
Main API#


onnx_array_api.light_api.start(opset: int | None = None, opsets: Dict[str, int] | None = None, ir_version: int | None = None) OnnxGraph[source]#

Starts an onnx model.

  • opset – main opset version

  • opsets – others opsets as a dictionary

  • ir_version – specify the ir_version as well


an instance of onnx_array_api.light_api.OnnxGraph

A very simple model:


from onnx_array_api.light_api import start

onx = start().vin("X").Neg().rename("Y").vout().to_onnx()


    ir_version: 10
    opset_import {
      domain: ""
      version: 21
    graph {
      node {
        input: "X"
        output: "Y"
        op_type: "Neg"
        domain: ""
      name: "light_api"
      input {
        name: "X"
        type {
          tensor_type {
            elem_type: 1
            shape {
      output {
        name: "Y"
        type {
          tensor_type {
            elem_type: 1
            shape {

Another with operator Add:


from onnx_array_api.light_api import start

onx = start().vin("X").vin("Y").bring("X", "Y").Add().rename("Z").vout().to_onnx()


    ir_version: 10
    opset_import {
      domain: ""
      version: 21
    graph {
      node {
        input: "X"
        input: "Y"
        output: "Z"
        op_type: "Add"
        domain: ""
      name: "light_api"
      input {
        name: "X"
        type {
          tensor_type {
            elem_type: 1
            shape {
      input {
        name: "Y"
        type {
          tensor_type {
            elem_type: 1
            shape {
      output {
        name: "Z"
        type {
          tensor_type {
            elem_type: 1
            shape {


onnx_array_api.light_api.g() OnnxGraph[source]#

Starts a subgraph. :return: an instance of onnx_array_api.light_api.OnnxGraph

Classes for the Light API#


..autofunction:: onnx_array_api.light_api.domain


class onnx_array_api.light_api.var.BaseVar(*args, **kwargs)[source]#

Represents an input, an initializer, a node, an output, multiple variables.


parent – the graph containing the Variable

bring(*vars: List[str | Var]) Var | Vars[source]#

Creates a set of variable as an instance of onnx_array_api.light_api.Vars.

cst(value: ndarray, name: str | None = None) Var[source]#

Adds an initializer

  • value – constant tensor

  • name – input name


instance of onnx_array_api.light_api.Var

left_bring(*vars: List[str | Var]) Vars[source]#

Creates a set of variables as an instance of onnx_array_api.light_api.Vars. *vars is added to the left, self is added to the right.

make_node(op_type: str, *inputs: List[Var | TensorProto | ndarray], domain: str = '', n_outputs: int = 1, output_names: List[str] | None = None, **kwargs: Dict[str, Any]) Var | Vars[source]#

Creates a node with this Var as the first input.

  • op_type – operator type

  • inputs – others inputs

  • domain – domain

  • n_outputs – number of outputs

  • output_names – output names, if not specified, outputs are given unique names

  • kwargs – node attributes


instance of onnx_array_api.light_api.Var or onnx_array_api.light_api.Vars

right_bring(*vars: List[str | Var]) Vars[source]#

Creates a set of variables as an instance of onnx_array_api.light_api.Vars. *vars is added to the right, self is added to the left.

to_onnx() FunctionProto | GraphProto | ModelProto[source]#

Creates the onnx graph.

v(name: str) Var[source]#

Retrieves another variable than this one.


name – name of the variable


instance of onnx_array_api.light_api.Var

vin(name: str, elem_type: int | dtype = 1, shape: Tuple[int, ...] | None = None) Var[source]#

Declares a new input to the graph.

  • name – input name

  • elem_type – element_type

  • shape – shape


instance of onnx_array_api.light_api.Var

vout(**kwargs: Dict[str, Any]) Var | Vars[source]#

This method needs to be overwritten for Var and Vars depending on the number of variable to declare as outputs.


class onnx_array_api.light_api.OnnxGraph(opset: int | None = None, opsets: Dict[str, int] | None = None, ir_version: int | None = None, proto_type: ProtoType = ProtoType.MODEL)[source]#

Contains every piece needed to create an onnx model in a single instructions. This API is meant to be light and allows the description of a graph.

  • opset – main opset version

  • opsets – other opsets as a dictionary

  • ir_version – to specify an ir_version

  • is_function – a onnx.ModelProto or a onnx.FunctionProto

cst(value: ndarray, name: str | None = None) Var[source]#

Adds an initializer

  • value – constant tensor

  • name – input name


instance of onnx_array_api.light_api.Var

has_name(name: str) bool[source]#

Tells if a name is already used.

property input_names: List[str]#

Returns the input names

make_constant(value: ndarray, name: str | None = None) TensorProto[source]#

Adds an initializer to the graph.

make_input(name: str, elem_type: int | dtype = 1, shape: Tuple[int, ...] | None = None) ValueInfoProto[source]#

Adds an input to the graph.

  • name – input name

  • elem_type – element type (the input is assumed to be a tensor)

  • shape – shape


an instance of ValueInfoProto

make_node(op_type: str, *inputs: List[Var | TensorProto | ndarray], domain: str = '', n_outputs: int = 1, output_names: List[str] | None = None, **kwargs: Dict[str, Any]) NodeProto[source]#

Creates a node.

  • op_type – operator type

  • inputs – others inputs

  • domain – domain

  • n_outputs – number of outputs

  • output_names – output names, if not specified, outputs are given unique names

  • kwargs – node attributes



make_output(name: str, elem_type: int | dtype = 1, shape: Tuple[int, ...] | None = None) ValueInfoProto[source]#

Adds an output to the graph.

  • name – input name

  • elem_type – element type (the input is assumed to be a tensor)

  • shape – shape


an instance of ValueInfoProto

If the checker fails, try shape=[].

property output_names: List[str]#

Returns the output names

rename(old_name: str, new_name: str)[source]#

Renames a variable. The renaming does not change anything but is stored in a container.

  • old_name – old name

  • new_name – new name

to_onnx() FunctionProto | GraphProto | ModelProto[source]#

Converts the graph into an ONNX graph.

true_name(name: str) str[source]#

Some names were renamed. If name is one of them, the function returns the new name.

unique_name(prefix='r', value: Any | None = None) str[source]#

Returns a unique name.

  • prefix – prefix

  • value – this name is mapped to this value


unique name

vin(name: str, elem_type: int | dtype = 1, shape: Tuple[int, ...] | None = None) Var[source]#

Declares a new input to the graph.

  • name – input name

  • elem_type – element_type

  • shape – shape


instance of onnx_array_api.light_api.Var


class onnx_array_api.light_api.model.ProtoType(value)[source]#

The same code can be used to output a GraphProto, a FunctionProto or a ModelProto. This class specifies the output type at the beginning of the code.


class onnx_array_api.light_api.var.SubDomain(var: BaseVar)[source]#

Declares a domain or a piece of it (if it contains ‘.’ in its name).


class onnx_array_api.light_api.Var(*args, **kwargs)[source]#

Represents an input, an initializer, a node, an output.

  • parent – graph the variable belongs to

  • name – input name

  • elem_type – element_type

  • shape – shape

astype(to: int | dtype) Var[source]#

Casts a tensor into another element type.

bring(*vars: List[str | Var]) Var | Vars#

Creates a set of variable as an instance of onnx_array_api.light_api.Vars.

cst(value: ndarray, name: str | None = None) Var#

Adds an initializer

  • value – constant tensor

  • name – input name


instance of onnx_array_api.light_api.Var

left_bring(*vars: List[str | Var]) Vars#

Creates a set of variables as an instance of onnx_array_api.light_api.Vars. *vars is added to the left, self is added to the right.

make_node(op_type: str, *inputs: List[Var | TensorProto | ndarray], domain: str = '', n_outputs: int = 1, output_names: List[str] | None = None, **kwargs: Dict[str, Any]) Var | Vars#

Creates a node with this Var as the first input.

  • op_type – operator type

  • inputs – others inputs

  • domain – domain

  • n_outputs – number of outputs

  • output_names – output names, if not specified, outputs are given unique names

  • kwargs – node attributes


instance of onnx_array_api.light_api.Var or onnx_array_api.light_api.Vars

property name#

Returns the name of the variable or the new name if it was renamed.

rename(new_name: str) Var[source]#

Renames a variable.

reshape(new_shape: Var | TensorProto | ndarray) Var[source]#

Reshapes a variable.

right_bring(*vars: List[str | Var]) Vars#

Creates a set of variables as an instance of onnx_array_api.light_api.Vars. *vars is added to the right, self is added to the left.

to(to: int | dtype) Var[source]#

Casts a tensor into another element type.

to_onnx() FunctionProto | GraphProto | ModelProto#

Creates the onnx graph.

v(name: str) Var#

Retrieves another variable than this one.


name – name of the variable


instance of onnx_array_api.light_api.Var

vin(name: str, elem_type: int | dtype = 1, shape: Tuple[int, ...] | None = None) Var#

Declares a new input to the graph.

  • name – input name

  • elem_type – element_type

  • shape – shape


instance of onnx_array_api.light_api.Var

vout(elem_type: int | dtype = 1, shape: Tuple[int, ...] | None = None) Var[source]#

Declares a new output to the graph.

  • elem_type – element_type

  • shape – shape


instance of onnx_array_api.light_api.Var

If the checker fails, try shape=[].


class onnx_array_api.light_api.Vars(*args, **kwargs)[source]#

Represents multiple Var.

  • parent – graph the variable belongs to

  • vars – list of names or variables

bring(*vars: List[str | Var]) Var | Vars#

Creates a set of variable as an instance of onnx_array_api.light_api.Vars.

cst(value: ndarray, name: str | None = None) Var#

Adds an initializer

  • value – constant tensor

  • name – input name


instance of onnx_array_api.light_api.Var

left_bring(*vars: List[str | Var]) Vars#

Creates a set of variables as an instance of onnx_array_api.light_api.Vars. *vars is added to the left, self is added to the right.

make_node(op_type: str, *inputs: List[Var | TensorProto | ndarray], domain: str = '', n_outputs: int = 1, output_names: List[str] | None = None, **kwargs: Dict[str, Any]) Var | Vars#

Creates a node with this Var as the first input.

  • op_type – operator type

  • inputs – others inputs

  • domain – domain

  • n_outputs – number of outputs

  • output_names – output names, if not specified, outputs are given unique names

  • kwargs – node attributes


instance of onnx_array_api.light_api.Var or onnx_array_api.light_api.Vars

rename(*new_names: List[str]) Vars[source]#

Renames variables.

right_bring(*vars: List[str | Var]) Vars#

Creates a set of variables as an instance of onnx_array_api.light_api.Vars. *vars is added to the right, self is added to the left.

to_onnx() FunctionProto | GraphProto | ModelProto#

Creates the onnx graph.

v(name: str) Var#

Retrieves another variable than this one.


name – name of the variable


instance of onnx_array_api.light_api.Var

vin(name: str, elem_type: int | dtype = 1, shape: Tuple[int, ...] | None = None) Var#

Declares a new input to the graph.

  • name – input name

  • elem_type – element_type

  • shape – shape


instance of onnx_array_api.light_api.Var

vout(*elem_type_shape: List[int | dtype | Tuple[int | dtype, Tuple[int, ...] | None]]) Vars[source]#

Declares a new output to the graph.


elem_type_shape – list of tuple(element_type, shape)


instance of onnx_array_api.light_api.Vars

If the checker fails, try shape=[].

Available operators#

One input#

class onnx_array_api.light_api._op_var.OpsVar[source]#

Operators taking only one input.

Two inputs or more#

class onnx_array_api.light_api._op_vars.OpsVars[source]#

Operators taking multiple inputs.