Change Logs¶
#43: improves reproducibility of function train_test_apart_stratify
#27: Fixes json parser when input is a stream (2021-10-26)
#26: Fixes bug while reading json (iterator failed to be created twice) (2021-10-26)
#25: Fixes documentation (2021-10-18)
#24: Implements a first version of sort_values. (2021-10-18)
#23: First version of operator __setitem__ (2021-10-16)
#22: Fixes nan values after pandas update, add documentation example to the unit tests (2021-07-11)
#21: Fixes grouping by nan values after update pandas to 1.3.0 (2021-07-10)
#17: Implements method describe (2021-04-08)
#16: Unit tests failing with pandas 1.1.0. (2020-08-06)
#15: implements parameter lines, flatten for read_json (2018-11-21)
#14: implements fillna (2018-10-29)
#13: implement concat for axis=0,1 (2018-10-26)
#12: add groupby_streaming (2018-10-26)
#11: add method add_column (2018-10-26)
#10: plan B to bypass a bug in pandas about read_csv when iterator=True –> closed, pandas has a weird behaviour when names is too small compare to the number of columns (2018-10-26)
#9: head is very slow (2018-10-26)
#8: fix pandas_streaming for pandas 0.23.1 (2018-07-31)
#7: implement read_json (2018-05-17)
#6: add pandas_groupby_nan from pyensae (2018-05-17)
#5: add random_state parameter to splitting functions (2018-02-04)
#2: add method sample, resevoir sampling (2017-11-05)
#3: method train_test_split for out-of-memory datasets (2017-10-21)
#1: Excited for your project (2017-10-10)