Change Logs


  • #26: creates a folder helpers to gather all the functions used in many places

  • #25: improve patches for DynamicCache (issue with register_pytree_flatten_spec being deprecated)

  • #24: dummy inputs for text2text-generation, add new function convert_dynamic_axes_into_dynamic_shapes to convert dynamic axes into dynamic shapes, add support for T5ForConditionalGeneration

  • #23: dummy inputs for image-classification

  • #22: api to create untrained model copying the architecture of the trained models and dummy inputs for them, support for text-generation


  • #16: refactors patches, add model Phi2, implements a tweak to raise an exception with a dynamic dimension becomes static when exporting a model


  • #11: adds ModelInputs to guess dynamic shapes

  • #9: adds OnnxruntimeEvaluator

  • #8: adds ExtendedReferenceEvaluator

  • #7: improves function investigate_onnxruntime_issue


first version