from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple
from onnx import AttributeProto
from ..annotations import ELEMENT_TYPE_NAME
from .base_emitter import BaseEmitter
from .translate import Translater
class InnerEmitter(BaseEmitter):
Converts event into proper code.
def render_attribute_value(self, value: Any) -> Tuple[List[str], str]:
Renders an attribute value into a string.
:param value: value to converter
:return: rows to append before, actual value
if value[0].type == AttributeProto.GRAPH:
tr = Translater(value[0].g, emitter=self)
rows = tr.export(as_str=False, single_line=False)
new_rows = [f"def _make_local_graph_{value[0].name}():"]
for line in rows:
if "make_model" in line:
new_rows.append(" " + line)
new_rows.append(" return graph")
new_rows.append(f"{value[0].name} = _make_local_graph_{value[0].name}()")
return new_rows, value[0].name
return super().render_attribute_value(value)
def _make_attribute(
self, name: str, attr_type: int, ref_attr_name: Optional[str] = None
) -> str:
if ref_attr_name is None:
raise NotImplementedError(
f"Cannot create attribute with name={name!r}, attr_type={attr_type}."
return (
f"make_ref_attribute(key={name!r}, attr_type={attr_type}, "
def join(self, rows: List[str], single_line: bool = False) -> str:
"Returns the separators. `single_line` is unused."
return "\n".join(rows)
def _emit_start(self, **kwargs: Dict[str, Any]) -> List[str]:
lines = ["opset_imports = ["]
opsets = kwargs.get("opsets", {})
for k, v in opsets.items():
lines.append(f" make_opsetid({k!r}, {v!r}),")
return lines
def _emit_to_onnx_model(self, **kwargs: Dict[str, Any]) -> List[str]:
lines = [
"model = make_model(",
" graph,",
" functions=functions,",
" opset_imports=opset_imports",
return lines
def _emit_begin_graph(self, **kwargs: Dict[str, Any]) -> List[str]:
lines = [
"inputs = []",
"outputs = []",
"nodes = []",
"initializers = []",
"sparse_initializers = []",
"functions = []",
return lines
def _emit_end_graph(self, **kwargs: Dict[str, Any]) -> List[str]:
name = kwargs.get("name", "noname")
lines = [
"graph = make_graph(",
" nodes,",
f" {name!r},",
" inputs,",
" outputs,",
" initializers,",
" sparse_initializer=sparse_initializers,",
return lines
def _emit_initializer(self, **kwargs: Dict[str, Any]) -> List[str]:
name = kwargs["name"]
value = kwargs["value"]
repl = {"bool": "bool_", "object": "object_", "str": "str_"}
fra = "from_array"
sdtype = repl.get(str(value.dtype), str(value.dtype))
if sdtype.startswith("("):
from onnx.reference.custom_element_types import float8e4m3fn
if sdtype == str(float8e4m3fn):
sdtype = "float8e4m3fn"
fra = "from_array_extended"
raise NotImplementedError(f"Unexpected dtype={sdtype}.")
sdtype = f"np.{sdtype}"
return [
f" {fra}(",
f" np.array({value.tolist()}, dtype={sdtype}),",
f" name={name!r}",
" )",
def _emit_io(self, container: str, **kwargs: Dict[str, Any]) -> List[str]:
name = kwargs["name"]
elem_type = kwargs.get("elem_type", None)
shape = kwargs.get("shape", None)
if elem_type and shape:
return [
f"{container}.append(make_tensor_value_info({name!r}, "
f"TensorProto.{ELEMENT_TYPE_NAME[elem_type]}, shape={shape!r}))"
if elem_type:
return [
f"{container}.append(make_tensor_value_info({name!r}, "
f"TensorProto.{ELEMENT_TYPE_NAME[elem_type]}, shape=[]))"
return [
f"{container}.append(make_tensor_value_info({name!r}, "
f"TensorProto.UNDEFINED, []))"
def _emit_input(self, **kwargs: Dict[str, Any]) -> List[str]:
return self._emit_io("inputs", **kwargs)
def _emit_output(self, **kwargs: Dict[str, Any]) -> List[str]:
return self._emit_io("outputs", **kwargs)
def _emit_node(self, **kwargs: Dict[str, Any]) -> List[str]:
op_type = kwargs["op_type"]
inputs = kwargs["inputs"]
outputs = kwargs["outputs"]
if kwargs.get("domain", "") != "":
domain = kwargs["domain"]
before_lines = []
lines = [
" make_node_extended(",
f" {op_type!r},",
f" {inputs},",
f" {outputs},",
domain = kwargs.get("domain", "")
if domain:
lines.append(f" domain={domain!r},")
atts = kwargs.get("atts", {})
for k, v in atts.items():
before, value = self.render_attribute_value(v)
lines.append(f" {k}={value},")
lines[-1] = lines[-1][:-1]
lines.extend([" )", ")"])
return before_lines + lines
def _emit_begin_function(self, **kwargs: Dict[str, Any]) -> List[str]:
lines = [
f"name_f = {kwargs['name']!r}",
f"domain_f = {kwargs['domain']!r}",
"nodes = []",
"inputs = []",
"outputs = []",
"atts = []",
return lines
def _emit_to_onnx_function(self, **kwargs: Dict[str, Any]) -> List[str]:
return []
def _emit_function_input(self, **kwargs: Dict[str, Any]) -> List[str]:
return [f"inputs.append({kwargs['name']!r})"]
def _emit_function_output(self, **kwargs: Dict[str, Any]) -> List[str]:
return [f"outputs.append({kwargs['name']!r})"]
def _emit_function_attributes(self, **kwargs: Dict[str, Any]) -> List[str]:
atts = kwargs["attributes"]
if isinstance(atts, list) and all(isinstance(t, str) for t in atts):
return [f"atts.extend({atts!r})"]
raise NotImplementedError(f"Unable to process function attributes {atts!r}.")
def _emit_end_function(self, **kwargs: Dict[str, Any]) -> List[str]:
lines = [
" make_function(",
" domain_f, ",
" name_f, ",
" inputs, ",
" outputs, ",
" nodes, ",
" attributes=atts, ",
" opset_imports=opset_imports,",
" )",
return lines