Source code for onnx_array_api.reference.evaluator_yield

from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Iterator, Optional, Tuple, Union
from enum import IntEnum
import numpy as np
from onnx import ModelProto, TensorProto, ValueInfoProto, load
from onnx.reference import ReferenceEvaluator
from onnx.helper import tensor_dtype_to_np_dtype
from onnx.shape_inference import infer_shapes
from . import to_array_extended
from .evaluator import ExtendedReferenceEvaluator

def _align(res: str, limit: int) -> str:
    if len(res) == limit:
        return res
    if len(res) > limit:
        return res[:limit]
    return res + " " * (limit - len(res))

[docs] class ResultType(IntEnum): RESULT = 1 INITIALIZER = 2 SPARSE_INITIALIZER = 4 INPUT = 8 OUTPUT = 16 NODE = 32 def __repr__(self): return f"{self.__class__.__name__}.{self._name_}"
def _dimension_to_str(d): if isinstance(d, int): return str(d) try: int(d) except ValueError: return d return f"{d!r}" def _rank_to_str(shape): if shape: return f"{len(shape)}:" return " "
[docs] @dataclass class ResultExecution: """ The description of a result. """ kind: ResultType dtype: object shape: tuple summary: str op_type: str name: str value: Optional[Any] = None def __len__(self) -> int: return 6 def __getitem__(self, i: int) -> Any: if i == 0: return self.kind if i == 1: return self.dtype if i == 2: return self.shape if i == 3: return self.summary if i == 4: return self.op_type if i == 5: return raise IndexError(f"i={i} out of boundary") def __str__(self): dtype = self.dtype if self.dtype != 0 else "" els = [ _align(self.kind._name_, 6), _align(str(dtype).replace("dtype(", "").replace(")", ""), 8), _rank_to_str(self.shape) + _align( "x".join( "" if self.shape is None else map(_dimension_to_str, self.shape) ), 18, ), self.summary, _align(self.op_type or "", 15), or "", ] return " ".join(els)
def make_summary(value: Any, length: int = 4, modulo: int = 26) -> str: """ Create a short string summarizing the value (discretization). :param value: array :param length: number of value to produce :param module: discretization parameter :return: short string """ if isinstance(value, np.float32): # This should not happen. value = np.array(value) assert isinstance( value, np.ndarray ), f"Unexpected type {type(value)} for value, it must be a numpy array." value4 = np.zeros(length, dtype=np.float64) if value.size <= length: value4[: value.size] = value.flatten().astype(np.float64) else: if value.size % length != 0: value2 = np.zeros( value.size + length - value.size % length, dtype=np.float64 ) value2[: value.size] = value.flatten().astype(np.float64) else: value2 = value.flatten().astype(np.float64) value4 = value2.reshape((4, -1)).sum(axis=1) value4 = np.where(np.abs(value4) < 1e10, value4, np.nan) s = [] for v in value4: s.append("?" if np.isnan(v) else (chr(65 + int(v) % modulo))) return "".join(s)
[docs] class YieldEvaluator: """ This class implements method `enumerate_results` which iterates on intermediates results. By default, it uses :class:`onnx_array_api.reference.ExtendedReferenceEvaluator`. :param onnx_model: model to run :param recursive: dig into subgraph and functions as well :param cls: evaluator to use, default value is :class:`ExtendedReferenceEvaluator <onnx_array_api.reference.ExtendedReferenceEvaluator>` """ def __init__( self, onnx_model: ModelProto, recursive: bool = False, cls: Optional[type[ExtendedReferenceEvaluator]] = None, ): assert not recursive, "recursive=True is not yet implemented" self.onnx_model = onnx_model self.evaluator = ( cls(onnx_model) if cls is not None else ExtendedReferenceEvaluator(onnx_model) )
[docs] def enumerate_results( self, output_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, feed_inputs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, raise_exc: bool = True, ) -> Iterator[Tuple[ResultType, str, Any]]: """ Executes the onnx model and enumerate all the intermediate results. Args: output_names: requested outputs by names, None for all feed_inputs: dictionary `{ input name: input value }` Returns: iterator on tuple(result kind, name, value, node.op_type or None) """ assert isinstance(self.evaluator, ReferenceEvaluator), ( f"This implementation only works with " f"ReferenceEvaluator not {type(self.evaluator)}" ) attributes = {} if output_names is None: output_names = self.evaluator.output_names results = {"": None} results.update(self.evaluator.rt_inits_) results.update(feed_inputs) # step 0: initializer for k, v in self.evaluator.rt_inits_.items(): yield ResultType.INITIALIZER, k, v, None # step 1: inputs for k, v in feed_inputs.items(): yield ResultType.INPUT, k, v, None # step 2: execute nodes yield_output = True for node in self.evaluator.rt_nodes_: for i in node.input: if i not in results: raise RuntimeError( f"Unable to find input {i!r} " f"in known results {sorted(results)}, " f"self.rt_inits_ has {sorted(self.evaluator.rt_inits_)}, " f"feed_inputs has {sorted(feed_inputs)}." ) inputs = [results[i] for i in node.input] linked_attributes = {} if node.has_linked_attribute and attributes: linked_attributes["linked_attributes"] = attributes try: if node.need_context(): outputs =*inputs, context=results, **linked_attributes) else: outputs =*inputs, **linked_attributes) except Exception: if raise_exc: # ExtendedReferenceEvaluator(self.onnx_model, verbose=10).run( # None, feed_inputs # ) raise yield_output = False break for name, value in zip(node.output, outputs): yield ResultType.RESULT, name, value, node.op_type results[name] = value # step 3: outputs if yield_output: for name in output_names: if name not in results: raise RuntimeError( f"Unable to find output name {name!r} in {sorted(results)}, " f"proto is\n{self.proto_}" ) yield ResultType.OUTPUT, name, results[name], None
[docs] def enumerate_summarized( self, output_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, feed_inputs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, raise_exc: bool = True, keep_tensor: bool = False, ) -> Iterator[ResultExecution]: """ Executes the onnx model and enumerate intermediate results without their names. :param output_names: requested outputs by names, None for all :param feed_inputs: dictionary ``{ input name: input value }`` :param raise_exc: raises an exception if the execution fails or stop where it is :param keep_tensor: keep the tensor in order to compute precise distances :return: iterator on ResultExecution """ for kind, name, value, op_type in self.enumerate_results( output_names, feed_inputs, raise_exc=raise_exc ): summary = make_summary(value) yield ResultExecution( kind, value.dtype, value.shape, summary, op_type, name, value=value if keep_tensor else None, )
def discrepancies( expected: np.ndarray, value: np.ndarray, eps: float = 1e-7 ) -> Dict[str, float]: """ Computes absolute error and relative error between two matrices. """ assert ( expected.size == value.size ), f"Incompatible shapes v1.shape={expected.shape}, v2.shape={value.shape}" expected = expected.ravel().astype(np.float32) value = value.ravel().astype(np.float32) diff = np.abs(expected - value) rel = diff / (np.abs(expected) + eps) return dict(aerr=float(diff.max()), rerr=float(rel.max()))
[docs] class DistanceExecution: """ Computes a distance between two results. """ float_types = { np.float16, np.float32, np.float64, np.dtype("float16"), np.dtype("float32"), np.dtype("float64"), } def __init__(self, max_lag: int = 50): self.kind_cost = 1000 self.type_cost = 10 self.rank_cost = 100 self.op_type_cost = 10 self.max_lag = max_lag self.insert_cost = 1000
[docs] def distance_pair(self, r1: ResultExecution, r2: ResultExecution) -> float: """ (ResultType.RESULT, np.dtype("float32"), (2, 2), "CEIO", "Abs"), :param r1: first result :param r2: second result :return: distance """ d = 0 if r1[0] != r2[0]: # difference type d += self.kind_cost if r1[1] != r2[1]: d += self._cost_type(r1[1], r2[1]) * self.type_cost if r1[2] != r2[2]: d += self._cost_shape(r1[2], r2[2]) if r1[3] != r2[3]: d += self._cost_summary(r1[3], r2[3]) if r1[4] != r2[4]: d += self.op_type_cost return d
def _cost_type(self, t1: "np.dtype", t2: "np.dtype") -> float: if t1 in self.float_types and t2 in self.float_types: return 0.2 return 1 def _cost_shape(self, s1: Tuple[int, ...], s2: Tuple[int, ...]) -> float: if s1 is None or s2 is None: return self.rank_cost if any(isinstance(s, str) for s in s1) or any(isinstance(s, str) for s in s2): # dynamic shapes if len(s1) != len(s2): return self.rank_cost d = 0 for i, j in zip(s1, s2): if isinstance(i, int) and isinstance(j, int): d += abs(i - j) elif i != j: d += self.rank_cost / 2 return d d = abs( - if len(s1) != len(s2): return self.rank_cost + d for i, j in zip(s1, s2): d += abs(i - j) return d def _cost_summary(self, s1: str, s2: str) -> float: if len(s1) != len(s2): return 1e6 d = 0 for a, b in zip(s1, s2): d += abs(ord(a) - ord(b)) return d
[docs] def distance_sequence( self, s1: List[ResultExecution], s2: List[ResultExecution] ) -> Tuple[float, List[Tuple[int, int]]]: """ Computes the distance between two sequences of results. :param s1: first sequence :param s2: second sequence :return: distance and alignment """ delay = max(self.max_lag, abs(len(s2) - len(s1)) + 1) distance = {(-1, -1): 0} predecessor = {(-1, -1): None} for i in range(len(s1)): for j in range(max(0, i - delay), min(len(s2), i + delay)): best = distance.get((i, j), 1e100) pred = None ki, kj = i - 1, j - 1 if (ki, kj) in distance: d = distance[ki, kj] + self.distance_pair(s1[i], s2[j]) if d < best: best = d pred = (ki, kj) ki, kj = i - 1, j if (ki, kj) in distance: d = distance[ki, kj] + self.insert_cost if d < best: best = d pred = (ki, kj) ki, kj = i, j - 1 if (ki, kj) in distance: d = distance[ki, kj] + self.insert_cost if d < best: best = d pred = (ki, kj) distance[i, j] = best predecessor[i, j] = pred # reverse way = [] last = len(s1) - 1, len(s2) - 1 while last is not None: way.append(last) last = predecessor[last] return distance[len(s1) - 1, len(s2) - 1], list(reversed(way))[1:]
[docs] def to_str( self, s1: List[ResultExecution], s2: List[ResultExecution], alignment: List[Tuple[int, int]], column_size: int = 60, ) -> str: """ Prints out the alignment between two sequences into a string. :param s1: first sequence :param s2: second sequence :param alignment: alignment :param column_size: column size :return: test """ rows = [] last = -1, -1 row_index = 1 for i, j in alignment: assert i < len(s1), f"Unexpected value i={i} >= len(s1)={len(s1)}" assert j < len(s2), f"Unexpected value i={j} >= len(s2)={len(s2)}" expected = last[0] + 1, last[1] + 1 if expected == (i, j): d1 = s1[i] d2 = s2[j] d = self.distance_pair(d1, d2) symbol = "=" if d == 0 else "~" line = ( f"{symbol} | {_align(str(d1), column_size)} | " f"{_align(str(d2), column_size)}" ) if ( d1.value is not None and d2.value is not None and d1.value.size == d2.value.size ): disc = discrepancies(d1.value, d2.value) a, r = disc["aerr"], disc["rerr"] line += f" | a={a:.3f} r={r:.3f}" elif i == last[0]: d2 = s2[j] line = ( f"+ | {_align('', column_size)} | {_align(str(d2), column_size)} " ) else: d1 = s1[i] line = f"- | {_align(str(d1), column_size)} | {_align('', column_size)}" rows.append(f"{row_index:03d} {line}") last = i, j row_index += 1 return "\n".join(rows)
def generate_input(info: ValueInfoProto) -> np.ndarray: """ Generates one input. """ elem_type = info.type.tensor_type.elem_type shape = [ (getattr(d, "dim_value", None) or getattr(d, "dim_param")) # noqa: B009 for d in info.type.tensor_type.shape.dim ] new_shape = [] for sh in shape: if isinstance(sh, str): if len(new_shape) == 0: new_shape.append(1) else: new_shape.append(16) else: new_shape.append(sh) new_shape = tuple(new_shape) p = value = np.arange(p) if elem_type == TensorProto.INT32: return value.astype(np.int32).reshape(new_shape) if elem_type == TensorProto.INT64: return value.astype(np.int64).reshape(new_shape) if elem_type == TensorProto.FLOAT: return (value.astype(np.float32) / p).astype(np.float32).reshape(new_shape) if elem_type == TensorProto.FLOAT16: return (value.astype(np.float16) / p).astype(np.float16).reshape(new_shape) if elem_type == TensorProto.DOUBLE: return (value.astype(np.float64) / p).astype(np.float64).reshape(new_shape) if elem_type == TensorProto.COMPLEX64: return (value.astype(np.complex64) / p).astype(np.complex64).reshape(new_shape) if elem_type == TensorProto.COMPLEX128: return ( (value.astype(np.complex128) / p).astype(np.complex128).reshape(new_shape) ) raise RuntimeError(f"Unexpected element_type {elem_type} for info={info}") def generate_inputs(model: ModelProto) -> List[np.ndarray]: """ Generates inputs for a specific model. :param model: ModelProto :return: list of inputs """ inputs = [] inits = set( for i in model.graph.initializer) for inp in model.graph.input: if in inits: break inputs.append(generate_input(inp)) return inputs def _update_shape_types_with_proto( proto: ModelProto, ) -> Dict[str, Tuple[int, Tuple[Union[int, str], ...]]]: """ Retrieves the shapes and types for a model. """ assert isinstance(proto, ModelProto), f"Unexpected type {type(proto)} for proto" res = {} for val in proto.graph.input: itype = val.type.tensor_type.elem_type shape = tuple( d.dim_param if d.dim_param else d.dim_value for d in val.type.tensor_type.shape.dim ) res[] = [itype, shape] for val in proto.graph.output: itype = val.type.tensor_type.elem_type shape = tuple( d.dim_param if d.dim_param else d.dim_value for d in val.type.tensor_type.shape.dim ) res[] = [itype, shape] for val in proto.graph.initializer: itype = val.data_type shape = tuple(d for d in val.dims) res[] = [itype, shape] new_proto = infer_shapes(proto) for val in new_proto.graph.value_info: itype = val.type.tensor_type.elem_type shape = tuple( d.dim_param if d.dim_param else d.dim_value for d in val.type.tensor_type.shape.dim ) res[] = [itype, shape] return res def _enumerate_result_no_execution(model: ModelProto) -> Iterator[ResultType]: """ Produces a list of results based on a model in order to trigger the edit distance comparison. """ type_shape = _update_shape_types_with_proto(model) for i in model.graph.initializer: itype, shape = type_shape.get(, (0, None)) dtype = tensor_dtype_to_np_dtype(itype) yield ResultExecution( ResultType.INITIALIZER, dtype, shape, make_summary(to_array_extended(i)), "INIT",, ) for i in model.graph.input: itype, shape = type_shape.get(, (0, None)) dtype = tensor_dtype_to_np_dtype(itype) yield ResultExecution(ResultType.INPUT, dtype, shape, "????", "INPUT", for node in model.graph.node: yield ResultExecution(ResultType.NODE, 0, None, "????", node.op_type, for o in node.output: itype, shape = type_shape.get(o, (0, None)) dtype = 0 if itype == 0 else tensor_dtype_to_np_dtype(itype) yield ResultExecution( ResultType.RESULT, dtype, shape, "????", node.op_type, o ) for i in model.graph.output: itype, shape = type_shape.get(, (0, None)) dtype = tensor_dtype_to_np_dtype(itype) yield ResultExecution(ResultType.OUTPUT, dtype, shape, "????", "OUTPUT",
[docs] def compare_onnx_execution( model1: ModelProto, model2: ModelProto, inputs: Optional[Union[List[Any], Tuple[Dict[str, Any]]]] = None, verbose: int = 0, raise_exc: bool = True, mode: str = "execute", keep_tensor: bool = False, cls: Optional[type[ReferenceEvaluator]] = None, ) -> Tuple[List[ResultExecution], List[ResultExecution], List[Tuple[int, int]]]: """ Compares the execution of two onnx models. The function assumes both models takes the same inputs. See :ref:`l-onnx-diff-example` to see a full example using this function. :param model1: first model :param model2: second model :param inputs: inputs to use, a list of inputs if both models have the same number of inputs or two dictionaries, one for each model :param verbose: verbosity :param raise_exc: raise exception if the execution fails or stop at the error :param mode: the model should be executed but the function can be executed but the comparison may append on nodes only :param keep_tensor: keeps the tensor in order to compute a precise distance :param cls: evaluator class to use :return: four results, a sequence of results for the first model and the second model, the alignment between the two, DistanceExecution """ assert mode in {"execute", "nodes"}, f"Unexpected value for mode={mode!r}." if mode == "execute": if inputs is None: if verbose: print("[compare_onnx_execution] generate inputs") inputs = generate_inputs(model1) if isinstance(inputs, tuple): assert len(inputs) == 2, f"Unexpected number {len(inputs)} of inputs." feeds1, feeds2 = inputs else: feeds1 = { v for i, v in zip(model1.graph.input, inputs)} feeds2 = { v for i, v in zip(model2.graph.input, inputs)} assert isinstance(feeds1, dict), f"Unexpected type {type(feeds1)} for inputs" assert isinstance(feeds2, dict), f"Unexpected type {type(feeds2)} for inputs" if verbose: print(f"[compare_onnx_execution] execute with {len(inputs)} inputs") print("[compare_onnx_execution] execute first model") res1 = list( YieldEvaluator(model1, cls=cls).enumerate_summarized( None, feeds1, raise_exc=raise_exc, keep_tensor=keep_tensor ) ) if verbose: print(f"[compare_onnx_execution] got {len(res1)} results") print("[compare_onnx_execution] execute second model") res2 = list( YieldEvaluator(model2, cls=cls).enumerate_summarized( None, feeds2, raise_exc=raise_exc, keep_tensor=keep_tensor ) ) elif mode == "nodes": # No execution. if verbose: print("[compare_onnx_execution] loading first model") proto1 = load(model1) if isinstance(model1, str) else model1 if verbose: print("[compare_onnx_execution] loading second model") proto2 = load(model2) if isinstance(model2, str) else model2 res1 = list(_enumerate_result_no_execution(proto1)) res2 = list(_enumerate_result_no_execution(proto2)) else: return if verbose: print(f"[compare_onnx_execution] got {len(res1)} results (first model)") print(f"[compare_onnx_execution] got {len(res2)} results (second model)") print("[compare_onnx_execution] compute edit distance") dc = DistanceExecution() _, align = dc.distance_sequence(res1, res2) if verbose: print(f"[compare_onnx_execution] got {len(align)} pairs") print("[compare_onnx_execution] done") return res1, res2, align, dc