Source code for onnx_array_api.graph_api.graph_builder

import sys
from functools import partial
from typing import Any, Dict, Iterator, List, Optional, Sequence, Set, Tuple, Union
import numpy as np
from onnx.defs import onnx_opset_version
import onnx.helper as oh
import onnx.numpy_helper as onh
from onnx import (
from onnx.reference import ReferenceEvaluator


[docs] class OptimizationOptions: def __init__( self, remove_unused: bool = True, constant_folding: bool = False, constant_size: int = 1024, ): self.remove_unused = remove_unused self.constant_folding = constant_folding self.constant_size = constant_size
[docs] class NodePattern: """ Class defining a matching pattern able to find nodes in a set of nodes. """ def __init__( self, index: Optional[int] = None, op_type: Optional[str] = None, name: Optional[None] = None, ): self.index = index self.op_type = op_type = name def __repr__(self): "usual" args = ["index", "op_type", "name"] sargs = [] for a in args: if a: sargs.append(f"{a}={getattr(self, a)!r}") return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({', '.join(sargs)})"
[docs] def find(self, graph: "GraphBuilder") -> Iterator: """ Iterates on nodes matching the pattern. """ for index, node in enumerate(graph.nodes): if self.match(index, node): yield node
[docs] def match(self, index, node: NodeProto) -> bool: """ Tells if a node is matching this pattern. """ if self.index is not None and self.index != index: return False if self.op_type is not None and self.op_type != node.op_type: return False if is not None and != return False return True
class Opset: # defined for opset >= 18 # name: number of expected outputs _implemented = { "Add": 1, "And": 1, "Cast": 1, "Concat": 1, "Constant": 1, "Div": 1, "Exp": 1, "Expand": 1, "GatherElements": 1, "Gemm": 1, "Identity": 1, "MatMul": 1, "MaxPool": 2, "Mul": 1, "Log": 1, "Or": 1, "Pow": 1, "Relu": 1, "ReduceSum": 1, "Reshape": 1, "Shape": 1, "Slice": 1, "Squeeze": 1, "Sub": 1, "Transpose": 1, "Unsqueeze": 1, } def __init__(self, builder: "GraphBuilder", opset: int): self.opset = opset self.builder = builder def __getattr__(self, name): if name in self._implemented: return partial(self.make_node, name) try: return super().__getattr__(name) except AttributeError as e: raise AttributeError(f"Unable to access attribute {name!r}.") from e def Initializer( self, init: Union[TensorProto, np.ndarray], name: Optional[str] = None ) -> str: """ Creates an initializer. :param init: value :param name: name if value is not a TensorProto :return: its name """ return self.builder.make_initializer(init, name=name, exists=True) def make_node( self, op_type: str, *inputs: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]], outputs: Optional[Union[int, List[str], str]] = None, domain: str = "", **kwargs, ): if outputs is None: outputs = self._implemented[op_type] if inputs is None: inputs = [] new_inputs = [] for i in inputs: if not isinstance(i, str): name = self.builder.unique_name("cst") self.builder.make_initializer(i, name=name, exists=True) new_inputs.append(name) else: new_inputs.append(i) return self.builder.make_node( op_type, new_inputs, outputs=outputs, domain=domain, **kwargs )
[docs] class GraphBuilder: def __init__( self, target_opset_or_existing_proto: Optional[ Union[int, Dict[str, int], ModelProto, FunctionProto] ] = None, input_names: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, as_function: bool = False, optimization_options: Optional[OptimizationOptions] = None, args: Optional[List[Any]] = None, verbose: int = 0, ir_version: Optional[int] = None, ): self.optimization_options = optimization_options or OptimizationOptions() self.as_function = as_function self.input_args = args self.verbose = verbose if target_opset_or_existing_proto is None: target_opset_or_existing_proto = onnx_opset_version() - 1 if isinstance(target_opset_or_existing_proto, (int, dict)): self.opsets = ( {"": target_opset_or_existing_proto} if isinstance(target_opset_or_existing_proto, int) else target_opset_or_existing_proto ) self.ir_version = ir_version self.nodes = [] self.initializers_dict = {} self.inputs = [] self.outputs = [] self._unique_names = set() self.input_names = input_names or [] self.current_input = 0 self._known_shapes = {} self._known_types = {} self.constants_ = {} self.functions_ = {} elif isinstance(target_opset_or_existing_proto, ModelProto): assert ( not input_names ), "input_names must be empty if the input is an existing model." proto = target_opset_or_existing_proto self.opsets = {d.domain: d.version for d in proto.opset_import} self.ir_version = ir_version or target_opset_or_existing_proto.ir_version self.nodes = list(proto.graph.node) self.initializers_dict = { i for i in proto.graph.initializer} self.initializers_dict.update( { i for i in proto.graph.sparse_initializer} ) self.inputs = list(proto.graph.input) self.outputs = list(proto.graph.output) self.input_names = [ for i in proto.graph.input] self.current_input = len(self.inputs) # This should be improve. self._known_shapes = {} self._known_types = {} self.constants_ = {} for k, v in self.initializers_dict.items(): self.constants_[k] = None self.set_shape(k, self._get_tensor_shape(v)) self.set_type(k, self._get_tensor_type(v)) for node in self.nodes: if node.op_type == "Constant": self.constants_[node.output[0]] = node self.set_shape(node.output[0], self._get_tensor_shape(node)) self.set_type(node.output[0], self._get_tensor_type(node)) for f in proto.function: self.add_function(f) else: raise NotImplementedError( f"{type(target_opset_or_existing_proto)} is not supported." ) self.op = Opset(self, self.opsets[""]) if "" in self.opsets else None self._cache_array = []
[docs] def add_local_function(self, domain: str, name: str, gr: "GraphBuilder"): "Adds a local function." assert ( domain, name, ) not in self.functions_, f"Function {(domain, name)} was already added." self.functions_[domain, name] = gr
def _get_tensor_shape( self, proto: Union[NodeProto, TensorProto] ) -> Tuple[int, ...]: if isinstance(proto, TensorProto): return tuple(proto.dims) if isinstance(proto, NodeProto): for att in proto.attribute: if == "value_float": return tuple() if == "value_int": return tuple() if == "value_floats": return tuple(att.floats) if == "value_ints": return (len(att.ints),) if == "value": t = onh.to_array(att.t) return t.shape raise TypeError( f"Unexpected or unsupported scenario type {type(proto)}: {proto}." ) def _get_tensor_type(self, proto: Union[NodeProto, TensorProto]) -> int: if isinstance(proto, TensorProto): return proto.data_type if isinstance(proto, NodeProto): for att in proto.attribute: if == "value_float": return TensorProto.FLOAT if == "value_int": return TensorProto.INT64 if == "value_floats": return TensorProto.FLOAT if == "value_ints": return TensorProto.INT64 if == "value": t = onh.to_array(att.t) return oh.np_dtype_to_tensor_dtype(t.dtype) raise ValueError(f"Unexpected type or value {type(proto)}: {proto}.")
[docs] def is_constant(self, name: str) -> bool: """Tells if a result is a constant.""" return name in self.constants_
def get_constant(self, name: str) -> np.ndarray: assert self.is_constant(name), f"Result {name!r} is not a constant." assert ( name in self.initializers_dict ), f"Result {name!r} was never evaluated within method 'constant_folding'." value = self.initializers_dict[name] if isinstance(value, np.ndarray): return value raise TypeError(f"Unable to convert type {type(value)} into numpy array.") def set_shape(self, name: str, shape: Tuple[int, ...]): assert isinstance( name, str ), f"Unexpected type {type(name)} for name, it should be a string." if name in self._known_shapes: assert shape == self._known_shapes[name], ( f"Name {name!r} already exists and it is different " f"{self._known_shapes[name]} != {shape}" ) return assert isinstance( shape, tuple ), f"Unexpected shape type {type(shape)}, it should be a tuple." self._known_shapes[name] = shape def set_type(self, name: str, dtype: int): assert isinstance(name, str), f"Unexpected type {type(name)} for name." int_type = dtype if isinstance(dtype, int) else self._get_type(dtype) if name in self._known_types: assert int_type == self._known_types[name], ( f"Name {name!r} already exists and it is different " f"{self._known_types[name]} != {int_type}." ) self._known_types[name] = int_type def rank(self, name: str) -> int: return len(self.get_shape(name)) def has_shape(self, name: str) -> bool: return name in self._known_shapes def get_shape(self, name: str) -> int: assert name in self._known_shapes, ( f"Shape is unknown for result {name!r}, " f"known_shapes={self._known_shapes}." ) return self._known_shapes[name] def has_type(self, name: str) -> bool: return name in self._known_types def get_type(self, name: str) -> int: assert ( name in self._known_types ), f"Type is unknown for result {name!r}, known_types={self._known_types}." return self._known_types[name] def unique_name(self, prefix: str) -> str: if prefix in self._unique_names: i = 2 sug = f"{prefix}2" while sug in self._unique_names: i += 1 sug = f"{prefix}{i}" self._unique_names.add(sug) return sug self._unique_names.add(prefix) return prefix def _prepare_inputs(self, schema: Optional[Any], *inputs: List[Any]) -> List[str]: input_names = [] for i in inputs: self.make_input(, i.dtype, i.shape) input_names.append( return input_names def _get_type(self, elem_type: Any, exc: bool = True) -> int: if not isinstance(elem_type, int): st = str(elem_type) if "float32" in st: elem_type = TensorProto.FLOAT elif "int64" in st: elem_type = TensorProto.INT64 elif elem_type is None: elem_type = TensorProto.UNDEFINED elif exc: raise ValueError(f"Unable to interpret elem_type {elem_type!r}.") return elem_type def make_initializer( self, value: Any, name: str = "", external: bool = False, exists: bool = False ) -> str: if external: raise NotImplementedError("External initializers are not implemented yet.") if name == "": if exists: raise ValueError("Undefined name cannot exist.") name = self.unique_name("cst") elif not exists: if name in self._unique_names: raise ValueError(f"{name!r} is already assigned.") self._unique_names.add(name) self.set_shape(name, value.shape) self.set_type(name, self._get_type(value.dtype)) self.initializers_dict[name] = value self.constants_[name] = None if self.verbose and > 100: print( f"[GraphBuilder] make_initializer:{name}[{value.dtype}:{value.shape}]" ) return name def make_tensor_input( self, name: str, elem_type: Any, shape: Tuple[int, ...] ) -> str: if self.current_input < len(self.input_names): # The input needs to be renamed, an identity node is added. input_name = self.input_names[self.current_input] self.make_node("Identity", [input_name], [name]) else: self.input_names.append(name) input_name = name if name in self._unique_names: raise ValueError(f"{name!r} is already assigned.") self._unique_names.add(name) self.current_input += 1 elem_type = self._get_type(elem_type) self.inputs.append(oh.make_tensor_value_info(input_name, elem_type, shape)) if self.verbose: print(f"[GraphBuilder] make_tensor_input:{name}[{elem_type}:{shape}]") if shape: self.set_shape(name, shape) if elem_type: self.set_type(name, elem_type) return name def make_tensor_output( self, name: Union[str, List[str]], elem_type: Optional[int] = None, shape: Optional[Tuple[int, ...]] = None, is_dimension: bool = False, indexed: bool = False, ) -> Union[str, List[str]]: if isinstance(name, list): res = [] for n in name: res.append(self.make_tensor_output(n, elem_type, shape)) return res elem_type = self._get_type(elem_type, False) assert ( self.as_function or elem_type != 0 ), f"Undefined element type for {name!r}." self.outputs.append(oh.make_tensor_value_info(name, elem_type, shape)) if self.verbose: print(f"[GraphBuilder] make_tensor_output:{name}[{elem_type}:{shape}]") if shape: self.set_shape(name, shape) if elem_type: self.set_type(name, elem_type) return name def make_node( self, op_type: str, inputs: Union[str, List[str]], outputs: Union[int, List[str], str] = 1, domain: str = "", attributes: Optional[List[AttributeProto]] = None, **kwargs, ) -> Union[str, List[str]]: assert ( not kwargs or not attributes ), f"Only attributes or kwargs can be filled for node {op_type!r}." if isinstance(inputs, tuple): inputs = list(inputs) if isinstance(outputs, int): assert outputs > 0, f"outputs={outputs} must be > 0." lower = op_type.lower() output_names = [ self.unique_name(f"_onx_{lower}{i}") for i in range(outputs) ] elif isinstance(outputs, str): output_names = [outputs] else: output_names = outputs if isinstance(inputs, str): inputs = [inputs] # next try: node = oh.make_node(op_type, inputs, output_names, domain=domain, **kwargs) except TypeError as e: raise TypeError( f"A node {op_type!r} cannot be created with " f"inputs={inputs} (types={[type(i) for i in inputs]}), " f"outputs={outputs} " f"(types={[type(o) for o in outputs] if isinstance(outputs, (tuple, list)) else outputs}), " # noqa: E501 f"domain={domain!r}, kwargs={kwargs}." ) from e if attributes: node.attribute.extend(attributes) # constant handling, shape, type if node.op_type == "Constant": size = len(node.SerializeToString()) assert size < self.optimization_options.constant_size, ( f"A node Constant holds a tensor bigger than " f"the constant: {size} >= {self.constant_size}." ) k = node.output[0] self.constants_[k] = node shape = self._get_tensor_shape(node) dtype = self._get_tensor_type(node) self.set_shape(k, shape) self.set_type(k, dtype) if self.verbose and > 100: print(f"[GraphBuilder] make_constant:{k}[{dtype}:{shape}]") elif node.op_type == "Identity": if node.input[0] in self._known_shapes: self.set_shape(node.output[0], self._known_shapes[node.input[0]]) if node.input[0] in self._known_types: self.set_type(node.output[0], self._known_types[node.input[0]]) if self.is_constant(node.input[0]): self.constants_[node.output[0]] = node else: if all(map(self.is_constant, node.input)): for o in node.output: self.constants_[o] = node # add the node self.nodes.append(node) if len(output_names) == 1: return output_names[0] return output_names
[docs] def make_nodes( self, builder: "GraphBuilder", input_names: List[str], output_names: List[str], prefix: str = "", ) -> Union[str, List[str]]: """ Appends all nodes and initializers from another builder. Handles the renaming of results. The content stored in 'builder' is modified inplace to avoid copying. :param builder: other builder :param input_names: input names :param output_names: output names :param prefix: prefix all name from this builder :return: output names """ renaming = {} for init, value in builder.initializers_dict.items(): name = self.unique_name(f"{prefix}{init}") renaming[init] = name if isinstance(value, TensorProto): = name self.initializers_dict[name] = value self.constants_[name] = None self.set_shape(name, builder._known_shapes[init]) self.set_type(name, builder._known_types[init]) assert len(input_names) == len(builder.inputs), ( f"Inconsistency between input_names={input_names} " f"and the other builder inputs={builder.inputs}." ) for name, inp in zip(input_names, builder.inputs): new_name = self.unique_name(f"{prefix}{}") renaming[] = new_name if builder.has_shape( self.set_shape(new_name, builder.get_shape( if builder.has_type( self.set_type(new_name, builder.get_type( self.make_node("Identity", [name], [new_name]) for node in builder.nodes: new_inputs = [renaming[i] for i in node.input] new_outputs = [self.unique_name(f"{prefix}{o}") for o in node.output] for o, no in zip(node.output, new_outputs): renaming[o] = no self.make_node( node.op_type, new_inputs, new_outputs, domain=node.domain, attributes=node.attribute, ) for o, no in zip(node.output, new_outputs): if builder.has_shape(o): self.set_shape(no, builder.get_shape(o)) if builder.has_type(o): self.set_type(no, builder.get_type(o)) assert len(output_names) == len(builder.outputs), ( f"Inconsistency between output_names={output_names} and " f"outputs={builder.outputs}, renaming={renaming}." ) for name, out in zip(output_names, builder.outputs): self.make_node("Identity", [renaming[]], [name]) # opsets and domains for o, v in builder.opsets.items(): if o in self.opsets: assert self.opsets[o] == builder.opsets[o], ( f"Opset mismatch for domain {o!r}, " f"{self.opsets[o]} != {builder.opsets[o]}." ) continue self.opsets[o] = v if len(output_names) == 1: return output_names[0] return output_names
def from_array( self, arr: T, name: Optional[str] = None ) -> TensorProto: # noqa: F821 if isinstance(arr, np.ndarray): return self.from_np_array(arr, name) raise NotImplementedError( f"{type(arr)} is not supported yet but initializer {name or ''!r} is." ) def from_np_array(self, arr: np.ndarray, name: Optional[str] = None) -> TensorProto: arr_cpu = np.ascontiguousarray(arr) if not arr.flags["C_CONTIGUOUS"] else arr if == if sys.byteorder == "big": arr_cpu = arr_cpu.copy() np.byteswap( np.frombuffer(, dtype=arr_cpu.dtype), inplace=True, ) else: if sys.byteorder == "big": np.byteswap( np.frombuffer(, dtype=arr_cpu.dtype), inplace=True, ) # let's the tensor until the builder is released # so the pointer does not disappear self._cache_array.append(arr_cpu) tensor = TensorProto() tensor.dims.extend(arr_cpu.shape) = name tensor.data_type = self._get_type(arr_cpu.dtype) # this does not work... # tensor.raw_data = tensor.raw_data = arr_cpu.tobytes() if self.verbose and > 100: print( f"[GraphBuilder] from_array:{tensor.data_type}[{arr_cpu.shape}]:" f"{'swapped' if sys.byteorder == 'big' else ''}" ) return tensor def _build_initializers(self) -> List[TensorProto]: res = [] for k, v in sorted(self.initializers_dict.items()): if isinstance(v, np.ndarray): if > 100: if self.verbose: print(f"[GraphBuilder] from_array:{k}:{v.dtype}[{v.shape}]") t = self.from_array(v, name=k) else: t = onh.from_array(v, name=k) res.append(t) continue if isinstance(v, TensorProto): res.append(v) continue raise TypeError( f"Unable to convert initializer {k!r} with type " f"{type(v)} into a TensorProto." ) return res def process( self, graph_module: Any, interpreter: "Interpreter", # noqa: F821 ): for node in graph_module.graph.nodes: interpreter.run_node(node) def to_onnx( self, as_function: bool = False, optimize: bool = True ) -> Union[FunctionProto, ModelProto]: if optimize: self.optimize() if as_function: raise NotImplementedError("Export as FunctionProto is not implemented yet.") dense = self._build_initializers() opsets = [oh.make_opsetid(*o) for o in self.opsets.items()] if as_function: return oh.make_function( self.nodes,, [ for i in self.inputs], [ for o in self.outputs], domain=self.domain, ) if self.verbose: print("[GraphBuilder] onh.make_graph") graph = oh.make_graph( self.nodes, "experiment", self.inputs, self.outputs, dense ) if self.verbose: print("[GraphBuilder] onh.make_model") model = oh.make_model(graph, opset_imports=opsets) if self.ir_version: model.ir_version = self.ir_version return model def _check_order_node(self, ind: int, node: NodeProto, existing: Set[str]): for i in node.input: assert i in existing, ( f"Unknown input {i!r} from node {ind}:{node.op_type}:{}. " f"Known: {existing}." ) for att in node.attribute: if att.type == AttributeProto.GRAPH and att.g: g_existing = existing.copy() for i in att.g.input: g_existing.add( for ind2, node2 in enumerate(att.g.node): self._check_order_node((ind, ind2), node2, g_existing) for o in att.g.output: assert ( in g_existing ), f"Unknown output {!r}. Known: {g_existing}." for o in node.output: existing.add(o) def check_order(self): existing = set(self.initializers_dict) for i in self.inputs: existing.add( for ind, node in enumerate(self.nodes): self._check_order_node(ind, node, existing) for o in self.outputs: assert in existing, f"Unknown output {!r}. Known: {existing}." def optimize(self, check_order: bool = False): if check_order: self.check_order() self.remove_identity_nodes() if check_order: self.check_order() if self.optimization_options.remove_unused: self.remove_unused() if check_order: self.check_order() if self.optimization_options.constant_folding: self.constant_folding() if check_order: self.check_order() if self.optimization_options.remove_unused: self.remove_unused() if check_order: self.check_order() def hidden_inputs_graph(self, graph: GraphProto) -> Set[str]: hidden = set() memo = set( for i in graph.initializer) memo |= set( for i in graph.sparse_initializer) for node in graph.node: for i in node.input: if i not in memo: hidden.add(i) for att in node.attribute: if att.type == AttributeProto.GRAPH and att.g: hid = self.hidden_inputs_graph(att.g) less = set(h for h in hid if h not in memo) hidden |= less memo |= set(node.output) return hidden
[docs] def remove_unused(self): """ Simple function to remove unused nodes. It does not look into subgraphs and assumes there is none. Everything is done in one pass. """ # mark outputs marked = { set() for o in self.outputs} for node in reversed(self.nodes): used = False for o in node.output: if o in marked: for i in node.input: marked[o].add(i) used = True for att in node.attribute: if att.type == AttributeProto.GRAPH and att.g: hidden_inputs = self.hidden_inputs_graph(att.g) for i in hidden_inputs: marked[i] = set() if used: for i in node.input: marked[i] = set() # removed nodes removed = set() marked_set = set(marked) for ind, node in enumerate(self.nodes): if not (set(node.output) & marked_set): removed.add(ind) if self.verbose: for k, v in self.initializers_dict.items(): if k not in marked: v = self.initializers_dict[k] print(f"[GraphBuilder] remove_initializer:{k}:{v.dtype}[{v.shape}]") self.initializers_dict = { k: v for k, v in self.initializers_dict.items() if k in marked } self.constants_ = {k: v for k, v in self.constants_.items() if k in marked} self.nodes = [node for i, node in enumerate(self.nodes) if i not in removed]
def _apply_transpose(self, node: NodeProto, feeds: Dict[str, T]) -> T: # noqa: F821 perm = None for att in node.attribute: if == "perm": perm = tuple(att.ints) break assert perm, f"perm not here in node {node}" return [np.transpose(feeds[node.input[0]], perm)]
[docs] def constant_folding(self): """ Folds all constants. Constants are marked during the creation of the graph. There is no need to propagate this information. """ updates = {} node_to_remove = set() for _k, v in self.constants_.items(): if v is None: # this is an initiliazer continue # a node if all(map(self.is_constant, v.output)): node_to_remove.add(tuple(v.output)) # node evaluation if v.op_type == "Transpose": # bypassing onnx.numpy_helper.from_array, too slow feeds = {i: self.initializers_dict[i] for i in v.input} output = self._apply_transpose(v, feeds) else: ref = ReferenceEvaluator(v) feeds = {i: self.get_constant(i) for i in v.input} output =, feeds) for name, value in zip(v.output, output): updates[name] = None self.initializers_dict[name] = value if self.verbose: print( f"[GraphBuilder] fold_constant:" f"{v.op_type}:{name}[{value.dtype}:" f"{value.shape}]:from:{','.join(sorted(feeds))}" ) self.constants_.update(updates) new_nodes = [] for node in self.nodes: if tuple(node.output) in node_to_remove: continue new_nodes.append(node) self.nodes = new_nodes
[docs] def remove_identity_nodes(self): """ Removes identity nodes. """ # first pass: detect replacements new_nodes = [] input_names = set( for i in self.inputs) output_names = set( for i in self.outputs) replacements = {} replacements_rev = {} for node in self.nodes: if node.op_type != "Identity": new_nodes.append(node) continue if node.output[0] not in output_names: old_name, new_name = node.output[0], node.input[0] elif ( node.input[0] not in input_names and node.input[0] not in output_names and node.input[0] not in replacements ): old_name, new_name = node.input[0], node.output[0] else: new_nodes.append(node) continue # the new name can be set for replacements as well if new_name in replacements: new_name = replacements[new_name] assert new_name not in replacements, ( f"Name {old_name!r} still in {replacements}, " f"node.op_type={node.op_type!r}, " f"node.input={node.input}, node.output={node.output}, " f"input_names={input_names}, output_names={output_names}" ) if old_name in replacements_rev: old_old_name = replacements_rev[old_name] replacements[old_old_name] = new_name replacements_rev[new_name] = old_old_name if old_name in replacements: replacements[replacements[old_name]] = new_name assert new_name not in replacements, ( f"Name {old_name!r} still in {replacements}, " f"node.op_type={node.op_type!r}, " f"node.input={node.input}, node.output={node.output}, " f"input_names={input_names}, output_names={output_names}" ) replacements[old_name] = new_name replacements_rev[new_name] = old_name # verification for k, v in replacements.items(): assert v not in replacements, ( f"replacement {k}->{v} is not possible because of " f"{v}->{replacements[v]}, old_name={old_name!r}, " f"new_name={new_name!r}" ) # second pass: replacements in initializer for k, v in replacements.items(): if k in self.initializers_dict: self.initializers_dict[v] = self.initializers_dict[k] del self.initializers_dict[k] assert self.constants_[v] self.constants_[v] = self.constants_[k] del self.constants_[k] # third pass: replacements in node self.nodes = [] for node in new_nodes: repo = {o for o in node.output if o in replacements} repi = {o for o in node.input if o in replacements} if repi or repo: new_inputs = [replacements.get(i, i) for i in node.input] new_outputs = [replacements.get(i, i) for i in node.output] new_node = oh.make_node( node.op_type, new_inputs, new_outputs, domain=node.domain,, ) new_node.attribute.extend(node.attribute) self.nodes.append(new_node) else: self.nodes.append(node)
[docs] def np( self, index: Optional[int] = None, op_type: Optional[str] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, ) -> NodePattern: """ Returns an instance of :class:`NodePattern <onnx_array_api.graph_api.graph_builder.NodePattern>`. """ return NodePattern(index=index, op_type=op_type, name=name)
[docs] def update_attribute( self, pat: NodePattern, recursive: bool = False, **kwargs: Dict[str, Any], ) -> int: """ Udates attributes for nodes matching the :param pat: returned by method :meth:`` :param recursive: walk through subgraph :param kwargs: attributes to modify :return: number of modified nodes """ assert not recursive, "recursive=True is not implemented." modified = 0 for node in pat.find(self): up = self.update_node(node, **kwargs) if up: modified += 1 return modified
DELETE = object()
[docs] def update_node(self, node: NodeProto, **kwargs) -> bool: """ Updates attributes of a node proto. Returns True if the node was updated. """ processed = set() modified = True atts = [] for att in node.attribute: if in kwargs: processed.add( if kwargs[] is GraphBuilder.DELETE: continue new_att = oh.make_attribute(, kwargs[]) assert new_att.type == att.type, ( f"Mismatch value for attribute {!r} has type " f"{att.type} but the new value leads to " f"type={new_att.type}." ) atts.append(new_att) modified = True continue atts.append(att) for k, v in kwargs.items(): if k in processed or v is GraphBuilder.DELETE: continue modified = True new_att = oh.make_attribute(k, v) atts.append(new_att) if modified: del node.attribute[:] node.attribute.extend(atts) return modified