1  120378.0  1.207956            64     0.000148      0  custom       100           1  0.000010
3  0.000025  3.640523e-06  0.000018  0.000104       1   53436.0  1.340555            64     0.000114  12288  sparse       100          10  0.000025
4  0.000021  7.798332e-06  0.000014  0.000330       1   60039.0  1.236294            64     0.000567      0     ref       100          10  0.000021

Processing time#

piv = pandas.pivot_table(
    df, index=["voc_size", "name"], columns="batch_size", values="average"
batch_size           1         10        500       1000      2000
voc_size name
100      custom  0.000010  0.000022  0.000074  0.000122  0.000240
         ref     0.000010  0.000021  0.000114  0.000197  0.000361
         sparse  0.000012  0.000025  0.000308  0.000435  0.000871
1000     custom  0.000010  0.000025  0.000233  0.000445  0.001150
         ref     0.000011  0.000052  0.000511  0.000942  0.002084
         sparse  0.000011  0.000033  0.000257  0.000472  0.000864
5000     custom  0.000013  0.000040  0.001422  0.002965  0.011873
         ref     0.000021  0.000070  0.002404  0.004740  0.014551
         sparse  0.000014  0.000022  0.000227  0.000539  0.000894
10000    custom  0.000013  0.000056  0.002876  0.009929  0.022311
         ref     0.000022  0.000106  0.004527  0.014399  0.028333
         sparse  0.000012  0.000021  0.000249  0.000508  0.000850

Memory peak#

It is always difficult to estimate. A second process is started to measure the physical memory peak during the execution every ms. The figures is the difference between this peak and the memory when the measurement began.

piv = pandas.pivot_table(
    df, index=["voc_size", "name"], columns="batch_size", values="peak"
print(piv / 2**20)
batch_size           1         10         500        1000        2000
voc_size name
100      custom  0.000000  0.000000   0.000000   0.000000    0.089844
         ref     0.000000  0.000000   0.000000   0.000000    0.000000
         sparse  0.011719  0.011719   0.000000   0.000000    0.046875
1000     custom  0.000000  0.003906   0.000000   0.000000    5.246094
         ref     0.000000  0.000000   0.003906   0.003906    0.000000
         sparse  0.000000  0.000000   0.000000   0.000000    0.082031
5000     custom  0.000000  0.000000   9.539062  20.003906   79.871094
         ref     0.000000  0.000000   4.906250  39.054688   77.992188
         sparse  0.000000  0.000000   0.000000   0.000000    0.000000
10000    custom  0.000000  0.000000  20.003906  77.996094  154.175781
         ref     0.000000  0.000000  39.085938  77.992188  154.175781
         sparse  0.000000  0.000000   0.000000   0.000000    0.000000


ax = vhistograms(df)
fig = ax[0, 0].get_figure()
Compares Implementations of TfIdfVectorizer

Take away#

Sparse works better when the sparsity is big enough and the batch size as well.

Total running time of the script: (1 minutes 35.836 seconds)

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