command lines#


The function compares the execution of a random forest regressor with different implementation of the tree implementations. Example:

python -m onnx_extended bench -r 3 -f 100 -d 12 -v -t 200 -b 10000 -n 100 \
    -e onnxruntime,CReferenceEvaluator,onnxruntime-customops
[bench_trees] 11:24:56.852193 create tree
[bench_trees] 11:24:59.094062 create forest with 200 trees
[bench_trees] 11:25:00.593993 modelsize 30961.328 Kb
[bench_trees] 11:25:00.660829 create datasets
[bench_trees] 11:25:00.724519 create engines
[bench_trees] 11:25:00.724649 create engine 'onnxruntime'
[bench_trees] 11:25:05.237548 create engine 'CReferenceEvaluator'
[bench_trees] 11:25:08.616215 create engine 'onnxruntime-customops'
[bench_trees] 11:25:21.837973 benchmark
[bench_trees] 11:25:21.838058 test 'onnxruntime' warmup...
[bench_trees] 11:25:21.997798 test 'onnxruntime' benchmark...
[bench_trees] 11:25:28.298222 test 'onnxruntime' duration=0.06300305700002355
[bench_trees] 11:25:28.298340 test 'CReferenceEvaluator' warmup...
[bench_trees] 11:25:39.017608 test 'CReferenceEvaluator' benchmark...
[bench_trees] 11:25:57.116259 test 'CReferenceEvaluator' duration=0.18098569900001166
[bench_trees] 11:25:57.116340 test 'onnxruntime-customops' warmup...
[bench_trees] 11:25:57.276264 test 'onnxruntime-customops' benchmark...
[bench_trees] 11:26:03.638203 test 'onnxruntime-customops' duration=0.06361832300000969
[bench_trees] 11:26:03.638315 test 'onnxruntime' warmup...
[bench_trees] 11:26:03.793355 test 'onnxruntime' benchmark...
[bench_trees] 11:26:10.111718 test 'onnxruntime' duration=0.0631821729999865
[bench_trees] 11:26:10.111833 test 'CReferenceEvaluator' warmup...
[bench_trees] 11:26:10.493677 test 'CReferenceEvaluator' benchmark...
[bench_trees] 11:26:28.573696 test 'CReferenceEvaluator' duration=0.1807989760000055
[bench_trees] 11:26:28.573834 test 'onnxruntime-customops' warmup...
[bench_trees] 11:26:28.737896 test 'onnxruntime-customops' benchmark...
[bench_trees] 11:26:35.095252 test 'onnxruntime-customops' duration=0.06357246399998985
[bench_trees] 11:26:35.095367 test 'onnxruntime' warmup...
[bench_trees] 11:26:35.238863 test 'onnxruntime' benchmark...
[bench_trees] 11:26:41.230780 test 'onnxruntime' duration=0.05991804699999193
[bench_trees] 11:26:41.230903 test 'CReferenceEvaluator' warmup...
[bench_trees] 11:26:41.621822 test 'CReferenceEvaluator' benchmark...
[bench_trees] 11:26:59.714731 test 'CReferenceEvaluator' duration=0.180928322999971
[bench_trees] 11:26:59.714814 test 'onnxruntime-customops' warmup...
[bench_trees] 11:26:59.871232 test 'onnxruntime-customops' benchmark...
[bench_trees] 11:27:06.267876 test 'onnxruntime-customops' duration=0.06396529300000112
                    name  repeat  duration  n_estimators  number  n_features  max_depth  batch_size
0            onnxruntime       0  0.063003           200     100         100         12       10000
1    CReferenceEvaluator       0  0.180986           200     100         100         12       10000
2  onnxruntime-customops       0  0.063618           200     100         100         12       10000
3            onnxruntime       1  0.063182           200     100         100         12       10000
4    CReferenceEvaluator       1  0.180799           200     100         100         12       10000
5  onnxruntime-customops       1  0.063572           200     100         100         12       10000
6            onnxruntime       2  0.059918           200     100         100         12       10000
7    CReferenceEvaluator       2  0.180928           200     100         100         12       10000
8  onnxruntime-customops       2  0.063965           200     100         100         12       10000
    usage: bench [-h] [-d MAX_DEPTH] [-t N_ESTIMATORS] [-f N_FEATURES]
                 [-b BATCH_SIZE] [-n NUMBER] [-w WARMUP] [-r REPEAT] [-e ENGINE]
                 [-v] [-p] [-o OUTPUT]
    Benchmarks kernel executions.
      -h, --help            show this help message and exit
      -d MAX_DEPTH, --max_depth MAX_DEPTH
                            max_depth for all trees
      -t N_ESTIMATORS, --n_estimators N_ESTIMATORS
                            number of trees in the forest
      -f N_FEATURES, --n_features N_FEATURES
                            number of features
      -b BATCH_SIZE, --batch_size BATCH_SIZE
                            batch size
      -n NUMBER, --number NUMBER
                            number of calls to measure
      -w WARMUP, --warmup WARMUP
                            warmup calls before starting to measure
      -r REPEAT, --repeat REPEAT
                            number of measures to repeat
      -e ENGINE, --engine ENGINE
                            implementation to checks, comma separated list,
                            possible values onnxruntime,onnxruntime-
      -v, --verbose         verbose, default is False
      -p, --profile         run a profiling
      -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                            output file to write

See function onnx_extended.validation.bench_trees.bench_trees().


The function checks the package is working after it was installed. It shortly run a few functions to check shared libraries can be used by the package.

    usage: check [-h] [-o] [-a] [-r] [-v]
    Quickly checks the module is properly installed.
      -h, --help     show this help message and exit
      -o, --ortcy    check OrtSession
      -a, --val      check submodule validation
      -r, --ortops   check custom operators with onnxruntime
      -v, --verbose  verbose, default is False

See onnx_extended.check_installation().


Displays information from the shape inference on the standard output and in a csv file.

    usage: display [-h] -m MODEL [-s SAVE] [-t TAB] [-e EXTERNAL]
    Executes shape inference on an ONNX model and displays the inferred shapes.
      -h, --help            show this help message and exit
      -m MODEL, --model MODEL
                            onnx model to display
      -s SAVE, --save SAVE  saved the data as a dataframe
      -t TAB, --tab TAB     column size when printed on standard output
      -e EXTERNAL, --external EXTERNAL
                            load external data?
    This helps looking at a model from a terminal.
onnx_extended._command_lines.display_intermediate_results(model: str, save: str | None = None, tab: int = 12, external: bool = True, fprint: ~typing.Callable = <built-in function print>)[source]#

Displays shape, type for a model.

  • model – a model

  • save – save the results as a dataframe

  • tab – column size for the output

  • external – loads the external data or not

  • fprint – function to print


Split the model and the coefficients. The coefficients goes to an external file.

    usage: external [-h] -m MODEL -s SAVE [-v]
    Takes an onnx model and split the model and the coefficients.
      -h, --help            show this help message and exit
      -m MODEL, --model MODEL
                            onnx model
      -s SAVE, --save SAVE  saves into that file
      -v, --verbose         display sizes
    The functions stores the coefficients as external data. It calls the function


Plots a graph like a profiling.

    usage: plot [-h] -k {profile_op,profile_node} -i INPUT [-c OCSV] [-o OPNG]
                [-v] [-w] [-t TITLE]
    Plots a graph representing the data loaded from a profiling stored in a
      -h, --help            show this help message and exit
      -k {profile_op,profile_node}, --kind {profile_op,profile_node}
                            Kind of plot to draw. 'profile_op' shows the time
                            spent in every kernel per operator type,
                            'profile_node' shows the time spent in every kernel
                            per operator node,
      -i INPUT, --input INPUT
                            input file
      -c OCSV, --ocsv OCSV  saves the data used to plot the graph as csv file
      -o OPNG, --opng OPNG  saves the plot as png into that file
      -v, --verbose         display sizes
      -w, --with-shape      keep the shape before aggregating the results
      -t TITLE, --title TITLE
                            plot title
    Plots a graph
onnx_extended._command_lines.cmd_plot(filename: str, kind: str, out_csv: str | None = None, out_png: str | None = None, title: str | None = None, with_shape: bool = False, verbose: int = 0)[source]#

Plots a graph.

  • filename – raw data to load

  • kind – kind of plot to so, see below

  • out_csv – output the data into that csv file

  • out_png – output the graph in that file

  • title – title (optional)

  • with_shape – keep the shape to aggregate

  • verbose – verbosity, if > 0, prints out the data in csv format

Kinds of plots:

  • ‘profile_op’: draws the profiling per node type

  • ‘profile_node’: draws the profiling per node


Prints a model or a tensor on the standard output.

    usage: print [-h] -i INPUT [-f {raw,nodes,opsets}] [-e EXTERNAL]
    Shows an onnx model or a protobuf string on stdout. Extension '.onnx' is
    considered a model, extension '.proto' or '.pb' is a protobuf string.
      -h, --help            show this help message and exit
      -i INPUT, --input INPUT
                            onnx model or protobuf file to print
      -f {raw,nodes,opsets}, --format {raw,nodes,opsets}
                            format to use to display the graph, 'raw' means the
                            json-like format, 'nodes' shows all the nodes, input
                            and outputs in the main graph, 'opsets' shows the
                            opsets and ir_version
      -e EXTERNAL, --external EXTERNAL
                            load external data?
    The command can be used on short models, mostly coming from unittests. Big
    models are far too large to make this command useful. Use command display
onnx_extended._command_lines.print_proto(proto: str, fmt: str = 'raw', external: bool = True)[source]#

Shows an onnx model or a protobuf string on stdout. Extension ‘.onnx’ is considered a model, extension ‘.proto’ or ‘.pb’ is a protobuf string.

  • proto – a file

  • fmt – format to use to print the model, raw prints out the string produced by print(model), nodes only prints out the node name

  • external – loads with external data


Prints a model or a tensor on the standard output.

    usage: quantize [-h] -i INPUT -o OUTPUT -k {fp8,fp16}
                    [-s {onnxruntime,onnx-extended}] [-e EARLY_STOP] [-q] [-v]
                    [-t TRANSPOSE] [-x EXCLUDE] [-p OPTIONS]
    Quantizes a model in simple ways.
      -h, --help            show this help message and exit
      -i INPUT, --input INPUT
                            onnx model or protobuf file to print
      -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                            output model to write
      -k {fp8,fp16}, --kind {fp8,fp16}
                            Kind of quantization to do. 'fp8' quantizes weights to
                            float 8 e4m3fn whenever possible. It replaces MatMul
                            by Transpose + DynamicQuantizeLinear + GemmFloat8.
                            'fp16' casts all float weights to float 16, it does
                            the same for inputs and outputs. It changes all
                            operators Cast when they cast into float 32.
      -s {onnxruntime,onnx-extended}, --scenario {onnxruntime,onnx-extended}
                            Possible versions for fp8 quantization. 'onnxruntime'
                            uses operators implemented by onnxruntime, 'onnx-
                            extended' uses experimental operators from this
      -e EARLY_STOP, --early-stop EARLY_STOP
                            stops after N modifications
      -q, --quiet           do not stop if an exception is raised
      -v, --verbose         enable logging, can be repeated
      -t TRANSPOSE, --transpose TRANSPOSE
                            which input(s) to transpose, 1 for the first one, 2
                            for the second, 3 for both, 0 for None
      -x EXCLUDE, --exclude EXCLUDE
                            to avoid quantizing nodes if their names belongs to
                            that list (comma separated)
      -p OPTIONS, --options OPTIONS
                            options to use for quantization, NONE (default) or
                            OPTIMIZE, several values can be passed separated by a
    The implementation quantization are mostly experimental. Once finalized, the
    functionality might move to another package.


python3 -m onnx_extended quantize -i bertsquad-12.onnx -o bertsquad-12-fp8-1.onnx -v -v -k fp8 -q
onnx_extended._command_lines.cmd_quantize(model: ModelProto | str, output: str | None = None, kind: str = 'fp8', scenario: str = 'onnxruntime', early_stop: int | None = None, quiet: bool = False, verbose: int = 0, index_transpose: int = 2, exceptions: List[Dict[str, str]] | None = None, options: QuantizeOptions | None = None)[source]#

Quantizes a model

  • model – path to a model or ModelProto

  • output – output file

  • kind – kind of quantization

  • scenario – depends on the quantization

  • early_stop – stops early to see the preliminary results

  • quiet – do not stop an exception

  • verbose – verbosity level

  • index_transpose – which input to transpose before calling gemm: 0 (none), 1 (first), 2 (second), 3 for both

  • exceptions – exclude nodes from the quantization, [{“name”: “node_name1”}, {“name”: “node_name2”}] will exclude these two node names from the quantization

  • options – quantization options, see class QuantizeOptions


Extracts a subpart of an existing model.

    usage: select [-h] -m MODEL -s SAVE [-i INPUTS] [-o OUTPUTS] [-v]
                  [-t TRANSPOSE]
    Selects a subpart of an onnx model.
      -h, --help            show this help message and exit
      -m MODEL, --model MODEL
                            onnx model
      -s SAVE, --save SAVE  saves into that file
      -i INPUTS, --inputs INPUTS
                            list of inputs to keep, comma separated values, leave
                            empty to keep the model inputs
      -o OUTPUTS, --outputs OUTPUTS
                            list of outputs to keep, comma separated values, leave
                            empty to keep the model outputs
      -v, --verbose         verbose, default is False
      -t TRANSPOSE, --transpose TRANSPOSE
                            which input to transpose before calling gemm: 0
                            (none), 1 (first), 2 (second), 3 for both
    The function removes the unused nodes.
onnx_extended._command_lines.cmd_select(model: ModelProto | str, save: str | None = None, inputs: str | List[str] | None = None, outputs: str | List[str] | None = None, verbose: int = 0)[source]#

Selects a subgraph in a model.

  • model – path to a model or ModelProto

  • save – model ot save in this file

  • inputs – list of inputs or empty to keep the original inputs

  • outputs – list of outputs or empty to keep the original outputs

  • verbose – verbosity level


Stores intermediate outputs on disk. See also CReferenceEvaluator.

    usage: store [-h] -m MODEL [-o OUT] -i INPUT [-v] [-r {CReferenceEvaluator}]
                 [-p PROVIDERS]
    Executes a model with class CReferenceEvaluator and stores every intermediate
    results on disk with a short onnx to execute the node.
      -h, --help            show this help message and exit
      -m MODEL, --model MODEL
                            onnx model to test
      -o OUT, --out OUT     path where to store the outputs, default is '.'
      -i INPUT, --input INPUT
                            input, it can be a path, or a string like
                            'float32(4,5)' to generate a random input of this
                            shape, 'rnd' works as well if the model precisely
                            defines the inputs, 'float32(4,5):U10' generates a
                            tensor with a uniform law
      -v, --verbose         verbose, default is False
      -r {CReferenceEvaluator}, --runtime {CReferenceEvaluator}
                            Runtime to use to generate the intermediate results,
                            default is 'CReferenceEvaluator'
      -p PROVIDERS, --providers PROVIDERS
                            Execution providers, multiple values can separated
                            with a comma
    This is inspired from PR This command
    may disappear if this functionnality is not used.
onnx_extended._command_lines.store_intermediate_results(model: ModelProto | str, inputs: List[str | ndarray | TensorProto], out: str = '.', runtime: type | str = 'CReferenceEvaluator', providers: str | List[str] = 'CPU', verbose: int = 0)[source]#

Executes an onnx model with a runtime and stores the intermediate results in a folder. See CReferenceEvaluator for further details.

  • model – path to a model or ModelProto

  • inputs – list of inputs for the model

  • out – output path

  • runtime – runtime class to use

  • providers – list of providers

  • verbose – verbosity level

