Source code for mlinsights.mlmodel.sklearn_transform_inv_fct

import numpy
from sklearn.exceptions import NotFittedError
from sklearn.neighbors import NearestNeighbors
from .sklearn_transform_inv import BaseReciprocalTransformer

[docs] class FunctionReciprocalTransformer(BaseReciprocalTransformer): """ The transform is used to apply a function on a the target, predict, then transform the target back before scoring. The transforms implements a series of predefined functions: :param fct: function name of numerical function :param fct_inv: optional if *fct* is a function name, reciprocal function otherwise .. runpython:: :showcode: import pprint from mlinsights.mlmodel.sklearn_transform_inv_fct import ( FunctionReciprocalTransformer ) pprint.pprint(FunctionReciprocalTransformer.available_fcts()) """
[docs] @staticmethod def available_fcts(): """ Returns the list of predefined functions. """ return { "log": (numpy.log, "exp"), "exp": (numpy.exp, "log"), "log(1+x)": (lambda x: numpy.log(x + 1), "exp(x)-1"), "log1p": (numpy.log1p, "expm1"), "exp(x)-1": (lambda x: numpy.exp(x) - 1, "log"), "expm1": (numpy.expm1, "log1p"), }
def __init__(self, fct, fct_inv=None): BaseReciprocalTransformer.__init__(self) if isinstance(fct, str): if fct_inv is not None: raise ValueError( "If fct is a function name, fct_inv must not be specified." ) opts = self.__class__.available_fcts() if fct not in opts: raise ValueError( f"Unknown fct '{fct}', it should in {list(sorted(opts))}." ) else: assert fct_inv is not None, "If fct is callable, fct_inv must be specified." self.fct = fct self.fct_inv = fct_inv
[docs] def fit(self, X=None, y=None, sample_weight=None): """ Just defines *fct* and *fct_inv*. """ if callable(self.fct): self.fct_ = self.fct self.fct_inv_ = self.fct_inv else: opts = self.__class__.available_fcts() self.fct_, self.fct_inv_ = opts[self.fct] return self
[docs] def get_fct_inv(self): """ Returns a trained transform which reverse the target after a predictor. """ if isinstance(self.fct_inv_, str): res = FunctionReciprocalTransformer(self.fct_inv_) else: res = FunctionReciprocalTransformer(self.fct_inv_, self.fct_) return
[docs] def transform(self, X, y): """ Transforms *X* and *y*. Returns transformed *X* and *y*. If *y* is None, the returned value for *y* is None as well. """ if y is None: return X, None return X, self.fct_(y)
[docs] class PermutationReciprocalTransformer(BaseReciprocalTransformer): """ The transform is used to permute targets, predict, then permute the target back before scoring. nan values remain nan values. Once fitted, the transform has attribute ``permutation_`` which keeps track of the permutation to apply. :param random_state: random state :param closest: if True, finds the closest permuted element """ def __init__(self, random_state=None, closest=False): BaseReciprocalTransformer.__init__(self) self.random_state = random_state self.closest = closest
[docs] def fit(self, X=None, y=None, sample_weight=None): """ Defines a random permutation over the targets. """ assert y is not None, "targets cannot be empty." num = numpy.issubdtype(y.dtype, numpy.floating) perm = {} for u in y.ravel(): if num and numpy.isnan(u): continue if u in perm: continue perm[u] = len(perm) lin = numpy.arange(len(perm)) if self.random_state is None: lin = numpy.random.permutation(lin) else: rs = numpy.random.RandomState(self.random_state) lin = rs.permutation(lin) perm_keys = list(perm.keys()) for u in perm_keys: perm[u] = lin[perm[u]] self.permutation_ = perm
def _check_is_fitted(self): if not hasattr(self, "permutation_"): raise NotFittedError( f"This instance {type(self)} is not fitted yet. Call 'fit' with " f"appropriate arguments before using this method." )
[docs] def get_fct_inv(self): """ Returns a trained transform which reverse the target after a predictor. """ self._check_is_fitted() res = PermutationReciprocalTransformer(self.random_state, closest=self.closest) res.permutation_ = {v: k for k, v in self.permutation_.items()} return res
def _find_closest(self, cl): if not hasattr(self, "knn_"): self.knn_ = NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=1, algorithm="kd_tree") self.knn_perm_ = numpy.array(list(self.permutation_)) self.knn_perm_ = self.knn_perm_.reshape((len(self.knn_perm_), 1)) ind = self.knn_.kneighbors([[cl]], return_distance=False) res = self.knn_perm_[ind, 0] if self.knn_perm_.dtype in (numpy.float32, numpy.float64): return float(res) if self.knn_perm_.dtype in (numpy.int32, numpy.int64): return int(res) raise NotImplementedError( f"The function does not work for type {self.knn_perm_.dtype}." )
[docs] def transform(self, X, y): """ Transforms *X* and *y*. Returns transformed *X* and *y*. If *y* is None, the returned value for *y* is None as well. """ if y is None: return X, None self._check_is_fitted() if len(y.shape) == 1 or y.dtype in (numpy.str_, numpy.int32, numpy.int64): # permutes classes yp = y.copy().ravel() num = numpy.issubdtype(y.dtype, numpy.floating) for i in range(len(yp)): if num and numpy.isnan(yp[i]): continue if yp[i] not in self.permutation_: if self.closest: cl = self._find_closest(yp[i]) else: raise RuntimeError( f"Unable to find key {yp[i]!r} in " f"{list(sorted(self.permutation_))!r}." ) else: cl = yp[i] yp[i] = self.permutation_[cl] return X, yp.reshape(y.shape) else: # y is probababilies or raw score assert len(y.shape) == 2, f"yp should be a matrix but has shape {y.shape}." cl = [(v, k) for k, v in self.permutation_.items()] cl.sort() new_perm = {} for cl, current in cl: new_perm[current] = len(new_perm) yp = y.copy() for i in range(y.shape[1]): yp[:, new_perm[i]] = y[:, i] return X, yp