Source code for onnx_extended

# coding: utf-8
More operators for onnx reference implementation and onnxruntime.
Experimentation with openmp, CUDA.

__version__ = "0.2.4"
__author__ = "Xavier Dupré"

def _check_installation_ortcy(onnx_model, verbose):
    import datetime

    def local_print(msg):
        t =
            msg.replace("[check_installation_ortcy]", f"[check_installation_ortcy] {t}")

    if verbose:
        local_print("[check_installation_ortcy] --begin")
    import gc
    import numpy

    a = numpy.random.randn(2, 2).astype(numpy.float32)
    b = numpy.random.randn(2, 2).astype(numpy.float32)

    if verbose:
        local_print("[check_installation_ortcy] import onnx-extended")
        from onnx_extended.ortcy.wrap.ortinf import OrtSession
    except ImportError as e:
        import os
        from onnx_extended.ortcy.wrap import __file__ as cyfile

        this = os.path.dirname(cyfile)
        files = os.listdir(this)
        if "" in files:
            if verbose:
                    "[check_installation_ortcy] weird issue as the "
                    f"so is in onnx_extended.ortcy.wrap: {files}."
        raise ImportError(
            f"Unable to import OrtSession, "
            f"content in onnx_extended.ortcy.wrap is {files}."
        ) from e
    from onnx_extended.ortops.tutorial.cpu import get_ort_ext_libs

    r = get_ort_ext_libs()
    if verbose:
            f"[check_installation_ortcy] get_ort_ext_libs()={get_ort_ext_libs()!r}"
    if verbose:
        local_print("[check_installation_ortcy] create OrtSession")
    session = OrtSession(onnx_model.SerializeToString(), custom_libs=r)
    if verbose:
        local_print("[check_installation_ortcy] run OrtSession")
    got =[a, b])
    if verbose:
        local_print("[check_installation_ortcy] second run")
    got =[a, b])
    if verbose:
        local_print("[check_installation_ortcy] check shapes")
    assert (a + b).shape == got[0].shape
    if verbose:
        local_print("[check_installation_ortcy] gc")
    if verbose:
        local_print("[check_installation_ortcy] --done")

def _check_installation_ortops(onnx_model, verbose):
    import datetime

    def local_print(msg):
        t =
                "[check_installation_ortops]", f"[check_installation_ortops] {t}"

    if verbose:
        local_print("[check_installation_ortops] --begin")

    import gc
    import numpy

    a = numpy.random.randn(2, 2).astype(numpy.float32)
    b = numpy.random.randn(2, 2).astype(numpy.float32)
    feeds = {"X": a, "A": b}

    if verbose:
        local_print("[check_installation_ortops] import onnxruntime")
    from onnxruntime import InferenceSession, SessionOptions

    if verbose:
        local_print("[check_installation_ortops] import onnx-extended")
    from onnx_extended.ortops.tutorial.cpu import get_ort_ext_libs

    r = get_ort_ext_libs()
    if verbose:
            f"[check_installation_ortops] get_ort_ext_libs()={get_ort_ext_libs()!r}"
    opts = SessionOptions()
    if verbose:
        local_print("[check_installation_ortops] create session")
    sess = InferenceSession(
        onnx_model.SerializeToString(), opts, providers=["CPUExecutionProvider"]
    if verbose:
        local_print("[check_installation_ortops] run session")
    if verbose:
        local_print("[check_installation_ortops] second run")
    got =, feeds)[0]
    got =, feeds)[0]
    if verbose:
        local_print("[check_installation_ortops] check shapes")
    assert (a + b).shape == got.shape
    if verbose:
        local_print("[check_installation_ortcy] gc")
    if verbose:
        local_print("[check_installation_ortops] --done")

[docs]def check_installation( ortops: bool = False, ortcy: bool = False, val: bool = False, verbose: bool = False ): """ Quickly checks the installation works. :param ortops: checks that custom ops on CPU are working :param ortcy: checks that OrtSession is working (cython bindings of onnxruntime) :param val: checks that a couple of functions in submodule validation are working :param verbose: prints out which verifications is being processed """ import datetime def local_print(msg): t = print(msg.replace("[check_installation]", f"[check_installation] {t}")) if verbose: local_print("[check_installation] --begin") assert isinstance(get_cxx_flags(), str) import warnings if val: if verbose: local_print("[check_installation] --val") local_print("[check_installation] import numpy") import numpy if verbose: local_print("[check_installation] import onnx-extended") from onnx_extended.validation.cython.fp8 import cast_float32_to_e4m3fn a = ((numpy.arange(10).astype(numpy.float32) - 5) / 10).astype(numpy.float32) if verbose: local_print("[check_installation] cast_float32_to_e4m3fn") f8 = cast_float32_to_e4m3fn(a) assert a.shape == f8.shape if verbose: local_print("[check_installation] --done") with warnings.catch_warnings(record=False): if verbose: local_print("[check_installation] import onnx, numpy") warnings.simplefilter("ignore") import numpy from onnx import TensorProto from onnx.helper import ( make_model, make_node, make_graph, make_tensor_value_info, make_opsetid, ) from onnx.checker import check_model if verbose: local_print("[check_installation] create a simple onnx model") X = make_tensor_value_info("X", TensorProto.FLOAT, [None, None]) A = make_tensor_value_info("A", TensorProto.FLOAT, [None, None]) Y = make_tensor_value_info("Y", TensorProto.FLOAT, [None, None]) node1 = make_node( "MyCustomOp", ["X", "A"], ["Y"], domain="onnx_extented.ortops.tutorial.cpu" ) graph = make_graph([node1], "lr", [X, A], [Y]) onnx_model = make_model( graph, opset_imports=[make_opsetid("onnx_extented.ortops.tutorial.cpu", 1)], ir_version=8, ) check_model(onnx_model) if ortcy: _check_installation_ortcy(onnx_model, verbose) if ortops: _check_installation_ortops(onnx_model, verbose) if verbose: local_print("[check_installation] --done")
[docs]def has_cuda() -> bool: """ Tells if cuda is available. """ from ._config import HAS_CUDA return HAS_CUDA == 1
[docs]def cuda_version() -> str: """ Tells which version of CUDA was used to build the CUDA extensions. """ assert has_cuda(), "CUDA extensions are not available." from ._config import CUDA_VERSION return CUDA_VERSION
[docs]def cuda_version_int() -> tuple: """ Tells which version of CUDA was used to build the CUDA extensions. It returns `(0, 0)` if CUDA is not present. """ if not has_cuda(): return (0, 0) from ._config import CUDA_VERSION if not isinstance(CUDA_VERSION, str): return tuple() spl = CUDA_VERSION.split(".") return tuple(map(int, spl))
[docs]def compiled_with_cuda() -> bool: """ Checks it was compiled with CUDA. """ try: from .validation.cuda import cuda_example_py return cuda_example_py is not None except ImportError: return False
[docs]def get_cxx_flags() -> str: """ Returns `CXX_FLAGS`. """ from ._config import CXX_FLAGS return CXX_FLAGS
[docs]def get_stdcpp() -> int: """ Returns `CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD`. """ from ._config import CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD return CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD
def ort_version() -> str: """ Tells which version of onnxruntime it was built with. """ from ._config import ORT_VERSION return ORT_VERSION def ort_version_int() -> tuple: """ Tells which version of onnxruntime was used to build the onnxruntime extensions. It returns `(0, 0)` if onnxruntime is not present. """ from ._config import ORT_VERSION if not isinstance(ORT_VERSION, str): return tuple() spl = ORT_VERSION.split(".") return tuple(map(int, spl))