Difficulty to implement an Array API for ONNX

Implementing the full array API is not always easy with onnx. Python is not strongly typed and many different types can be used to represent a value. Argument axis can be an integer or a tuple (see min from Array API for example). On the other side, ReduceMin from ONNX is considered as a tensor.


The Array API must work in eager mode and for every operation, it generates an ONNX graph and executes it with a specific backend. It can be numpy, onnxruntime or any other backend. The generation of every graph takes a significant amount of time. It must be avoided. These graphs are cached. But a graph can be reused only if the inputs - by ONNX semantic - change. If a parameter change, a new graph must be cached. Method JitEager.make_key generates a unique key based on the input it receives, the signature of the function to call. If the key is the same, a cached onnx can be reused on the second call.

However, eager mode - use a small single onnx graph for every operation - is not the most efficient one. At the same time, the design must allow to merge every needed operation into a bigger graph. Bigger graphs can be more easily optimized by the backend.

Input vs parameter

An input is a tensor or array, a parameter is any other type. Following onnx semantic, an input is variable, a parameter is frozen cannot be changed. It is a constant. A good design would be to considered any named input (**kwargs) a parameter and any input (*args) a tensor. But the Array API does not follow that design. Function astype <https://data-apis.org/array-api/2022.12/API_specification/ generated/array_api.astype.html>_ takes two inputs. Operator Cast <https://onnx.ai/onnx/operators/onnx__Cast.html>_ takes one input and a frozen parameter to. And python allows astype(x, dtype) as well as astype(x, dtype=dtype) unless the signature enforces one call over another type. There may be ambiguities from time to time. Beside, from onnx point of view, argument dtype should be named.

Tensor type

An EagerTensor must be used to represent any tensor. This class defines the backend to use as well. EagerNumpyTensor for numpy, EagerOrtTensor for onnxruntime. Since the Array API is new, existing packages do not fully support the API if they support it (scikit-learn). Some numpy array may still be used.


ONNX has no notion of inplace computation. Therefore something like coefs[:, 1] = 1 is not valid unless some code is written to create another tensor. The current design supports some of these by storing every call to __setitem__. The user sees coefs but the framework sees that coefs holds a reference to another tensor. That’s the one the framework needs to use. However, since __setitem__ is used for efficiency, it becomes less than efficient with this design and should be avoided. This assumption may be true when the backend is relying on CPU but not on GPU. A function such as empty should be avoided as it has to be followed by calls to __setitem__.

Eager or compilation

Eager mode is what the Array API implies. Every function is converted into an ONNX graph based on its inputs without any knownledge of how these inputs were obtained. This graph is then executed before going to the next call of a function from the API. The conversion of a machine learned model into ONNX implies the gathering of all these operations into a graph. It means using a mode that records all the function calls to compile every tiny onnx graph into a unique graph.

Iterators and Reduction

An efficient implementation of function numpy.any() or numpy.all() returns as soon as the result is known. numpy.all() is false whenever the first false condition is met. Same goes for numpy.any() which is true whenever the first true condition is met. There is no such operator in ONNX (<= 20) because it is unlikely to appear in a machine learned model. However, it is highly used when two results are compared in unit tests. The ONNX implementation is not efficient due to that reason but it only impacts the unit tests.


onnx supports more types than numpy does. It is not always easy to deal with bfloat16 or float8 types.