import os
import sys
import unittest
import warnings
from contextlib import redirect_stderr, redirect_stdout
from io import StringIO
from timeit import Timer
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional
import numpy
from numpy.testing import assert_allclose
def is_azure() -> bool:
"Tells if the job is running on Azure DevOps."
return os.environ.get("AZURE_HTTP_USER_AGENT", "undefined") != "undefined"
def is_windows() -> bool:
return sys.platform == "win32"
def is_apple() -> bool:
return sys.platform == "darwin"
def skipif_ci_windows(msg) -> Callable:
Skips a unit test if it runs on :epkg:`azure pipeline` on :epkg:`Windows`.
if is_windows() and is_azure():
msg = f"Test does not work on azure pipeline (linux). {msg}"
return unittest.skip(msg)
return lambda x: x
def skipif_ci_apple(msg) -> Callable:
Skips a unit test if it runs on :epkg:`azure pipeline` on :epkg:`Windows`.
if is_apple() and is_azure():
msg = f"Test does not work on azure pipeline (Apple). {msg}"
return unittest.skip(msg)
return lambda x: x
def ignore_warnings(warns: List[Warning]) -> Callable:
Catches warnings.
:param warns: warnings to ignore
def wrapper(fct):
def call_f(self):
with warnings.catch_warnings():
warnings.simplefilter("ignore", warns)
return fct(self)
return call_f
return wrapper
def matplotlib_test() -> Callable:
Decorator for every test checking matplotlib graphs.
Cleans matplotlib after its completion.
def wrapper(fct):
import matplotlib
def call_f(self):
orig_units_registry = matplotlib.units.registry.copy()
return fct(self)
return call_f
return wrapper
def example_path(path: str) -> str:
Fixes a path for the examples.
Helps running the example within a unit test.
if os.path.exists(path):
return path
this = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
full = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(this, "..", "_doc", "examples", path))
if os.path.exists(full):
return full
raise FileNotFoundError(f"Unable to find path {path!r} or {full!r}.")
def measure_time(
stmt: Callable,
context: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
repeat: int = 10,
number: int = 50,
div_by_number: bool = True,
max_time: Optional[float] = None,
) -> Dict[str, Any]:
Measures a statement and returns the results as a dictionary.
:param stmt: string
:param context: variable to know in a dictionary
:param repeat: average over *repeat* experiment
:param number: number of executions in one row
:param div_by_number: divide by the number of executions
:param max_time: execute the statement until the total goes
beyond this time (approximatively), *repeat* is ignored,
*div_by_number* must be set to True
:return: dictionary
.. runpython::
from onnx_array_api.ext_test_case import measure_time
from math import cos
res = measure_time(lambda: cos(0.5))
See `Timer.repeat <
for a better understanding of parameter *repeat* and *number*.
The function returns a duration corresponding to
*number* times the execution of the main statement.
.. versionchanged:: 0.4
Parameter *max_time* was added.
if not callable(stmt) and not isinstance(stmt, str):
raise TypeError(
f"stmt is not callable or a string but is of type {type(stmt)!r}."
if context is None:
context = {}
import numpy
if isinstance(stmt, str):
tim = Timer(stmt, globals=context)
tim = Timer(stmt)
if max_time is not None:
if not div_by_number:
raise ValueError(
"div_by_number must be set to True of max_time is defined."
i = 1
total_time = 0
results = []
while True:
for j in (1, 2):
number = i * j
time_taken = tim.timeit(number)
results.append((number, time_taken))
total_time += time_taken
if total_time >= max_time:
if total_time >= max_time:
ratio = (max_time - total_time) / total_time
ratio = max(ratio, 1)
i = int(i * ratio)
res = numpy.array(results)
tw = res[:, 0].sum()
ttime = res[:, 1].sum()
mean = ttime / tw
ave = res[:, 1] / res[:, 0]
dev = (((ave - mean) ** 2 * res[:, 0]).sum() / tw) ** 0.5
mes = dict(
res = numpy.array(tim.repeat(repeat=repeat, number=number))
if div_by_number:
res /= number
mean = numpy.mean(res)
dev = numpy.mean(res**2)
dev = (dev - mean**2) ** 0.5
mes = dict(
if "values" in context:
if hasattr(context["values"], "shape"):
mes["size"] = context["values"].shape[0]
mes["size"] = len(context["values"])
mes["context_size"] = sys.getsizeof(context)
return mes
class ExtTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
_warns = []
def assertEqualArray(
expected: numpy.ndarray,
value: numpy.ndarray,
atol: float = 0,
rtol: float = 0,
self.assertEqual(expected.dtype, value.dtype)
self.assertEqual(expected.shape, value.shape)
assert_allclose(expected, value, atol=atol, rtol=rtol)
def assertRaise(self, fct: Callable, exc_type: Exception):
except exc_type as e:
if not isinstance(e, exc_type):
raise AssertionError(f"Unexpected exception {type(e)!r}.") # noqa: B904
raise AssertionError("No exception was raised.")
def assertEmpty(self, value: Any):
if not value:
raise AssertionError(f"value is not empty: {value!r}.")
def assertExists(self, name):
if not os.path.exists(name):
raise AssertionError(f"File or folder {name!r} does not exists.")
def assertHasAttr(self, cls: type, name: str):
if not hasattr(cls, name):
raise AssertionError(f"Class {cls} has no attribute {name!r}.")
def assertNotEmpty(self, value: Any):
if value is None:
raise AssertionError(f"value is empty: {value!r}.")
if isinstance(value, (list, dict, tuple, set)):
if value:
raise AssertionError(f"value is empty: {value!r}.")
def assertStartsWith(self, prefix: str, full: str):
if not full.startswith(prefix):
raise AssertionError(f"prefix={prefix!r} does not start string {full!r}.")
def tearDownClass(cls):
for name, line, w in cls._warns:
warnings.warn(f"\n{name}:{line}: {type(w)}\n {str(w)}", stacklevel=0)
def capture(self, fct: Callable):
Runs a function and capture standard output and error.
:param fct: function to run
:return: result of *fct*, output, error
sout = StringIO()
serr = StringIO()
with redirect_stdout(sout), redirect_stderr(serr):
res = fct()
return res, sout.getvalue(), serr.getvalue()
def relative_path(self, filename: str, *names: List[str]) -> str:
Returns a path relative to the folder *filename*
is in. The function checks the path existence.
:param filename: filename
:param names: additional path pieces
:return: new path
dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(filename))
name = os.path.join(dir, *names)
if not os.path.exists(name):
raise FileNotFoundError(f"Path {name!r} does not exists.")
return name