Source code for pandas_streaming.df.dataframe_io

import io
import os
import zipfile
import pandas
import numpy

[docs] def to_zip(df, zipfilename, zname="df.csv", **kwargs): """ Saves a :epkg:`Dataframe` into a :epkg:`zip` file. It can be read by :meth:`read_zip`. :param df: :epkg:`dataframe` or :class:`numpy.ndarray` :param zipfilename: a :class:`zipfile.ZipFile` or a filename :param zname: a filename in the zipfile :param kwargs: parameters for :meth:`pandas.DataFrame.to_csv` or :func:`` :return: zipfilename .. exref:: :title: Saves and reads a dataframe in a zip file :tag: dataframe This shows an example on how to save and read a :class:`pandas.DataFrame` directly into a zip file. .. runpython:: :showcode: import pandas from pandas_streaming.df import to_zip, read_zip df = pandas.DataFrame([dict(a=1, b="e"), dict(b="f", a=5.7)]) name = "" to_zip(df, name, encoding="utf-8", index=False) df2 = read_zip(name, encoding="utf-8") print(df2) .. exref:: :title: Saves and reads a numpy array in a zip file :tag: array This shows an example on how to save and read a :class:`numpy.ndarray` directly into a zip file. .. runpython:: :showcode: import numpy from pandas_streaming.df import to_zip, read_zip arr = numpy.array([[0.5, 1.5], [0.4, 1.6]]) name = "" to_zip(arr, name, 'arr.npy') arr2 = read_zip(name, 'arr.npy') print(arr2) """ if isinstance(df, pandas.DataFrame): stb = io.StringIO() ext = os.path.splitext(zname)[-1] if ext == ".npy": raise ValueError( # pragma: no cover "Extension '.npy' cannot be used to save a dataframe." ) df.to_csv(stb, **kwargs) elif isinstance(df, numpy.ndarray): stb = io.BytesIO() ext = os.path.splitext(zname)[-1] if ext != ".npy": raise ValueError( # pragma: no cover "Extension '.npy' is required when saving a numpy array." ), df, **kwargs) else: raise TypeError(f"Type not handled {type(df)}") # pragma: no cover text = stb.getvalue() if isinstance(zipfilename, str): ext = os.path.splitext(zipfilename)[-1] if ext != ".zip": raise NotImplementedError( # pragma: no cover f"Only zip file are implemented not '{ext}'." ) zf = zipfile.ZipFile(zipfilename, "w") # pylint: disable=R1732 close = True elif isinstance(zipfilename, zipfile.ZipFile): zf = zipfilename close = False else: raise TypeError( # pragma: no cover f"No implementation for type '{type(zipfilename)}'" ) zf.writestr(zname, text) if close: zf.close()
[docs] def read_zip(zipfilename, zname=None, **kwargs): """ Reads a :epkg:`dataframe` from a :epkg:`zip` file. It can be saved by :meth:`to_zip`. :param zipfilename: a :class:`zipfile.ZipFile` or a filename :param zname: a filename in zipfile, if None, takes the first one :param kwargs: parameters for :func:`pandas.read_csv` :return: :class:`pandas.DataFrame` or :class:`numpy.ndarray` """ if isinstance(zipfilename, str): ext = os.path.splitext(zipfilename)[-1] if ext != ".zip": raise NotImplementedError( # pragma: no cover f"Only zip files are supported not '{ext}'." ) zf = zipfile.ZipFile(zipfilename, "r") # pylint: disable=R1732 close = True elif isinstance(zipfilename, zipfile.ZipFile): zf = zipfilename close = False else: raise TypeError( # pragma: no cover f"No implementation for type '{type(zipfilename)}'" ) if zname is None: zname = zf.namelist()[0] content = stb = io.BytesIO(content) ext = os.path.splitext(zname)[-1] if ext == ".npy": df = numpy.load(stb, **kwargs) else: df = pandas.read_csv(stb, **kwargs) if close: zf.close() return df