

onnx_array_api.npx.npx_jit_eager.eager_onnx(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Returns an instance of EagerOnnx.


class onnx_array_api.npx.npx_jit_eager.EagerOnnx(f: Callable, tensor_class: type | None = None, target_opsets: Dict[str, int] | None = None, output_types: Dict[Any, TensorType] | None = None, ir_version: int | None = None, bypass_eager: bool = False)[source]

Converts a function into an executable function based on a backend. The new function is converted to onnx on the first call.

  • f – function to convert

  • tensor_class – wrapper around a class defining the backend, if None, it defaults to onnx.reference.ReferenceEvaluator

  • target_opsets – dictionary {opset: version}

  • output_types – shape and type inference cannot be run before the onnx graph is created and type is needed to do such, if not specified, the class assumes there is only one output of the same type as the input

  • bypass_eager – this parameter must be true if the function has not annotation and is not decorated by xapi_inline or xapi_function

  • ir_version – defines the IR version to use


class onnx_array_api.npx.npx_jit_eager.JitEager(f: Callable, tensor_class: type, target_opsets: Dict[str, int] | None = None, output_types: Dict[Any, TensorType] | None = None, ir_version: int | None = None)[source]

Converts a function into an executable function based on a backend. The new function is converted to onnx on the first call.

  • f – function to convert

  • tensor_class – wrapper around a class defining the backend, if None, it defaults to onnx.reference.ReferenceEvaluator

  • target_opsets – dictionary {opset: version}

  • output_types – shape and type inference cannot be run before the onnx graph is created and type is needed to do such, if not specified, the class assumes there is only one output of the same type as the input

  • ir_version – defines the IR version to use

property available_versions

Returns the key used to distinguish between every jitted version.

cast_from_tensor_class(results: List[EagerTensor]) Any | Tuple[Any][source]

Wraps input from self.tensor_class to python types.


results – python inputs (including numpy)


wrapped inputs

cast_to_tensor_class(inputs: List[Any]) List[EagerTensor][source]

Wraps input into self.tensor_class.


inputs – python inputs (including numpy)


wrapped inputs

get_onnx(key: int | None = None)[source]

Returns the jitted function associated to one key. If key is None, the assumes there is only one available jitted function and it returns it.

info(prefix: str | None = None, method_name: str | None = None, already_eager: bool | None = None, args: List[Any] | None = None, kwargs: Dict[str, Any] | None = None, key: Tuple[Any, ...] | None = None, onx: ModelProto | None = None, output: Any | None = None)[source]

Logs a status.

jit_call(*values, **kwargs)[source]

The method builds a key which identifies the signature (input types + parameters value). It then checks if the function was already converted into ONNX from a previous. If not, it converts it and caches the results indexed by the previous key. Finally, it executes the onnx graph and returns the result or the results in a tuple if there are several.

make_key(*values: List[Any], **kwargs: Dict[str, Any]) Tuple[Any, ...][source]

Builds a key based on the input types and parameters. Every set of inputs or parameters producing the same key (or signature) must use the same compiled ONNX.

  • values – values given to the function

  • kwargs – parameters


tuple of mutable keys

move_input_to_kwargs(values: List[Any], kwargs: Dict[str, Any]) Tuple[List[Any], Dict[str, Any]][source]

Mandatory parameters not usually not named. Some inputs must be moved to the parameter list before calling ONNX.

  • values – list of inputs

  • kwargs – dictionary of arguments


new values, new arguments

property n_versions

Returns the number of jitted functions. There is one per type and number of dimensions.

status(me: str) str[source]

Returns a short string indicating the status.

to_jit(*values, **kwargs)[source]

Converts the function into ONNX based on the provided inputs and parameters. It then wraps it by calling self.tensor_class.create_function. The onnx graph built by the function defines the input types and the expected number of dimensions.


onnx_array_api.npx.npx_jit_eager.jit_onnx(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Returns an instance of JitOnnx.


class onnx_array_api.npx.npx_jit_eager.JitOnnx(f: Callable, tensor_class: type | None = None, target_opsets: Dict[str, int] | None = None, output_types: Dict[Any, TensorType] | None = None, ir_version: int | None = None)[source]

Converts a function into an executable function based on a backend. The new function is converted to onnx on the first call.

  • f – function to convert

  • tensor_class – wrapper around a class defining the backend, if None, it defaults to onnx.reference.ReferenceEvaluator

  • target_opsets – dictionary {opset: version}

  • output_types – shape and type inference cannot be run before the onnx graph is created and type is needed to do such, if not specified, the class assumes there is only one output of the same type as the input

  • ir_version – defines the IR version to use